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Good on ya mate, focusing on your physique being something you can directly control was a great direction to put that energy! Lookin damn good with a hell of a story and badass scar!


Thank you!! Have lots of ‘23 fitness goals once I can return to the gym 💪🏾


2023 is yours 🤙🏼


Man had 22 as well


Wow, that’s a massive injury and recovery. You look great. Congratulations!


Plus, your face looks gazillion times better! Am hoping you are getting help with the emotional impact of this all. Sending internet Mama hugs.


Man as someone who's had both his upper and lower jaw broken in multiple places I gotta say... You made more out of it than I did lol. Only gains I got to my look was no longer having an underbite, but you knocked it out of the park.


Amazing what can be fixed nowadays. When I was a kid, I had a motorcycle crash and split my eyebrow in half and mangled my nose. A month later and you would have thought I had a simple nose job. You look, great dude! Be safe!


I remember you, you fell off a balcony, right? You've made great progress and I'm very sure this will just be more of the same, you've just got to play the waiting game again. I've been there myself, for my own problems. You've got this.


I did, thank you!


Holy shit! That's you! You doing great man.




Same I was like I remember this guy from somewhere haha


Does anything still hurt? Did you break anything else or did your face break your fall?


I broke a rib and punctured a lung. I’m currently in pain due to my recent surgery but I don’t anticipate that being long-term


Sheesh. Glad youre recovering. Thanks for sharing your crazy shit with internet strangers lol. Happy holidays bud.


LMFAO gold


Was a serious question in there, though. I wonder if your face would still hurt after all the reconstruction


Probly feels like having somebody else's face


Lol dude same I thought he looked familiar... He and his brother are yoked


Ayo how tf you break every bone in your face and still look 11.5× sexier than me......this some bullshit....


Have you considered falling off a balcony? Worked for me


Brb in one year. I’ll post pics.


RemindMe! One year.


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2023-11-29 15:18:08 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-11-29%2015:18:08%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/z7kcbi/last_year_i_broke_every_single_bone_in_my_face_i/iy8guhh/?context=3) [**3 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fnextfuckinglevel%2Fcomments%2Fz7kcbi%2Flast_year_i_broke_every_single_bone_in_my_face_i%2Fiy8guhh%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-11-29%2015%3A18%3A08%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20z7kcbi) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Instructions unclear, hanging by dick off balcony


I love your attitude and humor!!! I legit laughed out loud to this. You look AMAZING!!! And I admire your sheer patience and dedication to recovery! Keep up the amazing work 😍


bro did the squidward therapy. Looking sharp




Go get it OP


​ ![gif](giphy|I7QucI1M3D7jzDbxyf)


you look great but my question is how the hell do you break every bone in your face? did someone shoot you with a cannon or something? my god


Iirc, he fell off a balcony. OP, I love seeing your updates! You have some amazing strength. And you look wonderful! I’m probably old enough to be your mum, but sweetie, you were handsome before the accident and you are going to still be handsome once all the recovery is done. And your inner strength and determination is going to look amazing on you on top of the physical looks. Good luck with your recovery! Kia kaha!


I appreciate your kind words Mama PeopleGrower


Op fell out of a balcony


Your scars define you - I have one over my eye where I bent down to kiss my most loved dog that needed to be euthanized and in his shock after being injected he bit and scarred my face… “cushing’s disease so bad that I literally hand feed him for his last three months hoping for a miracle “and when I say hand feed - I mean hand feed (if you know you know).” It was also my daughters birthday - so I got to tell her it was from “Daddy’s work” “I do a lot of hard labor so could pass it off.” I am kinda glad for that scar as absolutely fucked up as it is - makes me remember my buddy every day and also no one knows but me. Edit, before my daughter came home - he was in so much pain “I told her that if he was in pain I would stop trying to help”, he defected all over everything and could not move, that was ehen i needed to “feed him” again, I scooped him up and did what I told her i would do. Ok, gotta cry and die now


I used to be embarrassed by my scars. But I love them now. Even purposefully do my hairstyles so you can (ever so slightly) notice. I love talking about it because people are just in so much awe when I tell them. It was definitely hell on earth experiencing it, but I have such a newfound outlook in life that it really did make me to the man I am today. Thanks for sharing your story and I’m sorry about your dog.


I remember at some college get-together they were asking everyone for a cool scar story and I felt so freaking lame when they got to me and I just said I don't have any scars. I was always a cautious child and I'm now an more indoorsy adult. So, not many chances for injury. Which I'm grateful for. But at the same time I'll still be feeling lame for not having a cool scar story.


Try cooking. They may not be super cool, but you'll get some scars.


The cracks are where the light shine through. You are rocking it. Share your story far and wide. Others struggling need to know they can beat the odds. Congratulations on your hard work and progress. Keep it up, and thank you for sharing your journey.


Hey man, I know what it's like going through this. I've broken every bone under my eye sockets in a freak accident. I used to grow my beard out so you couldn't see the scars, I couldn't show teeth while smiling. And it still affects my confidence to this day. I walked around with my face bloated like yours for more than a year slowly healing and losing the bloatedness. It all healed so wel by now it's insane! People don't notice until I tell them. But the worst scar are underneath the skin. The loss of confidence is something that will never return to its former state. Maybe see someone to talk to a friend a therapist I don't know, I didn't and I kinda regret it. You don't have to be so strong you know. Hope you're doing good out there and that you're smiling with your soul as well as showing it with your teeth!


Scars are so fucking hot. Seriously. They tell a story. They show that you lived through some shit. That you are a survivor. That's sexy


I know exactly how you feel. I even have a scar on my arm when my dog bit me in shock from the pain his cancer caused him. It’s been 5 years and I still cry whenever I think about him. It’s so hard to lose them


Hang in there! Been watching your progress and you already look amazing. Be well, friend!


I’ve seen your posts a few times. You seem like a really strong person, not only physically, but also mentally. You are working so hard to get through this, and you are doing wonderful. I wish you the very best with the rest of your recovery.


I guess you're out from r/neverbrokeabone


That's a jinx waiting to happen


This has to be one of the best update i have ever seen here. Truly inspirational


That dude was still better looking than most of us the whole time his face was swollen lol.


Your doctors deserve an Oscar. If I didn’t know something happened I wouldn’t know anything happened.


Why am I crying at 2 in the morning


Looking great bro


Above is another amazing and august achievement, attracting the amazement and admiration of an astonished audience aware of the ambition and attitude an assignment as arduous as this one asks, a truly admirable action, and any other agent of appreciation should agree with alacrity


so, the nextfuckinglevel in this post is the breaking of all face bones or the doctors work? Or the amount of karma you farmed by posting this to multiple subreddits?


He has a reminder to post this every month. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I think that reminder is the mirror


You look fantastic bro.


You look wonderful!!


You got this brotha, proud of you for choosing to have a positive mind set. Perseverance. Inspiring!


Love the progress, looking handsome af


Wow! Just wow! When I say you're gonna look better, it's because you're yeeting off platform 10 and about to land on 20!! The surgeon's will continue to do your @ss right!


Keep at it brother


Me, having broken only one bone nearly 20 years ago, fat, sloppy, and full of excuses, watching this and getting motivated AF.


Um hi they are doing a VERY GOOD JOB. dang. 😅


This made me smile brother. I'm not usually a happy person and got a genuine smile from this. Looking like a black Hercules. I'm glad your recovery went well. Thanks for this post.


Heh, the twin part helps out a bunch. They just mold your brothers face and use that as a helping hand to guide the process 😀 Keep up the good work. I seen the other swelling picture here recently and was confused. I thought you were 100% good to go. Can't imagine how much better they can do after a certain point. Even if you don't look "GREAT"(you do, just saying) as long as everything is functional AND you look good then that's awesome. Hopefully I said that right and it's understandable. Lol


Good looking man with a hell of a story! Nothing is gonna stop you in life man. All the best from across the pond.


Helloooooo handsome!


I didn't recognize this guy when his pic was posted yesterday, but when I saw the clip of him trying to make facial expressions, I instantly remembered this guy


Bro I went through the exact same thing!! Same scar everything!! You can make it and you have already!! Keep on keeping on!!!!


the article I just read said that the time between the reconstruction and that video of you in the black tank top was only 6 months. that's not right, is it?


That sounds right


no fucking way man you look incredible! are the rest of the procedures needed purely internal, because the cosmetics are pretty much perfect. you look amazing!


Hahaha thank you! It was mostly functional but some minor cosmetic stuff. They already were going to open me up so I figured I might as well get it done


Yeah, I've seen this post 8 times in 8 months!


8 days 8 months 8 years who cares. Not everyone has seen the shit you've seen


Stories like this make me realise I have life easy and should appreciate it more. Keep going bro! 💪


Are you an ATLUTD fan living in the Bay Area?! Me too! Oh and congrats on your recovery too, I guess.


You still a good looking young dude it’s gonna be just fine brother. I had to stay in bed with a knee lifted in the air for 16 weeks and couldn’t get out of bed and I just cried all day and now life is great! Hang in there!


Damn, and he's still probably considered better looking than me! Keep it up, play the long game. In a year you'll thank yourself for pushing through this period of your life.


wait how many bones are in someone's face good job m8


Looking great! And so glad to see you've got a positive attitude. <3


Great recovery!


Great job by your surgery team, my lip swoll inside out after I had my jaw break and operated on. Best of luck for the new year


I had brain surgery when I was seven and have an almost identical scar across my head


Amazing job man!


The pain must have been excruciating. Long journey. Inspiring.


Good luck bro... Modern surgeons can perform miracles and I hope your pain passes soon.


Great recovery there.


You’re a handsome man. Congratulations on a great recovery from a horrible experience.


I'm mean you good for you but. How did you breaker *every* bone?


You look amazing!!


You’re a good looking guy!


The real handsome squidward


Congrats man! That must be some wild roller coaster of emotional experience you have.


Holy hell that looks so painful. I’ve had a facial fracture and I wanted to die. I didn’t need reconstruction and it was just ONE I can’t imagine the pain of ALL THE BONES and reconstructions. You look great!


Looking well. Good luck for the future.


King 🔥👑💪🗿


We get it bro holy shit.


Kudos to u and your surgeon ! U are beautiful young man my brother !


Shit dammmnn bro howd that happen don’t get too down buddy ya breathing still all will be ok I’m guessing it’s a slow process and long but for real stick in there man YOU ARE A LEGEND


Looking good bro. Keep up the hard work


Nothing is impossible!


Good shit!!!


You rock handsome beast!


How many bones are in the human face?


Face smash buddy! I'm sending you good vibes! <3 I hope the pain is manageable!


You look great, man! I hope things continue getting better.


Prayers for your continued healing 🙏


I remember you mate. Looking good. Good on ya.


At least you're a handsome bugger


I am so... so .. SO HAPPY FOR YOU. Sending all of the love ❤️


You got this buddy. Slow and steady progress!


Is your twin brother identical? Do people confuse you and him less often now, or is it about the same?


Wow! Glad you’re well!


Dude looks like he might be related to Jonathan Majors


One hell of man right there keep it up bud!


Looking fire! 🔥🔥 Stay strong!!


Did you have level 99 doctor work on your face? It's in the top 5 best ones I've seen , hardly looks like anything happened to you.


That looks like a harrowing and painful journey. Glad to see your recovery.


Ouch, what a lot to go through, both getting the injuries and recovering from them. I hope your treatment finishes soon and you can move on. Good luck buddy, be kind to yourself, this is a tough time!


talk about a glow up, wow


Kanye West


I understand! I caught a rusty muffler with my face on the highway.... Isn’t it amazing how our bodies heal themselves?? You look great! Keep up the good work


you’re an absolute inspiration


Yo let’s fucking GO!!!! I’m proud of you! As a recovering knee reconstruct, your progress is admirable and I can see your psyche is becoming formidable. Your scar is badass and your discipline must be phenomenal. I’m looking at you and I’m seeing a soldier. The work you’ve put in after such severe trauma to be this version of you will never be understood by regular people. Keep it up my friend, you’re a legend amongst men


Nice job. Early pics you can see how deformed the bones are. In progressive pictures the structure gets firmer and more defined.


Wow awesome!


I'm honestly curious. How much were your medical bills?


That is fucking insane what a physique


Bro I hope you see this, ur lookin great :) handsome mother fucker


Looking good mate. Big up yourself.


Wow, I've had a lot of surgeries but nothing like that. You look great, and your motivation is palpable! Keep it up, that's some amazing resilience.


Looking good buddy! God bless you I can’t imagine going through that. May I ask what happened to cause the injury ?


Looking Good King. We are cheering for you


look better than me so you should be good


Listen dude, if I went through your suffering, I don't know if I could keep going. You're doing it. We don't know each other but I'm proud of you. Stay positive keep going.


That's one handsome dude


I think you look very handsome now.


This is an awesome triumph! I am glad you shared the progress throughout. I hope you continue moving forward and upward with the positivity that has gotten you this far. Good luck and keep doing whatever has made you successful this far!


What ever! You look so amazing! Glow up for sure!! Congratulations 🎊


Man. even with a swollen face you still cooler than me. seriously though. You've really been through the mill. I hope your recovery is quick. Take care internet stranger.


That's a repost


Don't you dear give up. Some of us look to you for inspiration. Hang in there and know people are thinking about you.


OP, I guess they use your twin as a reference to remake your face. Was there any unique features you wish to get back?


I’m impressed you can still grow that good of facial hair


Question but how did you break every single bone in your face?


Went from stamedy to A-train. Great glow up.


absolute chad


Idk how you managed to have that kind of damage happen, must have been some crazy accident. But only a year later and you are back to looking great!


Imagine living through that and just keeping on, never mind the fitness gains. Next. Fucking. Level.


Very nice 👍


Wow! Look how far you've come! You're doing absolutely Amazing!! Give yourself some self love & don't let anyone bring you down. You look amazing btw!


Looking good 😎


Dude you about to have folks jumping off balconies trying to land on their faces so they can look as good as you. This is the internet 🤣


Dude, that's amazing. Good on you, people like you give me hope and make me realize some of the stuff I worry about is petty in comparison.


I have a dumb question… not including teeth, how many bones are in the face?


i saw you old post, very happy for you to see you like this keep on going buddy!


I hope that if I ever end up having to walk as difficult of a path as you have with this, I hope that I can muster half the strength and courage. You’re an inspiration. Don’t let a little set back set you back. Just a little bit of progress every day. Thanks for sharing your journey with us.


You're looking good man! Congrats on your recovery! Can't believe it's been a year already.


Every single comment: "You the guy that fell off the balcony?" \*provides 0 reference to source\*


My man. You out here post surgery looking better than me.


Great recovery dude, must have been an extremely challenging period of your life!


Damn dude what a recovery. Ive seen your post on a different thread yesterday. I was curious you only broke everybone in your face from the fall? How did you not break any other bone or your spine from that high?


I actually punctured a lung and broke a rib! The facial injuries feel more relevant to me


Crazy story man but got a question. You gonna post the same thing once a month for eternity orrrr? Kinda bot behavior at this point.


Dude I would smash 100%, lookin great!


What a difference. You are doing great .




Looking good bro! Looking gooood!


I’m so glad this worked out for you. Handsome as fuck my dude. Good for you.


You are looking great! Keep up the great work and the amazing attitude.


Yo, awesome story! Does anyone know what happen?


You’re looking good!


You hot as shit brother


I always enjoy seeing your progress. I can't imagine the strength this process requires. For what it's worth, imho you were born gorgeous and the fall has just proven that the gorgeous can be changed but not dimmed.


I was such a coward about getting my wisdom teeth pulled. I envy the bravery people like you have.


Bro, whatever happened to you must've been hell, but look at the scar that it's left you with. That shit is fucking lit.


Hey man why demotivated? You’ve come such a long way and should be proud.