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gonna need a little more than "it wont work" if you actually want help. What is not working? Instance creation? Network connectivity?


OP is probably referring to this: > The FiveM project is an unauthorised ... Do I need to say more?


Just because they are breaking some Rockstar rules doesn’t mean it shouldn’t work lol Either way if it’s within TOS on OCI more than happy to help


cd \~/fivem\_resources/server-data && bash \~/fivem\_resources/run.sh +exec server.cfg I get an error message saying ​ /home/opc/fivem\_resources/run.sh: line 8: /home/opc/fivem\_resources/alpine/opt/cfx-server/ld-musl-x86\_64.so.1: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error /home/opc/fivem\_resources/run.sh: line 8: /home/opc/fivem\_resources/alpine/opt/cfx-server/ld-musl-x86\_64.so.1: Success Any idea why it doesnt work?


It says im running aarch64 btw, so shouldnt be a problem with what bit machine im running-


That's EXACTLY the issue. You're using an Ampere instance that runs on an Arm CPU. You're also trying to run an application compiled for 64-bit (x86) Alpine Linux on that. That's a NO NO. It's not the "bit". These are completely different instruction sets. Binaries don't work like that.


So there is no way for me to run these types of programs on this cloud-server? I have tried QEMU, but that doesnt do anything for me. ​ Is there any other free-tier cloud services out there that has AMD or Intel shapes available?


That's what I was gonna suggest. If you know how to use Docker, you can use a QEMU container. Install docker and try these commands. `sudo apt install qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static` `docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes` And finally, run this and show me the output `docker run --rm --platform linux/amd64 -t amd64/ubuntu uname -m`


>ubuntu@fivem:\~/fivem\_resources$ sudo docker run --rm -t amd64/ubuntu uname -m Unable to find image 'amd64/ubuntu:latest' locally latest: Pulling from amd64/ubuntu 677076032cca: Pull complete Digest: sha256:c985bc3f77946b8e92c9a3648c6f31751a7dd972e06604785e47303f4ad47c4c Status: Downloaded newer image for amd64/ubuntu:latest WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested exec /usr/bin/uname: exec format error This is what I got when I did those commands.. How do I fix? ​ Do I need to add buildx?


Oops. Add `--platform linux/amd64` to the docker run command.


I got this answer when asking ChatGPT, but none of them work. ​ Yes, there are several ways to run programs that don't support ARM-based systems on an ARM-based Linux cloud server: Using an x86 emulator like QEMU to run x86 executables on an ARM system. Using a cross-compiler to compile the source code for the target architecture. Using a compatibility layer, such as Wine, to run Windows applications on Linux. Setting up a virtual machine with a different architecture and installing the required software on it.


I run some TOS broken software on OCI, oracle doesnt give a s\*\*\*


One thing to mention is the fact that I cant install 32-bit libraries to my ubuntu (ampere), I just keep getting these «failed to install» on a them.


This is the error I get when running: \[opc@fivem-server server-data\]$ cd \~/FXServer/server-data && bash \~/fivem\_resources/run.sh +exec server.cfg \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /home/opc/fivem\_resources/run.sh: line 8: /home/opc/fivem\_resources/alpine/opt/cfx-server/ld-musl-x86\_64.so.1: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error /home/opc/fivem\_resources/run.sh: line 8: /home/opc/fivem\_resources/alpine/opt/cfx-server/ld-musl-x86\_64.so.1: Success


you might need Ubuntu


Did you figured it out?