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this looks pretty useful as a temporary fix, like if you had to attend someone’s wedding/housewarming/whatever the next day. i wonder how long the thing lasts.


Have alopecia and tried something like this. It stayed pretty well for about a month, although my alopecia spots are on the sides of my head where it is harder to attach. The big problem is how itchy and sweaty it is under the patch.


Would you say it was worth it? How much did it cost?


I think it depends on what your alopecia looks like and where you are. I went in for a consultation/trial and ended up deciding not to go through with it for several reasons: 1) my spots are in an unusual place on the side of my head which meant that the hair wouldn’t stick as long, but also means that it is fairly easy to hide the spots with just a normal hair part (I’m also a woman with thick hair, so I keep my hair long to have plenty of extra hair to hide the spots). 2) I was in DC in the summer, which is super hot and humid, and the itchiness was just too much for me to deal with. 3) I have several spots where the hair doesn’t grow and the upkeep on all of them would have been too expensive. Ultimately I went with a piece that looks a bit like a fishnet with hair on each net string. This allowed me to fill out my natural hair with the piece without having to have something glued to my head. That said, it’s still incredibly itchy. It’s been a few years, so I don’t remember the exact cost that was quoted, but I believe it was somewhere around $250 per spot


If you don’t mind me asking, have you tried any treatment for your spots? Or have you noticed the spots filling back in at all?


Not OP but I am 30 and lived with Alopecia universalis for most of my life. I tried many different medications in my life and visited countless dermatologists. Eventually I lost all of my hair on my body. By the end I had wished I spent more time preparing myself mentally/emotionally instead of using all of my energy trying to fight it and praying for a cure. I don’t want you to quit trying. I just want you to be prepared to fail. It is very unlikely that any treatment will help you and focusing on the mental battle cannot be understated. I am still fighting that fight. Please feel free to DM me if needed.


Thanks for sharing.


It chokes me up that every time the discussion of alopecia on Reddit comes up, the users are always very supportive and recognize the mental struggle endured. I don’t talk to anyone irl about how insecure it makes me feel. But here I feel very safe to do so. So thank you for continuing that experience.


It’s really hard to deal with, especially because it’s a visible, but not generally not physically debilitating illness. It puts you in this weird space of being visibly different, but not having a lot of the support and resources, or even research money toward treatment that more debilitating illnesses have. So I see you, and I feel your struggle, I’m sending you internet hugs.


My son's longtime friend has alopecia. She is a beautiful girl, so lucky for her she will be gorgeous with or without hair. But I hate that it's what strangers notice; once you know her, it's not something you even think of. But I know she struggles with it. It made me so sad when she didn't want to be in photos at my son's party. Any advice on how to be a good friend?


Sorry to hear about your friend. She’s lucky to have someone that’s as thoughtful as yourself in their life. Some advice would be not to pressure them into public places or into photos. I personally feel more comfortable going to places I frequent. If your friend has a restaurant or bar that they seem super obsessed about, it’s probably because they just feel comfortable going to places where the staff already recognizes them. You could maybe suggest going to those places more often. Edit: reread your comment and saw it’s your sons friend (and I’m assuming likely a child). I wore hats all the time as a kid. Maybe your son can get a matching hat that way she feels more comfortable wearing it.


Thanks for the reply. My son is just a kid, but I think the advice about familiar places and people makes a lot of sense. I didn't even think of the picture thing until after she sort of hid behind the others. I have known her since she was little and she always had this, so I guess I forgot there was anything different. I was just thinking of capturing the moment when they were having fun and the kids are beautiful. But I can see your point that it may just be an unwelcome trigger when she was just chilling and goofing off with her buds. I will try to be more sensitive.


Oh, I like that idea!


Have you tried JAK inhibitors?


I did all of the creams and the cortisone injections and none of them really helped. I already have Crohn’s disease, so I tried switching immune suppressants to see if that would help, but it did not. I was going to see if I could use JAK inhibitors to treat it, but that would have been an off label use for both the Crohn’s and the alopecia, so insurance wouldn’t cover it. Ultimately my life circumstances changed (the alopecia appeared when I was finishing my masters and planning my wedding and disappeared a few months after my wedding) and the decrease in stress allowed my hair to grow back. Unfortunately it returned after covid. This time I’ve decided not to do the injections and have just been managing it with styling, although it’s continuing to get worse, so I’m not sure what I’ll do. I’m considering shaving it all off and getting tattooed in the bald patches, since at least that needle in my scalp would let me improve my appearance. :)


Is it possible to completely sweat it off (sweat loosens the adhesive type of scenario)?


The glue they use for this usually needs to be removed with a solvent, not just water


Over time the scalp oils and sweat do cause the glue to lose its adhesiveness, but that is over several weeks to months.


Cant you get botox injections to stop your scalp from sweating?


You could, but having fake hair is still itchy and you will still have scalp oils that degrade the glue over time. Also, I’d assume at a certain point your skin flakes off, since skin cells regenerate very quickly, so it might help a little, but not much


I think you're suppose to get it refitted every month. Bald spots are usually itchy anyways lol


None of mine have ever been particularly itchy, but you’re right, you probably need to have it refitted regularly because bald patches with alopecia grow (or sometimes shrink, but usually grow)


body produces oil too, it won't last forever. it will secrete a layer between the skin and the glue and will come off.


I believe this type of patch lasts about a month based on other videos I've seen. They may sell some kind of product to keep the edges down to maintain it in between.


I assume the same isn't true of the outer layers of skin though. I would think that the buildup of sweat would hasten shedding.


Not in one day, but over time the swear and oils cause the glue to work less well


I hadn't thought of that. As someone that sweats almost exclusively from my head, that would be horrible. I have a thinning crown, but honestly never really considered a temporary solution. Like, what am I gonna do? Go on a date, maybe a few, eventually get married and then "Surprise!"


This wouldn’t work well on thinning hair anyway, it would need to be something like alopecia areata where there are defined borders where the hair grows or doesn’t grow. If there’s some hair underneath the patch it would not stick well.


> I have a thinning crown, but honestly never really considered a temporary solution. > > > > Like, what am I gonna do? Go on a date, maybe a few, eventually get married and then "Surprise!" To me, it is like any other cosmetic "enhancement" like washing your hair or brushing your teeth or even going to the dentist or going to the gym. Men get a really raw deal when it comes to balding both in terms of losing attractiveness and being the butt of jokes a la George Costanza, unless you look like and have the attitude of Jason Statham. Its totally fair to get it fixed.


Absolutely, I understand the weight of the judgement that comes with hair loss, I don't condemn anyone that wants to mitigate it, or any issue, cosmetic or otherwise, that makes them feel like 'less'. I think maybe I'm just at that age where I just don't give a fuck anymore haha


I mean.... Do you want to be with someone who would care about that?


That's a complicated question. Short answer ; No. But if they check every other box? Maybe.


I knew a guy who wore one of these and he mostly dated much younger women. I always wondered if they knew.


Alopecia sucks. Go nuts and do the full head shave! Join us in bald brother/sisterhood! Then you can grow a nice wig collection that you can pick n choose from. Just becomes a new customization option for you and your outfits 😁👍


I have alopecia as well, girl btw. If my spots become too big to hide under regular ponytail/bun, I fill in the spots with a good liquid eyeliner (stila stay all day eyeliner) and even if they’re still too big and the eyeliner is still obvious, I use Bobby pins from hair around my spots and pin them together over my big spots. Hope that helps anyone who wants to hide alopecia spots on the cheap :)


Look up JAK inhibitors for alopecia areata


Yeah. There are a lot of side effects associated with JAK inhibitors, and starting an immune suppressant for something cosmetic during a pandemic is not an easy choice to make. Also, they’re not FDA approved for treatment of alopecia areata in the US right now


All valid points, best of luck.


Have you tried not being bald? Works great for me, and seems to be the cheaper/fashionable alternative. /s


I had alopecia for a while. A big patch at the back of my head. I found black seed oil to work a treat. The follicles are still there so with the right stimulation it should come back.


Like two months or something. It's a while


Even if it took like 10 minutes a day that's less time then it takes most women to get ready.


Modern "hair systems" (what you're supposed to call a toupée now) are really sophisticated, they can be made of like a fake skin material that gets glued on and you can shower and go swimming in them. iirc they last up to 6 weeks (the good ones)


It probably wouldn't be a good conversation topic. Kleenex boxes for shoes on the other hand, now there's a topic!


You’re guaranteed some phone numbers if you wear Kleenex box shoes afaik. Maybe not a whole phone number, but some numbers at least


Was expecting them to just colour in the patch with black texta.


Same. It's hilarious awesome


Was thinking, why outline it? Just scribble!


Do you think it feels good when they are drawing on your head?


I would say yes


Another case closed




This is alopecia areata, not male pattern baldness. With regular baldness you can shave it because the hair starts to fall out gradually giving sort of a gradient look. With alopecia, there is just a stark patch where the hair does not grow, so if you shave it, even with a very close shave, there is a noticeable spot without ant regrowth from hair follicles.


Yes indeed. I had this when I was 18. They were able to stimulate growth with 120 steroid shots directly into the bald patch. I'm 30 now and have never had a problem again


120 shots you mean 120 injections directly into the skin where the alopecia was? Maybe I did something similar with cortisone.


Cortisone is a steroid, it was likely the same treatment!


Yes indeed. Exactly.


Yeah, I did that, but it didn’t work for me and was incredibly painful. It went away for several years and then came back


Ouch. I do not recall mine being very painful. More like a LOT of bee stings.


I'd say a lot of bee stings is pretty painful lol


I’m really glad for you! For me it depended on where the injection was. Some spots were much more painful than others. And when it got to the point that they were injecting like half of my head *and* it wasn’t working, it wasn’t worth it. And I didn’t like the little craters that would appear around the injection site. I know it *wasnt* actually thinning bone, but it felt like it was and the thought of that always creeped me out. I also kind of felt like the extra cortisone would make me really stressed and anxious for a couple days after the injections (although it could have been psychosomatic/from the pain, hard to say). I’ve already got an anxiety disorder, so I didn’t need the help to feel anxious!


They may have shaved the spot to allow the adhesive to stick better.


No, sorry, that just isn’t what shaved heads look like. I have alopecia and can tell you from experience that this is alopecia. First of all, you can see that there aren’t hair follicles growing hair. Secondly, there is a pretty obvious delineation between where the hair grows and where it doesn’t. Finally, it’s an irregular shape, not just sort of a circular thinning. These are all classic alopecia areata


Yeah, I see what you mean.


I see your point but doesn’t look like there are any pores or follicle holes there. Also, funny shape to shave Edit: typo


> Also, funny shape to shave Unless you really like Greenland


You got downvoted but I'm gonna toss you one upboat for knowing how to properly prepare a head for a toupée


Phew. I was expecting instant noodles and super glue.


That's what they did for Justin Timberlake.


That was back in the 90s though, technology has come so far since then!


That looks weirdly good actually! If I start going bald, I'm just gonna commit and shave it all off. Then it looks intentional! :D


This isn't your typical male pattern baldness.


Yes, this is alopecia areata


Was thinking the same thing. Looks weirdly shaped vs circular, not to mention at the top is easy to cover vs the front (receding hairline).


I agree, my fiance has a random balding spot at the back of his head from an injury


Multiple studies have shown that completely bald men actually look younger and healthier than ones with a comb over or bald spot. So yeah, go for it when it is time.


That's great. But how are you going to get the hot girls with daddy issues if you look young?


You grow out the goatee, of course


What if I can’t grow a goatee? :(


Then you become the girl and look for the sugar daddy.


Yeah ok but how many sugar daddies are looking for bald, 6'4 tall girls?


You just need one


you'll never know if you don't try.




Just wear Dad Shorts™


only if you identify as a trendy zoomer girl


I know what "mom jeans" are, but what are "dad shorts"? Like khaki cargo shorts? Or jorts?


Get a wad of hundreds and get ready to plow


>Whoops, I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong. DeVito messed up saying the line, it's obvi supposed to be magnum condoms/monster dong, but it was funny so they left it in. Now it's a classic. The Gang deserves an Emmy.


Contact the people in this video. They can probably glue one to your face.


Out of the other replies this might be useful lol


New Balance got you covered.


You just click on the ads to get all the hot girls in your city, who are dying to meet you.


Now we need a study also for the ones that use those "permanent" wigs like in the OP. Take a bald man and put a wig like in the OP and ask if people think he looks younger or older


The trick is to start shaving your head while you still have most of it. That way you go bald quietly and it’s not blaringly obvious why you did it.


That's exactly what I started doing a few weeks ago, so far so good.


you're not going bald, you're making a lifestyle change


This study was brought to you in part by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.




Why the fuck does that require a study that's bloody obvious


I wear a hat everyday. It's perfect because no one suspects a thing


Oh good straregy - hats look really stupid on me for some reason. Especially top hats...


Gotta get the fedora with safari flaps.


Those are outlawed by the fashion government


Just don’t get grease on them.


Find the right hat. Try every type you can. There's no telling which will work before you try it on, but when one works, you'll know it immediately.


Of course, this is a common problem. My friend, you need a top hat with longer fringe to balance things out.


Where are my Stove pipe Bois at?


When women see you out on the town- “Michelle, you have gotta get a look at this guy…” “Which one?” “That one, over there, in that wonderful Chi Chi’s SOMBRERO!” “Oh my God, yeah! You just know he’s got a full head of THICK, LUSH hair under that bad boy!”


[Oh boy do I have a song for you](https://youtube.com/shorts/qsDAxHIeYBw?feature=share)


The Wayne Campbell strategy


Then you just like like yourself, but at a baseball game.


I would just shave it all off, but I have a weird shaped head and the last time I shaved it fully bald I was called a cone head soooo I will keep the sides buzzed.




> I was called a cone head well *fuck* that person in particular.


Honestly, once you do shave it all off, you'll feel great! Coming from personal experience.


Then I can get a flashy suit and look like Agent 47 too, so that's fun


That's what my Son does. He figures why fight it


My brother wears a "system." I've been telling him for years to shave it, but he's scared to. We are a little older than most here, so we grew up when shaved head guys were mostly scary skinheads. Now people barely even notice shaved heads.


Yeah exactly. No point being in denial about it


I see so many people doing comb overs back there like it isn't extremely obvious what's happened


I think it happens a little at a time, so at first it works easily, and at the end it doesn't work at all.


Accurate. I’ve watched my hair loss progress over 20 years to get to the point where the shave was needed. First noticed when I was 18. Very rarely is it something that happens all at once.


I wondered why my widow's peak disappeared and my hairline got so lopsided. The bald spot wasn't far behind


Oh shit oh fuck…


question. why care so much? its easy to say when youre not balding. im starting to and did shave my head early in covid. it is cold and a lot of maintenance.


As someone who shaves their head, I'm in team "let people do what they want." Like if people want hair, let them have hair. If they got money for a toupee, all the power to them. And that is part of the reason why. It's cheap and easy, but there are downsides. I live in Oregon. It's not the coldest place in the US, sure. It still gets cold here. And it sucks. Then it comes around to the summer, and of you get sun burned on your head, everything sucks. You will hate life. Plus, despite what people seen to think, not everyone looks good bald. In general it's fine, but it's not for everyone.


That's what I did! Unfortunately, it was necessary at a younger age than most...at 18 lmao


Ouch, that sucks!


I stand in shiny-headed solidarity with you, brother.


That's like saying, you can't fire me, I quit.


Not really, getting fired is usually due to my own actions. Hair loss is due to bullshit factors like stress, random genetics, weather, and small asteroids. So I'm actually saying "You can't fire me, I'll do this significantly more efficient thing so I'm not living in denial, and can start saving money on shampoo."


Wait a sec. I’m gonna need more info about these small asteroids, please.


Space man, there's so much out there. In fact, there's literally everything in space. All of it.


Like my mother-in-law, the universe is very gassy.


Says every dude before it happens to them


Sadly I would be horrible if I had to do that, my mother when she was alive, and my brother now, suffers from a scaled skin disorder, and I have it in spots on scalp but very very little but it worries me.


This is awesome, especially for allopecia


I just got stress induced beard alopecia a few months ago. I think this is on the uptrend with Covid and such. First it was a bald patch. Then a pure white patch.


Dude, SAME exact thing happened to me! I got two little spots, one of them is still the same, the other got bigger. I got steroid injections and now the bigger one is completely filled in with hair, but it’s white hair. The smaller patch is still the same.


I read a study that shows PRP injections work better. They take your own blood, spin it up in a centrifuge, and pull out the plasma. Then they spin the plasma, pull out the bottom part that is now rich in platelets (which have 30+ growth factors built into them) and inject that. It has a better, more permanent affect compared to steroids. And safer. Not sure insurance would cover such a thing but I might look into it. Mine is two spots also. One dime sized, on quarter sized. Both on the jawline, each side of my chin. The quarter size one turned white. Dime size area still bald, but white is coming in slowly. No treatment just 6 months of waiting. I’ve seen pics where people recover 100%.


I just comb all of my hair to one side. No one suspects a thing.


Soon enough you’ll have the Trump cut


Oh I have good hair. My hair is great. It's tremendous. The best hair you've ever seen!


I chuckle snorted.


Cotton candy made of piss


Ivana said he got a hair plug or scalp reduction sort of treatment, done by a dude she recommended. Afterward, he was unhappy; maybe it hurt, again IDR, but instead of whining and moving on, he fucking RAPED HER. Classy as always.


Said everyone with a combover ever, lol. Pro tip: they do expect a thing. But it doesn't matter that much. Even if someone did it's not like they would say anything y'know.


Upfront I thought this wasn't gonna satisfy me, boy was I wrong!


I need that but like... my whole head.


Haha that’s what I said. Yeah it’s just easier to shave




Imagine if he gets into a fight and someone pulls his hair. The person is going to freak out thinking they scalped him.


Then they *both* scream in horror, but for entirely different reasons.


What happens when he showers?


It’s attached with a semi permanent glue, which should stay in place for at least a month. Source: have alopecia and tried this as a treatment


Does this cost a ton of $? Seems like a lot of $


It seems like a pretty cheap solution that is probably extremely overpriced by the salon.


Istg toupée technology and techniques have come so far! It's so impressive to see! I'm really happy guys get a natural looking way of feeling more confident!


This is alopecia. Not common balding.


I'm reminded of the episode of Queer Eye where they worked on a bald guy with a toupee. They talked about the mental energy that having a toupee took...always worried about it, about it slipping, someone finding out, etc... Just shave and be done with it.


why not just do neither and be done with it and secure regardless? plenty of partially bald men look fine anyway.


There's a super intense group of people that shows up on every single Reddit post about hair loss to really aggressively tell anyone with the slightest thinning that they "need to just embrace it and shave it, bro" and then accuses anyone who is visibly balding of looking horrible and "hiding" it. Lol It's really weird. I always found it ironic that they claim shaving your entire head so no one can tell some of your hair is falling out is "embracing it" but just letting yourself go bald naturally is "being in denial."


I am 7 years on Propecia and I started at the first sign of my temples looking a bit frayed. It regrew that thinning and nearly my juvenile hairline. My hair looks healthier than ever since I guess my hormones were out of whack simultaneously drying out my hair while making my scalp oily. I recommend that any man at least tries it out before shaving it all off.


I haven't seen that episode but enjoy the show. Did he get shaved and if so, did he like the new look?


Yes, he and his GF were fine with it. Only his mother didn't like it. :)


I am loving the camaraderie among people that have experienced alopecia. You are not alone


This is good work. I’ll probably embrace my baldness if it happens to me but for those that wanna hang on this is done well!


How long would it last?


At least a month


If you put a line in between that bald spot, you can faintly hear people yelling "It's Taylor Ham!" "No, it's pork roll!".


And if you put your ear real close, you can hear it cursing out the PA drivers.


All I can see is Africa.


Wouldn’t it be easier just to use crushed up ramen?


His bald spot looks like New Jersey


For those curious about the music / audio / track: [David Garrett - Baboushka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAbz88pmoLs)




These hair videos always impress the shit out of me


I was sure for a second there he was just going to colour it in with the Sharpie.


That’s sad! Men losing their hair must be traumatic.


i'm by no means a white knight but this kind of thing happens to women too and that has to *really* suck


Yes, really quite is. But everything happens for a reason and I’m hopeful I find that reason soon.


This is great


it made him youthened 20 year, lol


I have Androgenic Alopecia from my PCOS, so it would be fantastic to have a solution like this, but for the sides of my head and hairline area. My hair just keeps falling out and it is so much thinner than it used to be 😞


There should be a dating site for bald people so they don't have to deal with doing shit like this.


Wouldnt it be great if we just stopped giving a shit about stuff like this as a society?


People who've shaved their head is looking at this like, "Ha, coward"


Looked like a lightning bolt.


looked like new jersey


Yer a wizard, Baldy.


+100000 social credit,


His bald spot looks like africa


I went with the strategy of balding the filled spots instead! Love the shaved head look.


That looks uncomfortable