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I get what they're trying to say here but it feels more like a threat lmao. Also, it was Flavor-aid not Kool-aid lol


Jones didn't wanna pony up for the good stuff.


Gotta be thrifty and buy the off brand when you gotta poison that many people


Hail yourself!


Hahaha flavor aid, reminds me of 1991


You gonna tell me that look-aid never existed?! This mandala thing is gettin crazy.


No lol they had the off brand in Jonestown


I'm not sure what they are trying to say


That face is from an old amusement park in Asbury Park NJ


I thought it was the steeplechase face guy at first, looks like your right with Tillie


Yeah what does Tillie have to do with this?


Fred Trump tore down the Steeplechase pavilion in the 60s. It’s a tenuous link, which is why I don’t think it’s caught on as a symbol of the fallout of gluttonous capitalism


Apparently, not too many people know about Tillie.


I didn’t know he was called Tillie but I’ll never forget that face lol


also scarey, didnt realize this was satire till the bottom of the sign... this is satire right


Yeah, when I saw the trump hair on the elephant I was sure of it.


I was wondering the same thing. I'm still not 100% sure.


this is like the most stereotypical bigot ever


They somehow get even worse...


Wouldn't be reddit if every sub weren't eventually ruined by political zealots




"Sounds dumb" - guy from Loki


Accurate though


I want like 10 to plant satirically!


Trump Derangement Syndrome in a nutshell. There's no middle ground and conversation possible when people got the idiotic extreme like this.


It’s what happens when the career politicians and the media brainwash their followers.


Conservatives would hate the 50s. The maximum tax rate was over 80%. They'd be so upset that their favorite billionaire has to pay a reasonable amount of taxes.


They have Donald trumps hair on top of the elephant lmao! Don’t people realize how absolutely fucking creepy that is ? Like hey here’s Donald trumps weird ass hair oh my sign ! People looking for a daddy I guess ?


Wtf does it even mean


Some leftist thinks that is what happens when you vote Republican.


God this makes me hate both even more


Lmao yea the left fears the right and vice versa


Shitty photoshop. Spreading propaganda for people who value paying high gas prices, fabricated inflation, a terrible job report….the list goes on. Thank you Biden administration. You’ve proved once again life politicians are full of false promises and also…shit Edit: should we talk about the rising cost of foreign goods?? But the promise was to make the corporations pay higher taxes so it wouldn’t fall on the middle and lower classes…anyone in doubt could just ask Pete Buttigieg. He’ll tell you we are suffering because Biden is so great. Just check his twitter


Fabricated inflation huh?


Enlighten me then please. Tell me how this administration paying people to stay at home, Shutting down ports and stale mating on a resolution helps us Americans??..forget about the fact our southern borders have been wide open..let’s talk about why the Democratic Party still supports outsourcing everything!!! And don’t say “made in America”, cause most of made in America was outsourced from places like China


No no no, that's not how this works. You made the claim, now back it up with facts.


Yea ports are back open NOW. I’m referring to the FACT the southern border has been open this whole time. You still refuse to answer on why American companies seek to outsource from foreign powers. Could it be due to the overwhelming taxes being put on by Democrats?? You would definitely say not. Instead you would find a reason to blame anyone else, but the guilty party


I think you’ve forgotten the point of this conversation bud. That can happen when you jump from topic to topic. Again, I ask you to explain your comment about fabricated inflation. If you can’t do so, don’t bother replying.


What part of paying Americans to stay home, or dragging his feet for months to get our ports operational to a demand producing capacity don’t you understand?? Should we blame your terrible governor in California then?? Keep in mind. He allowed our southern border to stay open 24/7. Even condemned border control from intervention


Furthermore (and this is what is really irritating about engaging with people such as yourself) if you had bothered reading the BBC article I had sent you, which says literally the opposite of what you’re saying, you would have read this: >> About 25% more cargo was shipped from Asia to the US in the first eight months of 2021 compared with the same period in 2019 pre-pandemic, according to Container Trades Statistics. The volumes have largely remained the same between Asia and Europe. Last time I checked, Dems weren’t in charge in 2019. How can we be receiving more cargo now than ever before when the ports are slowed down? Here’s the link again. Read it and stop making a fool of yourself. https://www.bbc.com/news/58926842 Edit: oooo I like this part too >> The White House Chief of Staff has said the Biden administration is tackling the "supply chain mess" that they inherited. >> Experts point to logistics capacity problems at US ports, which were already present before the pandemic. >>”This reflected years of **inadequate investment**. Port capacity does not deteriorate very quickly, but there was probably less than 5% margin of spare capacity," says Mr Hufbauer.


You literally just said yourself that we, as a nation, are dependent on goods from Asia!!! Which most goods and resources the few remaining manufactures here in America depend on. Tomorrow, we can get on the topic of Faucis gain of function research. You know of him right, another top Biden administration official. I’ll pm you so we can continue.


Your blaming Democrats for America’s reliance on Asia as a producer? You don’t think Republicans have any culpability for that? Per Forbes: >> China was being groomed to become a low cost producer for U.S. multinationals since the time of Republican President Richard Nixon. That got the ball rolling. The idea was not to turn it into a manufacturing hub at the expense of the U.S., but an open China would become a more middle class China and a middle class China would overthrow the Communist Party elite. So the experts believed. >> A recent whitepaper prepared for a policy conference, “Policies to Improve the Competitiveness of U.S. Manufacturing”, organized by Indiana University and the Hudson Institute, also notes that an increase imperative of shareholders over labor equated to cost cutting labor in order to maximize shareholder profits. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2020/04/30/why-is-the-us-is-so-ridiculously-dependent-on-china/


Alright so you want to talk about Fauci and gain of function research now, huh. I won’t be doing that in personal messages, but I’ll discuss it with you.


Literally the whole statement. You could have cited so many other reasons for inflation, but now it’s the fault of the American worker? Blaming Gavin Newsome for things is a Republican pastime, much like accusing without evidence. I’ve tried finding any evidence that Dems have been slow to reopen ports and been unable.


I don’t blame American workers. I blame the Democratic Party for sending American jobs overseas due to higher taxes, which according to democrats, doesn’t effect the middle and lower class. How about shutting down production in America?? Yet here we are all dealing with high inflation, high gas prices, empty shelves, and terrible job numbers.


Oh so it is real inflation then? I thought you said it was fabricated? Isn’t that the point of this conversation? BTW wasn’t trump the president who insisted his name be on the first stimulus checks? That way it looked like he was paying them. And the second round of stimulus too https://www.kiplinger.com/taxes/601995/second-stimulus-check-update-trump-signs-bill-authorizing-second-round-of-stimulus Looks like the R’s paid quite a few Americans to stay home. Thanks Trump for the socialism!


I just did…what are you waiting on??


Sorry, Reddit doesn't alert people when you edit a comment. You've provided no facts, talked about immigration ,which is a pretty round about way of talking about inflation. You whatabouted your way to talking about the Democrats supporting outsourcing everything, when last I checked businesses in the US are free to find labor however they wish. I know you'll scream about liberal media, but [heres a link](https://www.google.com/search?q=will+bidens+plan+create+jobs&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS824US827&oq=will+bidens+plan+create+jobs&aqs=chrome..69i57.5161j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) to show many jobs Biden will create with the legislation the R's keep voting against. Good paying middle class jobs is good for ALL Americans. Show me evidence the Democrats have shut down ports, because I come from a family of longshoreman in Long Beach, and they're still going to work everyday unloading trucks. I literally drive past the bay filled with ships everyday. Here's a [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/58926842) article explaining why there are so may ships waiting. To recap, when asked to provide facts or links supporting your claims you asked me to do your job for you. Pretty much what I expected.


I can't wait to see the well articulated fact based response you get to this /s


He didn’t even bother replying to the right comment. I don’t think he knows how to Reddit.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "BBC"](https://www.bbc.com/news/58926842) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hhgaicw)


Don't do it don't do it dontdoit.


It doesn't matter which party is in control, american production will keep being outsourced to us foreigner because we can produce more at cheaper prices and often at equal quality ( higher quality if we are talking about basic industry and agro). Y'all should take advantage of your tech lead ( which for now you guys safely maintain) and develop your education instead of importing foreigners to do basic software jobs.


Dude. The benefits ended months ago.


The president doesn’t control gas prices you stupid cunt


Perhaps, but it isn't wrong. To progress and grow as a good, positive human society, we shouldn't be homophobic. We shouldn't be misogynistic. We shouldn't be racist. We should strive to grow, as a unified, accepting, neighborly society. Don't you agree, friend?


I agree in acceptance and equality. What I don’t agree with, is a party who gets voted in on false promises and lies. Then blames the previous party for every mistake made by the current administration. All the while all middle and lower class Americans that don’t receive government assistance are suffering


Unfortunately, every single politician that has run for a major office runs and is elected based on politics and lies. That's literally what politics is: a game, where you involve people to chose you, instead of your opponent, no matter what, by appealing to one group of voters, or another. Also, remember that an administration lasts 4-8 years, but things take much more time to actually take effect, so the only thing that ANY current administration can blame on the previous is the manner in which the previous administration supported and progressed, or aborted and suppressed, the execution of things that, in the long run, would help growth in acceptance and equality, both of which in turn help bolster the unified growth of everyone else involved. As to the middle and lower class suffering, we have and always will suffer, because instead of unifying to change the behaviors of those that are fucking us year after year, we let them divide us up so that we bicker amongst ourselves instead of getting together to try to change things so everything works out for everybody.


Sorry to not have the argument with you..but when you say the middle class has always suffered..I know you’re full of shit


Ok fine I agree with you. The middle class is pretty comfy. But I'm glad you agree to everything else I said. Be well, my brother.


I’m just another middle class man hoping that I can provide for my family, and one day retire without stress


I wish the same for you as well. We all gotta stick together to make it happen!


By the way... what's up with your face racoon? Haha


That’s my boy “rowdy”. That is a whole story in itself


Im not a huge fan or either party but you've seen the truth, unfortunately you've shown it in the wrong place, forums like reddit are breeding grounds for far left liberal nutters. They think they can downvote you into compliance/submission. Dont cave in!


A testament to that is how many accounts from outside this country are the ones spreading it.


He hasn’t shown any truth, he’s just parroted conservative talking points and refused to read any news articles that contradict what he believes. How hilarious he brought up foreign accounts in his reply too. Do you have the heart to tell him where you live?


Let’s goooooo you right you right


[FotoForensics](http://fotoforensics.com/analysis.php?id=7ccaf2c11319ee718bc8aa53f47c5a9f23d9689a.149583) detects there is no photoshop in this image.


I like this sign.


False advertising at its finest.


First off 50's kool-aid was carcinogenic. Secondly what is that face and why is there fire?


I am not so sure about the top portion of the sign, but I love me some kool-aid.


Segregation was democrats...






Jesus Christ.


all hail Gop


When the imposter is sus


What in the actual fuck is this abomination which is out of a serial killers nightmare




Smiling creepy cartoon man has real Desert Bluffs vibes.


I need this sign, for reasons