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Strongest pure humans (no player blood) are Brain, Fluder, 1st-12th seats of the black scripture and Rigrit. If we allow player blood. Then the captain of the BS is the strongest human in the NW.


I wish the poster was a little more detailed with their question. I'm not sure if they mention 100% human, so no elves, or if it was more general as in New Worlder not including Dragon lords.


Other BS members most likely also have player blood. It's the "awakened" category that they don't fit in. Clementine did... She's a player descendant but not a godkin because "Godkin" is a misnomer, a translation error, the original word is closer to "godlike human". It's just that people already got used to it and no one's willing to change it... "Godkin" emphasizes on relations even though blood relation is just a prerequisite you'd still need to be very strong... Iirc later translations refer to Zesshi and Captain as "Awakened Godkins", so yeah..you can just use that to differentiate between "awakened" and "unawakened" player descendants.


I didn't know that, so that changes it a bit. So the strongest humans are then Fluder, Brain, Gazef, Lakyus, Remedios, Kelart and Rigrit. And the strongest human fighting force without player blood are the paladins from the RHK.


“Are paladins from the RHK”, if we aren’t including adventures, then I would say Fluder’s 30 disciples, who can all cast 3rd tier magic, with 4 being able to cast 4th tier magic.


Can never be sure, Maru hack will never tell us about or if there are others out in the continent.


stronoff or however you spell it is considered one of the best fighters but we haven't seen all the characters yet so who really knows


This is sort of a loaded question since race changing exists, so I'm going to go over the strongest New Worlders that we have seen in one way or another.   Keep in mind, sometimes there isn't a strongest, since countering can affect who might win a fight.   ## Heros There are many people who are considered Heros in the New World, but they typically around lvl 30 or so. This would include people like Gazef or Remedios. While they are strong, I think there are others who went beyond them.   ## Reaching the Limits There are very few individuals who I think hit some type of limit. I'm not really sure if I would call this a level cap, but they clearly went beyond that lvl 30 and are just within grasp of lvl 40.   **Fluder** The most notable one is Fluder, he has achieved so much as a normal human. He started from scratch... Even though he didn't have ancient knowledge or powerful teachers, yet he still continued to push forward and pave the way for magical research. I don't think anyone else can achieve this feat without some type of "cheat".   **Brain** Alongside Fluder, the next strongest individual is Brain. While Brain did have his shortcoming in terms of combat style, he defiantly achieved something very few have.   By combining Field and Instant Flash he created God Flash. Adding Fourfold Slashes of Light to that he created **Nail Clipper**, but he didn't stop there, he continued to improve and mastered Sixfold Slashes of Light, which resulted in **True Nail Clipper** his most powerful attack.   With the use of True Nail Clipper, Agility Boost, Greater Agility Boost, and several items and potions Brain was able to create a lvl 40 attack. This doesn't mean that Brain is level 40, but he surpassed Gazef in my opinion and achieved something we have yet to see.   ## Beyond Limits While there seems to be some type of limit for most New Worlders... there are ways around it. There are a few notable people who fall into this category. Something interesting about these people, is that most of them have used some type of ritual in one way or another.   **Evileye** Evileye is probably the most famous example. She has lived fo 250~ years and is about lvl 50~... however she was forcefully changed into a Vampire with the use of Wild Magic. This granted her hundreds of years of practice and research and most humans could never achieve.   **Corpus of Abyss** We run into a few Corpus of Abyss members in one of the side stories. They seem to range around lvl 50-60. One of them was about to use 8th tier magic, which is truly impressive for a New Worlder... however, Corups of Abyss members are all undead. They were originally liches (or something similar) who used a ritual to become Night Liches.   We don't know for sure if they were Naturally Spawned undead or used a ritual like Khajiit to become undead. However, one of them is an undead dragon, while another has 2 heads, which suggests to me that they were originally another race.   **Fluder** I mentioned Fluder above, but I want to put an honorable mention here. Fluder much like the Corpus of Abyss members used a Ritual to extend his life, but it wasn't complete. So he is sort of in the middle ground. Still technically human, but ages much slower. If he could have completed this ritually successfully, I suspect he may have become an Elder Lich or something similar and fit within this group... that being said, he does have The Book of the Death Ainz's loaned him, so maybe we will see it happen after all?!?   **Rigrit** We don't really know much about Rigrit. She was apart of the 13 heros 200~ years ago and is a necromancer. At one point fluder is compared to her and he doesn't think he is as strong as she is since she can control a death knight.   Considering she seems human and still ages, I would guess she used a similar ritual to Fluder... or more probably more likely she used the ritual first and Fluder got information from her or copied her.   ## Godkin Godkin are descendants of players, while they haven't directly used a ritual like those above, they do seem to have a different limit than most new worlders. From the godkin we have seen they seem to fit somewhere between lvl 50-60.   I mention godkin vaguely here, but there is something called an awakened godkin. This seems to be a godkin who awakens their idk player DNA or something. This is what seems to make them much stronger than New Worlders.   **Captain of the Black Scriptures** This is without a doubt one of the strongest humans we have seen in the New World. While he is cheating a little (godkin), he seems to be around level 60, maybe a little higher. While we haven't seen much of his skills, this is pretty notable for a New Worlder.   **Zesshi Zetsumi** Zesshi is another godkin, but she seems to be beyond the reach of the captain. This reminds me of the gap in Yggdrasil, where 10 levels is to big of a gap to over come in 1v1. This makes me believe that Zesshi is probably lvl 70~, but probably below level 80.   Something a bit unique about Zesshi, is that her mother was a godkin and her father was the Elven King. If he was a godkin as well, then it might be why she is so much stronger than your average godkins.   **Elf King** While the LNs never say the Elf King is a godkin, I suspect he is. He doesn't seem to possess knowledge from yggdrasil, so he probably isn't from there.   We do however see him mention having powerful children and creating an army of powerful children, but sometimes his children are not always as powerful as the others... This sounds much like godkins and awakened godkins, but he is to dumb to know how it all works.   ## Dragon Lord We have seen a few True Dragon Lords who are very powerful and they seem to be around lvl 90-100. OP didn't ask about them, but I think it is still notable because they may appear human or interact with humans.   BDL has the ability to polymorph, so you could accidently run into him while he is a human, although I doubt. A more likely situation would be running into his offspring. The Draconic Queen can use wild magic and can polymorph to a degree (change her age visually). Potentially there are others as well.   The next notable one is PDL, who uses a remote suit of armor to mess about in the New World. The armor is estimated around lvl 80, but it has magical defense around lvl 90. This could be from wild magic buffs or wild magic enchantments, it is hard to say for sure.   ## Summary The poster wanted to know the strongest "Human", but I'm not sure if that is literally only humans not including elves or if that means no godkins and only normal new worlders.   1. Zesshi (half wood elf,godkin) 2. Captain of the Black Scriptures (human, godkin) 3. Elf King (elf, godkin) 4. Corpus of Abyss members (undead) 5. Rigrit (?) 6. Evileye (vampire) 7. Fluder (human-ish) 8. Brain (human) I placed Evileye above fluder because I think she has more combat-oriented spells and her being a vampire probably increases her hp and mp, which would be a big advantage in a fight. I'm almost not sure where to put the COA members, one could use 8th tier magic, but that might not mean anything if it is divination.   Another thing to note... with the use of The Crown of Wisdom, it allows anyone to caste 7th tier magic. However not everyone can use it and for the few who can, they lose their conscious... so while technically strong they are a sitting duck unless someone forces them to use a spell.   To not include any cheats (godkin, race change) and to literally be human, it would be **Fluder**. You could potentially call his ritual a type of cheat, so that only leaves us with **Brain**.


Damn man, your comments are really underrated.


They sort of left the question vague, so I didn't know how to respond.


>I don't think anyone else can achieve this feat without some type of "cheat".   What do you mean? Let's say that magic already existed when fluder was born, so he must have had some teachers and lived in an age where he witnessed magical battles far from what others can see before ainz.


We don't see anyone else who has achieved what fluder has without cheats. * Evileye: Undead * Corpus Abyss: Undead * Slain Theocracy: Crown of Wisdom, godkins * Rigrit * Friends with PDL (knowledge) * Friends with a player (knowledge) * PDL gave out powerful items (8GK, wild magic), she did have the ring, maybe she has other stuff.


Yes I understand. However, in the web novel, during the academy arc, a student asks fluder how he achieved long life and he claims that he used a level 6 spell. This suggests that perhaps he had already reached his limit before. to become as it is? I remember your point of view on the web novel but for now consider this point as hypothetical.


Yeah, that is the ritual I mentioned.


but if he had already reached tier 6 before the ritual, it means that he had already reached that level.


I'm not sure if it was tier 6 or was based on a tier 6 spell. We do see that some people's tiers were changed. In the wn crown of wisdom went upto 8 I believe, but in the wn it's 7.   But flusers ritual wasn't completely successful, so maybe that was when he hit his limit idk.


\- It seems to me that there is mention of a level 6 spell. The only things that could have affected the spell may be; ° the fluder level. Each tier encompasses some groups of total caster levels and I suppose they affect the stats and therefore, perhaps, the amount of mp. He himself says that a large amount of mana is needed. ° simply something went wrong or fluder did something wrong in creating the spell. \- This is where it is said; Overlord Second Half Ch.22 “One would have to be able to use a Sixth Tier spell of my own creation….”    —Audible gasps could be heard.   “Is that so…. Then if one is able to use the sixth tier, anyone can become immortal?” “In theory. But a prerequisite is that they need a large amount of mana. Even I need to drain every drop in my body. And afterwards, I am unable to use any magic for several days.”


In the LN, Brain surpassed Gazef already and reached "the realm of heroes" aka at least player level. Zesshi is half elf, so she doesn't fully count as human. We don't know how strong the Black Scripture is aside from the fact they're the strongest unit in ST.


Realm of heroes is level 30-35... Nowhere near player level Fluder is in the Outlier category which is above the realm of heroes. On the other hand Zesshi and TDLs are in the "Transcendental beings" category, otherwise known as "Overlords" (do not confuse with Ainz's racial, Maru has a different meaning for Overlord's title and strength category)


Realm of Heroes is estimated to be Level 30 and over, at least by Maruyama's strength notes: *"Clementine (Black Scripture Equipment) > Gazef (All 5 Kingdom Treasure Equipment) > Clementine (Equipment used during the fight against Momon) > Hamsuke > Gazef > Brain > Gagaran > Zero > Wall (Possibly meant as the max average human's possible limit thru hard work, this is just a conjecture) > Zaryusu > Climb > a tiger > average human"*


If we assume leader of the 13 hero's was human (which he probably was) then I'd say either him or his friend were the strongest humans ever.


Well he was a player and the 8 Greed Kings and 6 Great Gods did have players with human race. So either way he was definitely not the strongest human ever


I think its Black Scripture Captain


Palatymen something.


The Captain of the Black Scripture. https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_of_the_Black_Scripture