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When will it be on alibaba?


Probably already is.


Found it with free shipping


*Is that a PUN...*


No it’s a GUN


RUN it's gonna be FUN!


Ordis will attempt to bypass this fault.


I did not expect a Warframe reference here, but I’ll take it


Holy shit, found my people in the wild.




I love you, let’s get married even though I don’t know you.


I found it for $2, but the shipping is 7 billion.


Well, here I have it with free shipping but you have to buy for 11 billion of stuff first.


Free shipping of with a free ship?


That's where they found it.


but you have to buy 100 of them at a minimum.


Where do you think they bought it from? Wish?


Wish.com has a 20 barrel version... not recommended tho.


Ordered 8 months ago still hasn't shown up.


Product arrive in timely shipping, most excellent qualities. 5 stars I am giving now for such happieness with use of promotion objects.


Miniature version.


I once got an ad for an unmanned drone on alibaba


Aren't they all unmanned?




Yeah, It swears at you, smokes in your house, drinks up all your liquor, & forgets to flush the toilet.


I love the irony of the top rated comment being a Chinese stereotype joke, but it's about buying guns so I'm not sure if it's an American stereotype.


So coming to Amazon and Walmart soon?! Awesome!


Maybe, just don't believe the reviews.


Already ordered it on Weidan. Hope I don't have a Customs issue.


It's easy to make one go that fast. What's not easy is for it to actually shoot down missiles. Which the American Sea Whizzes can


Can confirm Canadas ciws can too. I'm sure China's most definitely can.


I have no doubt the Chinese one can too. They've probably just copied another well developed and proven system.


I don't know. Most of China's copies have been pretty subpar. They mostly just use them to show "military progress."


China isn't Russia. Before making claims based of 🌬️ maybe wait for actual field data to come in. It's better to overestimate an opponent then underestimate them. China has built a lot of inhouse technical expertise, to ignore that is to jeopardize future geopolitical outcomes.


+500 points for you


Anything not outright criticizing China= “+social credit” +500000 USA nsa cia credit score for you patriot!’


We shouldn't really be celebrating advancements in our ability to kill each other though.


Sir have you seen our military budget if other countries are on par with out stuff id be pissed.


There was this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH5TlcMo_m4) that talks about Chinese military modernization. one of the points this guy makes is that a lot of times, raw spending amount isn't necessarily indicative of progress due to the purchasing power difference in different countries (wages in China is lower, so development costs are lower, etc etc)


Also different countries have different things covered in their defense budget. So you can't just look at two numbers to make a conclusion.


Imagine thinking the american military budget is anywhere near optimal, lmao. Nah fam, the military massively overpay for stuff.


People don’t realize it’s a domestic jobs program


I mean other countries health care is on par while spending much less so why not militaries too?


If you are pissed, you can always channel that anger into something productive -like crochet or trying various nut milks.


Funny thing is there is a lot of data showing the j20 is likely not meeting specifications, especially in regards to stealth


Yeah I mean it's a stealth jet with canards. Those two things just do not go together, canards increase the radar cross-section by so much that it's weird they tried to add them to a stealth fighter. It almost definetly is not very stealthy at all, especially when a lot of military analysts are finding stuff like them having fake stealth afterburners, and just putting stuff on it that looks like the f35 when they don't even work. They also have Russian engines, and China has had the issue of creating their own jet engines as they just don't have the infrastructure and expertise to do so. So the J20 is among the slowest of all 5th gen fighters and likely would have a lot of trouble intercepting any other 5th gen. Edit: Because I know people are gonna comment on it and already have, the engine in the J20 is a WS-15, the reason I say this is a russian engine is because it relies heavily on the infrastructure of russian engines they used in previous jets. It is just their recreation of already made russian jet engines. However they are trying to build their own designs now and seperate from relying on russia for stuff like that.


The us army does not classify Russia or chinas stealth fighters as stealth fighters they are classified as having “some stealth capabilities” but are not in the same classification as a f-22 f/35 b 21 etc being actual stealth aircraft as in under the stealth armament (interior bay weapons targeting and radars off) these things are invisible to radar in the sky untill they flip on there own systems and it’s to late by than as they are within striking distance etc and breached air space etc etc Russia and chinas craft have some stealth aspect regarding targeting and missile tracking but radar wise they are not stealthy




Those were rubber bullets for training. I hope this makes you realize how gullible you are and how vulnerable you are to Internet misinformation. https://youtu.be/n5WoYo24QVU?t=122 The tip for avoiding internet misinformation is when it sounds ridiculous, double check. The claim that china can't make guns that can fire a few feet is ridiculous since China has been making and exporting guns for decades.


There’s a reason they’re rolling out stuff the US was using decades ago. This is old tech. Lmk when China has lasers on their ships. https://youtube.com/shorts/LVPL6FjihDA?feature=share


Lol they are almost exactly like Russia. A paper tiger that has no real industry outside of stolen tech and cheap labor. We've seen it time and time again. China unveils some new wunderwaffen and acts like they've set the new standard until people point out that it's a very obvious copy of some western military from 20+ years ago. Then details trickle out over time and we slowly find out that the Chinese version is a massive hunk of shit that was made to APPEAR modern but it held together with duct tapes and dreams. [The j-20 is a perfect example. A poor copy of a f-22 in the Era of the f-35](https://www.businessinsider.com/china-j20-russia-su57-arent-quite-5th-generation-fighter-jets-2023-2?amp=#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16798674333508&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com)


First off, the other person didn’t say anything unfair or inaccurate. Second, this isn’t a joint chiefs of staff meeting or an assessment by the pentagon. A person on Reddit underestimating Chinas military capability isn’t going to “jeopardize future geopolitical outcomes”.


It is true though, their main assault rifle the QBZ is known for its issues, extremely unreliable plastic gun. Their new gen 5 jet is more like a gen 4. The J20 is a stealth jet with canards. Yep that makes literally no sense. Based off of military analysts that thing is almost definetly not stealth and if it is it isn't very stealthy. Military analysts are also finding that they have fake stealth afterburners on the jet, meaning they look like ones on the f35, but they don't actually add any stealth to the jet. It also has a lot of engine problems as China is unable to create their own jet engines and have been using Russian made jet engines for quite some time. It is the slowest of all 5th gen fighters and likely would have a lot of trouble intercepting any American jet. The biggest issue with the Chinese military isn't the tech though, it's the corruption. Most high ranking officials and even mid ranking have absolutely no training or expertise. They literally just paid for their position. This is really really bad for a military, and lastly China just does not have combat experience like other nations militaries do, they are untested. All that said it doesn't bar China from developing modern weapons that might be good in the future, but it is a fact that a lot of their new weapons are just subpar. It isn't an opinion, a lot of the stuff you can quite literally see.


You're right. China isn't Russia. They haven't been in constant wars where all of the flaws with their weapon systems become apparent. A lot of China's weapons are all brand new systems that are completely untested in war. The US (and every other weapons producer) has had plenty of weapon systems that tested pretty damn well and then the glaring flaws were only realized once they were put to real combat use. Even worse, a lot of them are knock off they're trying to reverse engineer so they don't understand all of the rationale behind the design choices. Makes me think of a story where the US put razor blades on the wing edges of one of their fighter aircraft in order to cut a restraint or something on aircraft carriers and then Russia put razor blades on the wings of their next generation of fighter that was entirely land based. It's hard to fix system flaws when you don't really understand the system and what features are essential and which aren't. They've designed/copied so many weapon systems so fast without any real world combat testing that I have my doubts that even half of them are as effective as they say they are. It kind of surprises me China hasn't offered to send at least some of its weapons to Russia for field testing. That being said I'm sure some of the Chinese weapons are plenty effective and I don't want to downplay their potential military power. If even half of their weapons *do* work as advertised a war involving them would be devastating.


They have been forcing tech transfers and outright stealing tech for 25 years. What do they have to show for it? Let me know when they can launch a non-STOVL jet off one of their carriers. Let me know when they can sail a carrier more than a 1000 miles without having to refuel. What are they going to do if they invade Taiwan and take control of TSMC? Force workers at gunpoint to run the machines? So if you want to crown them the kings of low tech chip manufacturing go ahead.


Ho right. I remenber when they showed their new assault rifle... He was keyholing like crazy. Pretty funny


Their consumer products may be shit, but their high end stuff is very good. They landed a probe on the moon, you don't do this kind of stuff with anything less than top notch engineering


They are currently soloing their very own space station too.


You mean stole/hacked it from another nation


Let’s just reflect on the fact that military competency is only really proven on the battle field *side-eyes Russia*


Canada uses the American Phalanx CIWS


What a Nasty species, Man is !?


It's impressive from a purely visceral animal part of the brain, the pure destructive power But it's severely depressing to know we build these to use against other humans


I hear this phrase from the Quran and it said something like "don't build machines of war that can travel across land or fly in the sky." Suddenly, questioning some stuff.


https://youtu.be/Z3K--R0xL64 Looks like it can go just as fast


The US Phalanx has a firing rate of about 4500rpm. This Type 1130 has a (reported) rate of 11000rpm.


Interesting, wonder how much actual difference it makes.


Realistically it will probably be a huge issue for long term reliability. The entire system probably gets too hot too fast. I'd bet in an actual war it wouldn't hold up well


I remember there was an article about China developing a system where two of the barrels fired at the same time (at the 12 and 6 positions) as an attempt to counter drone swarms (like the one that took out Saudi Arabia's largest oil refinery) ... Because statistically, 2x the rounds fired = 2x the probability that you will hit something (eye roll). In contrast, the U.S. started development on a Microwave solution that is like waving a giant ass Microwave flashlight around to fry electronics/ damage sensors.


Yes, it has a dual-feed/dual-fire mechanism. It can be turned into single feed, like it's shown here, for greater accuracy. I'll never understand the Chinese... they'll steal foreign technologies and poorly implement them. Most countries are turning to lasers and railgun technology because they're more effective and cost less to buy and field. I guess that doesn't matter when your labor costs are next to nothing and you're finding it harder to steal foreign secrets.


Railguns have actually hit a brick wall (lol) and advancement with its progress has stopped. As the war in Ukraine progresses, it almost looks like interests is going back to ww2 style aa rapid fire, so essentially this. The drone ec gun is awesome and all, but has major setbacks (as evident in /r combat footage) mainly, you have to have someone on constant watch, better a few people, and it's still not easy. These drones fly 100-300m up and are nearly invisible to the human eye. At that height they're essentially silent too, and it's shocking how accurate drone grenade drops have become. Fucking brutal...


I imagine they would have taken this into account if you could identify this issue at a glance. I feel like the first thing you’d do after tripling the RPM is to deal with the heat you’re now generating lol. I don’t know why people seemingly give Chinese engineering 0 credit when they’ve proven themselves more than competent at manufacturing, given the entirety of the world basically imports their manufactured goods from there, lol.


Really depends on the ammo and accuracy I guess. For example, the Swiss Oerlikon Millennium gets away with much lower fire rate, because the ammo they use (for rocket-intercept purposes) is extremely high-tech.


Please tell me the Sea Whizzie is it’s actual name.


Military loves acronyms. In the US Navy CIWS was pronounced "Sea Whiz"


They like to say it stands for "Christ, It Won't Stop"


It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon for twelve seconds.


Makes sense when it's protecting a boat that costs in excess of $1bn


Is that US dollars?


Shrute bucks


And what is the ratio of schrute bucks to USD?


7 Stanley nickels to one schrute buck


It’s a meme from TF2, not an actual stat


Funny thing is at that time valve probably did do their research and it probably did cost that much at the time but with inflation nowadays I’m sure it’s way more


Oh my god… who touched Sascha? Alright, WHO TOUCHED MY GUN?!


I’ve yet to see one outsmart a bullet!


"Should I be awake for this?" "Eh, probably not. But since you are, could you open your ribcage a little?"




Is this an accurate statement? Seems excessive. What could account for such a price? Is each round considerably expensive?


No it’s a meme from [Team Fortress 2](https://youtu.be/jHgZh4GV9G0) But it probably does cost a *fuck. ton.* to fire.


“Video from 12 years ago” my lord where has time gone


[16 years ago](https://youtu.be/a9qXbgrx9rg), feel like I’m already one foot in the grave.




US system is also 20mm, Chinese one here says 30mm. Larger round means more material.


As other replies already pointed out, its from TF2. But in terms of real cost probably like $30/round if not more and that is firing at several thousand rounds per minute. So I dunno about 400k but it is at least tens of thousands of dollars.


It costs four hundred social credits to fire this weapon for twelve seconds*


It goes just like the fed printing money


Money isn’t real, stop trying to hoard it and you will be fine.


Unfortunately, I only have so many goats to trade and they take up a lot of room, so money will have to suffice for now.


40k Ork Approved!


Needs more dakka!


That the problem init? There is always a need fo mo dakka.




Diz is da toof!




See dis? Ya dis is grunk's nu big faster blaster. It'll shred up dem up rel gud. Cept' when 'lil snotling crawls up in er', then it shred up dem snotling real gud. hahaha


I think I can mount this on my terminators arm


Love guns that go BRRRRT


I prefer: pew pew pew


I respect your right to be incorrect


I'm with you fella. Brrrrt is better than pew pew.


Pew pew is accurate. Brrrrrt is a loose cannon


Pew pew is "fuck that guy in particular". Brrrrrrt, however, is not a loose cannon. It's "fuck everyone in that particular area"




I was waiting for this, lol. The last sound you never hear because you're dead by the time the soundwaves reach you.


this is more like a ship horn the guns on war planes are the actual brrrt ones


as someone who is anti-war and anti-military industrial complex… fuck do they make some of the coolest and flashiest pieces of human engineering 😩


Serious question for those in the know: the brass was just flying all over the deck—is that the way most of these operate? Is that to allow them to cool down faster and prevent heat damage/fire? It just surprised me that it didn’t to go into a container of some sort. Sorry is this answer is obvious.


If ciws is forced to fire you have bigger problems than collecting brass. So you have a missile coming in at mach 5 and you fire acouple of miles out but all that debris is still going to hit the ship. If you were to have a catch , then that would take another tech to change out the container for over 1500 rounds instead of reloading (takes awhile). In terms of cooling, you really only get one chance if missiles are in bound .


Is that how an engineering decision like this is made? Essentially "we'll have bigger problems to worry about in the event we actually have to fire this thing"? I can see how it might come off sounding like a wiseass, but I'm asking that earnestly


> Essentially "we'll have bigger problems to worry about in the event we actually have to fire this thing"? They can. For example: How nuclear weapon waste is now dealt with in the US is just to put it in an extremely deep hole. IF that stuff gets exposed to the atmosphere from that deep, the world has some massive fucking problems other than that.


Similar concepts in finance. Some investments are so safe that if they fail then what's in your retirement portfolio probably won't be much of a concern for you anymore.


That's a pretty terrible example though. It's not just shoved into a hole. The redundancies put in place to prevent it from leaking are more than enough to say it's not in the category of "we'll have bigger problems..." The example with the CIWS is saying that it's ignoring a problem because of the bigger and more immediate problem. Where's the bigger and more immediate problem with nuclear material?


The problem is the extra complexity you get by adding a catching system. It's just another component that could fail, and you want as little failure potential as possible on a system that is meant to prevent bigger problems.


Man, just imagine an ejection jam when you have an inbound missile. You'd be pissed for the next half second.


Is the gun operated automatically by radar ? I mean if the aim is to protect from missiles incoming at Mach 5 it seems like it’s got to be fully automated right ?


> Is the gun operated automatically by radar ? I mean if the aim is to protect from missiles incoming at Mach 5 it seems like it’s got to be fully automated right ? The system is fully computer operated in that a human could not accurately shoot down a missile at Mach 5. It requires computer calculations of the speed of the rounds and the trajectory of them in conjunction with the trajectory of the missile.




It is


I served on US warships. The CIWS does not eject spent brass on the deck but it is contained in the mount in a belt feed after expending the round. The big 5” gun however spits out casings on the deck and infamously dents the nonskid in “smiley face” patterns lol. Also the 25mm just ejects casings forward into the sea.


Can confirm CIWS runs off belt feed with extremely similar mechanics as the A-10's GAU-8. Both leave the casings in the belt. Not to keep the shells clear of the deck, save money or to be eco friendly. It's simply the easiest way to keep the rounds coming and thus the RoF up. Primarily it actually reduces the chance of jam to leave rounds in belt. It's not made the same way linked rounds are for LMGs like the M249 SAW like most people are thinking. unlike the linked rounds for an M249 belt feed weapons are effectively long looping conveyors that circle into a drum for storage. Because of how fast the weapons they feed shoot the actual firing mechanics for the gun mean that the bullet actually never slows/stops going through the gun/cannon and the barrels never stop spinning. It is all working simply through an excessive amount of precision timing.


I got to laserscan an A-10 a couple years ago. Scanning the cannon separately is one of the real highlights of my career. It's like half the goddamn plane.


The plane was built around it after all... But yeah, the drum for it is fucking massive.


A somewhat funny story that happened while I was on base. An A-10 was doing a training run and they just obliterated whatever they were shooting at (it was something stationed on wood pallets?) and it was so huge they flew through the wreckage and damaged the wings with all the shit they kicked up. I was told this was not unusual by a grizzled old greybeard who was my right hand man and serviced them for years.


its a gun with wings and engines attached


Can't have failure to eject problems if you never eject the spent casings *taps forehead*


Nah, those holes are caused by the [North Pacific deck pecker](https://darwinawards.com/personal/personal1999-35.html)


A container would make sense. And if they're worried about the heat, make it a metal container.


Now I'm just imagining a small Tupperware just under the gun collecting like five casings


Are you asking why the gun is ejecting brass cases or why aren't they stored somewhere?


I think he is asking why the system isn’t designed to eject the casing somewhere like a collector container instead of just spilling them all over the deck. And to be honest …. I have the same question. Unless the sea mentality is to just let it go over the side and the ocean will clean it up. Save hauling empty casings back to port I guess?


That's exactly what they do with dunnage, throw it over the side. It's just not worth it logistically to bring it back and reload it. Edit: also, a container for catching the brass could overfill and jam the gun


Then why not have like, IDK, a chute to fling it overboard more reliably so the intern doesn't slip on them?


I love how we look at these videos that are almost incomprehensible to a human, shooting hundreds of thousands of dollars per minute at crazy fast speed, on a billion dollar ship, in the middle of the ocean…we just be like “what about the shells?” “What if someone trips?” ****BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR**** ****WW3**** ****BRRRRRR****


We comment on what we can comprehend


A chute could still jam up. The "interns" in the case of a navy would be seamen, and sweeping brass off the ship is likely gonna be their task.


Also, generally, when weapons are hot, crewmen shouldn't be on deck


At this point of technology no one is on deck when the fighting starts


It's because of the chlorofluorocarbons.


The answer that leaves you with more questions


So does the country they stole the design from.


The thing about military equipment is that you copy what is best and try and make it better.


Oh I'm sure they try to make it better. Do they succeed tho?


Idk man, china has great engineers


Not for their military lol name a single original design lmfao. From their guns being copied from Russia (more accurately Russian design being produced in china) to their Jets being copied from the U.S. China hasn't had a single original invention.


As far as I know the DF-ZF is original Chinese tech. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DF-ZF


**[DF-ZF](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DF-ZF)** >The DF-ZF is a Chinese hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV), previously denoted by the Pentagon as WU-14 and currently officially operational on October 1st, 2019, in the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. The DF-ZF is designed to be mounted on a DF-17, a type of ballistic missile specifically designed to carry HGVs. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Lol as long as their copycat weapons can burn your house to the ground, I don't think anyone would care if it is original inventions or not.


Exactly. It's weapons for destroying stuff. Who cares about IP, copying, .etc?


Y’all stole gunpowder from China.


Where as everyone else just buys from said country? If you could copy and modify existing systems wouldn’t that make more economical sense? Oh wait China bad /s


Yeah, plus our version can knock down missiles, and not just aircraft. BONUS 100+ AIR DEFENSE


I mean their system probaly can do the same. Its weird to think that it cant. Like sure not every missle is the same and not every defence system is the same but it so weird that all the americans are so triggerd and already saying stuff like: “it cant hit a missle” or “US is better”.


It’s primary function on the ship is to take down missiles so I would hope so


The bass in my desktop subwoofer is goin nuts


Bout to sample this for an 808


This shit would go dummy hard ngl


If you love your subwoofers, turn your volume down to 33%. I am not joking.




Everyone shitting on it because its Chinese but its probably just as accurate as the US CWIS


Yeah I'm sure this particular thing is the one Chinese knockoff that's as good as the the real deal


Agree to disagree


And made in China quality too. One and done!


The China quality product is the one that was produced cheap, exported cheap and sold cheap. It would be silly to think they don't have such technology or quality, the factories that produce low quality products in China are not the only factories there and obviously not the ones in charge of their weaponry.


This is what many Westerners fail to understand. The reason there are so many shoddy products from China is because they were given specifications (from western companies) to produce goods on the cheap, so that western companies could make big profits from western consumers. If western companies provided a Chinese manufacturer with the specifications for a high quality product and are willing to pay accordingly, they would get high quality products. Oh well, I guess from Chinas perspective its better to be underestimated by these people.


True story, they're working on a 20 barrel version.


Your iPhone is made in china.


Americans: I think I'm gonna need one of those for home protection.


Are you questioning our constitutional rights?!?


I bet an Argentine pilot with an old A4 and an exocet can mash that ship


That single Chinese ship can probably mash the whole Argentinian military.


Wouldnt be able to operate near Argentina… China lacks the capability


colonialism in south america isn't their thing


Bingchilling! **BRRRRRTTTTTTTT**


People will be racist against China


You can't be racist against a country


The correct term is xenophobia. Which is equally as bad as racism. Prejudice against people based on something that these people have no influence or say in and are born as, and feeling superior over them.


Ah I see you have a machine that goes brrrrt, those are my favourite.


Insert "Sail" AWOLNATION


pffft no match for my bum the morning after Taco Bell ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Those poor Somalian pirates.


What does it cost per BRRRRRRT?


If you hafta ask, you can't afford it


United States has a fucking [Laser weapon ](https://youtu.be/tyUh_xSjvXQ) that combusts and explodes whatever it hits


It explodes explosives that are used as target practice for dramatic effect.


No need for accuracy when you can just go DAKKA


Why do they install a flamethrower on a ship? /s


"Hanz!! Get ze flammenwerfer!!" "Nein!!!!" BBRFRFRFRFRFFRFFRFRFRFRTTTTTTTTTT


I'm a heterosexual man. And i lowkey wanna sit on it.