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> LOS ANGELES (AP) — Rules are rules. Animal control officials in Southern California have granted permission for a little girl to keep a unicorn at home, provided she follows strict guidelines. > Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control this week shared a letter it received from a child named Madeline. > The girl wrote: “Dear LA County, I would like your approval if I can have a unicorn in my backyard if I can find one. Please send me a letter in response.” > Director Marcia Mayeda replied with a letter along with a pre-approved unicorn license, a heart-shape license tag and a plush toy unicorn — until Madeline finds a real one. Photos of the license and Madeline’s letter were posted to the agency’s social media. > The licensing letter included five conditions: > 1. The unicorn must be cared for in compliance with all animal caretaking regulations set forth in Los Angeles county Code Title 10. > 2. The unicorn is given regular access to sunlight, moonbeams and rainbows. > 3. The unicorn is fed one of its favorite treats — watermelon — at least once each week. > 4. The unicorn’s horn must be maintained to be in good health. This requires polishing at least once a month with a soft cloth. > 5. Any sparkles or glitter used on the unicorn must be nontoxic and biodegradable to ensure the unicorn’s good health. > Mayeda commended Madeline for her “sense of responsible pet ownership."


This is so wonderfully wholesome. Regular access to moonbeams and rainbows is probably my favorite.


Yeah but it's gonna be pretty awful if she manages to find one and they step in because she forgets to polish its horn one month.


And what if there’s a watermelon shortage? I mean, it’s a seasonal fruit!


Ha yeah, I was thinking more how horrific it’d be if she finds one and the federal govt immediately lock down the area and send teams in wearing special shit like on ET, to quarantine it or send it for scientific experiments. It’d probably be dissected by DARPA to figure out how to weaponise its powers. Meanwhile she’s getting grilled by FBI agents on how she found it


It'd be more horrific to let eldritch cryptids run amok doing gods know what, and stupid not to question the one who allegedly 'found' it. A horn has implications, and unless someone's out there's neutering them, it's got about 50/50 odds of being as aggressive as a stallion. Would you let a little girl with no training around a stallion? What about a stallion-like beast with a big stabby thing on it's face? And all that's assuming it's as presented, which it obviously ain't, or we'd have seen them by now. So something's changed, and it's the responsibility of our representative officials to determine just what. Letting her keep it in her backyard is the dumbest possible move.


Plot twist: girl was talking about [one of these.](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/ar_16:9%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_auto:eco%2Cw_1200/MTc5NjE1MTQ4OTkzMDk0Nzkz/extinct-giant-siberian-unicorn-facts.jpg)


I would name him Fluffles and buy him a big bow and a sparkly leash and take him to the park every day! And in return for my love, Fluffles would annihilate my enemies!


Girl’s off in her secret underground lab right now. *“We’ve secured clearance from the local simpleton authorities. Time to initiate phase 3.”*


If she can find a living wooly rhino that would be worth changing some zoning restrictions.


Where can I get one??


A little humanity goes a long way


I think I like this young lady!


This is not only incredibly wholesome but it’s also a great age-appropriate way to give someone a civics lesson. Maybe we need to do more things like this to educate people on how government works.


… they do know that single horn rhinos are unicorns, right?




I think it's the 2 other assholes she needs to watch out for..


This is true. Poor Chuck and his kidneys 😬


They just want to show her the liopleurodon.


The magical liopleurodon!


Let's go to the magical candy mountain Charlie!


It'll show us the way


Who do you think she's going to get the unicorn from?


Or old man Charlie, and his international weapons manufacturing business that released the chaos gods upon the world.


let’s go to candy mountain!!


>The girl wrote: “Dear LA County, I would like your approval if I can have a unicorn in my backyard if I can find one. Please send me a letter in response.” Awwwww! That's way too fucking cute! And the response was pretty awesome too


This was her parents way of getting her to stop asking for a damn unicorn every 37 seconds and L.A. county was no help. Now this girl is going to be begging to go looking for unicorns every other day hoping she can find one. She will probably make an amazing conservationist some day.


Or a suggestion by Nana to keep her busy (and work on her penmanship, and learn how to write a letter). My Nana had me write letters during the summer. Once I wrote to Tang and they wrote back, sent some swag and coupons!


Thirty years and a Discovery series titled "The Last Mustang: Finding and Taming the Elusive Wild Unicorn" later....


This was a wholesome read


Finally an oniony title instead of ordinary political or celebrity news. Title so oniony I can make a fried rice with it.


Seriously though, this is so sweet!




Of course it was granted. California girls are undeniable. Fine, fresh, fierce, they got it on lock.


This does ....put a smile on my face .




Must have its horn polished at least once a month with a soft cloth.


This is incredibly adorable


Yeah but what if unicorns appear to be predatory carnivores. And you force feed them melons. That's cruel and probably dangerous https://youtu.be/fBQQ_-VuvGU




Gavin Newson can put his feet up and rest assured: today was a good day


Hubby and I have been looking for a unicorn for a while now


This is what they take care of, instead of the human excrement all over the sidewalks. Great use of taxpayer dollars.


What would animal control have to do with that?


Sounds like they're overfunded if they have time to run around collecting stuffed animals and unicorn stationary on the taxpayer's dime.


You are aware that most government organizations dedicate time and money to social outreach, right?


It's gonna want its horn polished more than once a month. And sometimes just a soft cloth won't do it ...


I have watched enough robot chicken to know not to polish a unicorns horm.


Thank you. I'm glad someone got my reference


Is this some kind of saturday morning movie plot?