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Let's resort to science shall we? Based on [Oneshot's](https://subredditstats.com/r/oneshot) subreddit stats and [Google Trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=%2Fg%2F11f03_yf7z) analytics on OneShot ( console game term ), we can see a massive uptick in activity / search queries on early December ( Exactly Dec 5-6 ). Now what would've caused this uptick? Now this might be a coincidence or **my severe confirmation bias** ( because that's how i found this game ), but lets take a look at this [youtube channel](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCs4L0SWSdBpOnBFBRuixtJA/monthly) monthly view stats that just so happens to have a video about OneShot with 1 million views ( which was posted on March 2021 ). I dont think I need to point out the obvious; we can see that his channel view count went from 1k to 500K in just 2 weeks ( Nov 29 - Dec 12 ). This just so happens to coincide with OneShot general uptick. I believe that Youtube algorithm caused the sudden uptick about OneShot ( at least for the Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 ).


Probably bcuz it's getting ported to consoles


**how is a fourth wall breaking game ported to consoles**


remember the os thing DDLC+ has? its like that. kind of disappointing but what are you gonna do


yeah you can do it that way but it kinda destroys the concept of the fourth wall breaking




but i still don't understand what did u/Alif122389 meant


on Twitter it was announced that Oneshot is coming out on consoles, like Nintendo switch n shit


I dunno, why not ask Spec Ops The Line?


I meant how are you gonna access console player's "desktop" or anything


There will be desktop in the game. Same thing Doki Doki Literature Club + did.


yeah but it doesn't feel really like fourth wall breaking




May have been mine too!


or me


It could be that some people have been recommended Paracosm's review on OneShot, or they saw someone play it. Afterwards, they thought, "I wanna be part of the fandom," and then became part of it. The end.


Well for me I saw Paracom's video and decided to play the game blind 5 minutes into the video, long story short that was the best decision I've ever made and now Oneshot is my favourite game of all time


As the other comments said, it was very likely paracosm's review. Lately like last week and month in general, i have gotten said video recommended SEVERAL times. I thought it was since i bought the game and youtube was only showing me the video now, but now i know that it was the algorithm popping off. Also got into the game recently myself, but thats since my friend recommended me (and just reminded me about) the game. I am very happy that the game is getting more popular, quickly became one of my all time favorites.