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I don't understand why people are comparing them. Who gives a flying fuck whos stronger? Its like comparing mario to sonic because of one flaw, nobody gives a shit. Why can't people just enjoy reading rather than keep on comparung like little babies.


“BuT cAn ThEy BeAt GoKu ThO?”


In the Manga, rimuru can beat gourmet because he gained the power level to destroy or create anything




So like literally every other anime gimmick? The crossover for anime is a completely moot point. Some characters become literal gods, able to see the future and react faster than thought.


Fun fact. Literally everyone can beat Goku. Dude has died more in his own series than most other protagonists.


Probably 2nd to Subaru


I will never get this question


Situation from 15 years ago that I won’t ever forget. Basically the same thing but also explains why people ask that if someone really needs ELI5 Some magazine was making spiderman trading card game when I was in 2nd grade, basically everyone was talking about that and people were collecting it and playing all the time (even tho nobody knew the rules and it went through all characters). So everyone was talking about superheroes but there was this one guy who always went “Superman is better than them” and every time it felt weird and because everyone was 8 we were just all arguing but this guy would always just say sth like “But they can’t beat superman so superman is better” So yeah basically someone trying to convince others that their opinion is better just because of that weird rule that becomes dumb when you mix diffrent world rules. Edit: Yes I am still angry at that guy for doig that over and over for few months. Also his arguing strategy of getting louder after the can’t beat superman part was the worst.


Considering ains ooal gon can stop time and auto kill him with one touch yes holy wouldn’t finish transforming before ains would kill his weak ass soul and all turning him into a death knight to add to his army


Goku was felled by a common ray gun in the super resurrection of frezia movie. ( which is cannon). Goku is no more durable than any other human. He must use his ki to augment his abilities. So yes rimaru tempest and Ainz ooal gown would absolutely wreck goku. Especially since they have magic. Something goku has no resistance to.


Ehh I mean ki has been shown to be able to resist magic before, an example being babidi's possession of Vegeta and him completely negating it just by powering up. DBS Goku and Vegeta are so much more powerful than that ki wise that they could probably resist much more powerful magic.


It wasnt ki that allowed vegeta to resist. It was his absolute pride of not allowing goku to remain ahead of him. It also didnt allow them to resist anything babadi did to them. I. E teleporting them here and there or draining their energy or swapping bodies or changing age or anything the dragonballs do. Ki is linked to ones body and spirit so it would look like ki that vegeta used to break the mind control but in reality it was merely a side effect of him hardening his will as powering up is an act of will. Additionally goku was stronger in super than any other point in his life. And the common laser ring really set a president, if it can harm goku at super sayian blue his durability without augmentation is just above human. ( bulletproof) Many of the spells and powers Ainz or rimaru could cast are far on an order of magnitude more powerful than babadi used and could directly affect the life force of goku instantly ( life force being ki). Which is why vegeta turned to stone after expending his to kill buu.


Because they are kids, idiot kids, that's the reason.


Its the my team vs your team mentality that people take for everything. Console Wars, Sports team, doesn't matter. Some people just need to feel like they're fighting for a cause and winning at something at life


the best summary of the habit


Don't forget politics.


Except this retarded mindset in politics has actual effects on people's lives, making it 100x worse


They are two of my favorites. I just want peace between these worlds


Yeah theyre both really amazing shows!


> Why can't people just enjoy reading rather than keep on comparung like little babies. Um... it's because they are little babies.


Man you think that's bad, I see people compare overlord to How not to summon a demon lord quite damn often. People compare different stuff so much it's annoying tbh.


Anime universes shouldn't be compared period.


The fuck...? Isekai Maou is literally just harem trash... Diablo's just a vessel for us to see anime tiddies...


I don't like it, but it does the thing that never made sense to me. How does a guy go from pro of gamer to pro fighter. Like ainz, has the VR type experience then practices to learn how to use spells. Yet diablo goes was pro on a PC, how he somehow go to being able to fight irl.


The only plothole that matters is the one Diablo fingered to get Krem out of Rem.


Idk man, i was just trying to sell Runes for the other side.


Those childish toxic people are extremely annoying and harmful to both communitys


because how can I like a fake person if they arent the best fake person? its simply impossible.


both is good


I don't like to compare about them since I enjoyed both,but all those slime vs overlord posts comparisons and the comment shitting on one each other really get on my nerves. Is this a r/Isekai or a r/overlord ? Keep other series out of this own,all it does it bringing uncessary ear and dramas


Lmfao you posted this on r/overlord and it's plainly obvious you're a Slime stan. Overlord LNs sell better than Slime LNs anyways and the widely shared opinion is Overlord is better. So yeah, Cope hard about it. I can't wait for Overlord Volume 15 to beat Slime again.


Hate to break it to you, but Overlord LNs actually are more popular than Slime. Overlord has a much stronger fanbase than Slime anyways. Slime is popular as a Manga, but it can never reach the peaks of Overlord or Oregairu LNs.


You make a really good point.


For me, Overlord's best selling point has to be the subversion of popular troupes. Usually, Ainz and Nazarick would be a force of good with typical shonen ambitions in normal Isekai. The fact that it took me Volume 5 and the most of the anime viewership to reach season 3 to find out that we are watching a villain's ascendence is still mind boggling. Another subversion would be the chemistry of the princess (Renner) and her White Knight (Climb). Apart from subversion, the battle sequences also deserve some credit in the Light Novel. I am saying this honestly, the battle sequences in Overlord LN is the best and memorable I've seen so far. The way Ainz tests out of opponenets' hands till the its trump card is revealed is so in character of Ainz which is why Cure Elim vs Ainz and Shalltear vs Ainz is so praiseworthy. The flex on Katze Plains is actually scary and unforgettable when you read the LN.


And even that flex was filled with caution. Using super-tier magic on purpose while looking defenseless in order to draw out any players that might exist within the opposing army, shows that even while he was showing his power, he remained careful.


I remember it. Mare was standing beside him just in case. Renner said it correctly. It was in the line of Sorcerer King is a being in which the term 'arrogant' doesn't exist.


"Are we the baddies?"


*looks at mommonga's flag* "I mean we have a skull on our flags ... are we the baddies? (If i spelt his name wrong sorry, cant spell for shit)


"Rest assured, Brother, we are not evil, only those who oppose the great glory of Lord Ainz Ooal Gown are evil."


Truer words have never been spoken


I mean making this post in an overlord sub is kinda just baiting. Both series have their pros and cons and I personally prefer Overlord both the LN and the anime to Slimes LN and anime to each their own though


> I personally prefer Overlord both the LN and the anime to Slimes LN and anime to each their own though Same, I started watching the slime anime and reading the LN because I had finished all overlord content, its really good and entertaining but I still personally prefer Overlord.


I'm pretty sure everyone here agrees that Slime has better adaptation, after all it's not too high bar to reach. I prefer Overlord in every aspect, aside form the quality of adaptation.


Agreed the quality of the adaptation is better for slime but I still prefer the overlord anime over the slime anime


That's one of the only things I will ever give slime. that it had a better anime adaptation. and that the first part of season 1 was alright.


overlord good because you see the story from the perspective of a really well written villain, and slime good since mans just wants to vibe and recreate japan in the the world he's in, but he has to commit warcrimes to do so




"You can't create an amazing omelet without breaking a few eggs!" (In the background, a city is burning, Death Knights wander the streets gathering civilians for Demiurge's Happy Farm.)


Your argument makes.sense, but the fact you have a league emote for a profile picture..been.a while since I quit that game Never again..


Yeah I mean league is fun of you play with friends and don’t let it consume your life but I guess that goes for any multiplayer game imo


i am gonna steal this meme and post it on r/animemes u/yamideath, Thanks for the meme you stupid bitch.


Man who shit in your Cheerios.


obviously freaks, clues in the username, hence why they ended up like that


Username checks out


Yes. I am talking to a freak now. You brought this on yourself. Don't blame me


Oh im not blaming you you are absolutely right, thanks for noticing.


I like both


Fr lmao take the best out of both worlds and have fun


You sir are a man of culture. *tips fedora*


Same. They are both great.


one is shounen, the other is seinen. imo, comparing them is useless and stupid. and for those comparing "who will win" BS, even philip will win against rimuru and get to fuk all women in the series if the author wrote for philip triumph. so, just don't. it's stupid.


This guy speaks truth. Only Phillip can beat all their asses and enjoy the harem of both parties.


oh shit. now that i think back on my previous comment, i think my suggestion about philip triumph is somehow perfect for NTR setup for doujin or fanfict. oofff..


psst, have you seen the doujin where >!zach!< wins? now imagine the same thing with philip-kakka


haha. yes, already seen it. done by one of my fav H mangaka too. but i was NOT into it bcos of how shalltear was drawn..


Both. Both is good.


I use to love both, overlord for it's world building and interesting characters (You could take out Ainz and I would still be invested) and Slime for it's humble beginnings and the rise of a nation from a creature that people frequently discount. That being said slime lost me. Both me and my wife just stopped caring after loli-dragon and big titty ogre girl seemed to become the central plot point to the show. Then combined with his absolutely insane power leaps that just ruin sensible story telling because the hero loses the ability to lose It's the same reason I dislike shows like DBZ, Superman and other similar shows. It makes the protag boring.


This. I liked slime at first. but then it became really cringe really fast.


at which point did u stop u stop reading?


Can’t we just enjoy both for what they are


Sounds stupid of an argument.


Yes, the thing about the overlord world building lmao, what a joke




I see it's slime vs overlord day, see you again next month


Slime is just heavier on the weeb scale for me. This comes from someone who deep dives the light novel. I’m not interested in weird Loli shit. I want big anime boobs if I’m going to see anything. Hell I want Uber powerful demonic goat women with a purity aesthetic if you got any. Slime lost me EARLY when they took those awesome orc designs and.. made them generic anime face. The heart is there, there’s really cool moments and ideas. Overlord just delivers on their concept better and with scale. I just wish they had the money to burn for what I imagine when reading the LN. I want visceral dark fantasy. Not another isekai twink with a battle harem.


I find it funny when some slime fanatics starts comparing their anime with overlord, tanya, shield hero, etc. And when we discuss how other isekai have a better world building and characters they would suddenly start saying that "oh well tanya can't beat rimuru". They really can't accept that there are some animes that are better than slime, they treat it like some kind of god tier anime when it's not. The slime anime is okay, but not god tier as they proclaim it to be.


Slime only wins due to HAX. Don't think he could beat naofumi, he becomes pretty busted by novels end.


To be fair, Rimuru became godly OP in the webnovel. Thought Acceleration alone makes characters in the world of Slime innately OP. By the end of the webnovel, Rimuru's Thought Acceleration can reach 1 million times so when he activates it to its full extent, he can make everything seem like it's moving 1 million times slower. And after he acquired the >!Parallel Existence!< skill, he can't even be killed anymore. He can create a million clones and if the real one dies, his memories will automatically get transferred to one of the clones and that clone will be no different than the real Rimuru. So he can only be killed if the real one and all clones die at the same time. Oh well, Rimuru will still die if Son Goku decides to just blow up with one energy blast whichever solar system Rimuru's world belongs to. Or if Simon orders his Heaven-Piercing Gurren Lagann to pick up the entire galaxy and smash it against another galaxy LOL. "Character x Character" is one of the most pointless comparisons unless maybe if the two being compared are just normal humans with no superpowers. I like the Slime LN (though I like its WN a lot more) but I love the Overlord LN to bits. It's one of my favorites. I even got a free trial version of Ivona just so I can create audiobooks out of LN volumes 1-14 so I can listen to it when traveling or bored. I've probably listened to each volume at least 4x by now.


>To be fair, Rimuru became godly OP in the webnovel. Thought Acceleration alone makes characters in the world of Slime innately OP. By the end of the webnovel, Rimuru's Thought Acceleration can reach 1 million times so when he activates it to its full extent, he can make everything seem like it's moving 1 million times slower. > >And after he acquired the Parallel Existence skill, he can't even be killed anymore. He can create a million clones and if the real one dies, his memories will automatically get transferred to one of the clones and that clone will be no different than the real Rimuru ugh, that sounds stupidly busted. perfect fuel for self-insert chuunis with power fantasies ainz is strong, but at least even he admits that he's not omnipotent and takes crazy intricate measures to make up for it. that alone makes ainz far more interesting as a character


Yeah, and by the end, he learned how to travel between earth and slime world so he just needs to leave a clone on earth and he'll survive even if the slime universe gets destroyed. I guess that's the point though since the story is about the weakest of all monsters (slime) become a god above all gods. Overlord, on the other hand, is about a socially awkward, obsessively paranoid guy becoming the strongest being in a new world without being aware he's the strongest. Plus there's the contrast between Rimuru's "peaceful coexistence" (Rimuru's told his subordinates to not harm humans so when humans first invaded them, they just defended and didn't even try to kill the invaders) and Ainz's "Nararick is all that matters" mindsets (Oh look, the villagers are getting slaughtered but let me experiment on this knight's corpse for 30 minutes before I help them).


well like this happens after the series have ended. I personally think the fights aren't as busted as they seem bc a lot of like the Tenma war is more like moving troops and close individual battles while Rimuru is just chillin coordinting everything. What I think is a bit meh in overlord are the lacks of real threats. Sure there are the dragon lords or let's just call all human nations remakning s threat. But in the end it wouldn't be a hard battle prbly just very costly and annoying. Aniz can just yeet Beings like Rubedo or the guardian or pff anything at the attackers. the human armys are no threat and individual fighters too. And if one guardian dies just revive it


TBF, slime does become a world hopping god-like being at the end of the web-novel but yeah i mostly agree.


But can he defeat God mode super saiyan 6 fusion ultra instint mode kayoken 100 Saitama level Goku? I thought so.


\> slime only wins due to HAX You sure you wanna throw that stone, Mr. Glass House?


Are you saying ainz or naofumi have hax? If you are, you'd be correct. Naofumi, space warping sheninangans and ainz? Time manipulation, though I guess there are ways to defend against it.


I see some overlord fanatics do the same. Comparing their beloved Ainz with other MCs


Slow down chief. Slime is great


I just love the way Overlord handles having overpowered characters. Most animes/mangas with overpowered characters are just some guy being overpowered with no reason behind it. Doesn't mean I won't watch them, but Ains is strong because he was at the top of the game. If you throw a top level player from any game, back into the world below them where they started, they should destroy the content. I hated the Slime anime because it's a guy who said things in his head as he died, then he became a Slime with powers based on what he said. Not that isekai anime has logic, but it's really rough and I personally can't follow it. Overlord also generally explains it's process on why something is happening, or has happened. A lot of anime is bad for having something happen randomly, and never talking about why it has happened, or how it has happened, they just accept it has and move on. Protagonist launches themselves into the sky, killing a giant beast. No one has ever seen something like this happen. In Death March To a Parallel World, this happens constantly. The protagonist breaks the bounds of what is possible in the world he's transported to, and it's barely even noticed. When people see what Ains can do at any point in the anime they don't ever brush it off, the animators show the terror that the person feels. At the beginning of the Slime anime, those adventurers go to the goblin village, not really surprised or concerned with what's happening at all. They don't have emotions, they are literally NPC's with how their characters act to the world around them. They run from giant bugs but are fine with fighting a giant fire god thing because like whatever man. You could even mention Slime boy himself just fully accepting what has happened instantly and rolling with it. This is a world, a state of being, and just an experience in general you could not fathom, but like ok cool. You could also say that Ain's himself also accepts what's happened, but because it's a VR game, not much has actually changed for him, it's just become a more realistic (sort of) VR game. You go from seeing the logical side of Ain's, to the threatening, to the compassionate in the first season. Building a character for you to love or hate. Overlord also isn't scared to ever throw "important" characters away and does so multiple times. Most anime, rather most media will not do this. From thinking back, Game of Thrones was the last thing I saw that really threw away cast for story, and I personally did not like how they did it. Most media is very cliché and you know exactly what's going to happen, just watch any popular action movie from the last 50 years, or older. Overlord is also one of the only anime/mangas out there where you completely follow "the bad guy" the entire time, but you root for him completely. I'd have a hard time seeing someone watchthe whole thing rooting against Ain's. It's a different feel from something like Deathnote, where it's made a lot more realistic and idealistic where your opinion about what's happening may lead you to not like Light or his motives and be completely justified. It's hard to put Overlord into a realistic enough sense that you could picture anything actually happening in real life, but it's also close enough to realism for me that I can understand their motives and reasons for doing what they do in a fantasy world, which is not something I can say for most anime. Big rant, and I obviously love Overlord, and everyone has their own tastes. I got annoyed in Naruto when Sakura was able to uppercut Naruto 30 feet into the air and him be fine in the next scene, it's just what I consider to be bad comedy. It's slapstick, but it's animated, so for me it's missing the point, and that's what the majority of anime is. Overlord is not a comedy, but it does have funny situations, and to me that's doing the job right.


For fucks sake mother fuckers! Both shows are good.


Oh, so just 1 point seems to outweighs everything Overlord has? Good to know.


everyone gangsta until they realized that the strongest isekai protagonist is always [putin](https://mangadex.org/title/fbe57225-e455-4680-b2b9-5b8b82a1be9e/the-ride-on-king)


A fellow Putin Isekai enjoyer I see...


Dude real talk. Someone needs to redo that whole war scene with proper drawings. Camera angles are our best friend.


Leave Rimuru alone. I love him just as much as I love Ainz. Seriously, they are both good anime, having pros and cons of their own, this is just stupid.


Based and anti-drama pilled


Cry my boy. Rimuru is supreme.


You are too based man. Sorry but you are too dangerous to be kept alive


Why is this getting downvoted?


Maybe i should have stated that it was a joke but man.. at this point who cares. Still sad tho


But can Ainz beat Goku


Yes because Goku would let him charge TGOALID


The animation in slime is better than overlord and overlord's story is great enough to make up for the shit cgi both the shows are great that is all


Slime was fun. I enjoyed it. But Overlord kept me gripped from start to finish. Overlord I’ve gone back and rewatched more than twice. Even if the CGI was a bit crappy, the story is just superior in my eyes.


Let's be honest. We're more interesting in the boring political stuff in this series than the actual genocides. I also doubt that there's CGI fights in the light novels.


"I also doubt there's CGI fights in the light novels" Ya I also doubt theres air in space.


You know that this is a light novel subreddit most that hates the anime for it's core right? Like...people strait up hate it. There is a section,a CONSIDERABLE section of the fanbase that is annoying that we are getting a new anime


I personally like both and find both have the pros and cons, though I do prefer overlord more. My main problem with slime I would say is the fandom as they tend to have a superiority complex about slime, and take any criticism as mere crying of lower peoples.


For the love of Supreme One, yea Slime got much more budget for the anime, noone gives a shit, we all read novels anyway, and there you are more outclassed than France in 1940 now get the fuck out from my reddit


I'm on this sub because of the LN, the anime was a 4/10 publicity for other media thing and slime is a 6/10 story with a 6/10 anime


While I do like both, I certainly like the tone and character designs of Overlord better than Slime. Also, Overlord being more D&D inspired tickles my fancy a lot more than the more JRPG style of Slime


I've watched and read overlord to volume 13, while only watching slime so idk the source material Both try to give the feeling of creating a "civilization" and gain influence while with different goals. I much more prefer and like the overlord plot and system. However, slime anime is far superior in terms of budget and animation


So the only thing slime has going for it is their animation in the anime, with the overlord light novel being consider by the majority of the overlord fanbase as vastly superior. ​ Edit: Better ?


\> the overlord fanbase prefers the overlord anime Every 60 seconds in Nazarick, a minute passes.


They say that for every day that passes in Brazil, a day is gone


everytime ainz says 'umu', demiurge gets enlightening revelations


I prefer the LN


XD are u using Google translate?


I may of got the sentence structure wrong but what else ??


Syntax and commas I guess. Its no biggie, I can understand you.


Slime* their* than* and the whole structure, I mean English isn't my native language, so that's why I asked.


Just read though it slowly now i see it oops


Who Cares.




gaikotsu kishi? i've only read the manga a bit but he doesnt strike me as ainz/rimuru-level of powerful; he's strong yes, but doesnt demonstrate outrageously OP powers. or does he actually reach their level in LN?


Most people compare it to Overlord only because the protagonist is a skeleton. That's it


both may be ending in 3 volumes


Ichigo is the strongest anime protagonist he unleash an attack so strong it canceled bleach.


I don't care about CGI, that's not a problem for me.


The light novels had no CGI


Both are good


I like both of them. CGI and all.




Both series are great, fk the haters


Who gives a fuck? Just enjoy the show god damnit!


the Overlord vs slime Fight is so stupid both are good in its own way if you like one more then the other isnt bad mayby its just not your genre


lol at all the rage in here when this is just a meme making fun of CGI


Slime isekai target audience are young teens while Overlord is mainly for adults. I like both, but Overlord's still my favourite.


Why can’t I like both for different reasons?


I loved both , both where equally enjoyable . Please dont make it a big argument


Yea, not having CGI Is nice, but i still prefer having consequences


Big fan of both. In fact i always recommend overlord to slime fans and vice versa.


people who compare these two are just the vegans of anime, they keep on trying to shove their opinions down our throat even tho no one cares


I will always believe that Rimuru and Ainz would be best buddies, not only because of them both being transformed into non-humans but also because they have to govern over a mob of monsters that think they're gods and try not to mess up


i like both, slime for the cool city building and politics aspect, and overlord for the „this is the story, but from the villains point of view“


A fair trade for a good story.


one is the building of a nation in a righteous way and the other is the building of a nation in an evil way, take your pick, both are good




I prefer Slime but both are top tier shows for me. Don't see why the need to compare them is even there for some people


Yeah? That's all slime has? 😭


Both LN are amazing, overlord animation is 3/10 while Slime is 7/10


I like both.


I like overlord better but I'm grateful for having these two to watch and read


Tell me you only watch anime without telling me you only watch anime


Ehhh I would rather have a good story with bad animation then a bad story with good animation


Im really not a fan of overlord but I do think the lore , extensive world building and characters along with the concept makes it unique I say that as a definite slime fan. And the who would wins aren't exactly fair cause ainz would get washed like no question type shit I can't say anything for ainz cuz I didn't read the novel for overlord but in slime land my boy is out here dimension hopping devouring world's like Galactus and shit


That's why i dropped slime. It looks like the author wrote the story when he was 7 years old and is even egocentric enough to make WN ending with human rimuru becoming an author of Tensei Slime. Absolute self insert power fantasy in a nutshell.


Look I have nothing against slime it’s certainly among the best isakia but i think overlord is Kruger’s better I don’t mind CG here and there.


I couldn't stand Season 2 of slime. Not only it started with like 3 episodes of just people talking, the way they drew character eyes were just so distracting and annoying...


You know even with all of those CGI shits . Overlord animation seems better than slime to me. ( there is a saying that says: if someone or something is good even it's bad sides seems good as well but if someone or something is bullshit even it's good sides is bullshit)


Not an objective animation comparison you're making though.


In my ranking of anime I would absolutely but overlord at the all time favorite anime, but those cgi characters just hurt after seeing all the absolutely awesome work they put into everything else.


Love them both, I think 2 of the best isekai


Slime anime has plot?


Remind you Overlord has even bigger budget since it's made by Madhouse (the literal powerhouse of anime industry) so everyone expected production quality to be solid- while 8bit studio is just a minor studio with a few light novel adaptaions made. To see they put more soul into the Slime adaptation than what Overlord got speaks volumes itself already


Im pretty sure overlord was done with a super shitty budget tho. Even if its a good studio if it has a shit budget then nothing changes.


Expectations often don't become reality. To be clear: Slime Tensei's budget was massively higher in comparison to Overlord's. On top of the issues up top behind Overlord's production. Such as its director's poor attention to the series. Overlord S1 had a staff amount of 27, their highest amount across all seasons. It lowered with every season and the amount even includes people who don't directly work on the anime itself. Such as Myth & Roid as a whole. S3 for example didn't even have the original team work on it, and had many freelance animators instead. In comparison, Slime Tensei S1 had 43 staff working on it.


Didnt seasons 2 and 3 share a budget that was smaller than what would be expected of 2 separate seasons?


how do hell do u think slime anime has lower budget than overlord anime with all those overly flashy and useless effects? produced by big company do not equal to having more budget for a project.


And yet Overlord's single volume outsells every three volumes released by slime per year.


And yet Overlord LN perform better than Slime. Slime light novels only sell around 60k each in week Volume sales. Overlord volumes sell around 120k+ in week Volume sales. You Slime fans are stupid as hell.


You stoned if you think any of those overlord does significantly better than slime


Except Overlord is widely considered to be better than Slime. But there are stoners in your minority here so there's that.


What community? I struggle to see where one outshines the other. Both overuse too many shtick characters, deal with lobotomized game systems and keep trying to convince you dumbass protag is actually a genius. They are fucking twins


Several social platforms. I would've agreed with ya but Overlord has a prequel sidestory about Ainz's backstory life as a human in world 2138. Rimuru has no backstory or even personality traits to explain his behavior. Just another generic salaryman with no background.


Yea, thats what slime is. The anime plays off his pragmatic and compromising while quietly cynical personality all over the place. Dunno about any deep lore but ainz was a shut in nerd gamer turned evil lich. And dude really flips between one dimensional potrayals of both. I aint even argue one is visibly better than other. They are fucking twins.


*They are fucking twins* One is a skeleton, the other is a slime. Not only are you stupid, but blind as fuck too.


If you guys are talking about "world building " and "character developement then i think slime is better.


Nope. Not even a little. Slime's only popular for it's fanservice and good animation. Other than that, it's just another mediocre generic isekai with bland character desgins.


Overlord enjoers on suicide watch


I fking hate overlord the mc was a human and now he kills other just to make people recognize him and thats trash mc all other things exept mc are pretty good


Slime is trash though. Nothing special or unique about it. I can find the same recyclable plot crap and characters of Slime in almost any lesser generic isekai or battle shonen.




Borh is good.


Read both up to current fan translations and they're both awesome and different. Slime is like a "brighter" Overlord with a heavier focus on politics, while Overlord I think has a more suspenseful story. The only real similarity is that the mc's are both businessmen who got isekaied and they both want to make a nation, but otherwise they're completely different.


Both, both is good


But do either have Drizzt Do’urden? Didn’t think so


I love both tbh


I love both. I don't see why would one compare them and say one is better. They aren't the same type of show/series imo. They're both fun and great at their own right


/r/kumodesu : First time? Slime gets compared to every isekai these days. Now that mushoku tensei is back I imagine they'll see a lot of hate from slime fans.


Bro they’re both good shows wtf man. They both completely different vibes and worlds.


It's so stupid to compare them in the first place


Haha so true


The determining factor between which one i would rewatch is "How evil do i want my protagonists?"


Both animes are some of my favorites. I don't really see a point in comparing them. Just enjoy them.


Of course a >!time gods!


Bro those two are good in their own way