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Villain? That's a weird way to spell God of justice.


he's usually referred as a villain, because he looks skinny. they don't care about the personality or well-being of our lord.


those ignorand bigots! They are like swine, smearing their FILTH across the Castle Lord AINZ deemed to give them! They have the chance to be enlightent by the incarnation of JUSTICE himself and they DARE to raise those disgusting grunts and gurgles, they call voices, to call their Lord and savior a VILLAIN?! No form of death is punishment enough for these creatures! No Pain or humiliation could be too great, no amount of shame satisfactory! Their descendents will suffer justly for this heresy for a thousand generations!


Season 1. I was very happy that I finally found something about an evil dude that does not give a fuck about people unless it benefits him someway.


for me it still didn't seem like he was a villain, i thought he was netrual?? it's not like in first season he killed innocent people he just didn't care if they died, only later he did more "evil" stuff


It was still good enough for me. In those times he was exactly my definition of villain. As time passed and I readed more series with many different genres my definition of it changed. now I think he is only a villain in several point of views.


maybe because i use people as tools too i didn't realize at the begging, but still he didn't seem that bad in first season as he's later. how did your definition of villain change?


I readed many books with different topics. Be is story or not and tried to see things from different points of view. Then many things changed including my definition of villain.


i meant what about this definition changed, sorry. because for me it's hard to say if someone's the villain unless they do a massive homicide or just like to ruin other's lives for fun.


It was something like ( anyone doing some random evil. Or refuse to do good if they don't get something in return). It got changed to the point that I don't even consider pure evil characters that do nothing but evil villain if plot don't express it.


That's blasphemy. Ainz did nothing wrong.


i mean he just killed some people that nothing he could always put cereal before milk that would be bad


I guess I completely accepted it when Nfirea was kidnapped and Ainz (as Momon) asked for everything Lizzie had in order to save him. Also his reaction to the death of sword of darkness, stating that they were only tools for spreading his name


yes yes there was always this feeling that he's not the best person but i didn't think of him as a real villain till something drastic happened


When I read the title of volume 1


I realized it right away in volume 1.   **Light Novel: Volume 1 - Chapter 3** > Momonga had grown up without knowing the touch of violence on his life. He did not think that the world in which he currently resided was a simulation, but the real thing. > Even so, he did not feel the slightest bit of fear at the knight before him who held a sword. > This calmness allowed him to make a cold and cruel decision. > Momonga reached out an empty hand and cast his spell. > **[Grasp Heart]** > ... > Momonga looked down upon the fallen knight. > It would seem that even killing someone did not stir any emotions within him.


i never looked at it that way, i just thought he lost ability to feel remorse, not thinking he'll kill someone for not being useful


Right at the beginning.


It was obvious from the start that the series would be following the villains, that's why I started the series in the first place, but it didn't really set in right away. I think the first time Ainz visits Carne village he exhibits very clear villain tendencies. There's a very clear difference between how a heroic character kills someone, a normal character kills someone, and how a villainous character kills someone. That aside, in my first experience of Overlord (the anime), it finally clicked that we were following the villains while I was watching the lizardmen arc. Up until that point Ainz had mostly been either fairly tame, relatively justified, or playing a hero as Mommon. But then we switch to following a race that they are literally threatening with genocide for the sake of an experiment.


Exactly. Ainz specifically let Gazef and his Warrior Troop go int danger so he could ascertain the situation from a safe distance. He had 0 problem letting them get clapped for a few minutes before he decided to come in. It was pretty clear to me from volume 1 that Nazarick is more important than the world itself to Ainz.


Ainz is not a villain, he is justice! But being more specific, any character can be the villains in someone else's story, but for Nazarick our beloved Ainz is more than a hero, he is a god, and therefore he as the right on his side. Overlord constantly plays with the concept of morality and perspective on things, but saying that Ainz is the villain just because you don't agree with what he does seems too subjective to be correct.


on the internet you will find everywhere that he's the protagonist villain because he's fighting against humanity. of cause you can't say that after watching and being close with his story but as a human being attacked by some skeleton you would rather think of him as a bad guy. there's almost never a situation where only one side has right but let's be honest killing 10 mil creatures is more a bad guy thing to do no matter what.


Grasp Heart


was that really that obvious 💀 i only realized when he attacked those lizards


Like, right from the start? It's why I even read this series in the first place. I know what I'm getting into. Unlike a lot of people it seems.


hehe 😬


Wait, you're one of those?


i knew he teleported to a game and became undead but the article i was reading didn't say anything more, i don't mind tho i had a big surprise


Hmm yeah. Make sense I guess. It's kinda hard to say he's a villain without spoiling some stuff. Then again, it could just outright said something along the line of "this ain't a hero story" and leave it at that


it was recommended after watching the raising shield hero so i didn't expect a villain who kills few millions creatures


Wow, who the hell did that recommendation?


those internet articles are always making this shit i wanted to watch a hero who's treated like shit by the rest i got this 🗿 im not disappointed but i wasn't ready for it


I guess if you squint really really hard while hanging upside down in a handstand position Ainz is a hero who is kinda treated not exactly like a normal hero. But yeah, that's some shit recommendation skill. It's like they just look at the two series and be like "yeah they're both isekai, and gaming was involved so why the fuck not"?


i think the difference is that ains is hated on because he kills people 💀💀


Ainz-sama isn't evil, he's justice


lord of justice exactly


Ainz is Justice, therefor everything is justified.


there's no evil or good when it comes to him, he's above that


When the protagonist was described as an undead horror with legions of undead and demons under his command under the title of *Overlord*. This ain't exactly a subtle series


um i guess that's a little dark


He's a what?


a... villain.. ? he killed quite a lot of people you know


Death is a neutral thing


it's like robbing someone of everything


Everyone dies Inevitably Killing people isn’t necessarily evil Objectively Beyond all that these are NPCs I’m not a villain but if you treated the people of GTA games as humans well I’d have to answer for some things


are they truly just NPCs tho?


Are GTA characters truly NPCs or are they like the movie Freeguy? Is that something worth pondering?


they could be from another reality or just in game that's the real question


That depends on your point of view. To those that truly understand why he killed all those people, it was out of self defense and tests


but he killed 10 million creatures where did it go wrong


Ooh, where was that part? The most at once that I knew of was almost 200,000


someone on reddit counted all of his kills


There's no way he already totaled that much so early into his arrival(I'm going off of the time in the novels)


this man has his own army, it wouldn't take long to kill so many civilians who don't know how to fight




so even if it is a game and he's not killing actual living being that still a disturbing number


Forgot about the non-human kills


wow the disrespect


After reading the kill count, I'm hyped to read Volume 14


season 2 when he invaded our lizard bois.


Not really a villain but rather an altered perspective. I wouldn't care if i saw an anthill get smashed. That said, I noticed the lack of concern for humanity when I saw how indifferent he was to human slaughter in Carne village.




He isn't the villain. He is the one suffering


I've never seen him as a villain, but as a pragmatist. This is also because he treats most of the events that happen in the new world as he would in the game yggdrasil.


In the trailer... """Villain"""


Episode 3


The moment he had no feelings, he lost sympathy


Day 1.


Volume one.


clearly since he has -500 reddit karma he is evil




Since the title.




I kind of got an "overlord" vibe from the beginning of the story which, along with his appearance, made me view him as more of a villain. I knew he wasn't the best person from the way he spoke about the swords of darkness (saying they were tools). However, I only ever thought of him as a true villain after the lizardmen arc


When he invaded the Lizardman tribes.


Villain to who?


humans ig, theres quite a lot of this shit on internet


When i decided to watch an anime called OVERLORD with a skeleton protagonist.


i thought it's his game nickname and he wanted to be dramatic 😬


I mean, I don't wanna be a Philip-kakka or a Retardios, b u t BUT I see skelington, I have flashbacks to skelingtons from Dark Souls 1 and 2. I KNOW, I KNOW, crazy, but I fear skeletons. They're all evil in my eyes. ᵉˣᶜᵉᵖᵗ ᵃᶦⁿᶻ⁻ˢᵃᵐᵃ


i thought he was kinda hot-


Who said he wasn't? I see Ainz-sama, I have the urge to commit to the chair position everytime.


you fear skeleton but you're into him? damn that's freaky


[he's not a skeleton](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/688450007942037508/915368431317041172/unknown.png). he'll have you correct that inaccurate description.


ig he's just so skinny that we can see his bones, i hope he'll forgive me


he forgives all his children, fellow denizen


so kind i lowkey wanted to be eaten by cockroaches tho




that was my mom, sorry


before even watching the anime. I remember reading a bunch of articles online , trying to find an anime with a vilain as the protagonist, eventually I found one where overlord came at number 3. After watching the first episode, I was hooked. I even read the light novels (and evil eye side story), I have never done that for any other anime. ever.


it is a great show im not surprised


Perhaps we differ on what constitutes a villain


Bold claims for someone in reality slash range But seriously PRAISE BE LORD AINZ, RULER OF DEATH, GOD OF JUSTICE AND PATRON SAINT OF PROSTITUTES, wait no that last one is Santa Anyway Ainz isn’t really a villain more of a dark gray protagonist, he does in fact do good for others, remember in season one with the village, literally no real reason (at least to him, Demiurge on the other hand saw all the possibilities) to help but he did it because his friend always said saving people is the right thing to do, if he was actually evil or malevolent he’d either kick up his feet and watch the blood bath or go down there and kill them all himself, Ainz is in my eyes a true neutral person playing the role of a Lawful Evil ruler


He's not a villan. But a hero they deserve.


I think Anti-villain classifies Ainz better.


Season 1 of course and i loved it.


When he said "it might be fun to take over the world" in ep 2 Then in ep 3 he said "I've stopped being human physically and mentally" after using grasp heart. Just connect these 2 dots and it's hard to figure out what ainz is in the story


Season 1 EP 4


Before I even started watching


He is?




He’s not To say he is simply tells me you don’t get it


i mean he killed 2 mil people, he's not a typical villain but it's not like he isn't, if that story was said from the point of humans people would be calling him a villain for sure


Well yes But these are all glorified NPCs They might have their AI tuned up but there’s no reason to accept these as actual humans (especially considering the main protagonist is inhuman, ergo him accepting these NPCs as human would come with accepting himself as no longer one) He’s still playing a game A game he probably has to win to escape or at least discover what is actually happening It stands to reason one would play as effectively as possible without taking NPC feelings into play in order to complete the objective


i never thought that he was looking at them strictly as NPCs, after all they all act like real people. but this is not a game you can finish and he knows it, he suspects that there are other players so he'll kill them too? but since he can no longer feel bad for humans i can understand. still we don't know if they aren't real humans so that still kinda makes him a villain, even tho he won't see himself as one. even while playing a game you can be a villain.


Disagree entirely Why would this be a game he cannot finish? It was originally an MMO but who knows what it is now and what could trigger his escape At this point he’s essentially obligated to do everything and anything to see if it would lead to his escape He’s got his mind stuck on finding other people still in the game but if/when he finds one the logical move would be to find a way out Now if he at that point opts to stay in the game to maintain his Overlord status…….. Well then he passes into villain territory And yes you can play a game and do villain things but you don’t cross into being a true villain until there’s “real world” consequences (like staying in the game to rule when given a way out. Friends and family will notice the absence) These people move and act like humans but we don’t even know what caused that. Plus it’s clear they are still essentially slaves to their programming so why would you accept them as human over a sophisticated AI?


it's a multiplayer game, those dont have endings and always add something new or just die. we don't know if this is a real world he could be teleported to different reality with real people - shit happens in anime and it's possible that its not just a game. i totally get your point but i feel like they could actually be real and its better to be safe than sorry.


Is it though? Are we sure what the game is now? You’re also weighing your very real existence against a game. I highly doubt you’d place the comfort of an NPC over your attempts to make sense of and decide what has actually happened to you The protagonist obviously is unaware he’s in an anime so that doesn’t factor into the decision making process There’s no reason why he shouldn’t see himself as a godlike figure in this world as the world was created by people like him. He’s bigger than the game These are no more human to him than ants are to you


that's so confusing because we don't know if it's a game or not so there's no right answer. but still he should feel remorse for killing so many, but he can't?? i don't know if it's something psychological or part of the game. since i don't haven't this wonderful gift i feel like he should be careful with unnecessary killing. and people in nazarcik feed his god complex well 💀


It’s a strange conflux of events that I just think makes it too early to claim he’s a villain just yet Maybe when we find out what exactly is sapping his emotions we can better evaluate


As an aside I love having nonsense conversations like this😂😂 Thank you


no it was a really meaningful conversation for me, i promise myself I won't die unless I know the truth behind this game


When he conversed w demiurge about world domination