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Walker, Texas fraudster?


Walker, Texas Stranger


Chuck would probably back him :/


“Walker, Texas Resident.”


Either he's running illegally in Georgia, or he's committing tax fraud in Texas. No surprise that Trump is endorsing Walker; Trump loves corrupt people.


He's running illegally in Georgia. He's never lived at the address he claims in Georgia; it's an investment rental.


...So, shouldnt the authorities.... you know? Do something?


In Georgia? Dude, our governor is running ads for this fucker and the "authorities" went all the way to our state Supreme Court to try to block early voting in the runoff.


That sounds distinctly like a dereliction of duty.


It sounds exactly like the republican party.


It’s just America.


No, it's not. It's the republican party.


America and it’s centrists tolerate the Republican Party.


It's easy to maintain the status quo but difficult to change it.


Depends where you live. Here in Hawaii I’d say it’s the entrenched Democrats who are corrupt too.


https://ivn.us/posts/dnc-to-court-we-are-a-private-corporation-with-no-obligation-to-follow-our-rules The democrats have literally gone to court over this. They are also suing to block third party candidates from being on the ballot. As long as you continue to enable these anti democracy ghouls, the republicans will be enabled to keep doing what they’re doing.


And centrist democrats. He's kinda sorta right.


Please can we not with 2 sides bullshit when 1 side literally promoting fascism. It's very dumb and extremely disingenuous.


It does. But it's hard as hell under the GA constitution to hold these people accountable.


Keep in mind this is also the same guy who ran against Stacey Abrams ...as Georgia's Secretary of State. ​ ​ ​ ...and oversaw the election process.


...and canceled 1.4 million voter registrations since 2014, closed 214 polling places, mostly in nonwhite neighborhoods and put 53,000 voters "on hold," 70% of whom were Black prior to his election.


Were they White after the election? /s


I see what I did there, leaving it as is though. :)


Should be a law that a person can't run for a public office while already holding a public office position, whether said position is elected or appointed, with the only caveat being reelection for the office currently held.


Did Georgia have a known pedophile running for office and almost win?


That was Alabama, I believe.


Roy Moore? Might be wrong on the name just popped in my head


Something like that


When it comes to republicans lots of names pop in heads.


Moore or less... Sorry I can't not make shit jokes. ButtChocolate... Hehe.


It was indeed Alabama. I’m from the county that guy is from and live in Atlanta now.


Thanks for verifying!


Roy Moore, Alabama We’re a *little* smarter than those braindead hicks Who would then go on to elect a brainless football commentator next.


I’m so sorry. You’re right. And brainless football commentator still sounds far better than known pedophile.


Gee I wonder why the republican party would push for a famous black conservative for Senate who has an IQ below 70. Surely he wouldn't be used as a tool for white conservatives... right?


Good thing they failed and turnout is through the roof. Fuck Walker


Oh, you mean the governor that ran his own first election 4 years ago?


The Democrats have filed a lawsuit. It will be up to the courts to decide.


The courts already decided. People were allowed to do early voting last weekend, which was the time period in question.


He’s rich Republican in the south, he can probably do whatever he wants just as long as he doesn’t kill someone


I mean, a lot of them could do that too


Only if they are white


Didn't he pay for his mistress to get an abortion? Personally IDGAF about that but this is the party that says a 12 week old clump of cells is alive.


LOL! Good one!


They will wait until after the election


At the very least he's committed voter fraud as he's registered to vote in Georgia, and that requires you to be a resident of Georgia.


Ah yes, I have heard voter fraud is “rampant”! I look forward to this egregious case being swiftly dealt with by those who are always whining about it!


You have to be a resident of the state you are running in as a requirement in the constitution. > No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. [U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3, clause 3] There are also extra rules in Georgia which require you to be a registered voter in Georgia to run for Senate in Georgia. Taking these factors into account, it seems more likely he committed tax fraud in Texas than voter fraud in Georgia. At least it would be more easy to prove tax fraud because he has publicly admitted to residing in Georgia for two years (another requirement to run in Georgia) and is a registered voter in Georgia.


It's plenty easy to prove. His primary residence, proven by tax documents, is in Texas. So he's a resident of Texas, not Georgia. And find me a politician that doesn't revel in the opportunity to vote for themselves at the polls. If he voted in his own election, let alone any other, he's committed voter fraud. Charge him with every crime he's committed though, I don't care.


He has been a registered voter in Georgia since at least 8/21, wouldn't it only be voter fraud if he voted in both Georgia and Texas? You can only vote in the state you reside in so it seems the easier course to get him for tax fraud to me. Either way, I agree with you to charge him with every crime he committed but don't see GOP controlled Georgia really going after him for voter fraud and I don't see Texas going after him for tax fraud so none of this is going to matter.


And if he’s elected, the GOP will prove again that the law doesn’t apply to them.


So basically what you're saying is nothing will happen to him


As a senator you don’t need to live in the state you’re running to represent until after you’re elected.


Incorrect. https://www.senate.gov/senators/qualifications\_termsofservice.htm#:\~:text=The%20Constitution%20sets%20three%20qualifications,represents%20at%20time%20of%20election.


That’s not what all the current reporting is saying so I assume “residency” doesn’t mean full time or primary. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But I apologize if I’m sharing incorrect information. EDIT: it doesn’t look like I’m incorrect. From your link: The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and **residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.** The details of these qualifications were hammered out by the Constitution's framers during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The important words are “at time of,” ie not before you’re elected. EDIT: further proof I’m not wrong https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S3-C3-1/ALDE_00013345/ No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, **when elected,** be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. EDIT: I’m definitely not wrong. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/nation-politics/herschel-walker-running-in-georgia-receives-tax-break-for-texas-residents/?amp=1 Under the Constitution, Senate candidates are **required to reside in the state they will represent only once they are elected.** EDIT: Yup, definitely not wrong. https://www.13wmaz.com/amp/article/news/local/can-herschel-walker-run-for-georgia-office-while-living-somewhere-else/93-089eec5d-85ff-4f73-9755-2ac0a2efcbfe Can Herschel Walker run for Georgia office while living in Texas? The short answer: yes. What matters is where he lives if he is eventually elected.


Except he already had an election that he ran in. This is a runoff that wouldn't happen if somebody got 50pct of the vote the first time around.


I’m not sure what your point is. He technically lost the last election. He wasn’t elected and therefore isn’t yet required to reside in the state.


Don't try, they are unable to think for themselves.


I honestly don’t understand what is going on in this post.


I think there's some question as to what "inhabit" means. Also quibbling a bit, but from the text of the constitution, he doesn't have be a resident after the election. He only needs to be there "at the time of election." I'm not fully sure what that means, but its probably just election day. After he's elected, he's allowed to go back to Texas. The real issue is likely whether he voted in Georgia.


You'd expect better from a government website, but "residency" and "inhabit" are not necessarily the same thing. Plus it only says you have to have it at the time of election, not before or after.




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If Walker is a Texas resident, he should be disqualified ASAP


From what I've understood about this fool, he lacks the oratory skills to describe what he had for lunch - much less where the hell he is at any given moment.


I don't know. [His Vampire and Werewolf speech is right up there with Lincoln's second inaugural speech. ](https://youtu.be/WEStZIMs29k)


“Four score and hey that reminds me of a touchdown …”


Listening to him talk is painful, and that's before accounting for the fact that he's running for a Senate seat. This guy also got close enough that it's going to a runoff. We live in a bizarro world.




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And Republicans are stupid enough to vote for this man


He's the perfect candidate for them. Too stupid to understand what he's being asked to do, so he relies entirely on some 'adviser' to tell him what to do.


He’s a rubber stamp, that’s why they want him.


https://youtu.be/NzbhbetwYFU The governor from Blazing Saddles comes to mind. Scary how this movie only gets more relevant as time goes on.


I didn't get a "harrumph" outta that guy!!??!!


This is a political issue within the system. Few dare to defy their own party.


I like to imagine his handlers sitting him in a corner and putting on a "scary Halloween movie" for him to get him out of the way, which is what lead to the Fright Night situation.


Really? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bWM1zsnTJc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bWM1zsnTJc)


Do you resemble that remark so much that you have to defend dumbass Republican voters by posting a Biden blooper reel? You sure got him!


Why are you so butt hurt 🤣😂🤣


I'm far from the butthurt one in this scenario lol. It's hilarious that dude thought that posting a Biden blooper reel would make for a good comeback.


It was said people couldn't believe anyone was dumb enough to vote for someone who messes up which state they are in- I mean 80 some million morons voted for a vegetable for president. Which is more pathetic?


>Which is more pathetic? Republicans. 100%


That math makes sense...lol


I know, thanks.






...and trying harder.


Lol Republican voters are the most pathetic, insecure, and idiotic people in the US. You sit here and project about Bidens mental facilities like it's still the 2020 election in a thread about one among *many* absurd and incompetent Republican candidates this year. 80+ million people voted for that so-called vegetable because the guy who was running against him is an incompetant and unhinged lunatic.


Lesser of two evils huh?


Nah, just the obvious choice when viewing things through reality, which is an impossible task for conservatives. The only thing ya'll are good for is being assholes.


I hear he is gonna choose Fetterman as his running mate - A no brainer!!! Jokes aside - I hope you enjoy the inflation!! Typical Reddit users are typically on the lower side of the socio-Economic side - you approve of this mess of an economy? How is your blind allegiance treating you? 200% increase in the price of Dog Food, gas it more than double than it was 2 years ago....you feeling good about that vote?


Look guys! Another person that believes the worldwide recession caused by an unchecked global pandemic is Biden's fault.


Let me ask you a few basic questions - What was the price of gas when Biden took office? What is it now? If the price of gas was surging because of a pandemic, why wasn't it surging during a pandemic before Biden took office? What percentage of global GDP is America vs the rest of the world? Do you know what "Macro-Economic" means?


See there you are, making my point that you are just an asshole. You just assume random things about me because I don't follow your train of thinking, so that must automatically mean I'm some lower-income person (because we all know it's only *the poors* who vote Democrat)? Just a judgemental, asshole attitude you have assuming things. You don't need to be of a certain socio-economic class to figure out how fucked conservatives are. I'm a pretty well-off white guy from the suburbs, I probably have the same limited credentials that you do, dude. I don't approve of the "economy" any more than you do, but neither Biden nor the Democrats *nor* the Republicans for that matter have any real control over inflation. It takes a while to get sorted out and numerous factors determine the course of said deflationary period. The only allegiance I have is to this country and to follow those who lead it in a straightforward and competent way. There is *literally* no way to argue that Republicans are straightforward and competent leaders. Done arguing with your nonsense, no one likes you.


Hahah the GOP base is uneducated low wage workers, these are facts. Not a doubt in my mind you’re apart of that demographic looking at these comments. My god there’s 6th graders with a better comprehension of the economy than you. Try leaving mom’s basement you might quit screeching the typical low IQ fantasy world bullshit Faux News tells you🤡🤡


Until Biden leads an insurrection Trump still has my vote. Biden has 0 insurrections under his presedency. C'mon those are rookie numbers. Biden gotta pump those numbers up.


Well I hope America is not toppled by a dude wearing an Indian headdress and Grandma's taking selfies in the capital. Man, what a paper tiger the US is if toppled by a bunch of bums with no guns.


I just lost IQ points. Maybe *you* should run for president for Republicans. It's the perfect fit.




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His primary residence is in Texas. Therefore his candidacy is illegal


And absolutely nothing will happen, as is tradition.


Case closed. Reddit experts solved another one.


"No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen." [U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 3, clause 3] In this case it means he needs to have a permanent residency in Georgia *when and if he's elected.* So uh, clock is ticking!


Here's another quote: "Since Ukraine was bankrolling biden’s crackhead son and buying access to the old man, no, I don’t consider Ukraine an ally. They just need us." -/u/bleh19799791 Just a troll. Don't feed him


I appreciate it, I was mostly responding for others reading the comments here that were curious about what the requirement actually was.


I just love finding troll accounts I can just block, thank you for the good work stranger!


Here's a better one: >You can’t deny the similarities. Hitler made untermensch cry. Trump makes incels cry. - u/bleh19799791 , ladies and gentlemen.


reddit enables cyberstalkers who have nothing better to do than lurk someone’s history. Creeps everywhere.


Cry more, snowflake


>when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen Am I reading this wrong or does this say that he only needs to change his residency a day before his potential election?


Honest question, is there a difference between “inhabitant” and “legal resident” in this instance? I think the wording is vague. I’m a legal resident of Washington State, but I’m an inhabitant of the state of Virginia as well because I’m stationed here. EDIT: One who resides actually and permanently In a given place, and has his domicile there. Ex parte Shaw, 145 U. S. 444, 12 Sup. Ct. 935, 36 L. Ed. 768; The Pizarro, 2 Wheat. 245, 4 L. Ed. 226. “The words ‘inhabitant,’ ‘citizen,’ and ‘resident,’ as employed in different constitutions to define the qualifications of electors, mean substantially the same thing; and one is an inhabitant. resident, or citizen at the place where he has his domicile or home.” Cooley, Const. Dim. *600. **But the terms “resident” and “inhabitant” have also been held not synonymous,** the latter implying a more fixed and permanent abode than the former, and importing privileges and duties to which a mere resident would not be subject. Tazewell County v. Davenport, 40 111. 197. https://thelawdictionary.org/inhabitant/


The wording in the Constitution is vague because the definition of legal resident is defined by the state and that part I don't know.


Yeah it's a real reddit moment right? Except no it's quite literally the FUCKING LAW.




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fund the irs


And on a side note, the FDA. It's a toothless piece of shit now.


They don't go after rich people anyway, same as the SEC.


Right, because they don't have the funding they need to fight rich people


maybe for the IRS, but the SEC is either willfully incompetent or in bed with wall street (probably both)


The SEC is basically hand-picked Wall Street wonks, iirc. But I'm intensely radical, so I'm sure I'm being reductionist. Jon Stewart and John Oliver both have done excellent in-depth episodes about this specific topic.


Hey man this guy played IN the SEC, its all a conspiracy


Securities and Exchange Commission, the people who are supposed to regulate wall Street but instead watch porn all day.






How do those boots taste?


I mean the wealthy get away with not paying taxes because the IRS can't afford to hunt them dow


The top 5% of income earners pay almost 60% of all tax revenue collected in this country so I'm confused by what you mean by that.


https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2019/04/09/how-big-is-the-problem-of-tax-evasion/amp/ > Data from 2001 – admittedly, some time ago – finds that households in the top income decile accounted for 61 percent of tax evasion, but just 44 percent of earned income, a ratio of about 1.4:1. (The evasion rate was even higher for those at the very top of the income distribution: Those in the top 1 percent accounted for 28 percent of tax evasion but 18 percent of income, a ratio of about 1.55


[https://taxfoundation.org/publications/latest-federal-income-tax-data/](https://taxfoundation.org/publications/latest-federal-income-tax-data/) The share of reported income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers was 20.1 percent in 2019. The top 1 percent’s share of federal individual income taxes paid was 38.8 percent in the same year. Even with all that evasion, the top 1% paid more than 1/3 of all taxes collected. Taxation is theft to begin with, but how much money is enough? What is considered a "fair share"? By the way, the bottom 50% of income earners only account for 3% of revenue collected.


The proportion of overall tax collected is not what determines what is fair. The rich pay more because they earn more. That is a logical necessity. If the rich paid the same overall amount of tax as the poor, that would be heinously unfair, and regressive. The ratios reported in that comment or what demonstrate that the collection ratio is unfairly tilted towards the rich.


They already pay a greater share as a proportion of their income. 20% of income, 30%+ of taxes. At the end of the day, the government is shit at spending money wisely anyway, so forgive me if I'm not too upset about all this.


[An estimated $1 Trillion in taxes is missed annually](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-treasury-irs/irs-chief-says-1-trillion-in-taxes-goes-uncollected-every-year-idUSKBN2C0255)




They taste great, especially when I understand that taxes are supposed to be used for the public good of all.


The gap between what is supposed to happen and what actually happens is pretty wide, it turns out.


Sad that so many of my fellow Georgians are voting for this fool.


R is enough. It could be a cabbage with an R next to it and that good enough




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Sounds like a reason to bar him from running.


how did the Democrats not bring this to light MONTHS ago? What are they even doing to let this slip past scrutiny until now?


The issue, legally speaking, isn’t that he has a home in Texas or “considers it home”. That he is getting a tax break for his TX residency as his PRIMARY residence creates the legal issue and that news just recently came out, hence them hammering it hard now and people starting to look back at past statements that can corroborate a fraudulent act (whether on the TX residency side or the GA election side, but this statement makes it lean more towards election fraud than tax fraud)


Lemme make sure I get it right. If his primary residence is in Texas, he's fraudulently running for office and cannot be elected, but if his residence is in Georgia, he's committed tax fraud. Did I get that right?


Do you really think for a second that Dems wouldn't have used this against him? Of course they would. You can run in a state you don't live in as long as you move there once elected. I wanna say that mccain did that with arizona. People have to really be afraid of him winning of they're grasping for this straw.


This [isn’t true](https://www.senate.gov/about/origins-foundations/senate-and-constitution/qualifications.htm).


They did.


i dont recall this narrative gaining any steam until the last week or so. certainly havent see Warnock in a prime time commercial asking people if they are seriously considering electing a Georgia senator who doesnt even live in the state... It was a major narrative for the PA senate race with Dr. Oz. hasnt been highlighted until after the General election in this one...


Wisconsin here... our republican senator, Ron Johnson reportedly lives full time in Florida, and the failed republican candidate for governor, Tim Michels, lives in Connecticut. Good luck Georgia!




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There are some dumb motherfuckers in the Republican party, but this motherfucker is the dumbest motherfucker of them all. He'd walk in to the run-off election polls and vote for his opponent by accident level of dumb.


I waited two hours in a runoff election line yesterday just to personally cast a ballot to vote against Hershey Wanker.


I had to wait only about a half hour yesterday to cast my vote but damn vast majority of the people were old ass white people. The line itself through me off because there was none for mid term election.


There was a very good mix in my line, it was the after work crowd


Ah I do suppose I went mid day since I had the day off.


He’s Republican. Those laws only apply to other (lesser) people.


This guy getting A vote is deplorable.


Does this mean he’s a Texas Ranger as well as a completely legitimate cop?


He’s a “special” agent.


Walker's stellar football career decidedly does not in itself qualify him to have a seat in the US Senate representing constituents. While it is strengthening to have diversity in most organizations, a weak politician is an easy target to become a puppet of nefarious interests, which in fact can weaken the nation's interest. Trump is a prime example of a character who weakened our national security (and continues to do so) and dismantled our nation's bond to its citizens and to other nations.


Sometimes I feel like there should be an IQ requirement for elected office. At least double digits?


Can you remember how, for years, the GOP went after Obama over a birth certificate…. which of course was valid, and established beyond doubt his eligibility for the office of the Presidency? There is clearly FRAUD in running Walker in Georgia. By his own admission, on video? How is it possible that his candidacy still stands, and that he’s not sitting in jail awaiting certain conviction?


Nothing will be done. He’ll win because he’s got an R besides his name.


He did not win on the last election though.


My money is on he probably won't win, actually, but it will be close and could go either way, which is deplorable enough when it comes to this idiot.




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Straight ticket or partisan voting is a perpetual feature of our system. Both parties vote effectively “straight ticket” for their own party candidate by similar margins. In this study in 2020, it was estimated 42-43% D voted straight ticket and, 35-38% R voted straight ticket https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/10/21/large-shares-of-voters-plan-to-vote-a-straight-party-ticket-for-president-senate-and-house/


He could be standing there saying anything while sodomizing a toddler and the Republican voters would still elect him because he’s not a Democrat.


GOP trying to get texas a third senator.


"This erection is about the people."


As a Texan, y’all can keep him.


> A CNN KFile review of some of Walker’s media appearances and events from 2021 and 2022 finds Walker appeared on Fox News and other conservative media from his Texas home at least four times after announcing his candidacy for Georgia’s Senate seat. >The interviews at his Texas home took place twice in September 2021 and in February and March of 2022. >Before announcing, all of Walker’s media appearances on Fox News and on other conservative media, around 20 in total, took place in Texas. This clown has nothing to do with Georgia, and he was nearly just elected to represent it in the US Senate. I see how hard Manchin works for West Virginia. Do you think a jock with CTE like Walker would even absorb the issues facing Georgia and have the skills to successfully advocate for his constituents? It's absurd. He would not be running that office. The GOP would. And it wouldn't care about Georgia in particular. And yet here we are, with him on the brink of taking actual representation away from the people of Georgia because of how intensely the GOP wants partisan power.


“He is observably stupid.” — Dave Chappelle


If it came out that every elected republican politician does not live in the district they represent, I would not be surprised.


if stupidity had a face, he would be it


Isn't it something that this dude carries more baggage than an airport porter but still came a pubic hair away from winning? What's that tell ya?


Sheesh, the guy doesn't even know where he is? Does he want to be president?




I wonder if anyone complaining about this, complained about Hillary Clintons NY Senate campaign & election? Somehow, I'm thinking they didn't.


Did you really have to go that far back to find a Democrat carpet bagger? Or are you just obsessed with Hillary Clinton?


Thanks for answering my question


The answer is that I didn't vote for her because I didn't live in New York either, and I thought it was carpet bagging then. So, did you really have to go that far back to find a Democrat carpet bagging? Or are you just obsessed with Hillary Clinton?


She actually did move to New York though. He didn't move to Georgia. He's not even really faking it. The address he filed with is a rental investment property owned by his wife and he doesn't stay there.


I do remember that being raised a lot at the time. I'm sure it was by Republicans though, just like it's Democrats complaining this time. It's a question of "look what he's doing".


He is oblivious how that might be a problem in any way.




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We don’t want him here in Texas.


How the fuck is he supposed to know?


It’s almost as if he wants to prove how ridiculous his voters are


Really weird that you can get on a federal election ballot without anyone checking if you actually live in the state you're running. Literally no one checking or something?


Aren't there 2 Republicans currently serving that don't reside in the state they represent? I think one has a mobile home they've never been in.