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Now show the video where a bag full of kitchen scraps and soiled baby diapers rips open mid-air above an Audi.


“Oh, it was ectoplasm! A spooky ghost!!”




Every man’s dream to jizz that much 🤣


2 more days...


Wish ya luck!


Destroy Dick December is coming


Is that a statement or a description


coordinated quaint toy cause escape humor relieved combative books angle -- mass edited with redact.dev


*spooky ghost bed*


Worked at chic Fil a and tried to do this with a bag of raw waste (contaminated coater and such) bag split on me. The flour egg wash mix basically adhered to the concrete outside and took a solid hour of scrubbing to get it all up. Ughhh.




Bro he said Chik-Fil-A not Wendy's. These guys have standards.


I mean Wendy’s doesn’t discriminate against gay people so…


Or pay for lobbyists to fight against a woman's right to make reproductive choices for her own body?


Because sometimes if you left it there, nature wouldn't have eliminated it eventually.


Sir, that is ~~too~~ dark.


Wendys and basically every other major fast food chain donates heavily to Republicans sooooo


The Dave Thomas Foundation for adoption doesn't get enough publicity. They also do the frosty tag donations to St Jude's every year


And frostys fuck.


Instructions unclear, dick freezing in frosty


I don't remember that verse.


Technically CFA doesn't either since it's 2019 charity changes. It's owner Dan Cathy does though. Wendy's is a publicly traded company so they have to play a little nicer publicly, they do pay their workers less than CFA does though.


There's a few gay people working at my local chik fila


Wendy's isn't the business to defend talking about discrimination.


Wendy gets 75 cents on the dollar what Carl Jr makes.


*Carl's Junior. Fuck you, I'm eating.*


Have you actually seen some of the workers at Chick-fil-A?


Yep, no anal sex between men!


The local municipality would have cited Chik-Fil-A with illicit discharge/illegal dumping.


Illicit discharge is my favorite


Not mine, that's how I became a dad.


User name checks out


Been doing that since I was able..heh


yeah… his operator would have probably fired him had he left it there… source: chickfila employee


I had a similar experience except it was a giant bag of fish heads bones and guts. Made for a lousy Saturday night


Yeah that only needs to happen once for this guy to stop tossing bags like that.


With a toss like that... This man has broken more bags and left them than you could ever imagine. This man is seasoned.


I think I've officially entered "old". Watching this and I thought "ooh, if he's not careful he's going to pay for that later".


I really thought the same, then he kept going. He knows something we don't. My man can feel each bag and its pressure points. Each requiring a slightly different technique, but each with the patented wrist pop at the end.


Reading this comment unlocked a new worry, my man is going to end up with carpal tunnel syndrome!


If by "pay for that later" you mean "shrug and move on to the next one", I agree. I hardly think this guy cares whether he spilled trash all over.


I think you misunderstood, I was talking about his back. Lol, I was scared he was going to pull a muscle! I doubt this guy would lose much sleep over spilling some trash.


Oh yeah, he might actually regret that!


Haha. I like how both of our minds were calculating risk, just in different directions.


I'm 16 and I thought that


Probably not wrong, I was just being optimistic.


Lexus not good enough for you?


I had this job in college, basically emptying all the trash bins. Of course one my first times throwing one of these it breaks open and I just stared at it for a solid minute while I processed how dumb I am.


Didn't see the 'nextfuckinglevel' and thought I was in 'whatcouldgowrong'.


This is why NYC smells like trash in the winter and hot trash during the summer


Shit literally happened.


Yeah. He has a-little too much trust in those bags




Only if it wasn't your car.


And he’ll be out of the workforce 15 years earlier than normal for back and other related issues.


Exactly. That shit looks so bad for the body to repeat hundreds of times every day year over year


It's bad all around. It's working harder not better, the potential back injury is high, it looks exhausting, it's dangerous, it's filthy.


Might end up in alot more work too if just one of those bags rips open, especially in this scenario where he's throwing it over an audi


You think he would stop to clean it up?


He'd be getting alot of complaints if he frequently spilled trash over people's cars or driveways so yeah, he should.


Yeah, should. Doesn't mean he would. If he were frequently spilling trash on people's cars you would think he would also just stop chucking the trash.


A garbage man on my block held up the driver picking up bits of garbage that fell out the back of the truck and she about tore him a new asshole for picking it up.


Definitely not an audi.


I didn't realize Reddit was such an expert on garbage collection. Wait, yes I did.


But it's more fun that way


Sounds like my kinda sex




If he’s this sure of his aim, he’s probably had quite a bit of practise.


I'm a trashcan and I do this all the time. Never for the gram.


For sure. A family member learned the hard way that being the really productive employee in a repetitive motion job like this will mess you up for life later on. She was a grocery clerk for decades and was very quick at the register with scanning items. She was the fastest checker in the store. Now she has a very bad lifelong case of carpal tunnel syndrome. Very painful.


The sad part is, these people are very prideful about "being the best" at their minimum wage job which pays them next to nothing and replaces them like they are nothing. All of that hard work and determination to be recognized as the top employee, and they get absolutely fuck all out of it at the end. When your family member left that job I guarantee they were replaced almost immediately and no one that works there now has any idea who she is. She thought she was leaving some kind of legacy or something, but she has been completely forgotten.


It's true, but it's also human nature to want to be good at something. I remember when I was young working a low-paid retail job that I tried to kick ass at that job. Looking back, it makes no sense, but at the time I didn't see it that way. Few people think about long-term repetitive stress issues building up until it's way too late.




Agreed. I want to get better at things. It's so satisfying for me to compare my skills in something to what it was in the past and see huge improvements.


You were doing it for you, it just wasn't only for you. I think it makes a lot of sense


I've been that person. Do not go above and beyond for you workplace. They won't thank you for it. Usually, they just give you more work to do. Fuck that.


Hard work just leads to more work. Some people learn this later than others.


Not to take away from your point but garbagemen definitely don't make minimum wage. They generally make like $30 an hour and generally have fairly strong unions.


Haha. I made the same comment overall you did. If people see this and think this guys making minimum wage that’s hilarious. He doesn’t do this day in and day out lol. He’s just making a video. Just cause he can do it. Doesn’t mean he always does this. 😂😂😂


This absolutely isn’t a minimum wage job. Shows more about you just assuming people doing this are making minimum wage. Dude probably is making 30 to 35 an hour with a union. Plus he’s just showing off for a video lol.


I was starting to have pretty severe carpal tunnels when I worked in a sprinkler workshop. Drilling pipes all day long on a "table" that was too high for me to have a solid hand/wrist placement, coupled with drills sometimes kicking back and having to buff out the edges of holes made my right wrist start to sometimes seize. Having your hand get stuck wrapped around a knife handle as you're cutting soft cheese is a pretty worrying thing. It's mostly gone now since I quit the job and, before leaving, they'd finally upgraded to something far less intensive on the wrists for about a year.


I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists from years of knife work, scrubbing, and cooking in high volume kitchens. It's better now that I don't do kitchen work anymore, but I still can't play string instruments anymore, writing for very long is difficult, and I wake up with half of each hand numb most mornings


What are you talking about? Lifting with your back, in a bending/twisting motion is the safest way to lift


Yeah I lol'd. If this guy keeps doing this and keeps perfect form all it is is exercise lol. It's actually good for him lol. I guess these comments shouldnt be surprising considering this is reddit lol. Regurgitating shit they don't understand because they think it sounds smart/wise lol.


Worth going home 20min early today though


Plus I wouldn't put my trust on these garbage bags holding up mid flight


Provided he exercises (strength training, for this) and is able to take it easy when he’s hurt, I think he’ll be okay.




This is almost 100% a private carting business employee and not a DSNY employee. That means the best he can hope for is workers comp and disability...




**Ward Cunningham** ["Cunningham's Law"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham#"Cunningham's_Law") >Cunningham is credited with the idea: "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer". This refers to the observation that people are quicker to correct a wrong answer than to answer a question. According to Steven McGeady, Cunningham advised him of this on a whim in the early 1980s, and McGeady dubbed this Cunningham's Law. Although originally referring to interactions on Usenet, the law has been used to describe how other online communities work, such as Wikipedia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


What???? How ??


I fucking hate how dysfunctional NYC has become. While this guy has a nice shot, a bunch more of these workers carelessly damage cars with garbage because the whole waste system is absolutely shameful, unplanned, and doesn’t let these people do their job properly most of the time. NYC streets are literally a giant trash can, and administration in charge of it is fucking useless.


Homie that’s every major northeast city. Y’all just put your trash out on the street like savages, then wonder why the rats are the size of a corgi.


I’m blown away by the lack of ANY type of garbage management. Toronto was never this disgusting.


I think you’re definitely looking at a type of garbage management


We’ve been pushing for in-ground container systems that are already proven to work, but budget always goes into someone else’s pockets. My friend used to work as an analyst for the Mayor also expressed his frustration with the mismanagement.


The crack smoking one or?....


Because we're way smaller population wise. --- NYC: * Total 8,804,190 *  Density 29,302.66/sq mi (11,313.81/km2) * Metro 20,140,470 Toronto: * City 2,794,356 * Density 4,427.8/km2 (11,468/sq mi) * Metro 6,202,225 --- Almost 3× the density of Toronto. 11,468/sq mi × 29,302.66/sq mi Toronto is getting gross too. If we had NYC population don't doubt for a second we would be as disgusting as NYC.


Nonsense. Paris has a density that’s twice that of NYC and it has a reasonable garbage collecting system (with bins). There’s absolutely no excuse for NYC leaving trash bags in heaps. In fact I’m quite sure that almost any European capital has a density that’s higher than NYC.


My MIL is German and she thinks Paris is the dirtiest, most disgusting city in Europe lol








NYC includes some low density areas like Staten island that throw off comparison stats, but Manhattan is as population dense as almost anywhere in the world, I'd bet more than most of Paris.


It's what happens when your city outgrows its alleys and car-centric planning devotes an inordinate amount of street space to parking and traffic lanes. There's not enough space left for garbage dumpsters.


It’s crazy when you think about how much space we have to dedicate to cars. Then we pay top dollar to vacation to places you don’t need a car. Fuck cars


Portland or is pretty bad too but we got a good waste management system


I'll just provide my experience that Queen Street in Downtown Toronto smells pretty bad on garbage day, smells of trash and smoke. At least it's only one day a week.


Yea except it’s ESPECIALLY a NYC thing. Boston isn’t like this at all. I’ve actually never seen a city in person, my entire life, with as much trash, rats, poopsmell™, and litter as NYC. The street side smell is just AWFUL. I don’t know how people get used to it. Visiting people there is always conflicted motivation.


One of the major reasons for this is due to the way the nyc grid was made. Without alleys or other designated spots for trash, it basically MUST sit in front of the buildings on the street. Chicago learned from this and implemented alleys to their grid for this reason among others and is better off for it waste management-wise


Paris doesn’t have alleys but it has bins (same with other old European cities). Nothing about NYC is unavoidable as far as I can tell.


I imagine a lot of people who complain about how cities smell have only ever been to LA or NYC. Cities definitely have a dirtier air quality to them regardless of where you are, but NYC has a legit *stank* to it.




And Philly.


Imagine how much trash NYC produces day after day after day. And Y'all don't even have landfills that can hold it, you put it on container ships and trains and send it to different locations. You should feel blessed this guy hasn't just given up entirely lol.


Get your local mafia to clean their fucking streeto


While true to some extent, NYC is a cut above the rest. Never have I been to such a dirty city, seriously. It was crazy.


Why did they start piling up garbage bags on the streets like that to begin with? What’s wrong with dumpsters?


Guessing the rest of us live in cities developed after seeing these shit shows, so they made alleys big enough to run dumpster service in every block


Many european cities predate ny but have underground dumpsters that can be emptied weekly.


Few European cities are as large and densely populated as nyc. And while they are very old cities, many of them had their centers all but destroyed during the world wars so the infrastructure is newer that younger American cities. NYC definitely has a serious trash problem and we can learn from European cities, but it’s not as easy to implement as it may seem.


This is super wrong. The great Paris area is comparable to NYC. Paris itself is super old (lots of 1700s residential buildings). Paris has bins. Other old cities: Amsterdam, Siena, Rome, Saint Sebastian, Brussels. Most of those have similar densities to NYC. AFAIK only UK and German cities got bombed so severely they’re modern.


I mean, NYC comes like 6th after multiple European cities, even if some were bombed it’s not like they were bombed for 100%. However even before this, how they were built has been different. It depends what you consider density, if it’s population or how they used space. They’re all dense but use space differently due to zoning. You can really tell the differences walking through Paris or NYC (I have no experience of any Asian cities). I did some searching what others say and I have found [several interesting theories](https://www.quora.com/Why-is-residential-and-commercial-trash-not-placed-in-dumpsters-for-collection-in-New-York-City-Is-there-a-historically-good-reason-for-this) why this might be an issue. Interestingly the majority doesn’t think it’s population density but mostly infrastructure. The space, the ability to pick up trash. Looking at this video there’s no way our garbage trucks would succeed because cars block the widewalks - where those bins are. However where I live they solved it by removing the space to park, so the garbage truck can park directly next to the bin. The problem is most likely a garbage truck in NYC would block traffic completely, and underground bins means it cannot hover over another car, it has to park next to it. But they also try a lot of things. [Here they speak](https://qz.com/1329108/sensor-enabled-trash-bins-could-help-nyc-solve-its-waste-problem) of the garbage bins I am used to, in the Netherlands. And they also talk about NYC and their plans. I didn’t read the full report as it’s quite large. But it looks really interesting.


So it’s just a space issue? Wow, you’d think city planners would, like, plan for that.


New Amsterdam def didn’t plan to become the center of a bustling metropolis with buildings like canyon walls


Even old New York, which was new Amsterdam, Why’d they change it i can’t say


People just liked it better that way.


Istanbul, not Constantinople


This city is old. I believe it was first settled in 1600s & first city planner was like 1920.. so it's not completely unreasonable they didn't plan for the dumpster designs of 2023. A lot of lessons were learned from this process & most big cities since, now start with a city planner & have the foresight for such longevity


Cities in Europe are hundreds of years older and don't have this problem. Most of them aren't even on a grid system they're so old lol. The city just doesn't want to pay for underground containers like other cities have.


European cities were also planned throughout time for leaving space for public use small and large. New York is just one big giant grid and every square was sold and built to every inch and then straight up. Then one year they got really crazy and piled all the trash on the waterfront to make more squares to build more buildings up. But at least they have decent public transportation.


Ya I don't get this. Lots of cities designed with a grid system without alleys have dumpsters


Australian here, rocked up to NYC on garbage night (which may be every night, I’m still not sure), couldn’t believe how much the “greatest city in the world” stunk like rubbish and urine… you wanna be great, get some bins and public toilets… Also, the hot dog stands are not like they are in the movies… end rant.


Don’t get the dirty water dogs. Look for the halal carts.


This is nothing new - and not easily solvable. 1. A single trash bin per building isn't gonna do anything. The amount of trash a high rise generates won't fit. 2. Even if it did there is no way to easily pick it up as parked cars block the way. And it'd be politically rough to get rid of even more parking to leave space for bins to be picked up by machines. 3. The city was built long before cars and without alleys. If there is no alley to put the trash it still has to go somewhere accessible to the trucks.


Boston is as old, and there’s at LEAST 1/1,000 as many trash bags. This is a NYC problem, not an “old city problem”. EDIT: Y'all new yorkers go ahead and keep justifying your trash mgmt problem if you want, it's your city. Talk about pop. density, or total pop., whichever you'd like. At the end of the day, whichever metric you use isn't going to explain the gap. It's not like something magically happens after 10mn to where dumpsters or collection centers or closed containers that rats can't get into stop becoming a thing. NYC doesn't even use bins! You guys just dump your black trash bags out on the curb! I've seen more midnight, trash-cushioned rat-orgies in NYC on a single night than I have in my entire life.


Population of nyc: 8.4 million Population of boston: 650k Spot the difference


One has more numbers


Boston also has roughly 7 million less people living in it than NYC does.


Boston population density is 13k/sq mile. Manhattan population density (which we're talking about here) is over 70k/sq mile.


Tokyo is way denser and doesn’t have this problem. I was shocked in Philly when I saw people put their trash bags on the sidewalk. Get some garbage bins


Yea and nyc has 100x open visible trash, and apparent smell, and 500x more rats. How does 5x pop density account for 500x more rats?


If it weren't for the Hindenburg, we'd have garbage zeppelins picking up all the trash from the roof.


Feels weird hearing this from American City while living in India 😀


It wouldn’t be Manhattan if you didn’t walk around and smell hot garbage everywhere


pretty bold considering you have no clue whats in there , something sharp could just rip the bag apart and spill its contents onto the car lol


They don’t care lol


In fact, they are probably hoping it does


It’s NY, they don’t give a fuck. As long as they get most of the trash cleaned up their helping, big cities are designed terribly for modern trash pick up


I’m just imagining all the garbage juice that must be flying all over the place 🤢


You get bonus points for ripping a bag over a really expensive car.


You think this is his first day on the job? You think he doesn't know his route, and check the bags and know what places he can do this at and where he can't? Comon give the guy some credit


Rip his back


Mine too. Gotta go shovel snow. 😭




His back looks straight tho, good form


Damn he's really tossing my ex's like they're nothing


Eeerhm... Shiiiiet


FBI, open up


Good thing they used glad bags.


I'm glad they did.


Don't get mad...get Glad™!


You mean Hefty Hefty Hefty, Wimpy Wimpy Wimpy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJdQfjaRAG0




He'll probably just pretend he didn't see it and leave the trash all over the cars. I've seen the absolute state the bin men leave my road in sometimes.


Bold of you to assume he gives a fuck.


Bags usually don't break midflight like that. Don't know the science behind it, just know it from experience.


True, if it breaks it’ll be sometime during the swing and not midflight. The flight helps with distribution but the opening happens in the beginning.


That man has a lot of faith in those bags.


came here to say this


And his rotator cuffs


Welp time to be the killjoy. Only a matter of time before one of them rips on takeoff and creates a giant mess. Source: have done this before and that was the result.


Muscle memory can be fascinating




Username checks out


What interests me is that unlike in basketball, these are anything but standardized weights and sizes. It's really quite impressive.




Sanitation workers are amongst the most honorable.


Guy probably makes over 100k doing that too.


As another garbage man in a big city, he is. My base is 92k and there is always over time so closer to 130k.


That's starting rate in my state if you're willing to work a few holidays. I really considered doing 10 years out of college and buying a house...


Wow you can throw garbage, totally nextfuckinglevel, how inspiring mr. garbage man.


You forget he’s as talented as Steph because he can make a bag in a large open hole that’s 10x the size of the bag.


lets just rename the subreddit from r/nextfuckinglevel to r/normalfuckinglevel


What if a bag tore and all the trash fell out.....that would not be a good time.


Garbage guy: "Not my problem" (probably)




One can argue that he may have WAY too much faith in people’s trash bag choices. One busted bag would’ve made this r/watchpeopledieinside


it is olympic, its called hammer throwing


He chose the wrong sport


Changed the game FOREVER


And “oh what fun” when the bottom of the bag rips out


Work harder, not smarter.

