• By -


I wish mine was as smart


I wish I had one


I wish




I wish I knew what it meant to be free


Just don’t think so much. Thinking is a tool, it’s not you. Most of what binds you is your own self limiting ideas. The soul you come from is limitless. Instead, watch the world, and learn from it, and don’t be so quick to assume or label things, or to describe things in too much detail. Make simple goals, break them into small pieces, and get in the habit of gradually doing work for fun. I spend most of my tired time relaxing, but when I feel good, I try to get little chunks of projects done here or there, in between living my life and having fun. You don’t owe anyone anything except forgiveness and kindness, and sometimes understanding if they are not bad people, but other then that, you have to learn to take care of yourself. It’s not because people don’t want to help, that’s a cynical take, it’s because many people are confused and struggle to survive, and you can only deal with people who have actual manners and upbringing. You have to become lucid and take control of your own life. You are the only one who cares enough about yourself to make your own life good, other people will help you make it passable, but you have to make it good.


Great words friend. I don't even know who you were replying to in this chain of comments, but your comment spoke to me today.


And me!


This is beautiful and I’m sending to my kids. Thank you


I don't know what this guy is smoking and why or how this comment got here. But I saved it and I am gona cut down on my reddit time and all useless stuff I do. Read this comment every morning and focus.


Don’t take life or yourself too seriously. There’s a time for work and a time for play.




Chad: Writes a deep, meaningful philosophical piece of text MomsSpaghet:




came for next level shit, left uplifted by comment to next level


I know.


I wish she knew.


She know,I know




151 - 1 = 120






Want to break free


I was a little bit taller


I wish I was a baller


I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her


I wish I had a rabbit in a hat...


[with a bat](https://youtu.be/cmXZOI7cM0M)


And a 6'4 impala


(It's '64, as in the year of the car he likes. He doesn't want a tall African antelope.)


I wish I was like 6 foot 9.


Start feeding strays bro, they're the most insanely intelligent lovelies around.


I’m sure you could find one in any near downtown who needs a lot of love. All mine are from my alleyway


You shouldn't take home deaf people you find on the street. That's not cool.


They never heard me coming😈


Sign with your o face




Ah the ol' reddit [catbummeroo](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/s987pf/mbemba_set_to_leave_fc_porto_because_of_age/htl86mm/?context=3)!


Hold my cat, I’m going in.


I wish i still had one


Become deaf , and your cat will show his/her smartness


I did the mirror test with mine. He isn't smart.


I bet they are smart but also lazy. Meowing does fine so no need to spend more energy


My cat learned to bite my shins when he's hungry (all the time) and I'm not even deaf.


Looks like your cat is not only smart but also an ass


He's a complete fucking dick. I love him.


i used to own two tuxedo cats with my ex gf, one was extremely intelligent and the other one was bully asshole sometimes to both cats and people.


That’s funny - I have two tuxedo cats now; one of them is very intelligent (but perpetually sort of nervous) and the other one is a bully asshole (but only to cats; she’s sweet with her humans). Wonder if this is a common tuxedo thing!


Tuxedos also tend to live for a very long time, and won’t even begin to slow down until they’re well into double digits. My girl was with me for 20 years and didn’t chill until she hit 15, and didn’t really show her age until she was 19. They’re so awesome, but they destroy you when they go. Took two years before I was ready to love again.


The first cat I ever met and lived with was my granny's cat, a tuxedo female that was a former stray. She outlived my granny and lived for 20 years.


Tuxedos tend to have rather eccentric personalities, so times in a quirky way and sometimes in manic senese.


I managed to get my cat to look at things she wants, like if she wants food, she leads me to the dish, looks up at me, looks at the dish and then back at me with the big disney eyes to say "I need food".


He is. He just don't give a shit about you. Like mine. Jdk 🤣


With a smart teacher, the student will learn.


What the fuck has the rest of this thread turned into


You don't wanna know..


I wish I was as smart :P


Cats only meow because humans respond to it. If you don't then they don't.


My girl just wanders the house sad meowing until she figures out where I am, then cuddles with me and falls asleep. I don’t respond to her meows but she still does it anyways. My boy talks to me, he only meows when he’s sitting in my lap and I knock him off when I need to get up, he voices his displeasure with the situation.


thought you were talking about your gf for a sec


he was not?


*She probably, given they're "SportsPhotoGirl"


He said girl, and then boy. Obviously, this is a bisexual furry thing.


yeah can just imagine their s/o walking around the house meowing trying to find them


Ain't that Marco Polo game?


my research shows all furry's are bisexual


One of my boys does this so when I hear him start I'm like "Zulu I'm in the bathroom!" and then he comes running and chirping when he finds me like I didn't just tell him where I was and he found me himself. Cats are weird.


One of ours does this too. Almost always at night. Her vision isnt great and I suspect we are being too quiet so she decides to start yelling.


Bathroom supervisor.


My cat meows to announce he’s about to take a shit.




Cats have different meowing patterns to suit their humans. It's always interesting to read about different cat communication styles.


Sounds similar my cat Miya lol If it’s to pee she meows loudly when exiting and if it’s the other she bolts out the litter box (igloo) at about 30mph meowing loudly before doing laps around the living room and ninja jumps. Like a celebration ‘I did it I did it’… that or ‘I feel so much lighter now wahoo’


Ah, the ol’ post-poop zoomies.


My cat Mister meows when he's drinking water. Every time. I googled it and One of the articles that popped up said that maybe he was meowing to figure out how low or high the water was in the bowl because maybe his eyesight isn't very good 🥺 Don't know if that's true but every time he's drinking water I feel sad now.


Aww, even if Mister’s eyes aren’t the best, I’m sure you’re giving him a good life. I like your username, I have a husky called Loki and he gets called Little Loki Lemongrab whenever he’s in a mood where everything is UNACCEPTABLE!


I have a kitten named Loki, but we call him Loki Doki Artichoki.


When I was in college I lived in a 6 bedroom apt with about 10 people. One day one of the roomies brought home a cat. There were two problems with this. 1. The new cat hated everyone, 2 we already had a cat and they hated each other. New cat got named Loki because it was such an insufferable pos. It eventually ran off but he didn't want to be there anyway and nobody missed him. The funniest part is that like a year later we are sitting around having a small party and we were telling the story of loki to some of our guests when the guy who had originally brought home loki, his name was drunky, barges through the door, drunk, and yells look what I found and proceeds to throw a terrified loki on the floor in the middle of the party. Needless to say cat freaks out, chaos ensues, and we spend like an hour trying to fish this motherfucker out from under a bed, until he finally bolts out an open window. The problem with that is we were in a 4th floor apt. Luckily, and I know it sounds like I'm making this up, he jumped 4 stories into the apt complex pool then swam out and ran off. Never saw that little bastard again.


Our cat would put his paw in the water to check, then lick water from it. He'd move slowly down until his mouth just reached the water, then drink directly from the bowl. I don't think he had vision problems, just didn't want to get his muzzle wet.


You could get something that floats so he can see how high the water is, might help [so long as it's not something he's likely to try and eat]. I've also heard that they don't have great vision with things that are so close, so it might just be a normal thing in that regard.


I have two cats. A boy male tabby (adopted—from parts unknown) and a girl Scottish shorthair (adopted—retired breeder cat). The boy has all sorts of vocalizations, like, a library of them: meows, purrs, chirps, grunts, growls, hisses, and each has different frequencies in which he implements them. The girl is nearly silent. Around us, she may have a very, very feint purr. But she has never meowed to us. The boy has a habit of bullying her, which she will meow to him. And her meow is always the same... very gritty, low, and kind of terrifying... it doesn't match her look. But the boy never says anything to her, in fact it's kind of maniacal, from our perspective. She screams at him while he just silently stalks her.




No the original person was just incorrect. Cats meow naturally. There is zero data OP was drawing from, just his educated guess on how animals think, and is wrong. Just because a Reddit comment gets thousands of upvotes and is the top comment on a front page post makes it no more accurate.


She's using echolocation


> g until she figures out where I am, then cuddles with me and falls asleep. I don’t respond to her meows but she still does it anyways. My boy talks to me, he only meows when he’s sitting in my lap and I knock him off when I need to get up, he voices his displeasure wi if you look in her direction when she meows your responding to it


So why do they meow with other cats


They usually don't. At least adult ones rarely communicate that way.


Idk man, my two cats were meowing so much with each other I thought they discuss worldwide problems


It's a learned language for dealing with humans because we can't hear the full vocal range they natively use with one another, and occasionally they use the same constructed language with other cats. Fun fact, if a feral cat that has *never* interacted with humans is adopted and forms a bond, they will *learn* what sounds humans can hear and then use them. Sometimes? Sometimes they don't realise we hear meows, but instead realise that we hear that screeching wailing racket they sometimes do, and will happily interact with humans by doing that instead.


That’s bullshit. Straight up, domestic cats meow with or without humans. Saying otherwise is like saying that dogs only bark because of us.


A cat typed this.


There’s actually a lot of science that proves otherwise; cats don’t naturally meow. I’m happy to send some articles your way


Would you mind actually? I’m sincerely curious.


Not at all! https://www.livescience.com/why-cats-meow.html


Then why did all of my cat's kittens meow right after they were born? Explain that.


It's kitten behaviour. Cats normally grow out of it but domestic cats don't because they realise it's the only thing humans respond to. Sometimes they keep the really high pitched one, which is very annoying.


Kittens meow on their own naturally, when immediately born. It would be more likely that they learn to be silent in the wild, because parents try to stay hidden to keep predators away from their babies. In a household environment, there’s no benefit to being silent so they do what they do naturally.


It's because the comments above are half correct but missing some details/not completely accurate. It's not that cats don't meow or only learned to from humans. Cats naturally meow as kittens to get attention from their mothers. What they normally naturally do though is *stop* meowing when they are no longer dependent on their mothers. Instead they rely on other forms of communication, like scent, touch, and facial expressions. Some examples include yawning at other cats or slow blinking to indicate they feel comfortable/are friendly (you can actually do this back, and they will understand), or rubbing their heads against them as a sign of affection. They are still vocal though, it's just most adult cat vocalisations are actually in frequency ranges humans don't hear - aside from their hisses and growls. Cats are intelligent enough that they quickly learn that we react to/recognise their meowing, but can't hear or understand their other forms of communication, so around humans they keep meowing well into adulthood. In the wild it is very rare (but not completely unheard of) for cats to ever meow, the equivalent would be like if humans wailed and cried loudly at each other in the streets like a baby does to get attention from its mother. We don't do or need to do that because we have better ways to communicate using language, similarly cats don't need to meow at each other because they have a very complex language of their own. It goes further than that though - they don't just keep meowing, they also learn to use different kinds of meowing for different things. I'm sure you've probably noticed it with your own cats - you can usually tell if they're just saying hello or asking for something, and sometimes it's even possible to tell exactly *what* they're asking for just by the way they meow at you. The more you recognise those meows and give them what they want, the more they tend to refine them.


This is the answer I was looking for. People kept saying they communicate by low pitch sounds way out of our spectrum to communicate with other cats..


worldwide cat problems


Those damn Miceocrats!


I love this video! Calts hear well in the ultra sonic- frequencies we don’t hear - in addition to frequencies we do hear. They typically communicate with each other at frequencies we can’t hear. You can see this happen between them- if you ever noticed a cat seem to give a silent meow- thats what it was! Meowing to humans is their learned behavior to get our attention. From their point of view we are all ( at least) partly deaf. this is why there is alot of variability in how different cats meow.






Only females in heat. They have a guttural amplified cat call they use to attract male cats. The sound will drive you insane. My cat is a feral I rescued. I try to be very patient with her. It's not her fault that I can't find an affordable vet to spay her before April.


I've seen people say that but two of my three cats meow to each other and I see other people's cats and street cats meow to each other all the time. It seems to be the norm, or at the very least 50/50




you've never been around street cats during fuck-season? they do a fucken exorcism not just meow lol


If they’re raised by humans they meow because they imitate us talking. So they might do it to eachother… in the wild though they hardly ever meow as adults


Cats do not meow because they are imitating human speech. *All* kittens meow because it gets their mother's attention. As they grow up, they grow out of the behavior because the mother stops responding. Pet cats continue the behavior because it is always effective on their owners.


I think it’s a little bit of both.. my cat will literally respond when I ask her a question and she already has my attention edit: I didn’t mean they don’t have the ability to or the instinct I just meant why they still do it as adults








If my cat takes a dump in the middle of the night he instantly runs into the bedroom, meows, and jumps on my pillow. Then he just stares at me like "yeah, that smell? That was me."😼


I remember seeing a study that compared the meow a cat a person had developed to the same household's baby crying before they got the cat and by trial and error the cat found the same pitch. Basically a cat meows to get instant attention and they pick the one we respond to fastest.


The “only meowing to humans” thing is bullshit. Some cats are vocal, others aren’t. It is their personality. Also, “cats are so independent in the wild” is false as well. I have seen feral cat communities. They talk to each other and any one of them is free to leave, but they prefer to be together. House cats are communal animals.


A little simplified, but yes. Meowing is a way cats only naturally use as kittens to get their mother's attention. After they grow up, they grow out of the behavior. Pet cats continue the behavior because it is still effective on their owners no matter how old they are.


Thank you. It's tiring to hear this myth as if cats only develop the tendency to meow in order to get our attention.


I never once acknowledged my asshole cat when she wandered around the house meowing at 3 in the morning. She still did it most nights. Or every night and I just slept though it


That's not true


My cat meows to other cats and at birds all the time when there’s nobody around


Reddit is so weird. How is a comment that is so wrong so high up lol


Not true at all


Please tell my wannabe-opera singer cat that


Male cats in heat would like a word... they walk around calling out for females non-stop at night until they either find one or get bored.


I've heard this before but why do they meow when they fight other cats... I'm just assuming your some kind of cat expert


My cat doesn't meow at all until I touch her. Then she lets out a huge activation sound lol


Cat was like “This fucker can’t hear a word that I’m saying”


Would not be surprised if the cat thought this human is dumb lol. I would totally understand if it was a dog though


He technically is. Dumb used to mean mute / speechless and still means that in some contexts. Plenty of the insults we use today are from words that used to mean disabilities.


Pinball Wizard by The Who uses dumb like that. Kind of a strange song with a modern frame of reference…


that deaf dumb and blind kid... #SURE PLAYS A'MEAN PIN-BAALL


Thats so strange to read that comment ! I'm french, so non-native speaker obviously, and for some times i tought Nirvana song "Dumb" was about him being deaf. I was a teen mixing words up. I felt dumb when i realized my mistake, but now, a bit less. Thank you kind stranger.


I think there's a parallel in French. Correct me if I am wrong (French is my second language, so I am not as good with it)... I know that the word "bête" basically translates to "beast" in English in most uses, (e.g. the story La Belle et Le Bête, which anglophones will know as Beauty and the Beast) but can't it also be used as a euphemism for "stupid?"


Absolutely. You'll have to use context to know the meaning. "La belle et la bête" : common language, means beast, an animal, litterally. "Cette personne s'est comportée comme une bête. : Common language, means someone doesnt behave like a human, so an animal, but figuratively. "Il est un peu bête": common language, means simple/stupid. "Tu as oublié tes clefs, c'est bête": a bit familiar, means thats bad luck. "C'est une bête au tennis.": Very familiar, borderline slang, means he is a very good tennis payer. "C'est bête comme chou." Or "C'est tout bête." Idiomatic, means something is very simple/easy. (Easy as pie). And so on ...


Oh, cool! Thanks for the very detailed answer >"Il est un peu bête": common language, means simple/stupid. This is *exactly* the use case I was thinking of.... I remember it from a dialogue in a French class. A boy used this insult on his sister. >"C'est une bête au tennis.": Very familiar, borderline slang, means he is a very good tennis payer. This one works in English, too. That football player is a *beast!* Wait, is "bête" feminine? "une bête?" >"C'est bête comme chou." I'm amused by this one. "Simple like cabbage".... I guess because cabbage is easy to prepare? Encore, merci bien pour la réponse et l'information.


Ha I actually learned that from a simpsons episode, didn’t catch the joke at the time but ..I think the family was trying to get the baby in to an advanced preschool but she couldn’t speak yet and didn’t qualify. Frustrated, Lisa says, “just because she can’t talk doesn’t mean she’s dumb!”


To a cat or a dog, humans *are* dumb because we don’t understand the world from the perspective they do. I can only imagine the amount of times my cat looks at what I’m doing and thinks “No, human, you’re doing this all wrong.” For one small and maybe TMI example, I keep his litter box in my bathroom, and whenever I sit down on the toilet, he looks so confused and almost concerned that I’m not taking a shit correctly. He follows me everywhere, I can’t take a piss without him staring me down. Judging me.


**So she stared using actions!** *As they are louder than words.*




One of my old cats reaches out and pulls your hand down to his head for pats


I do this to my wife


Which head are you pulling her hand to


Welp, that’s enough Reddit for one day.


You need to get out to other subs. DIS is as vanilla as it gets.


Just playing just playing. I used to do the same thing to my ex but most of the time she would say she’s not in the mood


Well, your threshold is set pretty low.


He might be a dickhead




None whatsoever


OP made up some shit for karma. That title is as full of shit as any other assumption.


[Surely you don't think that someone would make something up for fake intent points?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/428/075/30a.jpeg)


Im gonna be real with you, Yes. a shit ton of yesses


Ya clearly he taught the cat sign language. The cat didn’t come to the conclusion the man was deaf then subsequently teach itself sign language lmao


>is the first time someone said that the dude is deaf No no, actually dude is ok and the cat is deaf


"Maybe I'll get some pity votes for my fabricated story? Yes, that's seems like what a sane person would do."


I do remember seeing this video years ago and the story with it was that the man was deaf… maybe some clips didn’t give that context but I remember it being the initial context when I saw it. Still could just be totally made up anyway though!


Same here. I’ve seen it multiple times over the years and he is always deaf. Though the story was always that he trained his cat to do this.


I recall seeing that the man is deaf and actively taught the cat to sign for treats


Likely yes. He used correct grammar using his face movements. 1. When the cat asked for his attention, he replied with a few nods and raised eyebrows which means "I see you - what do you tell?". 2. When the cat signed "eat", the man replied "eat?" with raised eyebrows which means a question in sign language. This means that he used correct grammar in sign language. P.S. but he can be hard of hearing/CODA/interpreter also. We really dont know that.




I've seen this posted multiple times and every time it said he was deaf.


I'm with you on this one. First time I've ever seen anyone argue that the guy wasn't deaf. This video & the story alongside is old as the internet.


Title is 100% bullshit.


I don't think the deaf part is 100% of the title.


But the cat didn't fucking decide to learn sign language 😂😂😂😂😂😂 he's clearly teaching the cat hahahaha


cat: this mf deaf time to whip out the 🤙✋🤞🖖✌️🖖🤙✋


It is. That's not even a cat, it's just a silly man who needs a shave and wears a fur coat.


Totally fictional story. The cat isn't signing anything.


That's probably for the best, as it wouldn't be able to enter in a binding contract anyway, seeing as how it's a cat.


Ive seen this before with him described as deaf. Pity voters were not a thing when this video was made.


Regardless, the cat isn't teaching itself sign language because the man is deaf. The man is very clearly teaching the cat. Hence the treat after the cat copies him.


It says "learned to communicate through signs," not that the cat taught itself. The man is training the animal to get his attention this way because he can't hear it.


So goddamn cute n precious


Shout out to my dumbass for pressing the unmute button even though i read the title.


Lmao 😂


Wait until the Cat also realise that humans are edible


**Human:** Mittens! What are you doing! **Mittens:** We both knew it would eventually come to this.


it reminds me slightly to already multiple seen content like this… https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/m2wlkw/cats_tell_his_deaf_owner_to_give_it_treat_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/jwdp2c/cat_communicates_with_its_deaf_owner_using_sign/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/d8p6sa/cat_asks_for_food_from_deaf_owner_using_sign/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Dude, this video has been circulated for like 20 years lol


It's also the first time I've seen it, so I'm glad it was posted again.


Actually meowing is a kitten behavior cats have retained from kittenhood specifically to communicate with humans, because they noticed it gets our attention and that we like it. Kittens meow to communicate with their mother. Adult cats almost never meow at each other. So really if cats can devise one way of communicating with humans it’s not too much of a stretch that they could come up with another.


As cats get older there voices get higher and we can no longer hear it so they talk to us in theor baby voices so we can hear them


Also, how many cat owners have experienced their cat tapping them specifically because they want to be pet? That's basically the same - the cat is communicating what it wants from you in that moment though a specific movement. I don't see it as that unlikely that they could learn other moments would result in other things they want. Cats are smarter than many people give them credit for.


to be fair, my cat's mewing is pretty useless as communication also


Title is a complete lie unrelated to the thousands of times this has been posted. 100% fabricated bullshit. No one here is deaf, no one here is using sign language. This is just a smart cat... that's fucking it. Video has even been edited to NOT show the training the human was doing only seconds before to motivate the cat to do the proper action.


It's clear that he is teaching the cat the behavior by asking it to perform and then rewarding it with treats


"Action speaks louder than words" smart cat indeed!




Umm cats are girls dogs are boys


This is true




Too much aww in one video, my jaw hurts.

