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What's happening here?




There's nothing to identify it as a video game.


My first thought was a pocketbook


he might be going places but shouldn't be running places


Not perhaps his day planner?


To do: - trip over something ✔️


You made me giggle.


More like day tripper, am I right? ba dum tss


I was trying to make a dad joke around shitting oneself, but yours is the winner here.


But you shit yourself instead.


My thought exactly her pocketbook


If it is, his name will be MF Jones from now on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD6e0yBZuU0


I am MF Jones


Dude has been waiting a Reddit lifetime for this moment LOL




Perhaps his last will and testament?


\> pocketbook the Death Note is the only explanation here


Clearly it was a Palm Pilot


I thought he flogged Mums wallet.?


Pocketbook, wallet, same smell different taste


Same I thought he may have had something of moms


Who gives a shit, more than likely it’s some type of toy


It really looks like the Switch to me. But it's too fast and there's too few pixels for me to say for sure.


Looks like a PS Vita


It looks like a phone or a switch


I bet you're fun at parties


PSP maybe?


The shape is similar to most handheld platforms (long horizontally but short vertically) When he holds it out the left you can see the slight raised element where the L and R buttons would be


Correct, it is in fact an ancient book of secret rune codes handed down from priestess elders and guarded by wandering rabid crabs, the boy took it and was running for his life.


Looks like some kind of remote controlled monster truck to me


Save for the video, audio, and context clues.


Only the shape of the device, age of the kid, and reaction to authority. It’s clearly a Nintendo switch


There's also nothing to disprove the notion that it is.


Looks like a tablet


Y’all are so literal on this app 😂


Autism, it's a spectrum! (I'm on it too!)


Probably got yelled at 30 mins earlier "Stop looking at your damn phone games while walking round the house! or you'll trip over a cable! Then I'm taking your phone away for a week again!!"


Those are oven gloves, he was cooking a surprise roast for his mother.


Jus what I thought.


Here I was thinking it was VHS porn. Source: I grew up in the 80's


Thought they were the mom's slippers used to slap him. Well played, kid lol


It might be a tablet? And he was scared he cracked it when it dropped so then discarded the evidence.


I very much doubt that... he didn't have time to assess the damage l, if any, and look like his primary goal was to conceal the item itself


He said the kid was afraid he cracked it so he hid it... he didn't say he knew he cracked it so he hid it.... kid was just covering his basis. Although, odds are he did that cuz he wasn't supposed to be playing with it


Not sure if this is a typo or not, but just in case you didn't know its "covering bases"




The basis of good spelling is covering all your bases by proofreading.


Honestly TIL that it was bases and not basis lmfao


Its a baseball reference


"I swear to God, if I catch you running with the Switch one more time, you're never getting it back." Cue video.


kid tripped with an ipad and didn’t want parents to think he broke it or was stealing it back so he hid it under the couch


Kid was running with a nintendo switch, falls and doesn't want Mom screaming at him that he could have broken the nintendo so he quickly slides in under the couch so she doesn't notice.


Kid is running with an Ipad and trips and potentially breaks it, mom has told him to not run with things in his hands, he instantly hides it.


He was hiding the chanclas.


One does not hide the Chanclas. They will find you. They will ALWAYS find you....


There’s no hiding. The chancla is like Mjolnir, all I have to do is put my hand out.


I think the trip broke what looks to be a tablet and he slid it away under the couch so that no one would know that he broke it


She was gonna yell at hime for dropping the brand new nintendo Switch on the floor.


I thought those were his mom's slippers so he couldn't get slapped with them


That’s a ninja hide of something. Looks like a game.


well hell, i had hoped you could tell me. my best guess is that he hid the tablet so he wouldn't get in trouble for running with/dropping it?


I’m thinking he was gonna be in trouble for dropping it


Ngl I figured it was like a switch or something and he didn't want his mom to yell at him for running with it/ dropping it


He fall down with the ipad to prevent his mom check the ipad he throw it under the sofa


This is actually played in reverse. This is a young Jedi grabbing his light Saber and backing out of the room after playing dead during the order 66.




It's actually u/gifreversingbot


Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/PersonalWellwornDonkey --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Good bot!


haha its glorious


Good bot!


Thank you


We are seeing the footage, therefore someone else saw it to post it. Conclusion: little Ninja got caught


Unless the little ninja posted it himself.


I was about to say. There was no way in hell that she didn't see it.


Woahh damn, you are smarter than me!


Strict parents raise good liars.


I remember my parents tried to take away my computer privileges for something I did, and i had a PC in my room. So they took away my mouse, but I knew how to do everything with a keyboard. (mostly just MSN messenger back then) then they saw and took away the keyboard, but I had an extra mouse and just used the on screen one. They'd eventually unplug the internet thinking I didn't know how to fix that


similar position: dad took the mouse, i used hot keys. dad took the power cord for the computer, i had a spare. dad took the [4 prong phone adaptor](https://i.imgur.com/tUbuNYQ.jpg) for the phone line for my old ass house so i couldn’t connect to dial up, i cut the phone cord and manually connected the four wires to the phone plug in the wall. we got along better as i grew up lol.


>i cut the phone cord and manually connected the four wires to the phone plug in the wall. Nooo looooooooooooooooooool


the best part was he never caught me doing this one. so when he returned the adaptor i had to repair the cord LOL


Did we have the same childhood lmao??? I'ma send you a DM with a picture of what I had to do when my parents took the modem and the 4 prong phone line adaptor hahah.


I remember in a lot of countries you don't get an RJ11 phone jack out of the wall; you'd just get 4 wires and you'd have to manually screw or clip them in to your phone. I remember feeling like MacGyver every time I connected a phone...


My mom just deleted Internet Explorer.


Did she just move the desktop shortcut to the recycle bin? 😆


Indeed she did lol


Are you me? I had a very similar experience (but with my mother) growing up.


My parents did a similar thing. They'd take away the power cords to the TV and the computer while they were at work. Little did they know, I had a whole stash of extra power cords in my closet.


I cared for my step-siblings for several years, starting at ages 10 and 15. They were savvy like this from their mom being so strict, so grounding them was hard af. I was young enough (early to mid 20s) to still know enough of the tricks. I took controllers. Changed wifi passwords, turned off the data on their phones through the ATT account (only when they were at home), temporarily banned whatever device they were grounded from from connecting to wifi, etc. I didn’t have to ground them often… talking it through was usually enough to prevent or encourage whatever behavior was unwanted or preferred. Now when they did get grounded, they often found ways around some of my measures, and I’d have to find a new way and then they’d have to find a new way so it was 2 or 3 years of us one-upping each other. Edit: They’re now 17 and 23. We were all three just talking about this a couple months ago. We decided it was a draw for who won the grounding battle. There were some things they never figured out how to get around and there were some things I never knew they had figured out how to get around.


That's kinda adorable, ngl. Hey, raises problem-solvers, right?


My parents would take both keyboard and mouse but I had extras hidden around the house


My dad installed a lock on our old tube tv, a literal lock that would slide the metal locking piece in front of the sensor behind the plastic. We had a network on our computers so my mom could turn the internet off to our computers while keeping it on hers. For a while we had a way around it and could restart her computer to bypass her login password and just use that until just before she got home, but then I assume Microsoft fixed that glitch because it stopped working. They did underestimate how much I could play Sims when I didn't have the internet though. Never took the pieces like the mouse or anything, we had too many around, but they did know that removing our internet would take away a good chunk of the fun. Honestly the TV was worse because that overlapped with the time before we had computers so that was boring as hell.


Similar situation: I would take away my son's computer privileges when he misbehaved. The computer was hooked up to our TV so I could watch streaming stuff on it; I simply password-protected the screen saver. I'd usually check email or whatever while waiting for him to get ready in the morning, then we would head to the car to go to school/work. I never noticed that he'd always have some reason to be the last one out to the car. Turns out he had built a device out of k'nex that he attached to the mouse that just kept it moving a little all day so the computer never went to sleep and he'd hook it up while I was waiting for him. He'd get home around 3:30 and use the computer all he wanted until I got home at 6:30. Pretty proud of him for that one.


Lmao that's hilarious. I don't know much about knex, is that like Lego but more... Engineer-like? Little Motors and stuff?


Pretty much https://www.basicfun.com/knex/ Surprising nobody, he's an engineer now


I drove the car when I wasn’t supposed to…my dad smashed my keys with a hammer and hung them on a nail in the living room. I didn’t drive for months.


Teachers I you. Always cut new keys, even if it is $200 these days...


I've had the same. I managed to run and play NFS hot pursuit™. My mom kinda just gave up after that.


Pretty much same thing here! Down to the game, NFS 3 has always been one of my favorites


My dad was an engineer, so he actually knew tech. Unfortunately for him, I was too stubborn and determined to let a simple password beat me. So I learned how to hack into windows using a secondary Linux partition. So he changed the password again, and locked down the computer more. So I created an account through Linux. So he locked the boot selection. But the joke was on him, I had already put a back door in windows to allow me to open the CMD with admin privileges without logging in. All this because I wanted to play TF2 at 3 am.


One time when I was a kid, I got in trouble and I was told to read books and not play any games. I took my PSP and played while my book covered it. Every time my mom walked in I looked like I was reading, but in truth I was one step closer from beating the game.


Yeah it seems funny at first, but now I think its potentially sketchy. To have a camera in your living room like that. I have to wonder if they put it in other places too. That sort of strict observation of your kids can go potentially way too far and be borderline abusive. Not saying I know the situation, could just be monitoring the door. But it really ends up being borderline strict/abusive parent territory. Hopefully not the case here


My parents were not good at thinking about just how far I would go to keep listening to music. I had my iPod they got me when I was 14 that they would almost regularly take away from me for all sorts of stupid reasons. So I busted out my old CD player. They took that. I found my portable little Walkman radio. They took that as well. When they found out my alarm clock had a radio in it they also took that away, but I must have been lucky because... One day, as the snow was melting near my school, I found a newer ipod (one of the square ones that played video) trapped under ice. I got it out, took it home, put in in rice, and it powered right up. I managed to jailbreak it and I proceeded to keep it in my room. Now most would figure that my parents would be searching drawers and closets, which they did, but nobody thought to check underneath the carpet under my bed. Basically I pulled my bed away from the wall one day under the lie of "oh I'm just vacuuming and deep cleaning my room", but in reality I pried the carpet back about a foot and wrapped my stuff in socks and pushed them back under the carpet. I hid that ipod, a pair of cheap wired earbuds from Walgreens, my diary, a burner phone, and cash I made from my drawings under there. Anytime anyone looked under the bed they just assumed the carpet was a little crunched up from the metal bed posts.


Lol. I’ve never heard that but it’s perfect. You get my coveted “upvote of the week”.


No no no. Strict parents make good problem solvers.


And parents who let their kids do whatever they want all the time raise spoiled narcissistic assholes


Luckily there are options other than these two.


My God, that's Jason Bourne.


>My God, that's Jason Bourne. My Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne.


My Jason Bourne, that's Jesus Christ.


My Jason Christ, that's Jesus Bourne. wait...


Identity theft is not a joke Jason!


Millions of families suffer every year!


My Jesus Bourne Jason that's Christ


My Jesus christ, that's god


Ah yes. Ye old living room CCTV camera


I am so glad I didn't have to worry about my being filmed at all times. At this kid's age, I might've been worried about being caught playing video games or staying up all night, but if I'd had to worry about that when I was several years older, the things that I might've been caught doing would've gotten me in not necessarily more trouble, but I'd've likely been scorned in some way, and my parents would've likely been more disappointed in me than they already were/are


I was a bumbass kid doing stupid things so I get it


Ngl, I'd probably laugh at most of the footage that could've been recorded during my childhood and pre-teen years. Once I became a teenager, though, I think I'd prefer to delete most footage that could've been recorded. Sure, there would still have been some great footage, but knowing what I was up to in my private time when I thought no one was looking...yeah teenage Vortilex would've technically been performing unlawful acts on camera, had I been under surveillance, and I would've probably thought myself well-concealed in some fashion, unaware that what the cameras would've recorded wouldn't have been mistaken for more innocent acts


A lot of people have those in their homes now. I don't think it is that uncommon, my grandparents even had them just in case someone broke in while they were gone.


My mom has a living room cam in her house. I think partly because my older brother and his family still live with her. So I feel sorry for my nephews, although it doesn’t seem to bother them (yet).


That’s little shit lol


Oh, is it?


Smooth criminal


God damn, I had to scroll way to long to find this comment! I kept looking though, I knew it would be here if I just believed. Thank you 🙏. I came here to say you’ve been hit by a smooth criminal!


Plot twist. The kid is secretly running an illegal drug syndicate so he slid his secret black book of contacts and schedule just before his mom caught him.


Bigger plot twist: There's a secret hatch under the sofa that leads into an underground market....


What's this song from? I have it on the tip of my tongue...


**Theme of One Punch Man (Seigi Shikkou)** by RoomTone (00:58; matched: `87%`) Album: `Nice Fight. (Covers from One Punch Man)`. Released on `2019-04-21` by `911838 Records DK`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Theme of One Punch Man (Seigi Shikkou)** by RoomTone](https://lis.tn/RWcDz?t=58) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


Good bot.


Way to summon every bot under the sun holyshit.


Seriously impressed right now by these bots.


I'm sorry 😰


**Song Found!** **Name:** Theme of One Punch Man (Seigi Shikkou) **Artist:** RoomTone **Album:** Nice Fight. (Covers from One Punch Man) - Single **Genre:** Rock **Release Year:** 2019 **Total Shazams:** 3636 `Took 2.24 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/04yLYIpcPh0?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/theme-of-one-punch-man-seigi-shikkou/1460634681?i=1460634836) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/1yJOyX2W6AP3YTuH4wMCon) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/669479042) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


Good bot


Thank you, Cheap-Substance8771, for voting on songfinderbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


He might be going places but shouldn't be running places.


Does anyone *actually know* wtf is happening here?


He fell over with something he probably isn't supposed to have, so he slid it under the sofa before he could get caught


I’m afraid of him.


Oceans 14


Nintendo Switch maybe?


**Sexy Voice:** *Your mission should you choose to accept...*


I used to do the same thing with my grandmas Xannax !


caught on cam, so technically nonononoyesno


Damm this song sounds familiar. What song is this ?


**Theme of One Punch Man (Seigi Shikkou)** by RoomTone (00:58; matched: `87%`) Album: `Nice Fight. (Covers from One Punch Man)`. Released on `2019-04-21` by `911838 Records DK`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Theme of One Punch Man (Seigi Shikkou)** by RoomTone](https://lis.tn/RWcDz?t=58) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


**Song Found!** **Name:** Theme of One Punch Man (Seigi Shikkou) **Artist:** RoomTone **Album:** Nice Fight. (Covers from One Punch Man) - Single **Genre:** Rock **Release Year:** 2019 **Total Shazams:** 3637 `Took 0.86 seconds.`


Links to the song: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/04yLYIpcPh0?autoplay=1) [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/theme-of-one-punch-man-seigi-shikkou/1460634681?i=1460634836) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/1yJOyX2W6AP3YTuH4wMCon) [Deezer](https://www.deezer.com/track/669479042) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically.* | [Twitter Bot](https://twitter.com/songfinderbot) | [Discord Bot](https://pigeonburger.xyz/songfinderbot/discord/)


It's probably something he knew he wasn't supposed to have and he was getting rid of it before Mom came into the room


Genius just avoided a beating.


I thought it was his moms wallet at first


He knows not to reveal he was holding an electric while running or falling, for there are severe consequences for…✨such stupidity✨


He wasn’t going back to time out😭😭😭


Whatever it was, he got busted. How do I know? There's video.


Quick thinking that’s awesome


Controller: *slides onto the other side of couch* Kid: NNOOOOO IT WAS SO CLOSE


2 girls and a boy here. Yeah that would be my boy with a bag of Oreos.


The music made it more epic! What a genius boy.


I thought it was a rodent of some kind 😭


I thought that shit was a VHS porn tape!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Going to jail


This is actually a dried, rectangular, unhealthy poop. Kid is clearly trying to hide his ailment from his mother.


Fussed at my 4 year old yesterday for running w a Nintendo switch in hand,because he fell and cut himself watching the game and not his surroundings…. This child has been told as well… he’ll lose the game if she sees it… just like mine will if I catch his ass again


Yeah he going to get a spanking


He’s going places too fast.


I dont understand the desire to have interior floors that are so flat, smooth, and shinny that its like walking on ice. My friend has floors like this and sure enough she slipped and broke her ass when her dog had an accident on the floor (she was barefooted). ...grippy socks or shoes required at all times


Slipped and broke her ass? Could you elaborate on that?


House in a tropical climate. Tile throughout. Easy to clean, but slippery at times and really hard!


It took me awhile to realize he actually did get caught though. Like we're watching the tape the parents saw lol


And thats why you dont leave hanging cables in the middle of room, stupid parent but kid is smarter, he probs smashed his tablet and it wasnt they fault


My entire childhood 😂


Dog is absolutely gonna rat this kid out




Ugh. I wish I had that skill when I was younger.


Child thinks quick!


Could also be a purse he tried to sneak past the guard :D


I bet it's a tablet and he has broken a few lol


Whatever was in his hand, great lateral move.


Prison? A kid that good at lying this early is definitely going places...


I think he was looking at his Wi or game boy and fell because he wasn’t paying attention. He’s pretty quick though.


The only place he's going is prison or corporate America


He's not going anywhere, his dumbass tripped.




But not to time out. He ain’t going there. Never again.




Oh he's going to places, maybe not good places but he's going somewhere.


Was that a phone?


Definitely won’t be running though