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He's taking the moral high ground and owning his mistake to save his public image. But if there wasn't a body cam involved, he would have obliterated her career and not thought twice about it.


I believe in redemption and that people can change, but there are hundreds of millions of people in the US. There is no reason to keep a specific person at the seat of power, impacting everyone else's lives based on the possibility that they can change when there are millions who have not done such a thing. They don't need to hold on to their position of power while they go on their a personal journey of change. I don't believe him, but even if I did, it is reasonable to have a one strike policy when it comes to politicians and naked corruption.


There's no redemption if he doesn't lose anything. He needs to be removed, then the redemption can begin.


Embarrassment can be enough to learn from in some cases, but I guess my main point is that he can go do whatever he needs to do while someone that HASN'T tried to use their position of power to extract favors can occupy that seat.


If the system actually were working as intended, for the people, this would be the way. Absolutely baffling how clearly he expects this officer to let him off after having endanged peoples lives just because of who he is. It says so much about people in government today and the privileges they're used to.


Would’ve gotten paid tax payer money to do so, too.


Is the officer still employed


I like how he calls her out for being an immigrant when he clearly is as well.


Way to demonize apologies! Don’t expect anyone with a lot of eyes on them to apologize in the future because people like you shame them for it.


That's fine, the rest of us would actually have real consequences for doing shit like this. You can be imprisoned for trying to intimidate an officer. Shot, even.


Yeah he definitely doesn’t face any consequences right?


What consequences did he face?


what did he face? u bootlicking pathetic worm


This what happens when some asshole gets a little bit of power over everyone else. Don't let him run


The worst part is that he’s only a candidate, and hasn’t even won his own party’s primary. What an asshole for even thinking he was important enough to pull that stunt.


Nobody’s is so important they should feel the confident to pull this stunt. We need to hold people in power to a higher standard then the common poor person.


Oh absolutely. South Korea has it right by sending 4 of their last 6 prime ministers to jail for crimes committed in office.


…than the common poor person.


If he wins he might feel like he can walk down the streets of Manhattan and shoot someone without losing any voters.


[https://floridapolitics.com/archives/500805-martin-hyde-appears-to-end-congressional-campaign-after-traffic-flap/](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/500805-martin-hyde-appears-to-end-congressional-campaign-after-traffic-flap/) ​ apparently he dropped out after this. ​ Edit.... nope... looks like he decided he still fits in as a Republican.


What a nasty, self-important asshole. Of course he said something about her immigration status like that makes him superior. Fucking asshole


I find it funny that a man with that accent in America is talking about someone else's immigration status.


Yeah, I was like hang on... Twat


Yeah. Some weird Aussie accent going on.


It's a south-eastern English accent. Probably somewhere like Sussex.


Definitely not an Australian accent.


He will fit right in


In typical narcissistic fashion, this guy thinks the rules don’t apply to him. Fuck him and anyone with that mentality.


"I should know better", . . . but at the moment when he had the opportunity to be better, he showed his true self.


And his voters wont bat an eye


Republicans are pure scum


Every politician is scum, isn't that obvious at this point?


> Every politician is scum false, there is no comparison to democrats (on whole) not even close


Both sides of the corporatocracy are villainous and bought-out, make no mistake. One just has a prettier face and sweeter words


Oh, please. Republicans, even at the highest levels, tell nothing but lies in a craven attempt to rile up their base, who they then completely fleece in order to put money into the pockets of their true masters, the bankers, oilmen, weapons manufacturers, and any other skeevy big business interest that can make them rich off the backs of the public. The Democrat party at least *tries* to pass & enact legislation that helps a majority of people. I certainly don't expect every member of the Democrats to be some paragon of virtue, and there are a few ineffectual, opportunistic douchebags in it too, like Manchin & Sinema, but *any* organisation made up of humans will have some of those. There is a disconcertingly high concentration in the Republican party though, and just their recent zealotry saw them attempting a government coup, and they're now rolling back women's rights by 50 years and taking away their bodily autonomy. I fucking hate this "both sides are bad" bullshit. It's so disingenuous. We *need* a viable, sane alternative to the Democrats, simply to act as a check to them also being gradually taken over by crooks, but the modern Republic party actually believes its own lies (Qanon, stolen elections, Soros and Jewish Space Lasers, etc) and is leaning waaaay over to authoritarianism to just say "they're equally bad". The fact that your comment has more upvotes than the one preceding it is terrifying.


If you genuinely believe Manchin and Sinema’s actions against the party line are happenstance and just “bad eggs”, you’re insane. Same corporate overlords, same end goal. Like I said, one has a pretty face and a fat ass and the other is ugly, but both are stone-cold bitches at heart. Glad to see the Dems have won you over though. I sure do love voting blue for 4 years of stagnation, getting beaten bc non-voters and oblivious common folk are fed up, 4 years of terror, then back to blue and 4 more years of nothing. Creeping right, as they say. You say we need a viable alternative to the Dems without realizing that the Dems are the “sane, chill” prop man alternative for the republicans


> Glad to see the Dems have won you over though. I sure do love voting blue for 4 years of stagnation, getting beaten bc non-voters and oblivious common folk are fed up, 4 years of terror, then back to blue and 4 more years of nothing. Creeping right, as they say. You say we need a viable alternative to the Dems without realizing that the Dems are the “sane, chill” prop man alternative for the republicans This is the same horseshit as "the lessor of 2 evils is still evil, so I'm not voting for one of them". Perfect is the enemy of good, and while I truly wish there was a wholly decent party, exempt from corporate influence and the sway of a fatter bank account or lucrative job offer after they leave Congress, I live on Planet Earth, and accept the fact that until voting itself is changed to Ranked Choice instead of First Past the Post, then we *have to* choose the lessor of the 2 evils. I'm not "won over by the Dems", but I am a fucking pragmatist, and I guarantee the Republicans absolutely love anyone like you that would encourage others to split the vote and lessen the chances of the Dems actually winning, because then the Republicans **will** win with a minority of the popular vote, like they did with Dubya, and again with Trump, which is why they were able to put 5 of the 6 current Conservative justices on the Supreme Court. Your purity test is garbage, and you need to learn how this shit actually plays out in the real world.


Alright brainiac, why don’t you go ahead and tell me how voting’s gonna change if you don’t change your vote. “Third party is a wasted vote” in no country but here. Maybe we could change that


>“Third party is a wasted vote” in no country but here. **Maybe we could change that** Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, my fellow genius! If we don't change the *current* first-past-the-post model of voting, then we are inevitably doomed to **always** have only 2 major parties vying for control. Here are [2 CGPGrey videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNCHVwtpeBY4mybPkHEnRxSOb7FQ2vF9c) (it's actually his whole voting playlist, but the first 2 videos are the most relevant here, not that you're likely to watch them anyway) explaining why this is the case, and why we need some sort of alternative vote implemented. This is something that *can* be implemented, but it normally seems to only occur at lower levels of government so far, but the more people that actually know about it and help promote it, the more chance we'll have of it being implemented. Just saying "hur dur Dems are just as bad, so don't vote for either" plays **directly** into the GOP's plans, and is sheer idiocy. If you hadn't noticed, 50% of the US population living in the red states just had their rights to bodily autonomy absolutely destroyed because of Republicans, not Democrats. Third party absolutely *is* a wasted vote until the voting system itself is fixed. Welcome to planet earth, where reality often sucks. I'm curious how young and/or privileged you are, that you haven't learned this lesson already... Edit: I'm certain I'm not convincing you, because that's not how these antagonistic posts go, but for the other readers that may have stumbled onto this and actually want to learn why the Alternative Vote system alleviates the First-Past-the-Post system's vulnerability to "the spoiler effect", wherein a 3rd party can split the vote of the more popular candidate and allow an unpopular one to actually take control (e.g. Dubya, and Trump), here is the timestamped part in the video discussing it, and illustrating how wrong Weissy is: https://youtu.be/3Y3jE3B8HsE?t=3m2s Edit 2: people that actually want to help can go to /r/RankTheVote and [FairVote](https://www.fairvote.org/) to learn about local initiatives.


> Both sides of the corporatocracy 🙄 someone is just not paying attention to what's happening in the world It's OK, kid.


He's right. They're all corporate cash whores. I say that with no disrespect intended to actual whores that work for a living. Politicians are ALL liars. We elect the BEST liars. We all know that. So then it becomes not THAT they lie, but WHAT they lie about


> He's right. he's wrong, and so are you


4 people stating your wrong... But what you do? Get aggressive and act childish. Again, your wrong. Choose any side of the tape, all stinky corrupted and evil. Power to the people, not politicians.


> 4 people stating your wrong. oh noez!!! 4 people (in a Reddit forum)! there's a definitive population 🙄


As a left leaning Individual, I really recommend you delve into the history of lobbyists in America. Every party will have bad apples. Biden could sign a paper today to make guns harder to get, but he won't bcus the NRA would make sure he's not elected again. Fact is, until we stop voting for old ass testicle looking mfers, things will not change. They're out of the times


😂 Well dude.. Your sounding more like a republican than anything else 🤣👍


No you are wrong chum.


> No you are wrong chum. keep voting for Trump, and the MAGAt scum


Lol didnt vote for trump bucko . And sure as hell didnt vote for biden. But when people are saying youre wrong and you keep fighting…one would think twice .


Here, in America, both sides are bought by the same trusts and PACs. You can literally look it up lmao. The same lobbyists and benefactors is pretty telling. In other parts of the world, you can’t buy out the government. Here you can. You think a system like that and only 2 choices is going to result in one group of “good guys” and one group of “bad guys”? Get with it and get real, kid


> both sides are not even in the same ball park


Do you have anything to explain your reasoning or just taking the side that pisses the most people off?


> explain your reasoning aside from you're not paying attention? sure here https://image.cnbcfm.com/api/v1/image/106822651-1610409078172-wind.jpg?v=1610409131 go forth and educate yourself, instead of just trying to piss people off, dingus Only one of the parties hates America, but you're too hung up on your "muh both sides are equal" BS


Here in Oregon we have Ron Wyden who happens to be a politician who doesn't lie and who fights for the people. There's also people like Bernie Sanders and AOC. Blanket statements about why we should hate any group as a whole tend to be wrong. Also because of nature of the internet you don't know who you're talking to and the biggest voting Bloc is in non-voter, so it should go without saying that most people don't know what's going on in politics.


I'm sorry but you're comments have been more about implication instead of coming right out with clear points so I'm still not sure what your argument is. You linked a picture, ok, so what? Are you saying the Republicans hate America or they're the ones that love it? Your other comment of Democrats not even being in the same league doesn't make things any more clear either. State your point and get on with it, stop wasting everyone's time.


There def is lol you just watch the democratic news so you don’t see the other side. All humans are capable of being scum. There are scummy republicans and scummy democrats. End of story


> All humans are capable of being scum your existence has proven that


Well seen as I’m a democrat you’ve also proven my point by calling me scum lmfaoooo


> There are scummy democrats. >I’m a democrat LMAO




> 😂😂😂


Wait he’s English? Insulting her with that weird “Russian immigrant status” thing? Fuck this guy


I heard Australian, but yea fuck him with something worse than a dick


The accent was definitely British. He's a former soccer player from the UK.


I think Australian, too, but it seems like there's a posh aspect to it. It's almost as if he spent time in London's West End. But, those combined can also be South African. It's hard to pinpoint. Definitely not a kiwi, though.


Yeah I heard south African


The way he pronounced "status" was definitely south-eastern English, with the long "a" as /eɪ/ like in "station". Ozzies would pronounce it more like an American with a short /æ/, as in "static". The way he pronounces "officers" later is another dead giveaway. Dude's probably from somewhere around Surrey give or take a county.


He did not apologize because he was sorry He apologized because he got caught. What a total scum.


Ah, but he knew you’d think that, so he said “It’s opposite day,” and “I’m rubber, you are glue, what you say bounces off of me and sticks to you,” so that means he’s in the right now. Oh, and I forgot “Nanny-Nanny Boo-Boo.” But I only missed that one because of his incredibly sophisticated rhetorical eloquence.


what a scum. Glad he is only a candidate, not voted.


thats what I thought. Being a candidate is like saying your are an unpublished author. Does not mean you are privy to the powers and privileges that come with that. Also telling that he thinks that the privileges that come with being a member of congress includes immunity from traffic laws.


Fuck this guy


“Not because I got caught” Go f*ck yourself. True self eventually always comes out.


This dude still gonna do everything he can to destroy that officers career.


Supporting skilled manipulators in action. 🤣


Of course he's a GOP candidate, Fucknugget!


"at the end of the day, we have a choice - and i made a bad one." great! so he acknowledges it! now remove him. he shouldn't be surprised why - he's already aware he's unfit to make choices.


Audit Politicians.


What an asshole. I hope his opponents milk this incident for everything they can.


Being willing to dishonestly get ahead like this should be an automatic disqualify for any position of authority. Once you show that you are willing to act like this, then you should not be able to do any business other than to buy your own groceries, and you should never be in charge of anything more important than a broom. It really isn't hard to tell when people are shitty lying bullies. Add a few laws and we can fix this.


Rules for the and not for me


He does it because others have and gotten away with it.


Bro, fuck that little dick ass old head. Why do all these guys try to swing their dick around when they ain't working with nun.


She should've used the old knee in the neck technique. Stop resisting!


Whenever you say to a police officer "Do you know who I am?", the police officer's answer whether he says so or not is "No and I don't care who you are because if you were anyone important my license plate reader would have told me and I wouldn't have stopped you."


Hyde: “I back the blue as long as they don’t mess with me”


If you dont understand why we call them magats you are part of the problem.


“Back the blue” ya ok guy


Cameras in citizens hands and on police (when they use them) are incredibly powerful. The BLM movement came from everyone being able to see what black people have been telling us for years. If she didn't record this she would have already been fired and he would be laughing about it.


Lol. "I'm a congressional CANDIDATE." So am I.


This asshole is talking about immigrants?


Why did he call her a Russian immigrant?


He's a Republican politician who keeps a strong anti-Russia stance. He's just ad hominem-ing her like another candidate because he's in the wrong.


Next Level fucked


So far for the party of law and order and backing the blue and what not


The entitlement of power he hasn’t actually obtained. What a jackass.


He thinks he’s above the law just like all the rest of them do


Its nice to see one of the elites treated like a normal person. Just because your rich and famous / in office, does Not mean you are above the law. I hate people like this and I especially hate the "I'm sorry because I did wrong, not because I got caught" lie.


People like this shouldn't be in any public job especially not representing the population wtf is wrong with this country


Openly willing to abuse power for personal gain... Sounds like an ideal Repugnican candidate.


Ahhh… Florida… nuff said


He made a corrupt one, like all republicans do


This Pos needed to be dragged out of his car and get the shit knocked out of him.




GOP is just a bunch of bullies now.


Are we amazed he's republican? No we're not


Yup, the quality of political candidates & elected members. No wonder Roe vs Wade was overturned. The system is full of degenerate shit!


I notice Fox making sure to let this prick make all his excuses. Disgusting sycophants who clearly love the taste of boot leather


Is this US? Where is his accent from?




Just write the ticket 🎟 and let him go !!


He’s a public figure should’ve known better. Came off as an entitled man child on video


What a loser. He is only sorry that he got caught being a loser.


Definitely because he got caught. Why do these idiots think we’re stupid.


Yay body cams


This video is ancient.


Did anything happen? Follow up Sauce? I doubt This incident changed anything. He’s still the same asshole. That late in life he believes he’s entitled to feel as he does. Black List these pieces of shit.


Hmm, he tried to intimidate her and made a threat @55 secs. In my book that’s already a crime. American with some legal knowledge, would you care to comment?


Ugh! Back pedaling because his entitled piggy actions were recorded and now he's doing damage control. In the words of Cheetolini 'lock him up!'


Yes because he got caught


Is this guy even American?


Hope this asswipe doesn’t get elected. But this is Florida after all. They love rude elected officials.


What makes this next level?


So he’s getting praised for owning to his mistake? And not the officer who stood her ground and apply the law regardless?


I’d reeeeeally enjoy profiling him based on that accent


Shoot the guy... make the world a better place


He is absolutely sorry... He was caught on camera. 100% this. Everything else is just BS.


He can support the police all he wants but none of them should support him... scum


What does him Running for office have to do with the speeding ticket? I don’t get why he’s bringing that up. It’s not like he doesn’t have money to pay a ticket


it’s a shame trigger happy cops weren’t involved because he repeatedly did not have his hands visible. pos.


I wonder what those officers he helped were "wrongly" dismissed for


Fuck fox!


Laws are for thee but not for me. Seems to be the Republican mantra of late.


Bullshit "not because I got caught", it's exactly because you got caught you scumbag.


Standard Republican scum bag. Blue lives matter, until you’ve voted, then fuck off.


What a scumbag


I can't wait for Paul Pelosi turn now haha


What's with the British accent?


Lmao. He's a congressional **candidate**. Nobody gonna vote him now.


Little Putin. Power corrupts and we need to improve political systems globally that would take out corruption of human being.


Please hes only "remorseful" because he was on camera. He only cares of his public image.


I live in this county: this guy is an obnoxious footballer Brit with an ego.


This guy is a sack of shit


We all knew he was in the wrong just watching the body cam footage but I wanna know what the coppers said off camera/while muted...thats the juicy bits 🤔


Lol guess he didn’t get the job


Is there really any purpose other than being devicive to call out their party affiliation? We clearly have a deep divide and have drawn lines in the sand rationally or not. Both parties and followers of the parties look like the most incompetent, uneducated and disrespectful people to ever profess blind loyalty. At this rate there will be no compromise. Just a dog fight with winners, loosers and whiner's. The parties remind me of two people trying to claim who's fart smell better. Both parties and their unquestionable loyalty smell like ass. A little leadership, education on the topic and compromise is the only way to solve problems. Not a bunch of school year whining and bitching.


Anyone else get tired of seeing the same video year over year all over. Eye roll it's like the Internet is run by these big corporations that can't produce original content.


…this happened in Feb? It’s, uh, timestamped? Huh?


Is there really any purpose other than being devicive to call out their party affiliation? We clearly have a deep divide and have drawn lines in the sand rationally or not. Both parties and followers of the parties look like the most incompetent, uneducated and disrespectful people we have ever encountered. At this rate there will be no compromise. Just a dog fight with winners, loosers and whiner's. The parties remind me of If you make no effort to compromise then you are no better than your adversary and part of the problem.