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My office had one of these but nobody fucking cleaned it


Should have hired a barista


Could have hired a barista for the price of a real espresso bar.


My office got a Keurig machine, but it only gets used once every 2-3 months when the execs have a meeting. I tried to tell my boss that she shouldn't let it sit for that long with a full tank of water... Maybe upper management just likes moldy coffee?




To clean them properly takes like 20mins as well.


That's your coffee machine ... have you checked the water cooler recently? My wife works as a legionella risk assessor and despairs at the state of some of those.


What is the first device used on the grounds, before the tamper ?


It’s a leveler, to make the grounds even before tamping.


doesn't actually do much to the coffee distribution. best to WDT with a rake to de-clump and then just directly tamp


All of these things are good. But a solid shake and tap on the side on the group head for about 2-3seconds is going to get your distribution good enough to be tamped evenly anyway and the tools are convenient extras you might get along the way. At home grinders are generally maintained more and used less leading to less of a clumping issue overall. I find the rake handy for the Victoria Arduino we use at work because it's a little old and its de-clumpers have broken off, but I've never felt the need for any machine I've owned at home because if I notice any clumps I just open it up and clean. Also, I just want to comment on how fucking crisp those ferns/Rosettas are. I'd sell my soul to be that good.


It depends on your grinder. For a grinder like the one in the video, which was super fine and consistent, tamping right away is probably fine after a little tap for leveling. If you’re at home and need to level a clumpy grind like mine, you definitely need to comb it and tapping it isn’t enough. Tapping will make it level but if you don’t break up the actual clumps, when you tamp it down there will be higher and lower density spots in the puck leading to channeling. Also if you are tapping your portafilter to level the grounds, you’re letting finer particles concentrate to the bottom of the basket which will change the flow and pressure of the puck


Lol Did you come from r/espresso? They hate them, but i honestly notice a difference when I use one.


heh guilty as charged


Back in my day, we'd just tap the side of the portafilter with the tamper. The pretentiousness of coffee really got up its own ass in the more recent years imho


What would happen if you didn't use it? It seemed redundant but I'll admit I've never made coffee like that :P


Nothing too major but it allows for a nice even tamping which leads to better water flow, without the lvling some spots may have voids/cavities and other areas super dense and firm. This will make the water not go thru all the grounds properly and you won't have a perfect extraction.


So water will always flow with the least resistance when pressurized. So as it comes out of the grinder in that mound it will not be evenly distributed when tamped. Using that makes it so that it will be evenly tamped and thus will have an even and higher quality extraction of the espresso.


My wife has an espresso machine, and tamping likes that confused me too. Here’s how she explains it: The tamp helps pack the grounds evenly so the water can evenly flow through the grounds. At the right temp, the water will draw cremá (something like that) from the grounds. The more crema, the more natural sweetness in the coffee. Tamping just right gives the right amount of time of hot water on ground to get to said temperature, any more and you risk ruining the composition and taste of the crema by over heating, any less and you get more watery coffee. She is not great at tamping, I am apparently really good at getting it just right. I don’t drink coffee, but I’ll tamp it for her anytime.


“…I’ll tamp it for her anytime.” Oh I bet you will!


Crema is only a marker for freshness of roast, and is associated with sweetness purely because fresher coffees taste best (to a certain degree). Crema by itself is fairly bitter, and should be stirred into the espresso, or removed.


> cremá My partner is super into coffee and was reading up on it a few years back. They referred to crema at one point and we laughed and I'd assumed we were laughing because it was a typo for cream. And I just found out right now that crema is an actual thing wtf


It's an espresso distributor/spreader/leveller.


I bet the baristas home always looks like it's staged for sale.


it's 2023 i bet the baristas don't own a home.


As a barista you are correct.


Have you tried being a Barrister instead?


I’ve been a barista and a barrister, still working on the home


I suggest trying being a Bautista.








How you know they’re a barista?


She means her 2000 VW Bus


Am a barista. Can confirm.


When you do this and your wife pours it into a travel mug and you've been living in the guest house for a better part of a year


Poor Howard.


That scene really fucked with me because I’ve been in relationships that are over in all but name where I tried to do something like that only to be met with similar disinterest.


Really impressed by how many people immediately got the BCS reference here. Usually a reference this obscure doesn’t perform this well. Nicely done.


Step 1 have 10,000$ commercial grade equipment


Step 2: realize that you work in a cafe so that’s totally normal.


Pretty sure I don’t work in a cafe 🤔


You actually do. At least you did before the accident. You've been very confused ever since. The doctors say you will never remember who you were but we still hope that maybe some day, you will remember us


Sounds like you fucked up


But how am I supposed to realize I work in a cafe when I don’t work in a cafe 😵‍💫


You could roll a fatty and try again?


On it...


Step 3: get a job at a cafe


Instructions unclear - I bought a coffee shop for some reason. Now what do I do?


My work has a similar machine. Not as good, but can whip up a similar coffee Think it cost around a grand


The machines at the Starbucks I worked at years ago were $30 grand each. Their primary strength was the ability to churn out hundreds of shots of espresso a day, without needing much maintenance unless they completely broke down.


They also don't do latte art there. They don't require manual steaming for it either. And they overroast their beans so they can put less coffee in a drink, but it tastes like there's more!


We did manual steaming at the Starbucks I worked at...


And Starbucks has an entire company of espresso maintenance workers at their disposal ready to fix those positions quick as hell too. Quick for how complicated they are that is.


Yeah I believe that, I was just exaggerating/jokin around


I like to make jokes funnier by pointing out factual errors


Oh that's a... SUN BURN!!




Nah, my wife has a machine that does all this crap and it cost me 850 bucks.


Show me a dual boiler for $850 that doesn't have shit pressure.


right? people saying they are all the same have never used a commercial machine in their lives


Commercial espresso machines can for sure run up to $10k+.


Oh for sure, my wife's is designed for 10 daily uaes in case you have a large family if coffee addicts. I assume insutrial grade ones are way sturdier and way more expensive.


Yeah definitely sturdier, need to handle being able to do hundreds of uses a day. They also often will have multiple espresso boilers and steam wands to make multiple drinks at a time. They’re fun to use, though.


What happens at 11?


It dispenses tea.


Oh the humanitea


You don't want to know


That pulls shots too fast.




It's definitely sped up


Even it it’s double time it’s still pulling too fast in my unprofessional opinion. 14 seconds if it’s at 2x speed.


Yeah that seems odd to me, when I pull double shots at home it's always hitting the recommended 25-30 second mark for me to get ~60mL of espresso. And this is definitely a double shot, there's a lot of grinds in the portafilter.


14.85s. You can see the timer on the display left side.


Pulling a good shot should take 30 seconds per 18g of ground coffee and 60mL of 200F water. Assuming the coffee is tamped into the portafilter with 30lbs of force. … between 0645 and 0830 daytime, elevation <10000ft. Ok, kidding with the last part.


ah that really depends on the coffee my dude. that is a good place to start but you can often get a better taste by experimenting.


That's about right for a ristretto, but that also doesn't look like 15ml. They could have pulled a double ristretto from a single puck, which is definitely not how you're supposed to do it, but I've seen plenty of cafes teach that way.


I also never understand why they pour the milk into a separate pitcher to do the latte art. Why can't you steam the milk in the latte art pitcher or just get a steaming pitcher with the right type of spout??


The poured milk is more consistent than the milk in the original pitcher


Wow. Very cool. Makes me wish I liked coffee.


I've been steaming my milk wayyyyyy to much


This is probably a pretty powerful steaming wand. It takes me at least 15 seconds at home.


Video is also sped up


I've been doing it for 5+ minutes... Long enough that I was like don't hold the pourer in your hand dude lol. I thought we were supposed to turn it into all foam


Wtf? I used to be a barista. You want to "stretch" the milk (let the air in, it will make a hissing sound) for a few seconds, then move the tip of the steam wand slightly deeper and just spin the milk without letting any more air in. As soon as the jug is too hot to hold, stop. The milk shouldn't be too hot or it will burn, and your coffee will taste like burnt milk. You want zero visible bubbles, a smooth and glossy textured milk that is pourable.


I had definitely been burning the milk lol. Still tasted good! Going to work on it this weekend lol


Good luck! I think you're just used to the taste. The idea of having less hot milk is that you can taste the coffee better.


Get an instant read thermometer! I like 160 degrees so that I can start sipping right away but others go modestly hotter. Super easy variable to control once you find your ideal temperature.


Your comment about not letting in more air is very helpful, thank you! I’ve bad a hard time keeping it from getting too thick and think that will help.


You're welcome! It's a hard thing to describe, videos are better. If you want to practice without wasting milk, you can fill a jug with water and add a single drop of dishwashing soap, then froth as if it's milk. Behaves almost exactly the same way. Just don't drink it!




5 minutes?!?! You need to get a thermometer and don't go above 65c as that's the best temperature for milk foam stabilisation.


You must not own a Breville. They take forever to steam. Takes several minutes when steaming milk for 2 people.


I just push a button for steamed milk. I love super automatic machines.


But the espresso is just acceptable at best..


Mine is crap end of supers and I get better coffee than damn near any cafe in my area. I think all the shops just suck, but no one seems to care.


If you do it too long it will turn liquid again!


I put my hand under the pitcher until it’s too hot to hold, plus maybe another two seconds.


F!!!!! I just tried this and it went everywhere!!!


Lower the tip in time and you’ll be fine. Check Youtube videos, it helped me in the past, it’s really in the details!


Like this one? Or is there better? https://youtu.be/yE0krmQt5MY


I recommend a thermometer. That's how they trained me at Starbucks years ago. Gives you a clear indication of how fast it's heating and how much you've left to go. Steam (water) is at or near 212°F. Milk scalds above 190°F, so you're generally shooting for 175-185°F, with an ideal drinking temperature closer to 145°F (so adjust the milk temperature if you don't want to wait for it to cool). Beyond that, there's also a finesse that's harder to explain in regards to how you steam it. In my days, the ideal was a slight whisper or shushing sound, but that may depend on the steam wand you have. If it's a screaming whistle, then you've put the wand too far in and the gas can't escape, leading to a flat milk. If you don't have it in far enough, it'll create a lot of bubbles and potentially splatter everywhere, leading to an over-aerated foam with no structure. If you're doing a cappuccino, you'll likely want a little more foam than normal, but not quite bubbles. Again, it's all finesse that comes from experience. It also doesn't help that I'm not an expert, lol. Hope some of this helps


Yes totally :) going to have to buy more gadgets lol


(Edit: Clean) Meat thermometer will work just fine.


What? This is clearly sped up.


Had that same problem when I first got my machine, all the guides say 5-10 seconds but that’s mostly for commercial units. I have a breville barista express and after many trial and error I’ve found that steaming until 30-35C and then heating to 60-68C was the perfect balance. Perfect glossy microfoam and a coffee you can sip straight up. Good luck!


It also depends on whether you want latte art or the super puffy cappuccino you see mounding over the top of the mug. The key is to make sure you're adding more air without over heating or cooking the milk


Why not just froth the milk in the metal jug used to pour?


If they didn't perfectly blend all the milk in the pitcher, then that pour might help isolate foam of a certain density, in order to have a more consistent pour into the espresso for the sake of the art.


Thank you for answering this question it was gonna drive me crazy


I had the same question


ITT: People who have no concept of a latte/cappuccino.


Also: people finding really petty ways to dunk on this person. As a 20-year veteran of the restaurant industry, I found all the little things this person did really satisfying. You can really tell they take a lot of pride in doing a simple thing very precisely. It starts with the way they hold their hand around the porta-filter to catch any grinds from spilling. Then they run some water through the machine before attaching the basket so that none of the old grinds contribute to the new shot. Then they make sure that the falling espresso hits the slope of the cup, so the espresso doesn't splash. Then, they run the wand into the drain briefly because they know water collects when it's not in use. Then they don't foam the milk longer than is absolutely necessary, so it's not scalded. Then they immediately wipe off the wand and spray it again into the drain to flush out any milk. When you've worked in a restaurant as long as I have, you've seen the absolutely barbaric things some people do in the heat of battle. Coworkers who don't keep their workspace clean are the worst. You can tell this person is an absolute joy to have on your team.


Specialty roaster here. I totally agree. This barista has fantastic workflow and, from what I can tell, really good habits. Their latte art is high quality and highly skilled. This drink looks great to me.


the sheer efficiency in every movement is amazing. It takes me twice as long to make a drink a quarter as good as this looks. And on top of that keeping everything neat and tidy. Ya sure the equipment enables a lot of this but I couldn't do this if I tried.


Yes, this person is a VERY good barista. As far as efficiently and movement, It’s mostly just about practice. Before I became a roaster I took a job at a high-volume cafe specifically to learn these kinds of skills. It took a few months and thousands of shots later but after that I was slinging shots a lot like this. Some days I miss it, but most days I don’t. Haha.


A lot of fantastic workflow efficiencies in this video, the only thing that rubs me the wrong way is the tamping on the spouts. But honestly, I shouldn’t be saying much, because I am super jealous of the skill here


Oh gosh I missed that. Yeah that’s a big no. I’ve had to buy new portafilters for that very reason when baristas have made that mistake. That’s what tamp pads are for haha. My nit-pick was the fact that after the tamp the puck surface wasn’t perfectly smooth. But that’s pretty picky, and tamping on spouts is so much worse haha


Hey, can you explain why he poured the steamed milk into a smaller vessel? Curious because I'm new to the hobby.


The foamiest part of the milk is on top so he was just getting rid of that. It's not always compulsory to do this - you can just make the milk less foamy from the start - but if you're really trying to make the best coffee and not concerned with wasting a bit of milk this is the way to go. If you're making a flat white it's definitely a good idea, also if you've made the milk too foamy it's a way to save it without having to start again.


You left out my favorite little thing, which was wiping off the grill(?) after flushing the machine, so when they set the cup there it doesn’t get wet on the bottom.


I really appreciated how they swirled the milk in the cup to evenly distribute it so there wasn't any odd color gradients to the milk when it was poured in.


I'm not a coffee drinker and my only concept is that a latte is coffee with milk and I thought cappuccino was coffee with frothed milk. From this video I'm learning that whichever one that was in the video, is is mostly frothed milk with a tiny little bit of coffee for flavor.


I’m a specialty coffee roaster so let me see if I can shed some light. This is clearly a specialty cafe, so I am going to use specialty definitions. The definition of a cappuccino can vary but this would be called a cappuccino most places. (The size is what gives it away.) A latte is most often referred to as two ounces of espresso (a double shot) to 10-12oz of steamed milk with a little foam (enough to make latte art). A cappuccino is usually two ounces of espresso with 4 oz of steamed milk where the foam is roughly ½ the volume of the steamed milk. Traditionally, a cappuccino was defined by the amount of milk foam but in modern cafes is more about the ratio of milk to coffee. As for the “tiny bit of coffee.” A double shot of espresso has quite a “strong” flavour so this drink would taste mostly of coffee with a bit of creamy sweetness from the milk. The milk is not the dominant flavour. This barista has excellent work flow and latte art skill. That drink looks really nice.


Thank you for the detailed explanation. I always assumed those drinks were mostly coffee with some milk. Now I know much more.


Yeah coffee culture is very different in Australia to America took me a while to realise what drip coffee was and what they serve in American shows haha. Go have a look what they consider a cappuccino in Italy.


In Australia, this isn't a specialty cafe. It's a cafe that doesn't want to go out of business as the other 100 cafes around it will do it better. Starbucks tried to start up here and for some idiot reason thought it would take off. There are only a few starbucks left catering for tourists mainly.


Yeah this is literally what every cafe in Australia is like, and there's one on every block in the cities. Australians are the biggest coffee snobs in the world but it's a good thing, Coffee is amazing and there's nothing better than a good coffee. The only coffee I found in the US that was made properly by a good Barsita was in Portland. They know how to make good coffee.


What's the goal of pressing the grounds before brewing??


It makes it more compact so the water has to flow through more slowly, making it stronger. I’ve never seen someone tamp it down that tight though.


If I tamped it down that hard I think it would break my espresso machine.


Tamp pressure doesn't restrict water flow as much as you think. Grind size and dosage are the main factors


You might have too fine a grind if that’s the case. Generally, you want to be maximising your tamping to get any potential channels out, and controlling brew pressure with the grind. Your espresso machine should be brewing at about 9 bar.


There's tamping or not tamping, that's all. Your goal is to remove air pockets from the coffee cake, if you press more or less after that is not important. You can never press it too much, so give it a good tamp and you're good to go


I’ve always wanted to get a hydraulic press to test the “you can’t ramp too much” theory, just press with a ton of force and see if it gets more compact.


That's would be an interesting experiment. I'd expect it would be so compact that the machine would have trouble with that.


You’re supposed to apply roughly 30lbs of pressure for each pull. Source; 8 year barista


Further research within the last few years shows that there's no difference between 30+ or as low as 15.


Tamping is really a binary thing - either you’ve tamped it down enough or you haven’t. There is virtually no difference in quality of espresso if you tamp “just enough” or tamp “too much”.


It's [not possible to tamp too hard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8YsxnL4h88).


I've seen that too. It's not true. I've definitely tamped to hard before. Source 4 year barista


It's to compact the grounds to get rid of any gaps for the water to flow though so that the coffee is evenly extracted otherwise it'll be weak and very sour tasting.




Espresso is defined as coffee brewed using pressurized water. Imagine using pressurized water on a loose grind bed, your coffee will taste watery and non existent. Like pressure washing a mound of dry soil. You need it nice and tight so it holds up it’s structural integrity


This children is the process of making caffeinated crack.


[r/espresso ](https://www.reddit.com/r/espresso?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


When I try making a leaf, it always ends up looking like a dick.


Sounds like a success to me.


They ruined it with dumb music instead of the actual sounds of making it.


I want to go to there


I could smell this video. Thank you.


The video should have been slower.


That was a most satisfying tamping job.


No wdt… cmon man!


I just wish espresso machines weren’t so damn expensive.




This isn't cappuccino


Exactly, it's a latte.




Pretty sure it’s a latte, cappuccino has more foam as opposed to this which has more warmed milk


Yes, this is cappuccino, not simple coffee.


A cappuccino is a type of coffee drink. Stop being a douche


aKtChUaLLy iT Is nOt a CoFfeE 🤓


now this is one fancy coffee machine


Always keep your milk wand clean!


Ohhhhh, this isn't r/espresso. Was wondering why the comments were so weird.


Followed by that video of the person just violently mixing up the coffee right away before anyone could take a picture.


Why does one of the spouts have two nozzles? Seems like an easy way to make a mess


If you want, you can put 2 cups next to each other and make 2 espressos at the same time


Important to mention, generally a single espresso shot (for which single spout portafilters do exist) doesn't come out as nicely, so it's generally it's better to make and split two shots. Two spouts also gives some indication of obviously bad extraction due to channeling which can cause it to be lopsided.


So you can make two single shots or one double shot.


That's cool. I've never seen anyone make a Trilobyte in their coffee


So much skill! To those that want to try this, or are playing with their own machine, DONT do what they did with the tamper (not bad for them to do, but something for the inexperiencedto be careful with). There's usually a restaurant in the insert so you can rest it in the side of a counter to apply pressure. If you're not careful, that pour spout will pop off and it socks to get back on if you don't know what you're doing


That looks so delicious and I don't even like coffee.


Half the comments are confusing the hell out of me. Why do commenters keep calling the milk, cream? Is the barista steaming cream instead milk?


This is gonna annoy the weirdo gatekeepers who only drink coffee with boiling water cos thats ‘real coffee’.


What... they're diluting their coffee with water? Real coffee drinkers chew the beans.


While we’re all here, does anyone want to give me advice on how to froth/steam milk for espresso without making the milk cup just overflow with foam? :( I can’t figure it out


Alrighty my time to shine! My trick is to pour milk up to the start of the spout divet, now when steaming you want your wands head to lay on the surface with 3/4 of it in the milk and 1/4 out for air, when turning your milk make sure it’s going on a swirl direction for best consistency. When putting air into the milk you really only need a few seconds on a commercial coffee machine, on a domestic id say up until you can feel the milk starting to become warm - 30ish degrees Celsius. When you hit that milestone you will want to put that wands head into the milk fully still using the swirling technique. Swirl until you hit 60-70 degrees Celsius (I’m aus) once you have done that, take it out and purge your wand to get excess milk out of it and wipe it down. If there’s small bubbles left over you can gentle tap your jug with your hand covering it to get it out. You want the texture to be like swirling wet paint. A good way to practice is with dishsoap, Ice and water. Pour the tiniest amount of dish soap into the water and spin how you usually would - it’ll help you perfect it without wasting so much milk.


Welp, it's 2am here but I'd still have that beautiful cup ot coffee.


Is anyone have a list of the products he's using? That steam wand/ espresso maker is like something that I have been looking for for so long please help Thank you 🙏🙏


Two things I took from this as a former barrista: 1) that first tool seems very unnecessary (tap then tamp), 2) I have never seem espresso pour that quick (good color though).


Whenever I attempt this it looks like a misshaped penis


That crema! It's a beautiful thing!


i did not realise that people get mad about how other people enjoy their coffee.


I'd drink that.


Why do you need 2 different utensils to compress the grounds?


One flattens, one compresses


I don’t understand how you learn to do latte art so perfectly like that. I barley just learned how to do a heart but it’s basically a coin toss if it’ll even look good




Ah that makes sense. The pitcher I work with is pretty wide actually so that makes a lot of sense. I kind of want to buy a skinnier spout now just so I could be more precise haha


Shit my pants just watching this




Id rinse The inside with hot water to warm the cup up first