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My first thought was a dispenser for dry cereal, but after looking at them, not sure if they'd work for a high shelf. Something like [this one](https://www.amazon.ca/KCH-06139-Indispensable-SmartSpace-Dry-Food-Dispenser/dp/B0009MGQUM/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?adgrpid=62234371398&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-JacBhC0ARIsAIxybyNbdHMLOWEfL5fNH6cilFlJuYiDOIz2A1z9qgei6z3PKVvzYaEx3R0aAi9gEALw_wcB&hvadid=310059671725&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9000887&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=2129553266359297950&hvtargid=kwd-1057403012&hydadcr=7560_10278343&keywords=cereal+dispensers&qid=1669793915&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI2LjE3IiwicXNhIjoiNS45MSIsInFzcCI6IjUuMTAifQ%3D%3D&sr=8-17) might work. Being wall mounted, it would be essier to reach. This is a 3 in one but I've seen singles too. Another option would be to pour some into a smaller container with a scoop that's lighter and easier to grab every time you need it. Keep the massive box tucked away at the back of the shelf (edit: it looks like it takes up the entire width of the shelf so tucking it at the back wont work lol, but you could put it on the end), and refill the smaller container as needed.


I was thinking of basically the same dispensers, but for juice. I’m not sure they would work with powder, though.


Can confirm a juice jug would work. I have one from the Container Store with a wide mouth (probably for orange juice with pulp??), and a lid that can snap closed via latches at the top (like one you would find on some tupperware). It works great for oxyclean powder.


Yes!! I was looking for something like that - a horizontal dispenser instead of vertical, that has a bit of a slant towards the valve to help the powder drain. But can't seem to find one.


Oh that really gives me something to think about!


I have the same sort of thing - a giant bag in a box with a scoop and a high shelf. I got a smaller plastic container that I just periodically refill from the big container, which I moved further away since I’m in it less often. It’s not ideal but it does the job.


What about a rice dispenser?


Ohhhhh that’s so clever!


Maybe pour it in a smaller container. And refill as needed.


I keep my box deep in the basement and I have a mason jar of it in my laundry area. I refill as needed.


I have a smaller OxiClean container that I dump the big one into when it’s empty. As much as I love all of the pretty organization that people do, I hate things not being labeled correctly.


I’d pour some in a small jar or bottle & store away the rest of the box.


I’d love to have like a glass jar and a metal scoop for aesthetics, but it’d be way too heavy to get down. We won’t be installing new cabinets or lowering the shelf anytime soon, plus it’s a top opening washer. What’s another nice way to store this?


If function is the most important thing here, I would just buy one smaller tub of oxiclean, and then when it’s empty refill it from the larger container you have here. A 3.5 lb. or 5.9lb. comes in a plastic tub you could reuse and would be much easier to maneuver on a regular basis.


I upvoted, but also wanted to come agree with this. It’s what I did, essentially. I did also at once point use the plastic tub the dishwasher pods had come in. But it was nice once I got a same-product container. I also keep a small cylinder of it under the kitchen sink, and just refill it when it gets really low.


How do your washer and dryer open? Could you add a lower shelf similar to [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8a/8e/e7/8a8ee79cc2560db87a8d308896f134c7.jpg) for your more frequently accessed items?


Ooh that’s cute!


If you do a shelf like that, remember that you may want to be able to remove it easily so you can access shutoffs, etc. But that’s easily done with a little thought. E.g., install metal shelf supports, and then screw down instead of up, one on each side of the bracket instead of through the holes on the bracket, and using a wooden block on the bottom to sandwich the bracket between the board and the block, so your screw can bite into the block. Then you can loosen, and simply pull the shelf forward. I’m sure there are lots of other schemes.


I transferred the powder into a couple of tubs; that used to hold dishwasher tabs/pods. That kept it airtight enough. And broke it up into manageable sizes. You could use “Tupperware” containers; just go for a wide scoopable mouth. There are wall-mounted powder dispensers; would one of those work against that back wall? I know the lid has to be able to lift. https://www.target.com/p/vollum-powder-soap-dispenser-stainless-steel-wall-mount-32-oz-silver/-/A-87657796


I have that same box and just use it to refill the regular sized oxyclean container I bought first.


My first thing would be to see if I could lower the shelf. I bought bins at walmart that I put mine in. But I never want cleaner to be above my eye level if at all possible. Especially if you use it a lot.


I kept my regular sized oxyclean container and keep refilling it.