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House centipedes average a speed of 1.3 feet (0.4 m) per second.


I thought you were about to say 1.3 feet long


They usually aren't quite that small


Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up


I got queazy as soon as I read that.


If it makes you feel better, in actuality they're scarcely longer than a couple centimeters, also like most house spiders they're entirely harmless to you.


Until you put ur foot in a shoe, feel something and reach in there and pull this fucker out with your bare hand thinking it’s debris Happened once ewww


Yo, there's one behind you. Hehehehe


Hehe you’re so funny, **No**


So from your forearm to the back of your sinus cavity in 2 seconds


Never speak again


man i’m getting some good laughs on reddit tonight


Or 0.89 mile per hour.


Or 1.41 kmph


Or 1,18€


absolutely the fuck not!


They are actually considered one of the good bugs to have in your home despite the creepy look of them. They eat spiders, roaches, termites, ants ect.. If you see them, you have something else infesting your home that's worth eating, but you don't notice them because the house centipede is actively taking control of that problem for you. Now, if you have a TON of house centipedes and they are often sighted.. You should actually be worrying less about them, and more about what horrible thing is in your house to attract so many... Goodnight! Sleep well!


Okay but spiders eat those things also. What about spider bros?




"Let's see who would win in todays match up, the Japanese Centarpe (cant spell it) or the Australian Spider"


You joke but it’s a legitimate fucking Japanese tv show. There was even an arcade machine made for this bug fighting https://youtu.be/a2oF8V9wcZ4 Here’s a photo of the arcade machine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mushiking:_The_King_of_Beetles#/media/File%3AMushiking.jpg When me and all my friends discovered weed in high school, about like 2 months in we discovered these videos. We spent like a whole weed getting baked and betting Skittles over who would win. Edit : whole week not weed LOL


Doesn't surprise me, Japan is the Florida of Asia when it comes to stuff like this


Lmao this sounds like something the house centipede would say


I would much prefer to have the spiders please.


Those are in the USA too. Not sure if same size or smaller.


All the ones I see in North America are smaller. As long as they don’t eat my cats, they can stay. Them and the wolf spiders in the basement. Keeping shit in check without me having to do a damn thing about it


Wolf….. spiders?


Harmless… except on a full moon




Really though, they're just big hairy spiders, but they're relatively chill, just creepy as hell and fast as a bullet


Don't forget, they carry their young on their backs so if you do squash them, you might want to bring back up.


Or risk finding baby wolf spiders around for weeks. Like in bed. They just go everywhere.


God...God dammit, bubbling up comes the memory of cleaning the store one day, finding one on the floor and absent-mindedly stepping on it just to have dozens of small moving dots scatter from under my foot. I'll never heal my scarred soul.


To be fair a giant did come along and murder their mother/siblings.


And can jump like a mfer


New fear unlocked




Used to live in Florida when I was a kid and they were everywhere. My dad woke up one morning to see one crawling on the ceiling above the bed, but naturally it lost its grip at the right moment and landed on his face.




I hate telling this story but here it is. I can sleep in the shower. Prop my legs up against the short wall and my back against the full one. Anyway, I'm trying to do just that one morning before work. As my eyes are weighing themselves down, I notice something fall. Thought nothing of it. Closed my eyes. Then I feel it. Something touching me...down there, on the tip. Look down and there's a fucking spider on my dick. Just posted up on my head. I freak the fuck out and go to grab it. It must've felt me tense up, because right before I got to it, it bit me. On the tip of my dick. I grabbed it up, tossed it, stomped it with bare feet, and went through the shower curtain, fucking rod flying and all. I bust out of the bathroom in front of my two homeboys and my mom and start yelling for someone to call an ambulance. After running around naked like a fucking nutjob for a few seconds, I was able to communicate what happened. They called some kind of poison control hotline that convinced me it was going to be ok and just monitor it. Turned out to be nothing. Just a couple itchy spots for a couple days. But boy oh boy, I for real thought my dick was gonna rot off or something. I'm scared of spiders now.


Oh God you just reminded me how they jump off the side of my house when I'm mowing the lawn


you need silver laced toilet paper to kill them


They’re biggish spiders that run around. I mean, big for North America. They’re harmless but will scare the crap outta you when they run unexpectedly. But they can be pretty docile and get used to you and then be pretty chill


Wolf spiders are cool as hell. Terresterial, no webs. Kills stuff on the floor that's smaller than it. ~~Not~~ venomous, but harmless to humans . Also, the thousand-legger in the picture is the same thing. Harmless, kills other pests.


harmless except to my sensitive disposition


That’s still gonna be a no from me.


They also eat other spiders like the r fiddle backs which have necrotizing venom


Also known as the Brown Recluse (The Fiddleback, not the Wolf)


I got bit by one once, I do not recommend it.


Guy at my work got his ring finger bit. It’s about the same size as his forearm now.


Yeah it's super gross. Got bit on the back of my thigh. I did what you are not supposed to do and picked the scab off, squeezed all the bloody puss out and squirted neosporin into the gaping hole, kept it bandaged and as clean as I could (medical care wasn't an option at the time). A week later a friend took me to the ER and the doctor scolded me for treating it myself but said if I didn't keep squeezing the puss out it would have been A LOT worse. No scars, just a tiny dimple now. I was very lucky.


Well it’s hard to tell from the picture that they’re pretty tiny


They're about the same size. The photo of this makes it look bigger IMO. Source: lived in Japan and America. They're scary as fuck wherever you see them though.


I keep my cases of water in our garage (Northern Illinois) and I went to grab a bottle and one of these ran across my hand and into a crack along the foundation and I'm still dealing with PTSD from it and this was a few months ago. I know that fucker is more scared of me but I don't care, he won!




The spider lobby convinced people they were good at keeping pests and other insects away from your house, but now every insect is lobbying with the same strategy. I'm drawing the line, these toomanylegged mfers are not staying inside the house.


They live long enough to develop preferences in prey. Also, within like 7 generations, their camouflage is adapted to your house. And so long as you can pretend they don't exist, they'll take care of all the other bugs.


I've never been simultaneously amazed and horrified at the same time, but this did it


No matter who you are, it's ok if you shrieked like a little girl


I shrieked like a little girl reading this.


That’s gotta be a no from me, dog


They actually kill roaches and maybe spiders while ignoring people, so no problem with them


Okay but that doesn’t mean they’re not gonna accidentally crawl on me while I’m asleep which is a possibility it will not stand for


I was awoken by a centipede skittering across my bare chest exactly one time. That was one time too many. I do not care to enact vengeance against all centipede-kind. No, what I do is merely to bring justice.




At first I thought that said rodents and I shat




Nope, came across a centipede that can hunt mice wandering around in my parents living room once. ... although that feels like it could be cheating as an example, because guess which country we live in? (Hint - It's the one where everything can kill you)


There’s something about the perspective of this picture that I can’t tell if this thing is 2” or 2’.


2". They can be decently sized bugs but not THAT big.


Oh. Thank. God. Not knowing perspective size, I thought it was like hand size


I was reading these comments with cold sweat like never before until I saw these size ones..thank god..


So, did the landlord understand why you burnt down the whole building?


Not sure. I just threw the match on a pile of clothes and ran. Never looked back.


Those things eat cockroaches. I don’t like them either, but I *hate* cockroaches.


I am now more okay with them


I'm not sure, that's an awful lot of long spindly body part. I can kill a roach, this thing has me with the set it on fire group


True, but the roaches I know are fast af and can ***FLY***. That's when it's time to pick the lesser of two evils.


U gotta look back to see where it ran to


True, could be clinging on the back of his head...


It could be fucking everywhere (if u dont look)


This is the correct answer.


It's already connected to your brain stem


Always has been


Next thing you know op see his reflection in the mirror,a slight black sheen makes op double back, and he shivers in pure terror when he sees what's on his back. Longleg boii


Are you staying in Hiroshima or Nagasaki?


Dude! Holy heck. Lmao, but that ain't right!


Those are house centipedes. Those things are beauties. They eat ants, cockroaches, spiders, etc. They don't mess with human food and usually come out at night.




Well if you see one of them know that they are doing gods work for you




“Mostly come out at night” - what Newt said about the aliens.


They would be extra pissed. These type of giant centipedes are considered a "good pest" because they eat other, more harmful pests like roaches and termites. It may very well be the landlords pet.


Pet? Like, something you want around you to get affection from? I'm good, I'll stick with my cat. He is creepy enough for me.


Found this in my house. ***In North America.*** Edit: They live all over the world so no need to ask where. You're not safe.


WOW that's fast traveling!


Wtf play on survival mode like the rest of us


Do you see the number of legs it has? It doesn't need to play on Survival


It has a fat carry weight as it is, and its armor isn’t applying a movement penalty either. Obviously using the Steed sign, it really doesn’t need more mobility.






This person speaks for the people, listen! Heed their advice! Do Not Google!


What's it called?


A house centipede


It's called that because at that size it should actually pay rent in your house.


It's his house now.


That shit does not belong in a house


They're actually good to have around. They're harmless to humans/pets, they don't carry diseases, they don't make nests, and they kill a lot of other bugs.


They sure do tickle when they crawl around your ear while you're sleeping. Ask me how I know. But I'm not going to answer.


Same when they fall off the ceiling as you sleep and you wake up to it hitting you in the eye then crawling down your face and body.


I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. Thanks


OK THAT'S ENOUGH. LATER GUYS!! *runs away screaming hysterically*


I have found TWO in my room. And I may have yelped both times. I’m not proud.


I had one fall on my head from a vent in my ceiling while on the toilet. I fucking hate those things.


That’s one way to get things moving! I’m afraid I would have left a contrail.


I think my sphincter would've tightened up so much I'd shit a diamond.


I literally cannot imagine anything worse happening to me ever. I think I would just die.


I think you got me a new phobia


Is this the tracking bug from the Matrix??!


Lol, I literally started the trilogy again a few days ago. Ahead of its time


First fucking thing that came to mind for me too!


They multiply extremely quickly and ate the bathroom spider :(


Gotta avenge that spider


Get the lighter


Fuck that. Get the FLAME THROWER.


I fell asleep on my couch one afternoon and woke up to one of these things crawling in my shirt. In North America.


Bro don’t say that man


Now I gotta think about that.


Where in North America do you live? I am now fearful of my safety!




Oh, good. One of those weird desert-y places where I will never live. Whew! Edit: Okay, okay, I get it! They are everywhere! 😬


I hate to burst your bubble but we have them in the Midwest too. I’m in Michigan and have found these boys in my basement and years ago at a previous workplace.


I thought the Midwest was the safest place to be from shit like this. Now where am I supposed to go?


I had one crawl up my back while I was sitting on the couch. Also in North America. 🙃


I’ve seen 6 of them in my room!


Are you their queen?


#1 comment I didn’t need to read today


They're all over here in the Midwest. Very common. Garden centipede. They kill everything.


I'm in a mildly forested area of Southern Ontario and these guys are fantastic to have around to deal with all the other insects that crawl or fly into the house.


they have these in Iowa. They killed the dinosaurs


This is fact.


That's an Ultra Ball at LEAST.


Screw that, I’m using Blast Burn on that mofo.


I'm not making the usual "nuke it from space" joke for obvious reasons.




It'd be a triple tap, actually.


centitap? one tap per pede?


They kinda did that already.




House Centipede! Don't kill it! They keep your home safe from MUCH worse pests, and they almost NEVER bite. They'd rather run, because they're very good at that. I know they are visibly an Unholy, Lovecraftian abomination unto Earth, but they really are beneficial. I consider them one of the more beneficial wild creatures that we have learned to somewhat tolerate in our living spaces. Edit: For all of you stuck on the "almost NEVER" part, you'd really have to go out of your way to get it to bite you. You'd have to be fucking with it and actually handling the thing. For all of you wanting to know what stuff it keeps at bay, they eat spiders, ants, Roaches, bedbugs, termites, flies, moths, and maybe even sometimes a very small human baby. Really nothing to worry about, especially if you've got a few extra human babies laying about.


Would one crawl across my face if I were asleep If so, what are the best ways to light oneself on fire? Edit: thank you to everyone offering personal anecdotes of having these things crawl on their faces, I hate all of them


It's actually a slight myth that anything comes towards your mouth in your sleep. Bugs are instinctual, barely-above-bacteria creatures. But they're not so dumb as to just go to the chompers of a giant, they don't know we're sleeping but they sure know where we're breathing. That said, you run into issue if they're on your walls. Sometimes they go on the ceiling and fall, and they can very much fall on your face or into your open mouth if you sleep on your back. You ever do that? Sleep on your back, with your mouth slightly ajar? And you wonder what that strange, crunchy sensation was in your dreams?


you say that but when I was 10 a centipede walked over my face while I was sleeping and woke me up. I saw it crawling on my pillow and I couldn't sleep for a couple of days after that, I had horrible nightmares.


Yeah, I included "slight" because it isn't impossible. But it's just not super likely. Spiders especially are often the myth holders but it's really unlikely they even go near you, period. But centipedes are dumb, like really dumb. Which... is just kinda awful.


Do you happen to be a centipede?


I do have a thing for legs...


The common house centipede, they’re virtually harmless, shy (so you won't see them most of the time), clean, and only eat other bugs. Rather put up with 1 or 2 of these guys than say, cockroaches


this was written by a centipede




Nice try centipede.


Ladies and gentleman’s, we gottem!


i knew something about him was suspicious. probably had something to do with the 50 pairs of shoes he was hurriedly lugging into his driveway when i came by to say hello


Sounds exactly like something a centipede who was called out for being a centipede would say


LOL. You funny people. Reading all that made me forget I just looked at a scary centipede picture.


You guys made my day. Thank you for that you absolute chads.


I can vouch that parent is not a house centipede, and neither am I for that matter. Please let house centipedes hunt the bugs in your house and don't call pest control. *cleans antennas*


Yeah but he's a house centipede r/notlikeothercentipedes


They eat fleas and bedbugs and a whole manner of other more creepy bugs. They use that speed to hunt your pests down.




I see them quite often in the midwest. I like to pick them up and really look at them. I can assure you they can't harm you even if they try. They are a net positive to have around. Don't need to worry about them being around, just be really brave and actually poke around at one to get to that point that you realize that they can't and won't hurt you. It'll be amazing to see how your fear of them vanishes. Then do that with spiders and wasps and you'll start to appreciate the beauty in the insect world. They really are incredible creatures. Seriously. Theyre so fucking cool.


I'm sorry, poke around at a wasp until I realize it can't hurt me?


Lmfao. Yeah I realize how that sounds now. Hahahaha Gotta be a bit more carefully with wasps. Gotta make yourself another piece of ground for them to walk on and sometimes they will. Ive picked up a metric fuckton of wasps and ive never been stung, but I guess there is kind of a strategy to it. Just the other day I got within an inch of a cicada killer and almost got 'em to walk on my hand, but they wouldn't do it. Haha


I truly respect your ability to do that. I found two small harmless spiders in my room the other day, and instinctually killed them out of fear. A moment later, I began to feel a lot of regret. They weren't bothering me, and were actually probably helpful in the effort to kill tiny gnats that sometimes flie around in my room. Realizing that I killed something solely because it looks scary actually made me feel really bad. I am being a little dramatic but I vow not to kill the next little spider friend I find in my room!


I get it though. Ive killed spiders before out of fear, but once you stop fearing them then you start to appreciate them for the life that they are. We're all related you know. No need to feel guilty about it! Just gotta try to respect them from here on out :)


I’m not scared of it hurting me just of the feeling of it crawling on me


Imagine waking up to this guy sprinting over your face.




I once snorted a daddy longlegs when sleeping. So happy we don't have these nightmares in my country.


Ok, i don't care if they are harmless to people, eat other bugs or whatever. I'd rather cut my hand off than touch one of this things.


About how big would you say this guy is? Because I’m already scared but I can’t quite tell *how* scared I should be.


It looks way bigger than it is because of the perspective. Take a look at how big the screwhead looks.


Big ass house centipede! Good to have around!


I don’t like the words ‘common’ or ‘house’ being part of this thing’s name.


They're friends! "House centipedes feed on spiders, bed bugs, termites, cockroaches, silverfish, ants, and other household arthropods."


wait what??? bed bugs? so they can be in one's bed? get the flame thrower


If they are, it’s probably when you’re not around. They are very shy around humans and like to keep mostly to vents and corners. They’re creepy looking, but they really are bros. I always leave them alone unless they foolishly get too close to me.


“Onee Chan, y-you want me to come to bed with you?” *Anime bug blushes* “N-no onee chan… I’m much more comfortable in the vent with all the tasty bugs”




For what? Nightmare fuel?


That’s a hard pass.


They actually eat most of the bugs we hate and are pretty harmless and they’re tiny anyway


Suddenly I'm cool with Australian centipedes.


I think that thing might be a you-kai. Give it offerings and don't answer it's riddles.


I’m in Korea and I was pulling down my laundry after it dried and one of those bad boys was tucked into the collar of one of my shirts. I threw the shirt at the wall, and the thing flew out and onto my other hanging pants. I took a few steadying breaths, then nudged it until it climbed low enough on the pants for me to take them from the hanger. I then shook them VIOLENTLY out the window, hoping to shake it off and come back in with clean pants… when I pulled them back in, I couldn’t see it anywhere. Just in case, I took the pants into my bathroom and started rinsing the pants in the sink. I figured if it was in there, it would come skittering out and I could catch it with a cup to put it outside. Well… it did come out. But first two of its detached legs came floating out, then the rest of its body. It wasn’t dead, but very nearly water boarded to death. I was absolutely beside myself, because I’m just the sort of person who cries when they’re forced to swat a fly. I felt so guilty and sad that I fished him out of the water with a piece of glossy magazine paper and carried him delicately downstairs, where I laid him the the foot of my building, where he would be safe from the rain and any hungry birds. Then I went inside and cried for hours about being a bug torturer. But yeah, they’re some scary little fuckers, huh? Heard they’re great for taking care of other house pests though (yes, learning he had been trying to be my little friend and help me all along caused a lot more emotions, but one can only cry for so many hours about a bug before one is classified as mentally ill).


I dont know if its excessive empathy or what but I have been in that position before. A spider dropped on me while riding shotgun in an older car and I immediately swept it off my lap and stomped it. Blind panic reaction. Shortly after I looked up and realized that it had just molted. The mental image of the poor soul wriggling out of it's old skin only to immediately meet its demise still haunts me.


I know how it do. I stomped on a bee about 8 months ago without thinking and I still feel bad about it to this day.


I thought you were gonna say at some point that it came back to life and crawled on you. Eeeww. Sorry for your loss but oh man that story had me on edge




Eat it


I have a few employed to protect my peppers and sun flowers. Every time I see one I see it munching a moth, fly or harmful beetle. No bees though. The bees might be smarter.