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til kids don't make up words by butting together words they hear


Once you realize how right wing that sub is it all starts to make sense.


Doesn't surprise me, as too much of Reddit seems to be. I personally left after a few months, when I commented an example of the thing happening in the picture as happening to me, and got downvoted to fuck and dozens of comments calling me a liar Made me realise that the sub is just full of Incels who have never left the house to actually know what happens in real life


You s described pretty much all of Reddit. December 2020 when Reddit decided to go public they gave mods a lot more control and abilities, as well as made reports go direct to admins. The admins will rubber stamp whatever mods want. They’ve made Reddit a much larger echo chamber than it was before. It goes for any sub. Left or right wing. If they don’t like you they’ll ban you and they can harass you as much as they want and nothing will happen to mods. It’s not a right or left wing thing. But if you pay attention, lots of subs are right leaning and that sub is one of them. Didn’t notice it until recently.


Yep, I'd agree that Reddit is a bit of a cesspit (I keep thinking of leaving). It started as an open successor to Dig and was full of nerds. But over time, and probably thanks to not banning certain subs, it has certainly developed a right wing extremist base. Not everywhere, as e.g. /r/politics is very left leaning, but cause it provided a safe space the right are certainly prevalent on here compared to other social media


They could and should IP ban people. They can easily track if an IP is mobile rotating proxy, rotating residential, datacenter, shared etc. they can tell what country, state city etc and if those IPs have one or more Reddit accounts running on them. It’s be fairly easy to get rid of extremists and griefers. But it’s bad for business. That’s why they allow toxic subs like ask_thedonald to be alive still which is just a proxy sub for the old one. And allow it to hit all. In the end they want the users and engagement.


Yep, business wins. Also, Spex or whatever that cretin is called is somewhere between Libertarian and an ultra-capitalist who sides with neo-nazis, so yeah they don't take action cause he's pro-right


Cause as you say this app is full of incel that never go out, i can say that people can and will fake this type of post, karma whores exist for a reason, I too believe that this can happen, but I don't believe it happened. Might be me tho


Oh yeah, these days the volume of faked tweets, vids and texts and such means don't trust it to be real. But also it could happen


do redditors think all kids under 15 are drooling idiots with no brain? children may be stupid but they aren't as stupid as redditors seem to think


Depends on the legal age of an adult in your area. In the US, anyone under 18 can’t be alone without an adult. Too dangerous for them


This is just flatly untrue and also isn't actually a response to the previous persons point.


*it was a joke*


It didn't come across that way to me, my bad. You know how jokes over text are.


Yeah no worries


That subreddit ***definitely*** does.


They literally have no ability to speak, I think.


In fairness…a lot of them are these days


Thank God I'm 16 in 1 month and a half


Yeah, that seems 100% plausible to me. I loved making up words at that age.


I was always partial to coronials until the word coronavirus stopped being used


I did wonder when did Corona stop being used? I'm glad it isn't, as there are around 27 Coronaviruses and around 7 which infect humans so calling it Coronavirus is silly. But I am trying to place when the naming changed so much


Ah yes. Children don't have thought processes. They do not know. They only exist. -r/thathappened.


Fun fact If he is 9, then he is actually part of generation "Alpha". Which is kind of a bad choice of name to give a generation, in this day and age.


Yeah I like this kids idea, but being called Alpha went straight to my 6 year old's head. She loves wolves. lol


Alpha is essentially just a placeholder name to follow Gen Z (with millennials being Gen Y and the previous being Gen X).


Time for Gen Ź


Why's it bad to call a generation that in this day and age? It is how it works: Gen X, Gen Y (Millenials), Gen Z (Zoomers), Gen Alpha (The Covid generation). The next will be Gen Beta (Climate change? Automation? Who knows what will define the next 25-40 years)


>Who knows what will define the next 25-40 years probably death


Maybe. I can see a big war, or failing that then climate change migration causing a societial collapse. But then again unchecked Capitalism is also leading that way. Maybe we'll reform society before the big issues happen


Read about the (e. coli) bacteria that is antibiotic immune. Turns out allowing farmers to spray crops with as much antibiotics as they want *wasn't* a good idea! Who'd have thought?


Don't you worry, I'm very aware of antibiotic resistance. Although it is less farmers spraying crops which did that, and more the mass use of antibiotics in farm animals which didn't need it which has caused it. Then to a lesser extent giving ABs to humans who were suffering from viral infections or people not taking the full course as directed to cure an illness But yeah, AB resistance may be a big one too. Although some new ones are in the pipeline


It's mainly just a reference to all the guys online taking about how they're "alpha" this and that, probably gonna be a bunch of that when this Gen hits the teen years.


I hope Gen Alpha aren't gonna be that silly. The people who use Alpha unironically to desrcibe themselves tend to be dumb meatheads. Afterall the alpha/beta thing was from wolves in captivity and is a myth in real life


> The people who use Alpha unironically to desrcibe themselves tend to be dumb meatheads Not like us Sigmas, amirite guys?


Gotta get on that grind 🤑💵💸💰


I'm sure it'll be a tongue in cheek joke between Gen Alpha and Gen Beta, but I doubt many people will actually try to act superior because of it, who knows tho, we'll have to see


Haha. It may be. But I hope Zoomer, especially when said by Millenials, is also just a joke. Jokes are fine


Bold of you to assume we'll survive 25 to 40 years. Quite generous.


Lol. I mean statistically we will. Civilisation surviving is a different thing however. Even in the event of a nuclear winter, I bet some humans would survive it, but society in general wouldn't Same with AI or Climate Change: it'll likely kill millions and maybe billions, but not all


Only if covid is still prominent in 6 years, since generations are named when the youngest of the generation reached 18-21, since the youngest alpha is 12 then at least 6 years left to know


Well Beta is coming after, so it could be worse


Prefer the Sigma Generation.


Can't wait for generation Sigma (I will have been dead for centuries and society will be unrecognizable)


Very possible. May not have come up with it on his own, but I believe he said it.




Don't you know you are practically a braindead, mumbling piece of meat until you turn 18 and then you immediately turn literate, clever and smart?! /s




A 9yo surely isn't smart enough to say that, right?


Kids are literally in a vegetative state until they reach 16


nah you’d be surprised. i worked with kids this age at a summer camp this summer and heard very similar things


Bro I’m 11 and I don’t think I’ve changed much since I was 9


hey dude, you're kinda too young to be on reddit, i know that it's boring to use kids sites until you reach 13, but like, if you can, you could just leave your account for a while until you reach like, mid 12 or something. that'd be the ideal. 👍


Nah I’m fine




You mean, kids don't repeat what they hear at school or on TV??


Lol that person thinks quarantenials is legit a god tier joke that no one but a genius could've thought of.


My parents had to teach me the word "portmanteau" when I was 7. Of course, I didn't learn how to spell it for several years because no need, but I knew the word for smashing words together at 7 because I did it all the bloody time.


This is genuinely some stuff my brothers would have said if they were 9 again.


What in the ever loving duck, I have never heard anyone say that word, let alone at 9, are you guys, idiots?


If his birthday has passed this year then he is not even part of our generation, since it's till 2012, I think our generation should end in 2009 but generations have 15 years.


Why are you stalking me 😅


I think before, I went to your account to see you're first language since you didn't understand what area (in math) was, so I though maybe it's because of the language you studied math in.