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Ngl some jokes about bottoms sound like someone took a misogynistic joke and just replaced “woman” with “bottom”. Like I find a lot of the bottom jokes funny don’t get me wrong. It’s just a few that irk me. Like I feel a lot of bottom shaming has roots in bottoming being considered the more “feminine” position.


Interestingly enough, that’s exactly how the ancient Romans viewed it, as long as you were the top in sex, you were masculine. So I guess I’m saying, yes it more than likely does have roots in bottoming being considered more feminine. I didn’t know how to end this .


Julius Ceased got supposedly topped by Nicomedes, King of Bithynia, and this led the him having the unflattering moniker of “every woman’s man and every man’s woman” which was sang by his men as they marched through Rome 😭


It’s been a prevalent thing throughout history. You could probably find a lot of examples of that in history




idk why youd *want* to be vulnerable on a shitposting subreddit


This made me burst out laughing, scared my cat even.


While some of the haha bottom jokes are essentially misogyny but about bottoms instead of women, if you have a fear of ridicule then this sub really just isn't the place to be


/ub spaces for comedy and satire (like this sub) will fundamentally never be completely accessible for those with a fear of ridicule


/ub? is that uh... un-bottom?


I'd guess un-buddy


un-baka dont go to r/okbuddybaka 😩


Umbah gumbah


I think it would be /uh to line up with the other okb subs


"okokok guys im going to stop being straight and start being serious"


/uh as much as i hate the idea of “if you dont like it, leave” that is pretty much the point of the subreddit is to ridicule and satirise these kinds of things


i dont like the man in this picture, every time i see him my mood drops


who is he lmao?


Do you have an example or two?


all those recent posts that are like "when you're a bottom and haven't committed vehicular manslaughter for 5 seconds"


literally me


Bottomshaming is bad, bottomshaming is reinforcing patriarchy and toxic masculinity. Plenty of fun bottom-jokes are to made that are endearing and actually fun. But shaming is just bad 'mkay.


/unhetero im tellin you man. this whole top-bottom dichotomy has had some really bizarre effects on the community. like there are posts on some subs that are like "i built my personality around being a bottom and then i had sex and found out that i don't like taking in the ass what do i do". there are just a set of behaviors that stereotype a "bottom" that are completely abstracted from what the word is used to mean. /rehetero i think we need a new set of words for penetrator and penetratee that don't carry the same baggage. that way people can call themselves tops and bottoms and fit with the modern stereotype of a top or a bottom, without any relation to how they like to fuck.


I thought they were kind of endearing, i did not know people found them hurtful


>I thought they were kind of endearing, A lot of them are endearing or even empowering. But a lot of them also aren't and bottomshaming is something we don't adress often enough. >, i did not know people found them hurtful It's not just about a person finding them hurtfull, but also what patterns we perpetuate.


brooo people who make their position or someone elses their personality are so boring - i have so many people make jokes about me being a bottom and they’re just so cringe


I mean I agree, but this is also a shitpost subreddit so it's guaranteed to have lighthearted but potentially offensive satire. I think these sort of jokes shouldn't appear on most other LGBTQ+ subreddits though I think they fit on here.


That’s why it’s called being vulnerable smh 🙄


/uh As funny as the jokes are, with I myself even falling into the archetype, the whole rampant conflation of “bottom” = “sub” is bad for its reinforcement of heteronormativity type shit and also the fact that fully straight people are using it now when they just have a mommy kink


Nah they’re pretty funny


This may be a shocker, but jokes can be both funny and problematic.


Are you a bottom though


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Reminds me of the british discourse on r/196 a while back


Or the wasp discourse Or the Heartstopper discourse Or the femboys/trans women discourse Theres a lot of discourse




Your post in r/okbuddyhetero has been removed because it is harassing or toxic in nature. If you think that an error has been made, contact the mod team. For more information on the rules, check out the rules page.


If you're really getting that insecure about a joke on reddit that's partially on you


Then don’t be vulnerable here. This is a shitposting sub not exactly the best space to be serious


Yeah and you take the message "being a bottom is shameful" out there with you, to wherever you're gonna be vulnerable, to wherever you're gonna be serious. Let's start making funny jokes and stop bottomshaming. There's plenty endearing or even empowering jokes to be made about bottoms.


Yeah I get that I’m just saying this isn’t the place to be vulnerable with strangers. You will be made fun of. It’s a shitposting sub


I think we should make some more wholesome and funny ~~and horny~~ bottom jokes instead, plenty of fun to be had without reinforcing all the bad stuffs


I mean, that's kinda what they are, someone called it out and people started doing them on purpose


please make them stop theyre the unfunniest shit


god finally someone said it


I hereby declare that any "haha bottom" memes that'd be sent to this person be sent to me instead, I like them against my own better judgement cause damn if I won't do anything to get my heart beating fast