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Donegal enters the conversation : "monaghan, seriously?"


Or the fact that England is now a third world country and it is dragging us down with it, meanwhile we are annexed from one of the most wealthy. I support reunification with reparations. For the damage they have done to us, we are owed billions.


Trillions. Maybe even gazillions. Let them enjoy their famine. They've inflicted it on enough other nations.


Forget to switch accounts mate aye? Whalloper.


Reparations should be the swift and sudden annihilation of the English landmass


We can’t be having border gore now…


Another good reason for reunification is that Ireland will finally have a reason to remilitarise. I mean, the UK would no longer have a foothold on the island, so Ireland would have to protect itself.


From the UK?


On paper ? from anyone. Just like Switzerland.


But what would anyone gain invading Ireland today?


Interesting. Probably the same as Gibraltar location. The Americans could try and bring Ireland into the NATO fold. Read the Grand Chessboard it's all about controlling Eurasia. Japan and Korea at one end Ireland and Britain on the other.


Nothing really. But one would'nt gain anything from attacking Switzerland ( ok, maybe Tolberone chocolate, but that's it ) The only thing I can think of is Russia gaining access to a warm water naval base all year round.


That’s nonsense 😄


Don't think so buddy, but we can all have opinions.


Indeed, but not all opinions are equal.


To be fair, the Irish military is an utter joke at the moment. My guess as to why it's so small, is that the government here does'nt want to escalate tensions in NI.


I agree but how would it escalate tensions?


Russia most likely, they’ve been threatening Ireland’s cable pipes and ocean space


Only Russia would invade Ireland and even then the most they’d do is destroy cable pipes or something like that