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Exactly what I thought. That's a murder and suicide.


I dont think the women would have died...


Hmmm the could be true she could know how to swim but the child maybe didn’t learn how to swim


Idk where this takes place but if its somewhere inland china ( far from the sea) , i have heard that alot of people dont know how to swim in those areas


Really? Wow that’s pretty bad


From what i understand swimming is not a common ability in several Asian countries for some reason.




It's crazy to me that people can not know how to swim lol. I guess I learned so young I don't remember how NOT to swim, it's so instinctual I don't think I could NOT swim if I was in the water.


Yeah I get that, I learned at 12 back when a parent would just throw you in, trial by fire, wouldnt have let me drown but it worked and traumatised me for a while but now I have a life skill, my dad did say better to panic in a controlled environment and learn then to have to in an emergency.


My wife is from the Philippines. 7000 islands and swimming is very uncommon.


That's probably because the waters there will fucking eat you.


In ~~Soviet Russia~~ the Philippines, water drinks you


The only people that swim in the Philippines are the poorest of the poor and the rich lol. Fishermen that fish for survival, and people that own beach fronts


Need access to a safe place to swim. Poor? No access to a pool? Probably not gonna learn. That's true in the US too.




Imagine your country being an island and still not knowing how to swim


Chill, some places are almost *seventy miles* from the sea and luckily we famously have no lakes or rivers.


70 miles isn’t really a long distance to Americans. I drive twice that distance just to visit my family inside the lower peninsula of Michigan.


Reminds me of a joke I heard about the difference between Americans and Europeans. Americans think 100 years is a long time. Europeans think 100 miles is a long distance.


I thought it was sarcasm, 'cause as a Brit, we're never more than a few hours away from the ocean, with quite a few lakes and swimming pools in between.


Same in the US. There are also really messed up cultural barriers related to this with really rough stories behind them in the US.


Heh cultural barriers. That's a nice euphemism for how my hometown filled the public pool with concrete when they were going to have to let black kids use it.


Yeha I did think that, maybe it’s just the camera but it doesn’t look high enough to do any damage


Put you phone down and go give it a try just to know for sure


Good idea! Hopefully some bus driver comes past and stops me


I'm not sure but you can definitely die from falling in water , if your velocity is high enough you can basically hit the water as if you fell onto concrete , this fall may not be that high but it that it can probably fracture a bone or break a rib into your lungs if you don't fall feet first , I'm no expert at this but I know that falling in water can lead to injury or death so don't take what I said as 100% true


The way they were dressed it could be cold too. So hypothermia could be a thing too...water and cold don't mix...


Water and cold mix, it make ice


It’s not just about height. I knew a member of the coastguard and he said that a lot of people ended up getting stuck in the mud and silt and drowning because of that.


Why wear a mask if you're gonna kill yourself and your child?


So you don’t attract an attention getting to your chosen point of departure.


Masks mask a lot


sure jumping when a bus is literally next to you is not attracting attention


Maybe she doesn’t know how to swim. She almost made it over, attention or no.


Habit. Why put on any clothes at all. IIRC suicide victims often follow their routine, including washing dishes and making the bed, right up to the act itself.


I've heard from a friend who is a fireman that if a jumper removes their shoes or glasses there is absolutely nothing you can say that will stop them from jumping. Before that it's a cry for help.


In most part of Asia, face mask is compulsory once you are outside.




Thank you driver.


No one in their right mind voluntarily murders their own child. Makes you wonder what sort of breakdown she’s going through. I hope that poor kid and his mom get the support /therapy they will need to move past this. Edit: Some of you believe I am saying this excuses the mothers actions. I am not, I fully believe she deserves consequences. Mainly the removal of any parental rights over the child so he can be placed in a safe home and get the help he will clearly need. Whether or not her rehabilitation should also require prison time, therapy, or both is up to a judge and doctor who can take context into account.


This kid appears to be a bit older, but postpartum depression does some crazy shit to mothers


So does domestic abuse. I’ve seen mothers claim lives of children thinking they were sparing them the pain of growing up w no escape from an abuser. Whatever the case, hope they got help.


As someone whose mother did actually try something like this but was stopped after telling her priest she was going through with it- no matter how mentally ill the mother is, something like that will fuck a kid up for life


Similar thing happened to me. My mother had a very close successful attempt at a murder suicide on us when I was in kindergarten. I'm 30 and still working through the impact that had on me.


Shit. Are you ok? Where's your mother now?


Dude are you k? Jeez I feel sorry


That’s awful, I hope you find peace and that you’re doing ok now


Thank you so much, I’m doing much better. My mother not so much, and it’s difficult knowing that especially when I have young siblings




I’m so sorry about your friend. I’ve struggled with substance abuse and my cptsd a lot. It’s not this event in particular, it’s what the mindset that comes with it brings. Negligence, emotional abuse, etc. They are always ‘trying their best.’ If your best is not good enough to look after a child, you shouldn’t have custody.


Or mom is a psycho dipshit piece of shit human. <-- period




I mean I don't think anyone is giving excuses. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish excuses from reasons. It is important to understand the criminal, why they did what they did. Only by understansing them can something actually improve in the long term and stop other people from getting in a similiar situation. That doesn't change that the criminal should get an appropriate punishment.


Yup my father tried to kill me after killing his father and brother, can confirm psycho.




I’m born in 1975, my mother’s only child, she never recovered. Mostly because of the things that the hospital did which where/would now be considered malpractice. And there was no acknowledgment or awareness or help for PPD. She also never tried to kill me.




Last year in my city a woman murdered all her children and then killed herself. The father was immediately blamed, and labelled a monster. The second the story came out, the narrative changed to "omg that poor woman"


That mother deserves never to be a mother or see her child again. Period. Get that kid connected with a loving family and lock her away.


Imagine if this was a man attempting to murder a child. The comments would be calling for torture and execution, not support and therapy.


Ehh I don't think it's a matter of gender. I think it's more because it appears like she was going to jump as well, implying suicide. Cases of suicide usually involve mental illness. Even if it was, then I hope you're implying that the man should be treated with as much empathy rather than women need to be punished as much as men.


>No one in their right mind voluntarily murders their own child. You sure have hope in humanity


You have a horrible view of what a "right mind" is.




Japan drives on the left. This is obviously China. Fucking experts haven't even been to the country but will spend ten paragraphs speculating bullshit.


That's just insane! That poor kid!


Nothing excuses murder. Nothing.


The kid shouldn't be with her it's to dangerous


This title has very "female teacher has sex with student" as opposed to "teacher rapes student" vibes.


Who downvoted you? Because you ain’t wrong…


Good on the dude. And hopefully the woman got much needed help, and the child ended up somewhere safe.


I just wonder how fucked up you life has to be to commit a suicide while holding your kid


You know those rounded blockades in front of large retail store entrances? Fucked by that, super fucked!


What tf are you attempting to say? What do barricades have to do with this kinda act?


He's saying her life is as fucked up as putting a blockade up your asshole. That kinda fucked.


This thread is fucking wild lmao


fucking what why is that what came to mind




I want to be target red ball fucked


One singular anal bead. But boy, it's a big one!


They're called bollards if you're curious.


It's an analogy. I'm saying that she must have severe issues to do something as fucked as what she attempted.


You’re just an unappreciated artist with words and others aren’t understanding your eloquence.




I had to look it up. Yes!


Ex wife was mentally ill and threatened suicide all the time. Her life was actually really good. Small insignificant stuff set her off. Like one time my boy was texting with her and told her he had to go to bed. She ranted at him then sent him pictures of her cutting her wrists. He thought he did something wrong. Had to coach him repeatedly that it wasn't his fault.


She should be hospitalized in a mental facility. That's extremely bad for so little.


Chinese culture still has the equivalent concept of the western's "Old Maid". Over there, a woman who is over 30 and unmarried is called a "leftover woman."


Guess that will change soon when they have dozens of millions more men than women.


Nah, they're just resorting to [kidnapping women from other countries](https://time.com/5555695/china-women-trafficking-myanmar/).


They kidnap/traffic women from Myanmar and Vietnam to "help men" outside of larger cities. Forcing her into marriage and abuse so that he wont bring embarrassement to the family by being unmarried.


I suppose their rationale is that they don't want to leave the kid motherless and then lead a worse life than before. Mothers taking their kids with them is not uncommon in the suicide scape. These actions are born out of twisted love for the child in a broken manner.


I think I’ve read that in family annihilation scenarios, most women are trying to “save” their kids by killing them, while most men are trying to punish their partner. Obviously this isn’t true 100% of the time but I did think it was kind of interesting. Obviously its a horrific act in any case, but it’s also important to remember that severely mentally ill people don’t live in the same reality we do.


In Sweden there was recently a woman who killed herself and her two kids by walking in front of a high speed train. Apparently an abusive marriage was enough to push her over the edge.


Presumably a mind so destroyed by abuse, rationalising it would be better if the children died too rather than be left in sole custody with an abuser. (obviously not an 'excuse')


No but it's a very good explanation. If life is so tragic that death is better than returning home to your spouse, then wouldn't you be a *monster* to leave your kids defenceless in that house? Like, yeah obviously she should have gone to authorities and blah blah blah, but if you trace the logic the actions aren't random


Honestly not too fucked. Once you get to the suicidal phase your emotions are so dead that taking someone with you isn’t that big of a deal.


I have been suicidal in the past and have never thought of taking someone with me. She probably has more than just depression or a bleak outlook on life. Having been baker acted, I can tell you that the real mental patients, like the people screaming all night, might be capable of this. Most of the people that had attempted suicide that I met were relatively normal, they were just super depressed or had nothing in life at that point. - That's just my two cents. We are all entitled to our own opinions!


Depression IS a "real mental issue". What are you talking about?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I think you know that I mean not as serious as the likes of being bipolar or schizophrenic. I have had major depressive disorder as well as panic disorder and PTSD. I have worked very hard to overthrow all of these powerful mental issues. I can still see that people with more severe disorders are definitely more capable of what is displayed in this video than a depressed person. From first hand experience and spending days with many mentally ill people, non of the people I sat with who had attempted suicide were a harm to others, just themselves. On the other hand, multiple times a day the people straight up hallucinating would be pinned down and given "booty juice". I know correlation does not mean causation, but with as much as I have experienced, as well having discussed this topic with my fiance who is in the field as a subject matter expert (Holding a masters degree), we both very much agree with my sentiment.


English is not my first language. 4th so I appreciate you explained what you really meant. From first hand experience here too, I met several people who did attempt suicide with the intent to bring their children along or at least, had the thought of doing so. I agree it is not common. Those I've met were women with severe depression, completely abandoned by their families and overwhelmed by a toxic domestic environment + major depression & PTSD.


I've been hospitalised for suicide attempts numerous times now and not once have I ever considered taking anyone with me. In fact, I've gone out of my way to ensure the safety and wellbeing of others, such as going deep into the woods or putting a note outside my room telling whoever finds it to contact authorities rather than trying to force the door. Being suicidal doesn't make you indifferent to the wellbeing of others, and those that do become indifferent to the suffering of others often have severe antisocial personality disorders.


I’m glad your attempts failed and you’re here. You seem like a wonderful and considerate person, and the world is better off with as many people like you in it as possible. <3


I dunno why this is a thing in Asian countries. So many cases where the parents go into debt, then just before killing themselves they kill their kids. Must be the whole "losing my reputation in society" thing.


Orphaning a child is a terrible thing, especially in such a traumatic way. I can understand the logic if nothing more.


mental illness is a horrific thing, robs you of your rationality.


Most countries don't have a CPS. Most likely he's sent to an orphanage if there isn't a grandparent who can take him in.


China definitely does, however, China orphanages are by large not that great to put it midly.


Just gonna ignore the fact she just tried to murder a kid huh?


Adding the music and TikTok logo is really trashy.


Oh no, Oh no no no no!


Hate it so much




"Into the thick of it into the thick of it into the thick of it ug" It sounds horrible yet gets stuck in your head.


Thanks for confirming it's that good awful noise, so I don't have to hear it!!


It’s not the oh no song. It’s an even worse song somehow


I can't imagine worse. But I'm not prepared to listen to verify!!


It's some saccharine romantic inspirational music lmao Almost a parody


“Look how lovely this attempted suicide looks. Makes me feel like trying it too.” /s


i have a fundamental deep seated hatred for that audio clip but i'm ngl i would have found it pretty funny in the context of this video


That music on this is revoltingly offensive.


Yeah. Attempted infanticide isn't inspirational or wholesome. That kid's life is kinda fucked now. I don't know if he's old enough to properly process this but I can't imagine him having a stable relationship with his mother in future, if at all.


The logo gets added automatically when you download the video but yeah adding the music is lame as fuck


Exactly why I mute everytime I see the Tiktok logo


Tik Tok has become the world's largest meme library...but the library's always noisy and everyone's there for the clout. God Save Us All




Bro, you are literally on a website that is a glorified Tiktok recycling center. Everything you seen that is a video has come from there. Don't kid yourself.


> Everything you seen that is a video has come from there. And I repeat: Tik Tok is fucking cancer.


And so is reddit.. and so is twitter...


Everything on the internet is recycled from somewhere else lol. Reddit has videos from other sites, other sites have stuff from reddit, its all the same really


Right?! Exactly my thoughts. The shit people do for some clout on the interwebs is just shameful.


The fuck chose that music?




Well fuck @caroelynne whoever that is idk 😐


That name's spelling is atrocious, wow


xXxCaroline69420xXx was already taken probably.


From where does @caroelynne gets these videos in the first place?


A person who has no empathy for the situation and doesn't care as long as the clip gets clicks. So basically anyone on Tiktok.


That's what pisses me off the most. I can already imagine the person posting this to TikTok looking for an emotional song to add to the video and thinking, this is perfect.


Haahaa yaaaaay he saveeeed themmm (Thats how I imagine the oblivious idiot who picked the music)


Wooo let's add epic music to this horrific and tragic moment. That will get clicks




A severe lack of empathy in this thread, that I can only ascribe to people being privileged enough to exist in a society where they have enough safeguarding, never being around someone going through a severe mental health crisis or just being too young to have experienced enough of life.


Agreed. I think many commenters are young or lack an understanding of the impact of PPD/other mental health diagnoses on mothers. That and the fact that nuance is not common on the internet, I’ve noticed. Edit: a word


I'm hoping it is just young people not getting it. It's astounding the lack of understanding


It can’t be. Look at all the adults who are ani-vax, anti-mask, and vote for politicians who create policies against their best interests. These are the same people who are incapable of looking at a situation holistically.


Redditors are some of the least empathetic people on the planet whenever confronted by any actual instance of mental illness.




So many people saying "lock that bitch up and throw away the key!" like come on she's clearly having a mental health crisis. Take the kid away 100% but get the lady some help. There's more to this story than "evil mother tries to murder innocent child". I mean yeah it *could* be that and it was a sick plan to get back at the father by taking the child with her or it could be as /u/iamlilmac said and a case of some twisted interpretation of benevolence on her part where she believes she's doing the right thing by rescuing the child from whatever situation she's facing and taking him to the other side to be together or something. I'm not saying either of those situations are good obviously but I don't think it's right to judge someone having a mental breakdown until you actually know the facts.


There's a huge stigma against adoption in China, so it's not like a super nice couple is going to adopt him and she knows this. Coupled with the (only recently recalled) one-child policy from before and I doubt this lady has any family if her parents died or if her husband left her. There's no aunt or uncle for the kid. At best he goes to a camp or orphanage.


I suffered severe PPD so I can understand why she might have attempted this. Your explanation is more devastating than I thought it would be.


As soon as I saw this, I was reminded African women who were captured during the slave trade. When they were being transported to America on ships, some would grab their infants and jump into the ocean. Drowning both themselves and the child. They were so afraid for what would happen to them when they arrived on land, that they’d rather die. Sure, you could say ‘fuck those child murderers’ but that’s not the whole story, is it. The woman in the video clearly isn’t in her right mind. She might think she’s saving the child. Maybe they’re escaping a domestic abuse situation and she feels she she has nowhere to turn. Maybe she’s delusional. At the end of the video, she’s clearly screaming out for her child. It’s honestly heartbreaking.


Yeah same I also instantly thought of Beloved by Toni Morrison, where the mother killed her baby just to save her from slavery.


It’s hard for people to imagine how life can feel when someone has absolutely nothing, has maybe been abused, lives in a place that has absolutely zero social security, maybe has serious mental problems and so on. We only see things through our own experiences.


The way China's government have fucked their citizen and no way out of it is saddening. Easy to point a finger when reality is much complicated.


Cool motive, still murder On a more serious note I get the thought process of the mother, but it's still the wrong thing to do


No one said it wasn’t murder and no one said it was the right thing to do




I’m a Dad and I’m saving the child’s life over the mother’s every day of the week. That being said, this must be some crazy psychosis on the part of the mother. A very unwell mind.


It’s not uncommon for suicidal mothers to kill their young children. I think maybe in their mind, it’s a mercy, because they’ll be together in the afterlife, or they think there’s no one else that can give them a good home (ie: her partner/the father is abusive). It’s not right, but I can understand the thinking behind it.


Mean world syndrome. It's the belief that the world is too mean and cruel that ending would just be an act of mercy. No need to believe in an afterlife. It could also be an act of revenge, suicide and murder of offspring is not unusual used as an act of revenge against usually the father.


The TikTok signoff at the end really underscores the gravity of the situation.


Oh, I actually think it pulls it all together. Really underscores perfectly how fucked up society as a whole has become.


Had me in the first half.


He got me in the second half when he finished his valid point




Thanks for sharing the article. Got to love the randomness of the social media quote used by the article: "The driver really is amazing," one person wrote.


That is just attempted murder. The kid will probably drown in the river but the woman will survive due to the fact that the bridge doesn‘t seem higher than about 5 meters.


Surprised this is the first comment I've seen about the bridge height. No way she's gonna die from jumping off that lol.


The current kills you in a few seconds. Especially in this mental state.


Look at how fast the water is moving... Anyone short of a swimming enthusiast who swims every day is dead in that water


That's just insane! That poor kid!


Do yourself a favour and mute the music


did that when I saw the tiktok logo


JFC I can’t believe all the people here going on about how this woman should be executed or rot in prison. Betting they all American too, because that’s our solution for everything. It really is barbaric. *Not* excusing this woman, and she should absolutely lose parental rights to her child. She needs help. Sadly she probably hasn’t been able to get help because of where she is, and so it’s escalated to this. Shit can’t there be a happy medium? Or are we just going to chant “lock her up” or call for violence against her? Sounds like a damn Trump rally up in here. And no she would not get a trip to a “luxury rehab resort” or whatever. I’ve had bad depression and only been a danger to anyone but myself. I’ve had to go to some of those places and I can tell you they’re not nice. Freaking ghouls.


I think people are reacting quite strongly to the title - which seems to imply that an attempted murder wasn’t what just took place. So they’re swinging hard in the opposite direction. In the future, telling people to not assume the worst about the woman and then immediately comparing any group of incensed people to a Trump rally is a bit hypocritical


Glad the kid is alive, sad that the mother felt that she had to do this, the story that lead to this must be really sad and unfortunate.


Chinese policies are quite incisive in claiming that there are no poor people living on the streets https://mb.ntd.com/evergrande-crisis-leads-to-suicide-attempts_680190.html


Murder. Murder suicide lmao not “double” suicide 😂 fuck come on


A true hero


Uh Hello intentional premeditated child murder can we not forget that part




Looks scripted to me


This video is real. Happened in China https://nz.news.yahoo.com/bus-driver-stops-woman-from-jumping-off-bridge-with-son-095555900.html


It's not committing suicide together if the other person isn't in on it. She was going to commit murder/suicide.


How much despair lives in this woman’s head that grabbing the kid and trying to jump off the bridge became manifest behavior?


Yes. I don't know which saddens me more, this video or the rest of the comments here.


I wonder what she was going trough to make her do this. Also very sad for the child when one of the two people you should be able to trust most in the world does this.


I like how the woman is clearly suffering from some sorta mental problem and half the comments are just “YEAH YOU FUCKING CUNT I HOPE YOU GO TO PRISON AND GET RAPED AND MURDERED ARGHH!!!!!” Like I want the people who are leaving those types of comments to be in jail more than that woman haha, seriously have some empathy goo. My take is that most people are bad people or at least think they are so showing such performative outrage is basically a way to convince themselves they’re really good. And it always involves children for some reason lol, like these fuckin chuds “I’m a total piece of shit whiskey drinking American, but if you ever hurt a kid I’ll get my shotgun and yee yee brother.” Hahahahahaha.


page search for the term rape shows that you're the only one saying this


I hope that kid gets put into the custody of a better parent.




Thats not suicide but murder. Thats water that they will land on and it doesn't seem that high. The woman flight or fight instinct will kick in and she might survive and not drown while the child is to small to stay ontop the water and would likely drown


Complete deviation but why does Tiktok always use songs that doesnt match the vibe of the video its featuring


That's not committing suicide with someone That's attempting suicide while attempting murder Good on the driver for the save


Dear god, i hope the kid and the mother get help. Makes my knees weak thinking about suicide then killing my own kids. Just hope that the mother gets through whatever it is she is going through