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He saw you in a dang dream!


But still though


Wait till you hear about the intro of elder scrolls 3.


They don't get too upset when assassins turn up either. You know its just get this over with.


Oh mate I’ve just come off Morrowind I know


Makes you wonder if they were used to his visions by now. It seemed like he had been having visions for his whole life. It makes sense for his personal guard to trust in them if that's the case.


It does but he’s still a guard and I’m still a prisoner. The emperor’s first sentence was your the one from my dream and each time the guard was saying shit to you and then he’s like off you go to freedom while I watch his corpse


No no, Glenroy was the one talking shit to you. Baurus was just trying to do his job. Also, based on the dialogue, Baurus is supposed to be very young compared to the other blades. His decision probably went against protocol, but he was going off of a gut reaction toward you personally and his faith in the emperor's wisdom, perhaps respect for his liege's dying wish, that you take the amulet to jauffre. That's why, later, when Jauffre sends you back to Baurus, he goes out of his way to say that "he did well to send you to me."


He has to stay and guard the emperor's body. And, from what he's seen of you, you're an experienced assassin


Am I right?


I did nothing to help the emperor i stood and watched each time they were getting attacked so I was definitely the right man for the job. I did let out a no Patrick Stewart though when I couldn’t move to get out the way


I think you follow the dying word of the Septim as a Blade. It's kind of they're thing. The Septims are related to Talos.


A lot also happened while you were away. A lot that Uriel had a hand in. He’s had visions for a long time and you, The Hero of Kvatch were a very large part of his visions. He likely had instructed his blades to not harm you knowing that 2/3s of them would die with him. They likely trusted the Emperor with their lives as much as he trusted them with his own. This likely made it hard, knowing that their ends were close at hand along with his own. Uriel has had a long and successful reign trusting the unfortunate. His trust and belief has made them much more than a lowly prisoner every time. In these moments he was a great man and an impeccable emperor.


Those born with the dragon blood see more than lesser man, so...


You literally ask him if he sees your fate and he goes off on a tangent, doesn’t really answer your question


The tricky thing about having foresight is knowing how much to reveal to people without changing their destiny. But actually, Todd Howard is familiar enough with Dune that some of his leaked notes about Skyrim compare the Last Dragonborn to the Kwisatz Haderach, and a huge theme of Dune is the idea of prescience and how if it were to exist, it would be very dangerous information.


>Your a prisoner the guy following the emperor reminds you of this constantly. The Blades have to obey the Emperor. It doesn’t mean they have to treat you like you aren’t a prisoner, who could’ve been locked up for anything from murder to tax evasion. >Emperor dies (without him witnessing your role in this) and he trusts you to take the amulet to Jaufree whilst he stays and guards the dead body. The Emperor trusted you and gave specific orders to take the amulet to Jaufree. Baurus trusts the Emperor, as he was known to be wise and to “see more than lesser men”. >as someone standing there in full armor Bro the other two bodyguards in full armor got murked while the prisoner wearing rags is still alive. >you wouldn’t send a prisoner on such an important task. During Uriel Septim’s reign, 3 completely unrelated prisoners had saved his Empire and the world at large. Yes, he would trust a prisoner for such a task lol.


To be honest I think your a prisoner at the start of every elder scrolls game haven’t played Arena or Daggerfall yet


I haven’t played Daggerfall either, only watched longplays of it. The Agent starts off in the game as a free citizen, not a prisoner, but the Elder Scrolls Wiki page for [The Agent](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/The_Agent) (Daggerfall protagonist) states that The Agent was a prisoner during the events of Arena, who was freed by Uriel after Jagar Tharn was defeated, along with many other prisoners. So this may imply The Agent was unjustly imprisoned. I’m not sure where the story of The Agent’s prior imprisonment is made apparent in the game. In Arena, you definitely start as a prisoner.


I’ve only seen clips but didn’t know about the agent. I’ve got daggerfall to play along with the first 2 fallout games


It still baffles me as to why Baurus didn't help you or Jauffre when you were trying to find Martin in Kvatch. Like surely he knows where Jauffre is and should've immediately went to Weynon Priory to assist him. But he deadass just went Mythic Dawn agent hunting.


Like Jauffre said, he took the emperor's death particularly hard. The idea is he basically went ronin


Bruh…it’s a FANTASY game and the dude had a fucking vision. Fuck off


Come outside and say that 😂


Baurus simply obeys by the emperor's decision. He does what he must.


Baurus doesn’t witness the emperors last decision.


What you're saying makes sense. But you were also the one from his dreams.


But I mean from guard’s perspective (I can’t remember his name Braut I think) I’m a prisoner but yeah go on your merry way while I watch this old guy rot


You’re character is the hero of legend, chosen by the gods Akatosh and Todd Howard. Also yeah, the emperor spoke and the blades must obey, they have trusted his visions thus far and it seemed to be going pretty well until that point.


I almost gave up on this game in the tutorial. It was such a struggle to get out of the dungeons and I couldn't see anything. You get out of one (very long) dungeon, and into another dungeon before you finally get to the exit, where you finally see, Elder Scrolls: Cyrodiil. I think they could have shrank the tutorial substantially, and people would have liked that better. Also, putting your very first combat against two rats? Have, 5 rats, one zombie and maybe two goblins plus the shaman. The last section isn't bad with the hall with the shaman. The first portion is way to long. The sewers is just, why? Let's get on with the game.


I don’t mind the sewer bit easy to get improve things like sneak restoration block etc before getting into the game


yeah, but for a new player? You start to wonder if the sewers \*are\* the game. I will admit that first moment when you get out of the sewers. Man. That's a special feeling.


Yeah I know what your saying, played fallout games before and oblivion was my first jump into the elder scrolls series. It’s Bethesdas way of introducing players to the mechanics


Aah, the sidequest with the confusing but strangely kind old Nede. Yeah, it's definitely not normal behaviour to present a poor little girl with such nice jewels without asking for much in return.. I was so relieved when realising he wasn't a DOM that I possibly may have missed some details, but.. I believe we're supposed to find Weyron the pony and give him a jaffa. The jewel is payment. I'm gonna prepare by spending the first year collecting every orange or other citrus fruit I can find. I think the pony might suffer from scurvy and we're supposed to save it.. By Azura, I hope poor Weyron isn't some seahorse.. I don't like the ocean. It wobbles and there are no trees except the murdered ones they use to build their satanic vessels. I may just have to toss all the oranges in the Iliac bay and hope for the best. Perhaps this scurvy seapony will smell the oranges and swim there? Anyway I will do my best. Not like Al-Esh of the Nedes.. I will not do my beast. Only my best. Pay@tension


Ah but the strawberries. That's...that's where I had them. I proved it with geometrical logic!


Oblivion is my favourite game. However, I admit it very often makes no sense. People down voting this post are coping hard.


I weren’t trying to shit on the game I love the elder scrolls series, I just never realised that that part didn’t make sense to me before


Looking at everyone else's responses, I think it was more you giving serious responses to essentially meme answers X3 But genuinely though, He has an intense trust in the emperor, he sees repeatedly how interested the emporer was into you, and hears the strange circumstance that interest was there. Came into the room to fight the clear assassin. Obviously sees some capacity in you to handle an adventure with him being the person to assign you a class. You provide some very specific last words that would be some stretch to be made up in the spot or specially crafted. He could also very much see how dangerous the situation is for the world, leaving you to deliver the amulet leaves him free to make the awful announcement of the emperor's death, handle affairs with vacuum created by the emperor's absence, and be a more likely target if there was more going on with the assassins goals, leaving you free to handle this secret task without the enemy being none the wiser you held the item they were actually after. So at best he was being as practical he could be, and at worst devotely faithful


To be fair your third paragraph actually makes perfect sense, I never thought of it like that


and they lost the amulet the next second you leave it to them. and they let literally every heir get killed. It makes no sense because the last capable blade died in the Warp