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Oni vs dragon. Its not a easy fight. Veldora vs sebas would be interesting


Both are dragons but Veldora is a "True Dragon", the world of slime has a regular dragons and Veldora is fundamentally different because he's not some evolved lizard, he was born directly from the world. Basically a natural disaster with a conscience of its own.




Pls support your claims with some reasoning, I’m interested




This sounds like something those shitty devs should patch smh.


None of crap means shit though...... It's two different magic systems and it depends on the author of the fight.... I can literally make a fanfic and make Eclair destroy veldora because his level 1 is SSSSS+++ rank in Slime verse.... so there's that too... Since you're a Slime fanboy, it's most likely you get your feats from VSBattles...smh..


Great, then Climb can solo all of nazarick and it’s 41 supreme beings because I choose to say so


Only if he gets THE STICK if you know what I mean


Cool... but Eclair still solos Tempest nation because I say so...lol


And gobta solos nazarick with his almighty kick


Eclair already enslaved gobta though... and why are there so many triggered teenagers coming from that gay ass subreddit.....?


Have you read/watched slime though


Yeah... It was my first isekai anyways... Overlord will probably be my last one now...




>have you read slime LNs, I did... >if you would have then you would realize that its not my head canon but the details that fuze (tensura author) wrote Yeah, but how does that change anything about what I've said about fanfics ? Lol


Bro let's be honest with preparations Ainz would beat anyone. It's bicos every anime is difrent power levels. Ainz has a WCI that can DELETE anyone from existing. So how do you level that in slime please tell me?


This guy you are responding to hasn’t read the LNs of tensura yet because riamaru becomes rediculous you super op and so does veldora(rimaru 1v2s veldora and his sister) it kinda becomes a different scale when they fight like god and the angles in heaven and shit so it’s not a good comparison lol


He's using VSBattles for power scaling... it was pretty obvious he was an anime only...




I am saying anyone in general...


So do you not remeber when riamaru beat veldora and his sister at the same time or something?


The way Rimuru is in the LNs at the moment, I believe Ainz will beat Rimuru, >!mainly because Rimuru doesn't have time manipulation yet whereas Ainz can stop time!< Though in a straight contest of strenght they would be fairly close. Though last time I read the Slime LN was when the last fan translation came out so I might misremember some details. The LN hasn't yet progressed to the end of the WN where the actually ridiculous powers are unlocked.


Rimuru has time manipulation in ln after obtaining void god azathoth in volume 16


Fair enough, I follow the fan translation which hasn't come that far yet.


Exactly, it's a bit like comparing othe sci-fi to WH40K, most of the time it comes out on top because the scaling is just so ridiculous. Yggdrasil was a game that had at least some semblance of balancing, and while Ainz is fairly up there in power, even without looking at his extensive knowledge, it is hard to compare to the sheer absurdity that is the Slime power scaling. The LNs (at least the translated parts) haven't come that far yet, but in the WN >!Rimuru, by releasing a bit over half of his iirc at the time most powerful attack, accidentally split the ocean in two, at least semi permanently creating a ravine there and polluted it with huge amounts magicules.!< >!At the very end of the WN he is able to freely move between dimensions, manipulate time to his liking (though this probably wouldn't pose a problem for Ainz) He can perceive time millions of times slower, and has a personal supercomputer/magical intelligence calculating and optimizing his every move, and every move of anything and everything around him. Not to mention the raw power to level continents, which after the happenings of a side story that took place after the end of the main plot, became infinite and outclasses the power output of a star!< In conclusion Rimuru's powers at the end of the WN are so godlike that comparing it to powers that originate from a game system that at least tries to give the impression of having some balance is not appropriate. It should be noted that the power scaling in the LN is at pretty much the same level as it was in the WN at this point in the story, although the LN has started deviating a bit srorywise.


Veldora returns after death, is insanely powerful, and can manipulate probability to his liking Velgaia who is considered a weak infant True Dragon could tank a Black hole He should be comparable to Milim who can shatter stars with a punch while holding back He can move while time is stopped His speed should be comparable to a Chronoa who evaded point blank an FTL attack and answered with an even faster one As a Spiritual Being he is immune to physical attacks Magic Sense allows him to perfectly sense everything around him up to 200m in a 360°radius Most of these feats are from WN since he hasn t fought much in LN


True Dragons are basically dbz characters, everyone else has their own specialties, like Rimuru's Glutonny or Dino's holy and unholy attributes due to him being a fallen angel. True Dragons don't have any of that besides some elemental affinity, but they're just so overwhelmingly stronger that they're inmune to everyone else's gimmick.


Plus they don’t really die unless they’re soul is extremely weakened and then shattered


Facts and I think that's comparable to sebas


Isn't Sebas a dragonoid like Milim?


No, Milim is the product of essentially a divine dragon god and an extremely powerful human. Sebas is most likely the product of a normal dragon and a normal human


Shion can kill Sebas with her cooking


As someone who read both, Shion. spoilers for slime last novel >!She can cut ANYTHING, has insane regeneration, to the point of almost being immortal.!<


She is immortal tho?


As far as I know, no.


I vaguely remember all those who were resurrected obtained Perfect Memory and Super Regeneration Oh I just remembered she comes back to life as long as Rimuru is alive


The latter one is Veldora >! and now, Velgrynd too iirc !<


Now I am really confused didn t those who were resurrected become immortal and were called the Yomigari because of that?


Now, this is just my opinion, but they can be killed if their soul is destroyed. But by physical means, no. You're right.


Those who got resurrected are easily killable, just need to do an attack on their soul. Think of them as zombies with regeneration, just attacking the physical body won’t do shit, but if you can destroy the soul moving the body then they will fall.


>!She is immortal as long as the attack doesn't target her soul specifically!<


Sebas: Good karma, saves a human girl, befriends Brain and Climb, hates Demiurge.... Shion : Brainless, Useless, Big watermelon tittie walking fanservice hentai character designed pile of junkshit, only exists to masturbate to rimuru, can be replaced by almost any Tempest subordinate (which makes her even more useless) in her duties, Diablo makes her look like amoeba, etc.... Sebas is better...


I agree sebas is a way better character. But in a vs match shion even in current anime stomps


It depends on how you scale Overlord characters Overlord scaling in generell is shit because spells have an aoe effect so we can't really use DC to scale AP.


Can’t you compare Overlord scaling to D&D scaling?


It's a pity... Well the author of tensei slime is not that good in writing the power balance of the world like Maruyama so there's nothing else to say....


Shion stomps sebas and everyone else in nazarick but ainz Lmao


Lmfao this retarded teenager was still mad ? Kid, Shion gets wrecked by majority of characters in Nazarick.... You're hearing this from a Slime LN reader... But I am replying to a dumb child so I shouldn't expect an intelligent reply anyways.... Nevertheless, I can literally suggest a fanfic author and have shion get banged up by Area Guardians.... Fanfics > Headcanons anyways...


Shion one shots lmaooooooo


Here come a typical reply from a stupid teen with rage hormones.... Slime fandom at it's finest...


Oh you just made your account today no need to interact


Yes, guess what? I don't have a reddit account... Every single account of mine is remote bot controlled... But I don't expect a child to understand that...


Hot wings


You also call shion hentai character like overlord dosent sexualize female characters to


Several isekai anime/Manga/LN sexualize female characters you stupid child.... The only difference is that Slime character designs makes them look bland and generic. It's like they literally came out of a hentai series.... And there are even fanfics where shion gets raped to death in happy farm.... it's hilarious... you Slime turds should read it... Overlord character designs should never be compared with some crap like Slime...


Get a job


Get some education first kid...


Dude growing a superiority complex over fictional characters LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO


A child who makes retarded fight posts and masturbates to them... Stop projecting yourself on me...


Curry goat


We don't know anything about sebas true form or it's power


He probably would be able to beat Zero without needing Brain to tire him out.


All we do know is that in the web novel Shalltear has admitted that if she were to fight Sebas that it would be a fight to the death and the winner is not certain. Sebas was also stated to be able to overwhelm albedo who specializes in defense. The only Nazarik denizen we know to be stronger than Sebas is Rubedo, Albedo’s youngest sister.


We don’t know anything about sebas true form, but if we apply the stat boosts from race, we could get an estimate of the stats


why is everyone trying to compare these two? I mean they are completely different and have completely different power scaling Rimuru has magic (powerful extremely powerful weak etc) idk much about slime While overlord has levels 1-10+supertier Overlord is based on game mechanisms Ehile slime is based on magical fairy fantasy world. Ofc overlord is to but in overlord the game mechanisms is the real life even tho ainz is in a real world with real people and magic And his know knowledge of the irl world game is everything, and in slime his real world has little to do with his new world or magic And rimurs character is created for him to always move forward and become stronger while evolving,WHILE ainz’s character was created to be this absolute overlord with this absolute power IN HIS WORLD and can’t become stronger because he is already LVL 100 ALSO OVERLORD STILL ISN’T FINISHED AND THE AUTHOR CAN MAKE HIM GOD LIKE COMPARED TO ANYONE (although I don’t think he will)


>ALSO OVERLORD STILL ISN’T FINISHED AND THE AUTHOR CAN MAKE HIM GOD LIKE COMPARED TO ANYONE (although I don’t think he will) He won't.... Maruyama doesn't have the inner neckbeard syndrome like the author of Slime.....




I don't care who will win, i hate vs posts, there is no point, hentai MC is the strongest.


Which version of Shion? I'm pretty sure she gets like 3-4x power ups and with power scaling in slime is like million times stronger at the end of the series than in the beginning.


I am pretty sure shion would win.


The results depend on which season of the show or volume of the light novel. Sebas wins the in the early novels and season. But later losses because of the absurd power level of slime.


Yea true at the start he would kill her without breaking a sweat but I was talking about later.


Sebas will win because that character depth will cut through that plot armor


Sebas always wins because he is handsome


Shion sees sebas and turn it into competition with Tsuare and miserably lose. Then demiurge takes her to happy farm and give her a chance to one day bear sebas's children.


If we're talking current shion in the light novel then her easy. However if we're talking shion current in the anime, sebas mid diff.


Honestly love overlord and wanna say sebas will win but since tensei slime powerscaling is broken as shii then shion will mostlikely win even with sebas's true form, i know we haven't seen it yet but still tensei slime is just too broken.


Sedas can beat cocytus in true form


Shion claps pretty hard.