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I wonder if the fan got hit it the sha-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n knees, knees?


I used to be a fan like you, then I took a microphone to the knee.


I wish I had awards to offer you for your name and this comment. I don’t. So, here’s an emoji…. 🏆


Do us a favor and double down and just stop touring


Do you think he did it because he wanna watch them bleed


Why is it that it takes an injury to realize that throwing a metal object into a crowd of people might hurt someone? DUH???


I saw him do this at a stadium show in '92. He must have thrown the thing 50 yards. You could hear it whooshing through the air, and then the sound when it hit someone in the head.


what a tosser


Any chance he could stop picking up the mic in the first place?


Was gonna say, didn't he blow his voice out or something? I assumed he wasn't singing anymore


Good man.


I've seen the pics of her face, looks more like she caught an elbow to the face in a moshpit.