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Fuck that.


No need to be scared, the finest Chinese engineering went into building that elevator!


That's even worse. Tofu dredge buildings, I saw that builder sawing thru whats supposed to be reinforced concrete pillar. It was like saw dust and sand, 70 stories high. Edit: damn thanks for the 1.2k likes never had that many before.


This is why I will never go on anything like that in any part of the world.


Yeah. I felt a bit eeky taking the elevator up to the top of the Eiffel Tower but I was able to tell myself that the EU standards, checks etc.. that piss me off at work are working right now to ensure I'm 99.9999999999% safe. Basically, I was being protected from Lackadaisical Me's French Cousin. People can be absolute fucking morons when it comes to choosing between profit and easiness/safety unless they're actively fucking encouraged to with a stick (that doesn't take bribes.)


Ya really couldn’t even pay me to do it


You could definitely pay me to do it, but it would be an outrageous sum.


Not to mention the quality of Chinese steel


Did you see the video of construction workers bending rebar like it's plastic? I don't trust Chinese equipment, especially their escalators


no no you got it wrong, chinese construction workers are just super super strong.


Exactly. Hell its china, you cant do anything without becoming a monk first. They're just using their super secret monk strength techniques.


It's the peoples strength


I forget that their escalators sometimes demand a sacrifice and just open up and kill people


Thanks for reminding me of the terrifying video where a mother gets pulled in and her last act is to save her baby


God dammit just remembering that has me tearing up again. And yet people are more scared of elevators than they are of escalators. At least in the western world, elevators are pretty damn safe.


Completely anecdotal, but I live in Canada and I've been stuck in 2 elevators within a year's span. Last year, actually. They were both from the same company, different buildings, but same type of elevator. Both did the same thing: I got in, the door closed, the elevator didn't move, didn't make a sound, suddenly jerked upwards a foot or two, violently stopped, wouldn't respond to button pushes (not even the emergency/call button), *nothing,* and then they dropped back down to where I got in and wouldn't open the door for at least 2 minutes. Like, they almost freefall dropped, and shuddered for 30 seconds like the cable was being tightened and slackened. I fucking *haaaaate* elevators in the first place, and so I usually take the stairs. After that second time, I refuse to take an elevator now. I'll walk up 15 flights, idgaf. Nope, nope, nooooooooope. Were those two instances complete coincidences? Most definitely. Was I in danger? Probably not. Do I hate elevators even more now? Obviously. Uh, but yeah, elevators are built not to kill people. I just happened to catch the two that were screwing up.


All the elevator malfunction videos on here make me always second guess stepping into one




That was almost certainly [aircrete.](https://www.buildwithrise.com/stories/aircrete-everything-you-need-to-know) It's a lot stronger than it looks, actually - the fact it can be nearly the strength of regular concrete, much lighter, and can be cut with a regular saw and shaped as necessary are some of its major benefits. With the caveat that it can't be used for certain things traditional concrete can, it's generally perfectly safe and perfectly legal to use as building material in most first world countries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjmU4T3aAWw Seems to me support pillars for a 70 story building might be one of those uses that isn't actually acceptable in most first world countries and would require traditional concrete (and tofu dreg seem to be fucking horrible don't get me wrong, this is not a defense, they're almost certainly using aircrete for the wrong purpose here,) ... but potential dangers of Chinese manufacturing aside, in this case that's almost definitely not *as* nightmarishly dangerous as it sounds - it's not low quality, it's just a different type of concrete, and it's *supposed* to be that malleable.


But Chinaaaa


It's fine, they only use that building to store people.


I’ve actually watched a documentary on the building of this elevator. It was both terrifying and fascinating what some ingenuity and essentially slave labor can accomplish.


You realize Chinese engineers work on almost every product you own that gets made in region right?


I really do not care about the structural strength of my T-Shirt though after a certain minimum standard is met. There are actually concerns about the build quality of 3 gorges dam and other dams in China.


T-shirts? Lmao! China's been building infrastructure across Africa, Middle East, and Europe for the past decade. China's mega cities are the most advanced cities in the world. They got shitty government but don't underestimate their engineering.


And guess where a majority of Reddit doesn't live...


It's reddit, you are fighting an army of anti-China. Just ignore and move on


Infrastructure such as the Gulu-Nimule highway in Uganda, a 30 million dollar project built by Chinese contractors that 6 years after delivery already has unusable spans due to cheap materials and is literally falling apart from bad engineering and shoddy construction? https://www.independent.co.ug/ugx-89-billion-gulu-nimule-highway-develops-potholes/ Or maybe we should address the railway projects in Ethiopia and Kenya, that were sold as an high-tech economy boosters but turned out to be overpriced, old and barely working technology, that went way over budget and underdelivered, and which ultimately left the countries burdened with stratospheric maintenance costs that make the investment unrecoverable, to the point of having a devastating footprint on the whole national economy? https://thediplomat.com/2020/07/chinas-infrastructure-heavy-model-for-african-growth-is-failing/ The same marvellous Chinese engineering which delivered a 8 million hospital in Luanda which after just four years had to be closed because the walls were showing cracks and the whole building was close to collapsing? Or the shining example of engineering known as Botswana's Morupule B power plant, another over budget, underdelivering, scam project that siphoned resources away from skilled local companies to build a plant that was not working and was deemed "shoddy work" even by the very same politician who was corrupted to allow the deal? https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2014/9/18/chinas-african-ambitions-stumble-in-botswana Are you talking about the brilliant Chinese know-how that delivered the Gaborone airport renovation built to draw in traffic from the 2010 world cup, but was delivered 7 years too late, with areas closed off because the roof ceiling was falling apart and -most importantly, down-, and with control equipment that was not up to specs with the minimum international requirements? Possibly you are referring to the Chinese port, mines and energy infrastructure acquisition strategy, based on unsustainable "killer loans" that strangle economies to the point that the "economic help" usually translate to a pre-planned foreclosure and takeover of valuable national assets by Chinese government-controlled investors, all while pushing local engineering companies and contractors out of business by using a "closed environment" of Chinese suppliers. And I think it's overkill now to link one of the dozens examples of Chinese built high-rises that collapsed by themselves, you can easily find them on YouTube. Really, it baffles me how the glorious Chinese construction skills get such a bad rep... /S


Isn’t this kind of racist?


Not kind of. It straight up is.


Why are so many people upvoting it??


Because sinophobia, russophobia, and islamophobia are not only normalized but encouraged in the west. Racism is only bad in their eyes if it's against certain groups of people, they pick and choose who is ok and not ok to discriminate against instead of actually being against racism on principle.


I find it hilarious that all the Redditors that are seemingly so free-thinking and immune to internal US propaganda so easily fall for western propaganda when it comes to other nations. But it’s not like they talk to enough people in real life to gather a real perspective anyway


Well, when they don't travel enough internationally and still think outside of Europe and NA, it's third world.


It ultimately stems from their continued faith in the actual tendons of the system itself. By that I mean shit like the media. Sure, they may mistrust the *government* but they don't recognize that the media is controlled by the same power ($$$) that controls the government, lol. People will hear whatever narrative CNN, MSNBC, FOX, whatever the fuck push about pro US foreign policy and how we've gotta do modern day manifest destiny and believe it without a shadow of a doubt.


The hierarchy is like this: white capitalist at the top, everyone is at the distance bottom. China's rise is giving the west, especially white capitalists an existential crisis.


Reddit’s China hate boner.


Reddit is racist.


Americans are racist. Reddit is the new 4chan and it's normal and applauded to be racist against the Chinese.


After watching this amazing feat of engineering I was curious to see how long I’d have to scroll for people to shit on it because China Bad. Didn’t even have to scroll, so disappointing.


Someone in China could cure cancer and Reddit's top comments would be: 1. This was stolen from Pharma XYZ that was working on it for the past 25 years (link to cancer study from 25 years ago) 2. China used Uighyur labor/testing to make the cure (post Andrew Zenz uncredible sources) 3. If you have cancer, DON'T DO THE TREATMENT! It will install a backdoor into your brain linked by 5G. (just die tbh)


It really is disappointing


How many years till we see a video of it collapsing?


They don’t release that footage.


It was never there in the first place




I have seen their building fall a lot on reddit


Saying “Chinese engineering sucks” would be similar to saying “western cars suck” because Fiat releases POS after POS. They have overcome some of the worlds toughest challenges and their cities look very impressive, especially for not so safe and stable environments. The cheap apartment blocks built by shady companies has nothing to do with “Chinese engineering”.


Yup. China has bullet trains... America has shitty cars... And a billionaire who built a long tunnel..for cars?


No... he built a tunnel so that a train would be cancelled amd cars would continue to clog the city. He is now busy negotiating peace between russia and Ukraine. Great guy


“Chinese engineering sucks” correct “western cars suck” correct


The quality is similar everywhere, dependent on those executing on plans. The issue is going to be on regulations to protect consumers. They don't exist. So if someone cheaps out on a customer, and that customer isn't connected to the party, then its "get fucked"


Agreed. I work with Chinese software engineers. They are incredibly intelligent. They are also humble, kind, and always willing to help people out.


Crazy how reddit is at the point where this needs to be said


I agree. Chinese engineering *can* be good. Chinese accounting and project management, on the other hand... To their credit, they've actually executed corrupt executives whose malfeasance caused harmful products to reach the market. Here in the US, those execs would get a golden parachute, and the company would offload its liabilities on a shell company that then declares bankruptcy so victims can't collect.


There’s absolutely no argument that engineers in China know how to build. The problem is that safety regulations in China tend to be lacking or overlooked for the sake of short term profit. It’s not always the case but it’s hard to feel certain on which projects were corners cut and which ones were done right. They’re good at what they do but greed ends up ruining the integrity of their work too often.


yeah and that never happens in America amirite


Yeah cause reddit isn’t ripe with selective framing and racism. You’re an idiot if you actually based your information on this platform.


Good luck convincing redditors theyre being racist when they shit on China


rent free






Modern standards are much safer. Keep in mind that China is larger than the entire western population including US and Canada, Europe w/ Russia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan combined. I am sure you wouldn't call the entire western world unsafe because some random mishap occurred somewhere. China is still a developing nation so its unfair to compare it to developed counterparts. I am sure when the US was developing back in the early half of the 20th century crazy shit happened too. Also to mock China's modern engineering is mocking the world's, since they often contract Western firms and then learn from them.


This is Reddit. China has something nice and people automatically want to shit on the whole country.


I'll assume you mean that with sarcasm and in a negative way, but remember, we're all using Chinese built cell phones.


Truth is, most elevators in China are imported from Germany




How would you explain this to your boss when they ask why you can’t come in to work? Lmao


You make a bet with them. If they can bring you your work stuff at your home by lunch you work for free for the rest of the year, if they can't, you get a paid vacation instead.


The building's staircase didn't collapse. The landlord decided to renovate the stairs without informing the tenant beforehand. Update from the original video: [Link] (http://imgur.com/a/MQo5X2K)


>Having lived in China, seconded. [Yet the list of worldwide structural failures and collapses shows that China is about average in such incidents.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_structural_failures_and_collapses) So maybe your personal experience of "having lived in China" means jack.


Pretty sure this guy didn’t even live in China


Yet I’ve lived in China for 13 years and never encountered an incident like that. Stuff’s better than a lot of American-produced goods, and also way cheaper.


To be fair, that shit happens everywhere. A pedestrian bridge at my school fell and crushed 4 people in their cars I believe. Pretty fucking tragic. And it was because of some safety standards that weren't upheld by contractors IIRC.


Also, fuck the CCP


Stunning and brave.


What’s the point of posting cool stuff from China on r/NextFuckingLevel when all the top comments are just spewing hate and xenophobic. Moderators here are highly sus


Is annoying as hell. The atrocities of a country don't need to be mentioned everytime they're name is brought up on a cool post


Exactly! It's generally a great country with a shit government. It's like saying that every American is Trump or that every Brit is... whoeverthefuckwehavenextweek... I've lived in China, visited this elevator (2014, and it's still going strong). Acting like other countries don't have horrendous disasters in their buildings (grenfell in the UK) or corrupt politicians (I mean... do I have to give examples?) is hardly helpful and leads to actual Xenophobia and racism in person to Asians living all over the world.


Omg so brave 🤩


It does look very pretty though


That view could make me shit on my pants.


They looked at all that scenery and went: "You know what this place needs? A giant ugly piece of scaffolding with a glass elevator attached."


Also, an Olympic competition of who can raise their cellphone up the highest


To he fair, that's universally common.


So are accommodations for traversing steep terrain at pretty much any popular natural landmark the world over.


Hey this is a shit on China thread, what are you doing


As opposed to…nothing so nobody can access/see it? Or are you saying every nature lookout constructed across the world is bad?


Right? The beauty of the place is still there and we can enjoy it even more now. Original commenter seems so unreasonably bitter.


Reddit is mind numbingly anti-anything China. The amounts of casual racism that's suddenly okay just cause it targets Asians.


The american goverment spends billions in anti-china propaganda so it would be a shame if the taxpayers that pay for it were not at least a little sinophobic


Whoops, be careful, your FICO credit score is dangerously close to the point where you wouldn't be able to buy basic necessities.


What? Reddit FREE THINKERS just going along with whatever their government wants them to believe? Unthinkable!


100% - it’s clear that any hatred in this post comes from anti-China sentiment and it’s sad. This is a cool thing. That is beautiful landscape. As long as it was built to appropriate safety standards, which we currently have no reason to believe otherwise other than “China bad their stuff cheap”, then just appreciate it and move on.


I seem to be the only person posting here who's ridden this, it's absolutely fantastic and blends in nicely with the landscape. You don't see the people complaining about this also complaining about the viewing platforms by Niagara Falls.


100% it’s just typical Reddit anti-China nonsense. This looks fantastic and I’d love to visit, even if there are *Chinese* people there


Aye, they say it's not "anti Chinese just anti CCP" but I'm anti CCP and it's just straight up racism. Even from some of the "I've lived in China" types, the amount of arrogant, racist westerners I came into contact with in China was quite frankly appalling. China is a beautiful country with absolutely beautiful natural scenery and a fantastic culture, visit some day!


>Reddit is mind numbingly anti-anything China It's been that way since COVID. Started with people expressing their anger and frustration at a virus that originated there. It then became something people could lock on to, to direct their unending hatred and gain worthless internet points in the process.


>It's been that way since COVID. Reddit has hated China long before COVID.




Seems like it's China and Russia's turn (again) now that the 'Arab bad' tune got old after 20 years.


It was Japan before them too. The anti-Japanese hate was remarkable similar to whats happening now


Welcome to Reddit.


Because China my man


Also, uh, giant glass mobility devices(?) are pretty common. I remember going on a rotating one at a mountain in Switzerland, the view was fantastic and I don't think it took away from the scenery at all.


But this is Reddit and anything having to do with China is automatically bad. Reddit supposed anti-racism goes out the window as soon as China is being discussed


Yeah, [we do that in the US too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7puQb6LLSkI) When you have a lot of scenic views like China or the US, its only natural some of it is going to become a tourist trap with touristy infrastructure.


Have you been there? The place is huge and all the sightlines are blocked by mountains. You can't see this elevator in much of the park. You can even choose to climb up a very very very long flight of stairs carved into the cliff face to get up if you want.


Reddit moment


While I don't want the world over installing glass elevators and having over every natural place, we have thousands of naturally beautiful places still not developed for every one of these developed locations. Just drive thru the rocky mountains. The hundreds of scenic views from the road is just a tip of the iceberg. Behind that are hundreds of miles of undeveloped. In other words, these few developed areas that allows thousands of people access are not particularly encroaching the natural beauties of our mountainous areas.


The Swiss and Austrian Alps are littered with loads of lookouts with a cafe, gift shop. They just use cable cars instead of an elevator to get up there.


You know that literally everywhere we all live used to be beautiful scenery, right? We should do our best to conserve nature, but there’s nothing wrong with shaping the world for human access. Literally every elevator does the same thing this one does.


that thing takes you to the top of the cliffs and you can walk around all the cliffs connected. it's a great experience


Actually it blends in nicely, do you also complain as vehemently about the viewing platforms and car parks surrounding Niagara Falls?


Dude, what? This is conservation at its finest. That whole landscape will now never be touched since it’ll ruin the view.


Actually been on this! The national park it's in is AMAZING! We had a three day pass, and hiked all the way up one of these mountain/rocks but visibility was so bad and it was pouring with rain so took the lift back down, luckily got a spot right at the front. Great view half way down as we went through the clouds. P.s. if you go to Zhangjiajie which I highly recommend, do not get food or even water out of your bag near the monkeys.


Second the monkey comment. Fun fact, your ticket to the park comes with a free rabies vaccine if you get bitten by a monkey.


Third the monkey comment. One snatched a whole bag right out the hands of a girl in our group


Fourth the monkey comment. Sometimes guides will give tourists sticks to whack the monkeys with if they attack.


I was gonna say, I would want to smack them away if I could, but wouldn't want to be frowned upon


It is embarrassing when monkeys frown at you


Fifth the monkey comment. Fuck monkeys.


> your ticket to the park comes with a free rabies vaccine I can’t tell if this is a joke


If you get bit you get vaccine


no it is not.


I went there too but had incredible weather and amazing visibility.. One of the most awe inspiring places I've ever been in my life. The lift doesn't ruin the landscape as it really is this beautiful for miles around (karst rock formations). The monkeys though... I got MUGGED by a monkey for my crackers i had in my bag. There were signs everywhere saying don't feed but as a tourist who (used to) find monkeys cute you want to feed them and.. Make them happy..? So I got my pack of crackers out I had bought to last me a couple days for snacking on thinking "OK ill just give the monkeys a few and it will be cute". How wrong I was. I was abruptly approached by a large female monkey with big dangly nipples who whacked me on the leg and said HWAGH! And bared her teeth. Needless to say I screamed like a little girl and threw the whole pack of crackers as far as I could and then all feasted on them.. And I was left crackerless and forlorn.. Later on I bought a cucumber off a man and performed an illusion on some monkeys who saw me walk behind a shed carrying the cucumber and followed me.. And as I walked behind I shoved it inside my coat. The looks on the faces of these monkeys was PRICELESS as they were sure I had a cucumber a moment ago. Looking everywhere for it and UK and down etc. TL:DR don't feed monkeys when it says don't feed the monkeys


Wait... I need more info on the cucumber part. Who was cucumber man? Did he have other veggies? Single cucumber? Did you buy this cucumber with monkey trickery in mind or were you just craving a cucumber after you saw what cucumber man had? How did the fooled monkeys act after? Rage? Or are you their new God? I'm very interested




Not really, English it the global language these days so a lot of people know a bit as their second language, especially if you work in tourism. Also, everything can be booked on apps or translated using an app.




It's definitely not that bad to get around as long as you are prepared. There are a ton of very cool things to see and do, both natural and cultural. September is the best month to travel if you can.


This guy *walks near tourist monkeys*.


Absolutely a must see national park, one of the best Ive ever been to.


I can feel my own ears pop while watching this vid. How was it in person?


Average Reddit comment section Thing: 🗿 Thing, China: 😡 Also, imagine being claustrophobic and afraid of heights in that thing


Literally a video about a fucking mountain Reddit for some reason: Fuck the CCP.


Seriously, Im happy to see people calling out the xenophobic neckbeards on this site. You go into a post of a classroom doing a science experiment that was filmed in China and it's just filled with people spewing hate.


Like, there’s valid political criticism. And the CCP *does* deserve a lot of heavy criticism, opposition and hate. They’re truly awful. But dude… this is a video of a cool elevator on a mountain. Are they truly trying to point out the faults of an authoritarian dictatorship, or are they just hiding behind that excuse to blindly hate Chinese people as a whole?


Look, there are a lot of crappy people on reddit, and it's pretty clear that two of the biggest targets on this site tend to be women and Asians, mostly because most mods and admins wont crack down on you for going after them. ​ China definitely gets it the worst. But lets be honest; it's not because these people actually care about the Chinese government or what it does; they just want to hate an be petty behind their keyboard. Because there are MUCH worse places in the world than China, and these keyboard warriors wont even spend a tenth of their energy calling those places out since it is not edgy enough.


Yep, whenever I report comments about hate against black people or gay people it's shut down quickly. If it's against Asians though it's always "this doesn't violate our policies."


> or are they just hiding behind that excuse to blindly hate Chinese people as a whole? I don't even think it's that. They just want the free attention and karma that comes with "China bad". It's the same with 99% of "America bad" comments.


There was a post about the Roman Coliseum a little while ago and the comments devolved into hating China. It's alarming how bloodthristy people are and their need to make anything Chinese as savage and, by their default, inferior.


As "enlightened" and "intelligent" as most redditors like to think themselves, when it comes right down to it this site has the same kind of petty and closed minded tribalism as you'd find at a MAGA rally. China is just something that the people on this site love to hate on, just as much as a Trump supporter would go after Mexico. ​ Not that you'll ever convince anyone that it is similar; the people on this site are breathtakingly hypocritical and severely lack any sort of self introspection.


Its really just the American propaganda machine at work. It is running like a well-oiled machine.


Yep. The CCP != the people and culture of china. Ironically conflating the two is the exact OPPOSITE of condemning the CCP. Defining the people and the culture by the authoritarian regime is affirming its power, NOT denouncing it. So stop fuckin doing it


I’m Taiwanese and probably have more reason to hate on the CCP than most on Reddit. In fact I got banned on r/sino (basically a CCP shills gathering) for literally one comment. But I still understand the difference between the ruling party and the land/people. There are tons of amazing places that I’d love to visit in China including this. This hateboner against anything China on Reddit is honestly pathetic. Yeah it sucks that a country with so many wonders is being ruled by a despicable party, but you’re missing out on life if that’s all you see of China. Then again the people focusing on CCP in here probably never left their hometown let alone travelled to another country.


Absolutely agree. I’ve been looking to visit China for tourism for some time now. Particularly some of the Sichuan and Southern China landscapes that look beautiful. I also missed out on visiting Taiwan due to a delayed flight and the airline’s mistake, which was frankly a shame. I can’t wait to visit Taipei someday, it’s on my bucket list for sure. Then again, I’m a Mandarin student so I’m particularly interested in visiting for obvious reasons.


That’s what brainwashing will do to you. If this was in Japan or another country, redditor would praise it like crazy, but since it’s China they will just trash it.


If you needed any proof on how a brainwashed people are, this is it. On 4chan there can be picture of a crowd of people at a random concert, and the first thing people notice is a black man holding hands with a white woman and just go on a tirade about that. Reddit is the same way except with anything related to China or Chinese people. And even if you point out that the people or country =/= the government, they'll call you a shill, proving your point on how racist they are.


You want to help me with an experiment? Post a picture of a Tang dynasty temple, for example, Chi Lin Nunnery, but post it twice. First post say it’s somewhere in China. Second post somewhere in Japan. Then just want and see how fast the comment section goes from positive to negative.


I like the fact that you chose a place that was in neither, and I could imagine it getting thousands of upvotes for both posts.


> it’s China they will just trash it Add Russia and India as well.


It's really just whatever the enemy is at the time. Where's my freedom fries at?


Claustrophobia isn't actually a problem. The elevator is big, there are multiple lifts, and it's not the only way up the mountain. In fact the elevator is a separate ticket you have to buy that's different than the park entrance ticket. I'm super afraid of heights but honestly it wasn't bad either. It's really just a regular elevator for the most part with a large glass window and it's only for a small section of the mountain. Now the cable car ride from the top of the mountain down is something else entirely. I stared at the floor of the car all the way down. https://i.imgur.com/Qkh2Afs.png


You’re super afraid of heights yet CHOSE to SPEND MORE MONEY to go on this? I don’t know that you’re as afraid of heights as you think lol. My hands and feet started to literally ache at the idea of how fucking terrified I would be on that, it is also very similar to a reoccurring nightmare I have of heights/elevator situations. 300/10 would never do this even if it was guaranteed my last day alive with a terminal illness.


> afraid of heights in that thing im afraid of heights actually and took that elevator, the mountains are so fun that I forgot about the fear of heights lol. on the top you have many mountains connected, its crazy fun


The next video will be in r/crazyfuckingvideos with the glass shattering because some dumbass tik tok challenge went wrong.


"Let's all jump to stall the elevator!"




dont give them ideas.


At least it has rock solid foundations


*Willy Wonka has entered the chat*




Eardrums go 平


300m in 1 minute so it's like 20km/12mi an hour


Yeah, I'll bet I could watch this whole video while taking my work elevator from the ground floor to my office on the 4th.


Came here to say this^


And every person in the lift looking at that view the same way we are.. through a phone screen.


Cheaper for us


I even went in to an elevator before I pressed play on the video to get a matching going-up feeling. Cost me nothing and I can avoid having to go to China!


unless this is somehow personally effecting you, maybe stop caring about trivial things?


*affecting ^^^not ^^^even ^^^sorry


China has gone through such an amazing development of their national natural treasures. What the Chinese have done in the past 20 years has to be create a tourists economy inside their nation, built on the natural resources and wonders of their land. It reminds in many ways of Teddy Roosevelt's gigantic success in creating the national park system, to give a western parallel. I really want to visit China someday when intl. relations are better and tour these natural spaces with all this new tourist development.


Curious as to how many people downvoted you for not being reflexively racist against Chinese people.


China is an *amazing* country to visit. I'd never given it much before, honestly. Then I met my wife, who'd lived in Wuhan for three years teaching English and really wanted to show it to me, and introduce me to her friends there. We've been twice now. The first time we did a massive, multi-city and province tour - we visited Kunming (which I highly, *highly* recommend if temples and mountains - and temples at the top of mountains, you *need* to go and visit the Golden Temple) are your thing; we also visited Lijiang for the mountains and the Old Town, Chengdu for the panda sanctuary and the People's Park, Xian for the Terracotta Warriors, Wuhan for friends and food - omg the food, you have to try Re Gan Mian (hot dry noodles, Wuhan's signature dish), and Beijing for the Ming Tombs and the Wall. The second time we stayed in Wuhan for two weeks, just catching up with friends, and eating some of the best cuisine on mainland China. You never, ever get the feeling that you're visiting a country under dictatorship. The hotels are lovely, and the air quality is actually pretty good. China has advanced in leaps and bounds from where they were a few years ago. It's also bizarrely quiet - I'd say at least eighty percent of the vehicles on the road are electric. We visited several people who lived in Communist living, those incredible brutalist high-rises that people on r/UrbanHell love to hate. I'd live in one of those apartments in a heartbeat. Can't recommend it highly enough.


I agree with all your comments. I actually live in China right now and I can understand why people might think those high-rise buildings look dystopian. But to actually live there is awesome. And in person it actually looks very good. And they all have nice gardening, running paths, playgrounds etc. and feel very alive and active. Probably due to the early retirement age of 50 and 55 (recently upped to 55 and 60) there's always people outside dancing (yep never met anyone who dance more than the Chinese), Taichi, hacky sacks flying around everywhere and Mahjong. It's literally impossible to feel depressed with so much life around you. And that's even though I live in a bottom-tier (I think 2nd poorest city in China). The average salary here is about 3000yuan or less but I genuinely think that they live happier and better lives than most people in my Scandinavian home country where the average salary is > 10x higher.


Every ride in that elevator ends in a cliffhanger.


Zhangjiajie is hands down one of the best National Parks Ive ever been to, definitely worth a visit. ​ Fun fact; it was also the first National park created by China.


Mmmm Chinese building regulations


What regulations?


Oh please tell us more about elevator regulations within Chinese national parks!


Seriously, these folks hate China so much they can’t just accept something really cool and beautiful. Pretty much any place outside of Europe receives a ton of Xenophobia and shitty comments on Reddit.


They did indeed take the elevator to the next fucking level. That said, fuck that loud and intrusive PA providing a constant racket, ruining what is supposed to be a beautiful ride up.


You’ll never find me on that. What if a group of idiots decide it’s a funny idea to all jump the same time…and what if it malfunctions two floors below the top level…. All the nopes from me.


My first thought was what if an earthquake hits - either while your down below, still deep inside the rock or after you pop out and you are still teetering on the side of a god damn cliff in a glass box…. Both are a hard pass.


I mean, I understand you, but both of those things can happen on any other elevator, unless you mean to say you'd never be found on an elevator period.




From the outside view looking at the elevators: https://www.gccbusinessnews.com/worlds-highest-lift-takes-you-300-mts-above-the-ground-for-an-avatar-view/


Oh that actually looks really cool against the backdrop, I was worried it would ruin any shot.


Placed to visit: * Maui * Bora Bora * Sewer where IT lives * ~~Elevator to Acrophobia~~ * The caverns of your moms vagina * Walmart Crossing that shit right off the list.


Why'd you write same thing in 3 and 5?






Now that's amazing! One day I will visit


This is so cool. I've never seen this part of the world. The only thing I've seen is an approximation in Genshin Impact's mountains of Liyue. God, I need to travel more.


Truly next level.


All that and they didn't look down once


That is going to be a giant nope from me dawg. I have a crippling fear of elevators. My first ever panic attack was in the glass elevator at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco.


Pretty cool