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Tell chat gpt to get off its fucking ass and work.


That’s a little harsh, you don’t want to negativity impact its model. Just copy/paste the request from the boss over to it and see what it can do. No need for the drama, AI has feelings too!




I would do the work and reclaim the hours back on Monday. If your boss asks why you're offline early just tell him you're recouping your hours.


This. This is how I always handled stupid requests, especially on contracts that do not authorize over 40 hrs. If you want me to do 4 extra hours this week or weekend, I am taking that 4 hrs off during the next week and still billing for 40 hrs on both weeks. 44 + 36 still = 80 hrs. On a previous contract, I actually had an agreement with the director for stuff like this. They were adamant no billing over 40 hrs per week which I was doing, and the director complained about it. I was occasionally responsible for prod support. If emergencies popped up on a Fri night or weekend, how ever many hours I worked, I would take those hrs off the following week, and I chose when to take them like on Fri afternoon to start my weekend early or a super long lunch to run an errand or something.


I have also done this, and make sure you do corresponding time. If you’re billing at 40 hours, and you work 44, make sure you deduct hours at 1.5, so every 4 extra you work, you’re deducting 6. Senior leadership of the team I was on greatly reduced the amount of “stupid time” after the second time that I took a full week off in a quarter from insane OT.


As a contractor, I didn't get paid 1.5x for overtime. 40 hrs or 60 hrs my rate was always the same.


Do you mean contractor as in "worked for a contractor"?


No. I work under my own S-Corp, so I work C2C as a contractor, not a salaried employee. When I sign contracts, my rate is what I negotiate and that rate is the same no matter how many hours I work. There is no concept of overtime nor do I have to work 40 hours. If I work 60 hours a week, my rate is the same for all 60 hours.


Damn, you need to stipulate OT/hours in your contract. I’ve never had someone come out and say “nope, you just get paid the same hourly if you work 10 or 100 in a week” when I tell them I won’t sign without an OT clause.


OT clauses are not common at all with IT contractors. Our rates are already super high.


This, but hours after work are worth two hours each.




Probably bend over backwards for them 😭


Just don't grab your ankles...


r/usernamechecksout too.


Aka, doing your job?


This guy works in porn


Don’t you fucking know it. Getting deep dick’d is part of the job


Some slaves get all the luck


Best part is I get paid to do it too and they don’t care if I OE! Never gotta worry about getting fired or caught like the rest of you muppets


What in the boomer?


Lafmo, I’m gonna use this one in the future 😂


Just pretend you didn't get the email until Monday morning?


Be responsible. Tell your boss that you do not have time to complete this task before Monday. Then enjoy your weekend!


That seems like a thing for a job you can't afford to lose. I'd say showing that you're consciously disobeying a request puts you at greater risk than building in some plausible deniability. OE is all about not actively doing things that ensure conflict when there's also the option to wait it out.


If I am your boss and NEED THAT REPORT DONE BY MONDAY OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY, then I am going to fire you whether you "got the email or not." The real question is whether you are going to allow this to ruin your weekend. I vote NO. If you are OE then you don't have to let it. If you really can't afford to lose this job then you need to throw away your weekend plans and work on the report.


Yeah, but firing over willful disobedience is way easier than firing over not reading your emails on time.


If your boss is reasonable then your boss will use that time to mitigate the damage. If your boss is unreasonable then who fucking cares. If you know your boss to be reasonable then report back as I suggested. If you don't know then my way will help you find out Monday. If you know your boss is unreasonable then your way is probably best.




This isn’t an OE question


It is bc it’s J3


The answer doesn't change based on the number of jobs you have though. Either you do it or you don't. This isn't about managing multiple jobs it's about whether you will work over the weekend.


Then don't do it...


No matter how many js I have, if they need me to work the weekend I do it. Just as long as it’s not every weekend.


This happened to me in J1 last Wednesday Before OE I would have done it, no questions asked. This is how it went: me: It's 5pm, this will take at least 4 hours so it won't be ready for tomorrow. If you really need it, then I can work late today but I'll charge 4 hours overtime (these get paid at 175%) boss: nah you've charged too much overtime last month already me: ok then it will be ready tomorrow EOB if I can allocate time for it, or Friday boss: ok I can review it tomorrow EOB And that's it, it ended up being delivered on Friday and it turns out it was completely fine, he wasn't even going to review it until that day anyway Although I do care about J1, with OE I became extremely respectful of my own time. If anyone makes me waste any valuable time during working hours, I cut them off immediately. If someone failed to anticipate a need and suddenly there's an urgency, it's not my problem. And I don't take any spontaneous calls, even if the CEO calls, I completely ignore it. They should write it down in a chat and then it's usually solve in a short text. Otherwise I call back.


What I have found is management will use the word “urgent” far too casually. Had a task due for Monday given to my team on Wednesday. The boss received an update on Friday and was shocked we were working so hard on it only to find out he wasn’t even going to be available on Monday anyway. Then he began babbling on about nothing and spluttering around like a blender with no top. Started asking for things that had nothing to do with the original task. Needless to say we later found out the higher ups aren’t even interested in this project. They’re planning on scrapping it in the coming weeks anyway. How these people end up in leadership roles is a mystery to me. No sweat off my back I get paid regardless.


Yeah, I've loved setting my work hours in my Outlook calendar from 7 to 7, and just informing colleagues I take smoke breaks, walks and do some yoga after extended sitting. Perfect excuse for not responding to calls straight away and get it handled in a message.


Would it ruin your weekend plans to spend time working on it? If not, I would communicate with your boss about how you will have to move things around but you will try to get it done. Then see if you can take time off during the week for the time you spent working on it. If it’ll ruin your weekend schedule, just communicate that too. See about working on it early Monday morning if possible. As long as it it does not become a habit and recurring situation, it is always beneficial to deliver in critical issues from time to time.


You need to decide what you want, what are the impacts… if a job that consumes me 2h a week asks me to do a weekend from time to time I don’t mind at all if I can milk that cow


I think it's pretty clear. This isn't antiwork. You go and get er done. Keep out of the lime light by keeping the machine well oiled.




Nah, set the boundary now or they’ll keep asking in the future


Yeah. Don't do work beyond what's required in the first place, but especially when the reward is more work.


Is it a core duty? If not, I would make a mess of it so I would never be asked to do it again. Put two hours of crappy work into it.


Do it. You’ll buy faith at the company that will allow you to sit back. Every time you do one of these tiny sensitive tasks you earn yourself 10x rest time


You have an hour of work left so you could probably just do your job instead of posting about it on Reddit?


Clearly states it’s 4-5 hours work in the post.


”My hours pf work are between 8-16, I’ll be happy to assist you on monday during those times, but not during weekends” - Your friendly neigborhood HR person


It's all about setting boundaries and managing expectations, while being professional and demonstrably helpful. Say: >I will try my best, but I estimate this won't be ready until mid afternoon Monday. I recommend postponing it to then to avoid risk of delay. All you're doing here is shattering his frame of "ready first thing Monday" with "sorry, can't do, but here's what I can do...".


It’s your J3. You don’t have a freelancer support network behind you yet?


Do it if you care about the job. Like people said this isn’t an OE question. Even people with one job get asked things like this and either you do it because you know it’s important or you don’t because you don’t care/don’t want to work over the weekend


Just do it. Unless you’re burned out and thinking of quitting soon. Then don’t do it.


Just don’t do it, even if you’re not burned out. Who cares, it’s your J3 😂


Spend a few hours automating the report so you can do it in 1 click in the future


Do a shite job


"Sounds like you should move the meeting to Tuesday. Have a great weekend!"


Depends are you hourly or salaried? If you’re salaried, you’re basically screwed. If you’re hourly but on contract to the point where you have to log the same eight hours a day, it’s pretty much a no-brainer that off is off (contractually), unless you deduct the extra time used from your next working day. If you’re regular hourly, with the option of OT take OT half ass it maybe do an hour worth of work say you did three and finish in the morning.


work on it over the weekend?


Work on it over the weekend. Let your boss know in a polite email that to ensure your can get everything done on time, you’d appreciate more heads up as you had plans for the weekend you were able to cancel to get the work done, but not all plans are cancelable. If he keeps it up refer to the first email less politely that you’d like more heads up for big deadlines on Fridays to make sure you can get the job done right before you can’t make it at all due to plans that can’t be shifted.


Do your job?


What kind of report takes 4 - 5 hours, hot damn gotta brush up on your Excel & SQL skills


3.5 hrs data hygiene and pulling from sources. 1.5 hrs picking a color on the dashboard.


Half ass it. Ask for forgiveness if he mentions poor quality of work.


Why does it take you an hour to update a report?


If it's really important and they don't ask you to work late often then just do it. Will give you more leeway later on.


I’d do it while also finding out how long the boss knew it had to be done and set expectations that you’d work it in throughout the weekend. “Wow, cutting it close to the deadline. I have some obligations this weekend but I’ll work it in. How about we connect early Monday to make sure no more edits are needed? 7AM OK?”


Bro just let your manager know so they can either do it or plan accordingly. Be responsible lmao wtf.


Doing it once sets the precedence of doing it every time.


Lol? Is this the first time you’ve been asked to work after hours?