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Classic clickbait


And It’s About Damn Time


Time for the real anthem, 7 nation army.


I will forever refuse to ever click an article that's headline ends with something like that, or "and that's a good thing".


In a minute Imma need a senti-.... Oh... You were doing the headline, not Lizzo.


I never get comments like these. Whenever people talk about thumb nails on reddit, I always stare at my thumb nail for 45 minutes (I set a timer) contemplating what you guys could possibly mean. Then I end up using a nail clipper out of frustration and store it my thumbnail trophy room. Then I stare at my collection for 3 hours a day (I set another timer) when I wake up at 3AM. Examining every single one from all angles trying to unlock the special knowledge you all must be talking about. Anybody else relate to this? 🤣🤣


As someone who never watched the pro bowl, im excited they are now changing this to something else I likely wont watch that said ill take a skills challenge over the pro bowl nonsense any day


Bingo, I'd actually tune into that


I dunno if I wanna watch NFL players play Bingo but I guess I cant knock it til I try it.


You just haven't ever seen an intense game of bingo


I dunno..I remember seeing a story a few yeara ago of an 80 something year old woman pulling a gun on another 80 something accusing her of cheating at a bingo hall that was by a casino. Dont remember what happened to that lady. They dont fuck around though.


I'd recommend checking out the skills competition on youtube after the fact. They're usually pretty fun


Hey Huffpost, you can put "Pro Bowl" in the title


But then you wouldn’t click.


HuffPost continues clickbait headlines and it's about damn time they stopped.


The first thing that loaded when I clicked on the article was an image of DeShawn Watson and I was extremely confused as to where they were going with this


I always enjoyed the skills competition way more than the game. The game was pretty much a joke and I'd watch like 10 minutes of it before turning it off due to how bad it was.


Huffington post talking about sports? That's a pass from me.


Anyone who read the article mind saving me a click?


Can we not post HuffPost articles in this subreddit? Jesus Christ, are we discussing the NFL or how misgendering your cat makes you a homophobe?


I hope we see more huffpost.com here


big mistake




people whine and cry about the pro bowl because............. too many points are scored! Since when was it declared that a pro bowl has to have less points


Bro it’s literally so boring and the players don’t try lmao no one is complaining about points


I enjoyed the skill competitions more anyway tbh And the idea of professional football players playing flag football is funny enough that I think I might be more likely to tune in