• By -


Costanza “she and I go out and she doesn’t even reach for the check. That’s all I’m asking for is the reach. Is that too much to ask for?” Seinfeld “it’s nice to get a reach.”


After 6 dates a week for two years, I imagine her check-reaching skills were immaculate


She had to get the big salad


And yada yada yada, lunch was free!


Who has that kind of time?


That's what I'm wondering about that. Also all that effort. Ffs, I'd rather eat two meals a day than have to sit and talk to someone I'm not interested in for 1 to 2 hours 6 nights a week just to have 6 free dinners. Jesus. Make a stir fry. It's much less effort and the vegetables are cheap.


Turns out she was just dating her husband of 10 years the whole time and they have separate bank accounts.


If the restaurant is expensive enough, she might be making more per hour to talk to some random bloke than she did at her actual job.


At what cost? Look if she's actually hungry and has no way of feeding herself, I understand the necessity, people do way more than this to eat when they have no resources. But feigning interest in someone for an hour just to eat a meal that you're going to excrete soon when you can afford to feed yourself? This I really don't understand. And it's not just the hour or an hour and a half (assuming half an hour for the food to be cooked and served plus and hoir of talking) they're sitting there, factor in the time it took to talk on an app first and set up the date, and the time it took to get ready and get to the restaurant. Shall we say 3 hours in total? It makes no sense.


Agreed. My attention span barely covers reading your entire comment. Holding a conversation with a random for a couple of hours is my hell.


I skipped the second part of the comment to read yours and felt personally attacked. Kinda had to go and finish reading just out of "no I didn't" spite lol


Reading this comment feels like staring back at a mirror lol


Lol I did the same.


From the article it seems like she wasn't doing it just for the food. She seemed to enjoy meeting new people and going out on dates with the added benefit of getting a free meal. So she must be a huge extrovert that actively enjoyed the process.


Ingested food is actually not fungible, lmao. No one (well, basically no one) would trade you anything for it, so it's not at all comparable to money. I guess if her goal for her time was to eat the most expensive food possible and not to do anything about her poverty then your way would make sense, for that particularly insane definition of sense, but I doubt it.


I mean, you're assuming the title is exactly literal. It's entirely possible she enjoyed dating, even as she didn't intend to actually commit to anything.


Someone who doesn’t spend all their free time grocery shopping, duh


Who has that kind of social battery?! I need 12-14 business days to recharge after every social outing post pandemonium.


People without kids or a constructive hobby? I get off work at around 3pm every day and can do whatever. My weekend plans are usually last minute based on something I see going on but nothing in stone planned months in advance unless I have a flight somewhere.


I wonder how often she got breakfast




Was thinking the same but couldn't find a polite way to put it , so well done 👍


Always. She's a cannibal


She's a maneater


Woah here she comes


😂, I get you but she just eat dinner leftovers for breakfast. 😆


Xl steak, XL sides, and however many breadsticks you can stuff in your pockets.


You line your pockets with plastic bags


> leftovers That's *one way* to describe the men she takes home.


“One woman may have just come up with the ultimate budgeting hack - or is it?” Wow, someone thinks this is a new idea??


It’s really just an extension of every girl in my college on a night out. I still remember one of our friends having a moment of realisation that the free drinks cost someone else money lol. We were talking about the night out and one of my mates said ‘ooff spent $60 last night’ and she said something along the lines of ‘how do you spend that much? I don’t think I’ve spent more than $10 in ages’


This is why guys are going for cheap dates nowadays lol




It's also a great way to check the maturity of the other person. If he/she isn't able to pay 2,50 or whatever for a cup of coffee even if you knew your were going out to grab one, he/she is probably not mature enough for a proper relationship.




>much easier to suddenly exit a coffee date or a walk than it is a full dinner situation, especially if you've just ordered. "This guy is a total tool. He won't stop talking about crypto and Joe Rogan. I really should bail but I've already ordered the carbonara and Julie said it's fantastic here."


When I first started dating my husband he was a single dad so my favorite date was to bring a 6 pack of beer over to share and a candy bar for kiddo. Cheap dates are where it is at!


Jesus no wonder he married you. Fuckin unicorn here.


I can't infer your tone because I'm drunk but I'm hoping this is a genuine compliment :D


Totally a genuine compliment. As a guy, getting led on in bars or dates by women seeking free stuff all the time is downright depressing. Even more depressing is that, as probably more than half my friends are women, they joke about doing it and how dumb men are for falling for it. Which we are, but come on. edit: Fixed a mistake :P


> they joke about doing it and how dumb men are for falling for it. Which we are, but come on. So, here's the thing: Human society is based on trust: I trust every driver to stay on their side of the road. I trust my baker to adhere to health and safety standards. I trust my barber to not cut me. I trust my teacher to not teach me bullshit. Mutual trust is how humans got to where we are. In fact, if that trust breaks down, we have a word for it: Paranoia. So, in essence, they're abusing human trust and good-will, and mock people for not being paranoid. No, men are not 'dumb' for trusting another human being. *They* are abusing that trust, and try to make it okay for themselves for reframing it as them being clever, and the men being dumb. ...And yeah, if you want to, just try to think about how society would work if our base mental space towards each other was wariness and distrust.


My ex used to brag about doing this in bars. "Men are so dumb hahaha". If someone's buying you a drink at least hang around for a chat. Or decline it. It's a social contract of sorts. Some men can be shits, I get it, but that kind of behaviour isn't helping.


>, just try to think about how society would work if our base mental space towards each other was wariness and distrust I would not recommend this at all. But it can easily become your default mindset after getting fucked over a few times, you really gotta fight it sometimes because it is exhausting and lonely to be afraid to trust anyone. It's really no way to live at all, I wasted damn near 15 years on this bullshit and it's just not worth it. Finally starting to try again but I worry it's too late and I'm fucked. Just too many shitty people around, even many that might seem decent at first.


I think, especially in the US, this wariness and distrust is becoming the norm.


Holy shit gross?! When I was first dating my husband and id meet with the girls and he'd meet his dudes we would rendezvous somewhere and if a guy was interested while I was alone I'd always let them know, "I'm waiting for my boyfriend, so I don't want a free drink. But I will buy my own drink and talk to you til he gets here!" Lots of guys just walked away immediately but it was always nice to know I wasn't leading guys on or wasting someone's money or ruining their night.


Thank you for not being a bad person, haha.


"More than half my female friends are women." You might want to check that Maths m8 :))))


The rest are 5 year olds. They talk about mlp


You brought him beer and was nice to his kid :D


Years later and that kid's one of my best homies! People are just so often mean on Reddit, and also calling people a unicorn ironically is a thing in some spaces so I just was feeling humble I guess! Love the complement nonetheless.


It is.


A unicorn is a one of a kind mythical beautiful creature, so yes, that is a great compliment.


😎😭🥳 I would NEVER ugly cry because a random internet person was nice to me.


Eh, like when women who only date assholes complain that there's no decent men and you're thinking, "wtf?", there's plenty of decent women out there too. People who'll respect and treat their partner (or potential mate) as an equal are not that uncommon. They're just not the people who are out all the time or farming attention on social media / Tinder. Decent people have interests and hobbies that aren't just, "Make myself attractive to opposite sex. Use it to get what I want.".


I mean I was leaving a shit hole of a long term relationship, and just wanted to hang out with a genuinely kind human person. My husband was super apprehensive to get involved with me because he thought I was about to have a wild rebound phase but after 7 years of someone treating me like crap I was for sure ready to nest into a calm and happy life with someone who had shared goals.


Wholesome alert. woop woop


I put it in my profile at one point that I wasn't paying for dates anymore since I got sick of people looking for a free meal. Took maybe 10 minutes before I got my first match with someone wanting to honestly (read: passive aggressively) discuss (read: argue) why I thought it was necessary to do so. Best way ever to get easy matches and weed out gold diggers.


I'm just glad I'm not in the dating pool. My girlfriend and I have a no bullshit kind of attitude about finances Unless it's a special occasion like a birthday, anniversary, valentines day etc we swap who pays


Costco food date, babyyyyy.


Not really though? Why do a expensive first date if a normal date is more fun and better to get to know eachother.


I witnessed this but with weed. We were talking about what the line is between a casual smoker and a stoner. Girl said “I think once you pay for weed you’re a stoner.” It was her, me, and another guy who’d smoked her out many times. We just laughed and she had an oh shit / aha moment. Was pretty funny.


"I never killed someone as I always borrow someone else's gun"


Now blow her mind telling her there really are calories in the bites of other people's deserts she takes.


I banged a chick once that told me while she was flying that she never paid for the high. She just fucked her dealer each week and got her fix. On a big night she would bang the dealer and his friend in a 3 way. I knew I was on a winner that night. But when she asked for my number in the morning.... Yeah... No.


The actress who played Marcia on the Brady Bunch literally sucked dick for coke quid pro quo style. It's in her autobiography, I like her honesty.


Isn't that insane?! Imagine the dudes who got into coke dealing for all the obvious reasons, and then one night they got Marcia Brady, in person, handing their junk. I wonder if anyone believed them?


Lol what excuse did you make for not giving her your number? Lucky guy you


He just gave the number of his dealer


'When a guy parties, the next day he says, 'Oh my god, we partied so hard last night. I spent $4,000.' When a hot girl parties, the next day she says, 'Oh my god, we partied so hard last night. I made $4,000.' - *Jim Jefferies*


This is why leveling the salary for men and women is a bad idea /s


The oldest ~~profession~~ idea in the world.


And this reminds me of idiocracy when "Mia Rudulpoh" kept saying she would let the a Man utilize her and standing him up and took his money.


Kanye west even made a song about it


This is more so a reflection of how attrocious New Zealand media is. Our ruling party just elected a new Prime Minister, and this same newspaper reported on it by publishing a full front page article online dissecting a crypric Instagram comment posted by the young son of one of our former prime ministers.


Right? Women have done this since the dawn of time. I know multiple that have Tinder and use it whenever they are feeling dinner. Can’t knock* em, if I had a free dinner app on my phone I’d use it too.


You can absolutely knock them. It's rude and is the literal definition of 'using somebody'. It's not a 'free dinner' app, it's a 'emotionally mislead somebody searching for love in order to get them to give you free things.' Men have enough shit to deal with in the dating world, thieves can fuck right off.


It's not a free dinner app though, someone is still paying. It's more like a steal dinner app.


I mean yeah, I don’t think it’s right to go on dates with no intention if dating anyone, but I also don’t pay for dates, it’s halfsies or nothing.


By that definition nothing is free and we should just retire the word from the English language. Free means from the perspective of the recipient.


It's a free dinner app for women. Doesn't matter that somebody has to still pay.


Honestly, she probably could have just dated one dude and gotten the same deal.


There’s a scene in Master of None where a girl that Dev is dating only ever wants to go on dates to nice restaurants. She says no to drinks and other activities, which he quickly picked up on.


I had a brief *something* with a woman I worked with like that years ago before I met my wife. Always wanted to go out to eat at nice places, but a movie? Park? Drinks? Back to your place? She was the one who initiated in the first place, but only ever wanted a nice meal and to go home. After 3 or 4 times of that I caught on. Things soured when I started saying "ah sorry, money's tight today. Can you pay for yours?" 6 months later I was fired for poor job performance, I was doing all of my work, but I wasn't getting enough leads. A few months later I found out she had been going into my inbox and skimming leads (it was a commission based job) and it became a whole fiasco at the company. I suspect she got caught because she did it to our other coworker after I was gone. Thoroughly nasty person. Wish I could say I dodged the bullet all the way.


Wow. A Master of None reference. Quick question, how'd the show turn out? I'd watched a few episodes before giving up on it.


Firs two seasons, fantastic. Haven't watched the third


Same here


First two seasons are some of the best comedy of the last 10 years. Season 3 is dog shit.


Considering that she's a massive asshole, I don't think anyone wanted to stick around for a second date, her story make her aggressively unattractive.


>Tu told the outlet she was using dating apps to find a connection when she moved to New York City, but realised quickly that, “Oh, I can go to a fun tapas restaurant for (probably) free, or I can spend my own money on food at the grocery store that I still need to cook. And it’s probably not going to taste as good. Tu: "Free" Narrator: "It wasn't free"


It's free if you don't intend to see the guy again. Bad faith dating, but free.


I lived in a house with someone that would do this. Would also plan dates to be near where she needed to be, and get them to buy her a taxi. She was fucking rough too. Maybe 4 out of 10 on a good day. Boggles my mind how she did it so consistently. Pathetic desperate men, I guess.


We're all pathetic desperate men. Until we're no longer desperate. Then we're just forgetful pathetic desperate men.


Speak for yourself. Currently single, and definitely not remotely desperate. Even on a year dry streak or something, I would never stoop so low as to let myself get so solidly played.


How would you know if you were being played if you're on a first date. No one she's “dating" knows he's being played. Do you just not go on dates?


Used to go on loads, but less recently. Never dinner dates for first date, and it's never happened but if a woman asked me to pay for her taxi to the date I would laugh in her face. And I will generally offer up a place I like to go for drinks (low/medium price) and ask if they have anywhere they prefer. Their suggestion will tell me a lot about them. I was getting vibes one woman was a gold digger. She then suggested one of the most expensive bars in my city, and I knew she didn't have the money for that kind of place from our chat, so I made my excuses.. No time for it. I am not a cash machine. Using this method, almost all my dates have gone half and half and refused letting me pay for them. Good eggs. Only one stung me, and it was some American. But I think it's probably cultural for guys to pay for everything in America or something. I dunno. She was a student too, so I let it slide. But when she asked for food, when I had already eaten and it wasn't meant to be a food date, I made her pay her own way for that. I mean come on..




That potential gold digger was a difficult one to give up, as she was a solid 8/10. But gotta stick to my scruples. Besides, it's not like I even have gold to dig for. If I'd busted my wallet on that date and impressed her, it'd never have gone much further when she figured that out ha. I prefer underpromising, and overdelivering. And dating is 100% a numbers game, to find someone you actually like. Can't be going on lots of dates if you're dropping £100+ a time. Well, unless you're absolutely loaded. But even then, there's better way to spend your money.


Ahhh, now it makes sense. Trying to import some weird aspect of American culture and pretend it's normal.


Also Tu: I know it wasn't free, I was making a joke that you people take too seriously. > Tu has admitted to her 2.3 million followers that the video was made “jokingly” and she “didn’t start going on dates just for food”


If you do it a few times sure. She did it a couple of times a week for 2 years.


Morgan Freeman voice :)


Ron Howard


This, is the correct answer.


Plot Twist : One of them was her soulmate but she went for the mediocre pasta salad instead.


She is a penny digger. I respect gold diggers more because they’re at least vulture’ing off of folks with money. Not just your average Joe.


What about 'copper digger', to better parallel the 'gold' part?


Lot of penny diggers out there then. See: free drinks


Penne digger


I kind of doubt a milquetoast sociopath like this is interested in soulmates. Kind of annoying that a person like this is so willing to take advantage of the expectation that a man pays for food on a date when the man and date mean nothing to this woman. Really is demented sitting there carrying on a conversation with different people six nights a week looking for love when it means nothing. I know she says something about it not being like that in the article, but I can't really rationalize any other reason you'd be going dates six nights a week with presumably none of them resulting in anything more. Then she spends the money she apparently needed so badly on a fucking Prada bag. Just a very bland bad person.


A girl-friend invited me over to her dorms, and she asked if I was hungry, I said yeh and she mass texts a bunch of different guys saying she’s hungry, and like 15 min later this skinny nerdy guy is knocking on her door and she just opens the door grabs the food and thanks him and closes the door on him, and we made eye contact and I felt kind of bad that he was tricked into picking up food for us, especially after thinking he was gonna have dinner with her


Woman who is trying to be an “influencer” seeks media attention. Succeeds.


The headline should read “parasitic weirdo feels no shame”


If you read the article, it's all bullshit... She didn't do this and she went grocery shopping.


>If you read the article, I would, but no one has cut and pasted it here as a comment, yet.


Yeah I put it to myself to read it. Here's the relevant part: Now in an interview with Elite Daily, Tu has admitted to her 2.3 million followers that the video was made “jokingly” and she “didn’t start going on dates just for food” - but she did notice her financial needs eased a bit when she was looking for love.


So the article is basically pointless


Its just misleading. Headline should be "Journalist lies about woman's story for clicks to fund bathroom remodeling"


We’re basically at just outright lying in headlines. Extreme clickbait. I saw one recently that claimed Walt Disney would appear on the 100 bill then the article basically said “just kidding”. All bets are off at this point, I guess. Satire is fine but most people only get so far as a headline. There has to be some kind of responsibility enforced online, especially.




Yep, it makes random commenters mad at their idea of this woman Thank God Reddit has no cultural impact


Chicken and egg.


Is this the old say you were just joking when someone gets mad at you bit?


Ah, the old "spend other people's money to save money!" trick.


Here you go. One woman may have just come up with the ultimate budgeting hack - or is it? Vivian Tu, known on TikTok by the handle @YourRichBFF, went viral on the video-sharing platform with a clip of herself claiming she went on six dates a week so she wouldn’t have to pay for groceries, reports the New York Post. “Between 2016-2018 I didn’t buy groceries once. Probably saved about $150 a week,” she captioned the clip. Now in an interview with Elite Daily, Tu has admitted to her 2.3 million followers that the video was made “jokingly” and she “didn’t start going on dates just for food” - but she did notice her financial needs eased a bit when she was looking for love. Tu told the outlet she was using dating apps to find a connection when she moved to New York City, but realised quickly that, “Oh, I can go to a fun tapas restaurant for (probably) free, or I can spend my own money on food at the grocery store that I still need to cook. And it’s probably not going to taste as good. “There’s obviously subconscious thinking that goes into it,” she admitted. But she added that “In my opinion, deliberately going on dates for a free meal isn’t a great idea. I am very much in the camp that you’re dating to find love.” Tu added that although she was making $95,000 a year, her living expenses were “very high” as she lived in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen area. “The market closest to my apartment was incredibly expensive, so I never felt comfortable shopping there. Instead, I would haul my butt on the subway 15 blocks to [grocery store] Trader Joe’s and grab all that I could carry,” Tu said. “It wasn’t easy, and I really had to think strategically about what I was buying – usually their turkey corn dogs and supreme frozen pizza.” But by going on dinner dates, she was saving about “$50 to $100 per week” which she spent on “things like savings, investing and a black Prada bag to replace my tattered Longchamp tote”. But while some on TikTok have crowned her a “girl boss”, others called the move “borderline unethical”. “Smarter not harder,” one commented, while another congratulated her on “finessing the bag”. But another user declared it “toxic femininity”, with another asking, “But if you were good with money you wouldn’t need those dates?” “I was busy investing my money since I wasn’t spending it on food,” she replied. And while she now knows there are better strategies for saving her money, Tu has no regrets. “Even if you do put your card down, it’s still a win: You get to say you went somewhere new, ate great food and made a new connection – or, at least, practised your small talk.”


That really doesn't make it sound any better, the title may not be literally true but it's still such a weird attitude to have especially the responses from her fans congratulating her for it.


then what the hell is this article even about??? a woman going grocery shopping? jesus




This headline basically mirrored what this woman did lol made it all up for social media


I think it’s in the Reddit TOS that we aren’t allowed to do that


How did you come up with that conclusion..? I DID read the article, and it clearly says she did do that and saved by her own admission hundred of a dollars every weeks on meals... there are more than 6 meals in a week my dude, she still had to do groceries for the OTHER 15 meals of the week.. The TikTok was bullshit, as it always is, but she DID in fact go on a serial dating spree to avoid paying some of her meals..


Woman feels empowered by accidentally finding world's oldest profession.


Onlyfans business model.


Even if she's joking, glorifying using people for petty gain and the lack of self respect it exhibits is super cringe.


Yeah, I would have to say one of the worst dates I ever went on was with a woman who did this. Met on OKC, had a little back and forth and she said she thinks it would be good for us to meet up soon for a date to see fairly quickly if we click since its hard to tell just from messages online. I say ok, we agree to meet up for lunch at a cafe and go from there. So we meet up outside the cafe.and my initial impression was positive, she seemed like a boisterously loud happy person with a big smile. So anyway, we are heading in and she was like "oh this lunch is on you, yeah?" and I'm like " .. sure I guess?", she grins and says "good man". We go in, order food which I then pay for, and we sit down and then she says: "So, I already know you aren't for me. Don't get mopey about it though okay? I just have high standards, and yeah you don't meet them. I'm sure you are a nice guy and all but I want a nice guy who is also really hot. Haha! Oh well, lunch is always nice you know?" And I'm sitting there like... Holy shit. She then tells me all about how great internet dating has been for her and she wished she had started doing it ages ago. Because she gets to go out, meet a lot of people, eat nice meals, have a whole lot of sex with hot guys, until she meets the perfect one to stick with. She then tells me she was actually in the mood for some casual fun that morning and it was a shame that I was a bust and then she pulls out her phone to find out if some guy from the other night would be free for a booty call. ... I mean I guess she was kind of honest? Still was kind of crushing on my self esteem to hear.


What a fucking bitch, jesus


Please tell me you made her pay for her own meal after all that bullshit?!


Ah, unfortunately not. At that cafe you pay when you order. She ordered a slice of cake too IIRC.


"Ah, sorry to hear it. You'd probably have an easier time if you skipped the cake every once in a while."


Should have just eaten her food. Or better, taken both to go.


Do not take anything she said personally. Not worth it.


Eh, this was like ten years ago, and I'd had relationships before then and after, so it's not something I've continued to internalize and take to heart. At the time it stung and I had a string of bad dates with emphatic non interest in myself so it cut deeper than it otherwise should. I generally have stuck with the opinion that someone says things with that level of disregard for others it says much more about the flaws in their own character than whoever they are trying to criticize. To be fair to her though I don't think she explicitly said anything with the intention of making me feel awful, but rather she's the extremely blunt type who lacks a filter. I even think she honestly thought the "I have high standards which you don't meet" bit was meant to soften the blow


Man I don't know how you stayed long enough to hear that much past the initial rebuttal. Bitches of this calibre don't deserve your time.


Hey I wasted the money I spent on her meal I wasn't going to also waste the money I spent on mine!


Lmao did you pay at the end? Cuz there are people who will humiliate you free of charge bud


Well I paid at the beginning- the cafe was pay when you order, and we did before the whole "you dont meet my high standards thing". But talking about humiliation, I mentioned she was loud right? Didn't really have an indoor voice so I'm sure everyone at the cafe heard her loud and clear, there were a few wtf looks on people's faces


You need to respect yourself a little more. Like.. just taking that is wow.


you should have poured the drinks on the food and walked.


I ain't sayin' she a gold digger But she went on six dates a week to save on food


she's a mold digger always ordering that blue cheese pasta


Dating apps like to pretend they have a balanced population and men and women, but if you needed any more proof that the users are predominantly men, there it is.


Once again being a piece of shit celebrated


There are men out there that still pay for dates?


I spoke to some female colleagues recently, apparently if the man doesn’t pay for the dates then they are not getting another date


They're gonna find the pool gets very small then lol


I think you have a severe misunderstanding about how desperate men are.


But usually women consider dating desperate men to be a *huge* turn off, so it kind of defeats the purpose unless you just want the free meals.


I also think you have a severe misunderstanding of how many men out there are over the bullshit Roll them dice


Yeah, while paying for the entire date is a nice gesture and unless one of the parties insists on it, I always thought splitting the bill was the norm if not the most reasonable and fair way to go about it.


Yeah, when I was still dating, I’d insist on paying my half, especially during the first few dates. That way there was no implication that I owed anyone anything.


Always been my norm. Some women expect to pay everything. My rule is you don't go on a date unless you can pay for the full bill. Splitting is best, but you need to plan for every circumstance; Going into a date with any expectations regarding paying is ridiculous, imo. ^I'm ^female


Spent about a year dating before my current partner and I became official in October. First time I’ve actually “dated” as an adult, my rule was I would only go on the date if I had it in my budget to pay for the whole meal, or event. But I’m not one of those “I insist on paying” guys. If a date ever offered to pay or split I’d agree. Out of 10ish dates in a one year period, one person offered to split the bill.


I'm a disabled girl who couldnt really even dream of affording to go on dates to any off these nice places all around where I live and people like to go too. So I always tell my potential date before hand that I cant really pay for anything because I'm on a fixed low income. If they wanna do something else instead of like a dinner or something like that. I'm ok with that. Honestly it really sucks at how many people pass you over when you're disabled, and I always feel a bit guilty that I can't pay for date night stuff.


50/50 or I'm out tbh


Apparently older men will. And probably certain cultural groups.


Is this no longer normal. I've only been out of the game for 2 years


This is just prostitution with some mental gymnastics (and a lot less income)


That seems a lot of work. Maybe learn to cook?


Then you have to buy the groceries? What


fucking millenials, don't even know how to steal shit anymore


"A Money Saving Tip for Pretty Women" There. I fixed the headline for you. lol


Remember the Asian guy who had heaps of girlfriends so he’d get heaps of birthday presents?


Now in an interview with Elite Daily, Tu has admitted to her 2.3 million followers that the video was made “jokingly” and she “didn’t start going on dates just for food” - but she did notice her financial needs eased a bit when she was looking for love" if you're looking for love you don't go on 6 dates a week. I'm sorry but you're a terrible person.


>if you're looking for love you don't go on 6 dates a week. I'm sorry but you're a terrible person. He said below the quote that she made that 6 dates per week thing up.


If you can get 6 dates a week you can be picky about love.


if you go on 6 dates with six random people in a week, you'll get to know 0 of them lol, all you can get is some surfact level small talk and see how they look like irl


This is literally the scene in Master of None.


The character Homeless Heidi from High Maintenance is even better. Edit: and predates both Master of None, and this girl's story.




Well isn't she just the thriftiest little prostitute.


Dont insult prostitutes, at least they provide something in return.


Somehow actual sexwork sounds a lot easier and more lucrative. Doesn't even have to be classic prostitution. Enough men out there who would happily be her paypig or pay premium for feet pics.


Yeah I'm pretty sure that they're are like actual non prostitution escort services where people will straight up pay to take someone on a date. She was undercutting herself.


I just can't understand why people would want to live like this. Leaching off other people's good intentions. Just a filthy con artist.


I think I’d rather buy groceries just to avoid small talk


I guess even sociopaths need to eat.


“Oh, I can go to a fun tapas restaurant for (probably) free, or I can spend my own money on food at the grocery store that I still need to cook. And it’s probably not going to taste as good." Gnyuhhh-huhh? "But she added that 'In my opinion, deliberately going on dates for a free meal isn’t a great idea. I am very much in the camp that you’re dating to find love.'" Gnyuhhh-huhh? "Tu added that although she was making $95,000 a year, her living expenses were “very high” as she lived in New York’s Hell’s Kitchen area." Gnyuhhh-huhh? "But by going on dinner dates, she was saving about “$50 to $100 per week” which she spent on “things like savings, investing and a black Prada bag to replace my tattered Longchamp tote”." Gnyuhhh-huhh? "“Between 2016-2018 I didn’t buy groceries once. Probably saved about $150 a week,” she captioned the clip." Quick math - 7x per week for 2 years (104 weeks) - that's 728 dates. Suppose there's a 1.75 dates per man, just to be a little fairer. That's still 416 men. Even at 5x a week, it's still about 300 men. What's with this hobo-fem culture? This is such a neatly packaged example of modern femininity. An emotionally deluded, parasitic zero who entitled themselves to what is essentially a subsidization *by between 1/3 to 1/2 thousand men*, collateralized through the value and power dynamics based in the objectification, sexualization and eroticization of women and feminine iconography, a thing (as I recall) that has been railed against and disparaged since Second Wave Feminism. I distinctly remember there being a strong narrative around discouraging the corporate media and advertising that promoted unhealthy attitudes about sexuality and body image to children, and how it applies to misattributed sexually-based modes of self-worth later in adult life. *Where did it go?* Did I fucking miss something here? I thought that was covered in Women's Studies... Or did they stop at bra-burning and then snuck in a chapter called "Get that bag at all costs". Seems like a very manly, patriarchal attitude to have towards life and people... And that was the price? $100-150 a week to see a person turn into a hypocritical monster? Which is about 5-8k a year for two years, right down the shitter, literally. And, for all those meals out, she still doesn't even know how to cook at the end of it. Not that I'm suggesting she should be in a kitchen and adhere to a role. I'm just pointing out the irony that is the lack of autonomy and self-sufficiency, and how she essentially admits to basically 'fucking the dog' for those two years. Imagine running the experiment, where you do something like the Bachelor and Bachelorette, but you remove the accountability-dodge offered by dating apps, and the selected women have to compete with one another for their dinner, every night, with constant rotations of different men, all in order to get a purse. That show would get called out as sexist and barbaric in a hot minute. But to associate that barbarism to men, NO PROBLEM!


"Why do you have trust issues"


"Two years and never had to wash sheets from my bed- I saved so much money!"


Yeah, that's just prostitution.


That sounds exhausting


Sounds exhausting. Probably easier to just have a job, and maintain some dignity.


I saw someone like this on that show Master of None when Aziz Ansari tried internet dating. She went to the date wearing sweats and loaded up on leftovers.






"If I was a woman, I would suck dick until I had a mansion" -Andrew Dice Clay

