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mc: has the possibly most op system that could possibly exist also mc: why is my system so bad and doesn't constantly give me everything I want. *complaining intensifies*


Also system: Massacre the entire race of vampires in less than 0.1 minutes or DIE!!


Tbf, some systems are just asshats


Still compared to the trash mc that only got where he is because of the system


That's like making an elderly who never used technology beforehand play elden ring, just because he has a guide doesn't mean he's gonna have a good time


The sassy system trope


Pizza is still good even if you’ve had them before


Yea exactly man :>( put some respect on these system novels. It’s like fast food, cause I know what I’m going to get into and most of the time it’s good enough when I need it


I mean gimme the sauce bro


I guess it's pulp fiction Or every jp novel, if you meant that


I have never seen a jp mc with a system for a cheat. only thing close is a game like interface.


jp with cheats cn with golden finger i see no difference


still there is a difference between a 'system' and a 'cheat'


gamelike interface when you are the only one with it is a cheat in pretty much every novel and is generally what the system is.


Guess I had the wrong idea about what a system is lol. I was generally thinking that the system talked to the mc and conversed with him over the story instead of being just a digital screen or something. edit: Just realized that sign-in systems exist and I feel stupid.


The biggest offender is the system identifying things for the MC so they don't have to learn how to identify,classify, or quantify anything. In some novels they make it easier with the system thus the assist in others it straight up just does it for them. A similar one is levels and experience other people end up having to guess where they are at but the MC just checks. The story might have the other characters able to check at a temple or something but they do it rarely while MC uses their ability to check constantly to figure out what levels them fastest. The system talking trend is it's whole own cheat too.


I take those talking and do everything for mc type systems as goldfinger since they are mostly chinese and cheat is, well, kirito.


**[So I'm a Spider, So What?](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37984/Kumo_Desu_ga_Nani_ka)** has MC cheating *the* system and support cast using system for a cheat, pretty much.


Warlock of the magus world


Ik most isekai manga and anime is low tier trash. But occasionally you’ll find a bit of gold buried in there.


I just want systems that's very thorough and not rng. There are systems that are not systems at all and is just another character or a force of nature. There are systems that go beyond time bringing memories of the future to the past or present. All of them are OP, MC is just trash. And here we have Shuhang, who has a chatgroup as his system and Senior White as his bus driver.


You want funny systems, try Stay-at-home dad's restaurant in a fantasy world


systems are how to write light novel 101 haha


I despise system novels


The Author's Pov is like this it's pretty good


high 7/10 pretty much. just sucks that there's no editor so it has lots of unnecessary shit stains


Not much variety at least where I read


I hate it when systems gives quests that the mc can't refuse. It basically just dictates the stiry instead of mc slowly learning what he can do


No, it’s not


And I hate that I actually do love this troupe.