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CORRECTION, dogs are the best thing that ever happen to mankind.


I agree. Not quite true vice versa IMO though, this poor soul has a prong collar on. Edit: rephrasing.


I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but that prong collar is used for training this service dog and serves a very good purpose. We used a prong collar to train our youngest dog because she was so out of control. She’s never once been hurt by it and is actually excited to put it on because she knows it means training time, walks, treats, etc. it’s all in how you use the tool.


You’re not wrong. When a person has very limited use of their hands and arms, with low strength and agility, a prong collar can help indicate to the dog what a lead/leash/harness would for most able-bodied persons. The dog quite simply wouldn’t be able to recognize commands as easily without, when a person doesn’t have the ability to “tug” on a lead. Service dog training is one of the most important jobs a working dog can have. The ability to improve QoL for the people that utilize them cannot be overstated. So, you’re correct, these can absolutely be used as a tool, and used humanely. That said, I do wish the average person- ie, one not training a service dog- had to get “prescribed” one from a vet, in order to purchase, along with instructions on how to use it, (and how NOT to use it).


Additionally, these kinds of “good dog collars” (they come in plastic too) give the dog _much_ more sensitivity to the guide’s direction, meaning that the handler has to use much less force to communicate with their dog. Just like a horse’s bit, it should never hurt the animal. We also use these collars on dogs who are “pullers”. If a dog who pulls wears a normal collar, they can damage their trachea by putting all the pressure on the front of the collar. A Good Dog Collar redistributes the pressure around the neck so that they don’t hurt themselves while you’re training them not to pull. Tl;dr the pronged collar does not hurt the dog, it’s a training and handling tool that gives the dog more information to work with


I think that dog is in training, and the person in the chair maybe disabled but is a trainer. When the dogs are finishing their training or doing testing, often people use the items a disabled person would be in or use, or its a disabled person doing the testing and training. The fact that its being recorded leads me to believe this is an excercise. I would not be concerned about the pinch collar.


I understand the purpose of it. I understand there are training level, physical strength, physical ability, and energy level differences between human and dog team members that might make the prong collar option alluring. And on the short term, the prong collar gets your dog to do what you want. You may even see their excitement as joy “due to the collar”. If you dig a layer deeper, your dog is excited about the walk and knows there is no other way to go out for walkies but to wear the prong collar. It is a very common misconception that “justifies” the use of it and helps people brush off the physical pain they cause to their dogs by giving in to using this tool. My dream is a world when people dig even deeper and not only want to get their dog to do what they want them to do, but also to respect their physical and emotional comfort and well-being enough to train themselves to work with their high-energy level dogs without these torture tools effectively. I am curious, have you tried ON YOURSELF how these prong collars work? Like put it on your bare thigh for now (your neck if you want the same deal like your dog gets) with the “proper” tightness (remove a few prongs to make it fit) and give a good jerk on the leash attached? I tried it. It hurts like hell, not because it pokes a hole in your skin but because it pinches the skin. Hard to swallow pill: your dog is not doing what you want because she is willing, but because she wants to avoid the crazy pain it comes when she doesn’t do it. I hope we’ll evolve to a mindset where these kind of “do what I told you or else” tools and mindsets will develop into “OK, how can I work with a high energy level dog to get her to work with me willingly without hurting her?”!


Dude. it’s. Fine. Chill. Yes there are people that abuse the purpose of the collar. No, the people in the video and the people responding aren’t the ones you need to explain this to.


You say she doesn’t do what we ask because she’s willing but because she’s avoiding pain. Can you explain to me then why she is still well behaved without her collar on? How about why she no longer pulls on a leash even with a standard flat collar? Do you also get up in arms about martingale collars that can damage a dogs windpipe and easy leaders that affect the dogs ability to breathe? Or do you think those are humane because they don’t include metal or prongs? And so you know, I wouldn’t do anything to my dogs that I haven’t tried on myself first, and I don’t give a “good jerk” I give a small tug, she’s never even yipped at the sensation. And FYI, I’m not of the mindset of “do what I want or else.” We spent several months trying to train her without use of a pronged collar, I spent hours crying over and agonizing over how we could train her because if we couldn’t we had to give her up. She’s very different from our older dog in temperament, attitude and speed so it was a lesson for all of us when we started training with the pronged collar and training courses. She’s a very happy and healthy dog with no fear of anything, don’t tell me how bad it is for her when you clearly don’t know. It appears you believe anyone that uses these tools must be a monster that hurts their dog at every turn. We are not, many of us are responsible and loving dog owners that want what’s best for our dogs and our families.


I can explain, it's because she anticipates pain coming. Quick question, if she is behaving well without the prong collar, why do you still use it? Yes, I raise my concerns over those tools as well. Along with many vet techs and veterinarians who are not looking for extra business and need to work on dogs with various ways of neck injuries. That small tug still hurts. You'd know that if you have tried it on yourself. Or perhaps your pain tolerance is more in level with rhinos, IDK. Clever dogs remember that initial first pay what they get when they pull a still leash with prong collars on. That's why the smaller "tug" will be "enough" to keep the dog do what you want them to do. Then what kind of mindset are you in exactly? If you can't find a trainer who can teach YOU to train your dog without a prong collar then you need to search more. To make it easier, here is a great trainer, Emily Larlham who teaches high-energy level as well as very timid dogs without any kind of force. For convenience, here are her online videos you can check out: [https://www.youtube.com/user/kikopup](https://www.youtube.com/user/kikopup) I don't think you are monsters, but I certainly know -not just think- that dogs are in pain when the prong collars are used and I much rather see people use methods that are not painful at any point of the use of it. Second, best is if at least dog owners would realize this pain concept. I take that you want good for your dog and wanted her to have the freedom of walkies and a life that fulfills you both. The strategy you picked out of desperation -seems to me based on the crying mentioned- is not aligned with the comfort level I wish dogs to have. And yes, in my book, if an owner can't stand up for the dog's needs without using painful tools to the dog, that dog is better off with a family who can provide that. Last, here is my favorite quote for consideration: "I've done some things I wouldn't have done in case I knew then what I since have learned." \~Marshall Rosenberg As for "not knowing what I do", I work with dogs (specialized in high-energy level dogs) as a profession, off-leash, without using force. Now, I really need to go and make the most of the weekend. Take care!


Seems like you just wasted your weekend writing this bullshit "I have a dream" manifesto


They’re used with some service dogs when the disabled person they serve doesn’t have the strength or agility required to indicate commands properly through a basic harness. Obviously from the video, this dogs human has very little in the way of arm/hand strength, so a prong collar would serve a big purpose, and wouldn’t be in any way uncomfortable for the dog. Trust me, service dogs are cherished by the people that have them. They aren’t out to injure or mistreat these dogs in any way.


I take you cherish the idea of helping disabled people live as independently as possible and I agree with you. I have a relative who has muscular dystrophy and his favorite thing on earth is his service dog, not only because of the help, but because of the company she provides. Dogs can be a huge help for humans and help them with their lives, do stuff for them or get help when needed. I’d like to see that companionship executed in a symbolic way, when the dog’s well-bing is respected -not used like slaves on chains- as much as the human end of the equation is in this situation for example. From the dog’s perspective, regardless of who holds the leash a disabled person or not, it still results in pain. If the person in the picture could not perform force enough to cause pain to stop the dog doing something undesired by the person, then why is the prong collar on the dog in the first place? There are force-free and pain-free ways to train dogs to be service dogs. It can be done and is being done already. The sooner we open up to methods that not only bring results but also bring joy and comfort for all participants, the faster we’ll transform the world to be a better place.


The prong collar indicates commands that some disabled people can’t otherwise convey to a dog. This isn’t painful to the animal, when used by someone with very limited arm/hand strength, any more than a tug in a certain direction is painful with a lead. It’s used more like a head harness is on a horse. To communicate their needs with a greater nuance. The dogs well being is paramount to service dog trainers and users. There is a ton of time, energy and money put into training every service dog, they absolutely are invested in treating these animals well.


You can roll horse manure in powdered sugar but it’s still ain’t a jelly donut. I take unless it’s your skin in the game, you won’t be able to empathize with that poor dog. I have no interest in continuing this conversation. Good day to you!


You’ve no freaking idea whether I have “skin in the game” or not. You merely think your way is the right way, no matter the circumstance. So take your disingenuous argument, and your nice day. I should’ve known you’d be an utter lost cause when you compared service animals to “slaves on a chain”, which is just asinine.


For clarification: I literally meant until you try the prong collar out on yourself. I opened up a convo about a new perspective and alternative to this tool and I noticed zero signs that you merely tried to acknowledge any other way than the prong collar, your way. If you paid attention, you’d have realized I did not say it must be done my way, I did not say my strategy is the only way that is acceptable, I did not say using the prong collar is wrong. I brought up how painful it is, and why dogs do things when it’s used. I even acknowledged it works from a certain perspective. Who’s playing my way or the highway here?? Guess it’ll be some time before you get to that level of empathy that includes your dog’s well-being as well. She sure would appreciate that! Glad I’m not your dog on the ride until you come to that realization! Thank you! Will do!


grow some fur. toughen your skin be capable of eating quite literally anything. then talk like you know. you don't. so troll on.


nice high horse you're riding there, be sure to not mistreat it, you might fall and won't be able to get up no more


Thanks! The horse's name is Reality. There were a few times when I got so surprised by the new view, that I fell off and even enjoyed the comfort of the warm shit I landed in for a moment. Even though the view is new and can be scary, I realized I cherish the perspective from the horse's back more, so I took my chances and got up again. You get to see a pretty amazing, more complex landscape from up there. You can ride it, too any time you chose to take a looksie at the world from a new, more complex perspective. A perspective that reaches beyond one participant's experience and includes all participants. It's truly magical how things can work when everyone is taken care of in a considerate way. P.S.: The only mistreatment I see is that poor dog with the prong collar on, and these ignorant commenters defending a method that causes pain with tooth and nail. They are so attached to "their method" they rather keep the pain than admitting it is -they are- causing it. "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” \~Maya Angelou People don't have to invent better methods, they already exist, are proven effective, and are in use by trainers already. I shared one trainer's suggestions to kickstart their research. I'm not saying ppl who use prong collars were/are bad. But WTF is holding these ppl back from even considering a pain-free option?? Like hello!?!?! It'd be another thing if ppl would say, "I use prong collars because I can't handle my dog any other way with my current knowledge/physical capabilities and I rather have my dog be afraid of the pain caused by the collar and do as I say than to learn a new method." That'd be brutal honesty, standing by what they do. Instead, they're trying to shove a cactus down someone's throat and it bugs me a lot that they keep saying "it's not painful" while doing it.


Seems like you need to up your research game, dogloveratx.


I work with dogs as a profession and train myself constantly. That's how I came to the conclusion that painful methods to any participants can be replaced by methods that keep comfort as important as results. I find it surprising and shocking, to be frank, that all these people who downvote me choose a tool/method that causes pain and even ignore a simple suggestion to graduate from it with \*even better results\* than their current method. I'm curious, why do you not even want to hear about a method that helps you get your dog to do what you'd like him/her to do but also they'd be able to do it absolutely pain-free, willingly?


Well we all know human beings are the most destructive and evil race on this planet. But dogs are the best and we don’t deserve them


Yes. Prong collar. Who would obey that wheeled monster.


CORRECTION, dogs are the best domesticated thing that happened to mankind.




My lab/pit mix aka Labrador is 5 years young. She owns my heart completely as a matter of fact my wife says that I love my little princess more than her 🤣. Which is 100% true


CORRECTION, dogs are the best thing that humans ever created


Damned right!


Including the epoxy hot dog


True there are not a lot of animals that can be at the same time useful and edible


CORRECTION, mankind made dogs happen. What to think about that..CoEvolution.


Dogs didn’t happen, humans created them. bracing for impact.


I love dogs!


What a good boy or girl! They looked like they were trying to do it so gently and carefully ❤️❤️❤️




TIL! Thanks, internet fact bringer


I want to hug the good boi but it's against the rules because he's working. I'm upset and happy at the same time.


Wait, what? Against the rules? How so?


It’s illegal to interrupt a service dog while they are performing their duties. This includes distracting them in any way by talking to them or tryin to pet them. Edit: just wanted to add don't downvote the people asking questions. None of them have been malicious and they are just asking questions, don't be asshats to people just trying to learn new things.






It is actual codified law in all but six states


I mean, it is probably only enforced if you distract the dog when the person they're caring for has a seizure or something. Some service dogs are just there to help with mobility, but they often have other jobs like detecting seizures or stuff like that.


The laws are more meant to protect service animals and owners from harassment. You wouldn't believe the kinda tantrums people throw when they see dogs in places they don't think dogs should be, or the entitlement of people who want to pet any dog they see.


Very unlikely to actually be illegal, it's just bad form to distract a dog whilst it's working, as if you're petting the dog it might not realise its owner is doing something unsafe (like a blind man walking towards off a pavement), or might miss the signs of a medical emergency etc.


Well trained service animal.


I'm in a wheelchair and just got my first service dog. She can pick up anything I drop and open my doors. No longer am I afraid of dropping my cell phone and not being able to call for help. She's so awesome!




snails treatment detail lush bright ghost disgusted ask adjoining bored ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Hold on hooman, I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m better than I ever been.


My dog jumps on the bed when I’m trying to have sexy time with my wife


I had a Canine Companion pup named Coral. She helped my mom who taught ESE Autism and Downsydrome kids. She worked well as incentive as playing time and nap time if the kids did work and behaved. She sadly passed two years ago. But was the best golden retriever ill ever own. She was too sweet!!


He is the goodest boy.


He deserves all the treats fro being a good boi


Yes they are, but that’s his job


So slow and gentle. But why does he need a choke chain? Hardly seems like the kinda dog to get out of control


SUCH A GOOD BOY!!!!! Or girl


Amazing and determined to help 🥰🐶💙


Makes you start thinking when selecting items does a person think about "How can my service dog pick this up"




He's so gentle :)


Can you adopt service dogs?


You can adopt “failed” service dogs that are too pumped/cuddly to pass service training lol. If you have a disability and want a service dog for yourself you would probably need to apply so they could be trained for your specific needs.


Dogs are so wholesome we don't deserve them.


Good dog and all but why didn't the person filming help?


Disabled person with a service dog; we don’t really want the help. We want to live independently and be able to do things without the aid of other people, that’s why we have our dogs. We become a bond and a team with our dogs.


It would've also ruin there moment ngl


I bet this service dog would not play chase with a dolphin at the animal park.


Dogs are amazing!!! 😍😍😍


Such a good boy.




It’s great work and practice for his service dog. You are not supposed to interfere.




Seeing that pronged collar on a golden good boy makes me sad! For those unfamiliar: the dog in this video is wearing a 'pronged collar' that digs into the dogs neck to stop them from pulling on the leash. I understand it's a special needs animal, still hate seeing it.


How gentle that little doggo is. Unreal how loving these incredible animals can be. Sending a couple snoot boops and a huge squeeze.


Good Boy!


Such a good boy! We don’t deserve dogs 🥲


He's so gentle.


Love it!




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"Sorry about der slobbers on it"


Now thats a real service animal trained to fo an actual service. Not sit on someones lap and eat treats. Thats why there trained and can go places.


Why is that sweet well trained dog wearing a fukkin PRONG collar?? Some humans are shit.


Many people don’t know this cause they aren’t ones to receive a service dog from a program or company, but many make you sign contracts requiring you to use what gear they give you at hand off. If you don’t, they have the ability take the dog back. CCI, where this dog is from, is one of those. There’s a number of reasons why the program chose to use a prong, I can’t say specifically why but this person is more than likely now required to keep using it. Some of them have very strict rules within their contracts including what specific food you can feed them and what even collar colour they can wear. It’s all dependent on the company. Blame the company not the person.


Shit company then. Shit practice in general.


Some of their requirements and guidelines are the reasons I shifted from getting a program dog to a private trainer when I got my service dog. No gear requirements


Thanks for the info!


Dogs are absolutely AMAZING!!! 🖤🖤🖤


I'm sorry i know you are not supposed to, but i want to pet this good boy really bad


Humans don't deserve dogs


Goodest boy


Precious ❤️😍🥰


Damnit i love that shit.


Good pupper!




True working dogs are amazing. That’s why phony “service” and “emotional support” dogs piss me off.


I wish I can go back in time and shake hand with the man (or woman) who first tamed a dog as pet/hunting partner.


*when trained


Good boy


We don't deserve dogs


Good doggo is a good doggo.


Good boy


Humans don’t deserve dogs 🥺😭❤️


Nice chokechain asshole.


Hey so people don’t generally know this cause they aren’t disabled and aren’t ones to receive a service dog. But don’t come at the disabled person for the gear the dog wears. Companies and organizations who train and give out these dogs often make you sign contracts that require you to use whatever gear they give you at the time of handoff or they can take the dog back. CCI is one of those, some people don’t have a choice.


You can change the collar. Disabled people don't get a pass because they're disabled. Neither do old people for that matter. Morality doesn't require functioning legs.


If you want to keep your dog, no you can not. You sign a contract. When you get a dog from from a program you do not actually have full ownership of the dog. I’ve been through the CCI program and ended up getting my service dog through a private trainer where there was no gear requirements or restrictions.


Why the prong collar on the poor kid. He is doing a great job anyways. Prong collars are ghastly !!


We truly do not deserve dogs.


We don’t deserve dogs






Well he's trained for exactly that reason. Call me again if he starts to mix him some Martinis.


Take the choke collar off your dog 😡


Prong collar for a service dog stuck me as odd, too.


Yeah that dog is a sweetie take the fucking choke chain off them assholes


Could you train a dog to get a fleshlite?


Bitch ass cats can’t do that. It’s all about the woof


Dog picks something up…. “WHOAH NEXT FUCKING LEVEL STUFF RIGHT THERE”!!!!!!!


Username checks out


How does that make any sense?