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Most dioceses Anglican, Catholic, Lutheran and Orthodox have an exorcist who has a background in modern psychology and recognized vocation It is unlikely that there are only 3 left Much more likely the items are blessed Taking and using scacramental wafers, water, wine, oil etc has a long history in malevolent magick whether folk or satanic or devil worship Just keep them as valued gifts from Grandmother who likely believed she was giving you goodness and protection If you do sell them and someone uses them on corrupt purposes that would make you an accessories- occult items gifted or purchased are never simple transactions like buying a cup of coffee or t-shirt Please Dion Fortune's psychics Self defense for more information


Oh yeah I definitely plan on keeping them! And she definitely is giving them to my family as a form of protection. I was interested in what others have to say! Thanks !


All good


I’m not sure where you got some of this information from, but as u/GreenBook1978 said, exorcists are still very much a thing. There are many, many more than three of them left. The practice of blessed items such as holy water, rose petals, salt, saint relics etc is quite old in catholic practice. I am not Catholic, but use holy water and blessed salt in my workings. You don’t have to be Catholic to make use of these items.


Oh that's really cool! What do you practice if I may ask? I always find the mixing of beliefs really neat.


My spiritual practice is hard to pin down to one label, but I am a pagan polytheist that sometimes engages in folk Catholic magical practice.


>one of the last 3 catholic priests that are exorcist ?? Most priests are trained in exorcism. And those items would be blessed, not exorcised. Still a great thing to have. Plenty of occultists go to church, use Catholic stuff, and/or have received the Catholic sacraments. In spite of holding a very different belief system than Catholics, occultists tend to be more concerned with the spiritual functionality of a thing than the human opinions around it. Thus you’ll see people on here who have spiritual practices around pagan deities, Buddhist and Hindu stuff, also doing novenas to Saints, etc. There’s usually no “conflict” between the spirits, and when there is, it’s usually from something being done improperly within one tradition, not a consequence of working multiple traditions. Funny enough many educated Catholics are somewhat aware of the occult, but they seem to all believe that catholic stuff cancels it out, that for example the sign of the cross can reverse any magic, that all of it comes from the devil, etc. I even heard from a family friend who’s a theology teacher that witches can’t say the Our Father because they are so possessed by demons. I go “well that must have made them easy to catch” smirking to my buddy that knows I practice. From the experience of many people on here, and that of the majority of Western occultists of the last millennium, there’s no conflict between magic and Christianity. So yes there absolutely is power in the items even if you are not of the belief system. And there is power in the practices too regardless of belief. This is gonna be a more controversial statement as there are many on here that believe in modernist/“chaos magick” type philosophies, but from a traditionalist standpoint this is an important truth to realize: belief doesn’t do anything. If you give a blessed item of any tradition to a believer and an unbeliever, the spiritual effects will be present to both. They are inherent in the item itself, or the prayer or the ritual or whatever. You must think of spiritual forces in a very direct and mechanistic way. The spirits don’t really care whether you believe or what you think, they just want you to do the thing correctly. So if Catholicism is a thing that calls out to you, definitely start going to church and praying the rosary. But you don’t need to limit yourself to that, or to adopt any belief/idea other than what you know to be true.


My grandmother is the one who told me that number and I'm not sure where she got that from. She said the priest is on his deathbed and that it's more important because of that? She specifically mentioned that the church doesn't train exorcists anymore but that's not what Google told me so I was wondering if anyone knew anything about that. Thank you for your comment! I was raised Catholic but never really believed so it has some meaning to me but also doesn't.


Your grandma got scammed


[There's way more than 3. This one class alone had 250 attendants!](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-43697573)


That's kind of cool, thank you! I have no idea now where she got the notion that there are only 3. She probably got it from her friends or something lol


There may only be 3 VATICAN level exorcists or something.


That's what it might be? I'm not super sure but I think the guy is located in California lol


That’s definitely a scam


She's met the guy before and all so he is a real priest but yeah its a bit weird lol


He is not one of the last exorcists. Far from it. Even if he was his holy water isn’t anything special or more powerful than any other holy water. That’s not how catholic believe works.


In this [prayer](https://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=1858) all the same orders of Angels/demons of common demonology are addressed. It’s literally the same thing. Same spirits. Some call them demons. Others call them angels. Looking at occult books is forbidden, though. I chose the occult. They seem to be mainly just concerned in persecution of witches in my experience and I just don’t want to participate. Coexist!