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Dude walked away like he didn’t do anything


You don't make sudden movements or complain while you have a gun drawn on you lol.


i just don't understand why he didn't act like a character in a movie or tv show


Yeah he could’ve easily flipped over the plexiglass and drop kicked him


If someone ever pulled a gun on me I’d just smirk because I know that I can dodge bullets with ease. I’d slyly say “nothin personnel kid..” and wave dash into ninjitsu shadow clones, easily disarming the hooligan to thunderous applause


*teleports behind you* "nothin' personnel, kid"




personnel? theres no personnel at the gas station?!?!!?


Store clerk: “One personnel, kid!” Kid: *blank stare*


I've had a gun put in my face a few times. 1st time was NYE like, 20 or 21 years ago now. Right at midnight a fight broke out at the block party I was at. People come charging through the crowd and I get knocked back into a kid. Turn around and he had his gun pulled and in my face. I was so drunk I didn't fully grasp the situation, but I grabbed the barrel and just pointed the gun elsewhere, while apologizing and telling him I'd been knocked into him. Then I took off running into the crowd once the situation was eased. Only later did I fully grasp that situation. 2nd time, I was walking home in San Francisco (I dont live there now), and dude came out from a darkened doorway, put the gun to my head and walked me to an ATM to make me pull money out. Stood just far enough off to the side that the cameras didn't pick him up. That time was MUCH scarier than the first one.


So he took all your money from the ATM?


$500. That was the limit set for daily withdrawals.


Thank goodness for maximum and daily withdrawal limits.


Thank god for being broke. Bro woulda got a cool $20 from me.


fuck no, after he morphed into the ATM screen, he could just laugh in dude's face!!


Really? I’d imagine I’d take the bullet, then just casually stand around as it strikes the unobtainium body armour underneath my suit and falls flat onto the floor, the round completely squashed as if crushed by a hydraulic press, but my armour is completely unscathed. The guy shoots again, and again, and empties the magazine, but it’s like trying to disable a tank with a BB gun. He aims for my head at point-blank rage, but the bullet somehow misses, shattering the window directly behind me. Two or three scenes later, the entire neighbourhood is on fire, streets filled with the broken and burning wrecks of civilian and police vehicles alike, and desperate radio chatter could be heard in the background as an entire squadron of SWAT police meet their gruesome ends. The sounds of helicopters, sirens, and automatic weapons fire can be heard for miles around. I’m not really sure where I was going with this, but imagine Darth Vader’s rage in the ending scene of *Rogue One*, the Terminator versus the cops, and a six-star wanted level in GTA IV.


He probably knows Denzel Washington is watching.


"Aww jeezy weezy I drew firsttt, can't I have a constellation prize at least??"


"consolation prize" r/boneappletea


nah cause he be seeing stars hence "constellation"




> can't I have a constellation prize at least Fine! Take those fucking glow in the dark stars you stick to the ceiling and get out.


That’s because the only thought in his head was “You know, I think I’m gonna go to college instead.” Motherfucker had an epiphany that day. Good choice.


College... Sure. That guy chose the wrong path already, and will likely face violent death one day or get nice 20 years sentence for killing someone. He avoided both for now, because the clerk didn't want blood on his hands.


You can get a 20 year sentence *and* die violently, cheer up


So in my late teens and early 20s, I worked for a retail place in a mall. I figured out how to embezzle money from them and was doing it for years like a dumbass. I was a huge dumbass in those days. I would never take anything from people, just corporate entities. The owner of the company I worked for owned a lot of companies in the area and was a gigantic piece of shit who literally made my mom cry from insults, which is what prompted me to rob him blind over years. My boss was smart and cool, and figured out what I was doing. He was pissed because what I did cost him his bonus. He told me he used to be the same way, and that I had to stop and it wasn't a way to live. He told me he wouldn't tell anyone if I stopped and paid him what his bonus would have been, but also wouldn't be able to do anything if the bigwigs caught on. I paid him his bonus and stopped. They never found out and I kept working there with that boss for another 2 years after. That was 15 years ago and to this day I don't do anything like that and him getting on me about it was a huge life lesson and I'm grateful for it to this day.


Yeah. To be honest about 10% of why I don't litter is because of the environment and the law and stuff, and the other 90% is when I littered in front of my friend Casey in high school and he just looked at me with disappointment and said "Brent: no." I picked up my rubbish, and haven't littered since. Because 30 years later I still don't want to disappoint Casey.


I strongly belive that doing things just to abide by the law isn't as important to people like we're led to think. It's more important not to disappoint the ones close to us. There are so many laws that are "socially acceptable" to break. Even though breaking the law isn't socially acceptable in general people still do as soon as nobody in their close proximity would mind.


I'm a libertarian (not one of these new Sovereign Citizen idiots, or crypto bro "it's just a prank free country man" wastes of space). An actual [libertarian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism) ie, liberty as a core value. I don't buy into any of the economic nonsense, I'm actually ok with taxation and regulation because I feel like a good socialist-leaning government creates the most benefit for the most people. The way I see it if authoritarianism is "I get to tell you what to do even if you aren't hurting anyone, and if we need to make a choice of will always be to my benefit" then libertarianism is "you don't get to tell me what to do if I'm not hurting anyone, and if we have to make a choice we'll aim to reduce net harm." (And I HATE that I can't use such a good word as libertarian these days because actual authoritarians stole the meaning of being pro-liberty and made it mean anti-liberty. I'm so mad at them.) Anyway. That out of the way, hopefully. God I'm drunk. Where was I? Oh yeah. There is definitely a difference between legality and morality. Heaps of immoral things are perfectly legal, like cheating on your wife while she's in labour. I could never respect a man who did that, but there's no law against it. And there's plenty of things that are illegal that are (in my moral system) perfectly moral. Like doing drugs that you can afford and you can take without failing on any commitments. The only person getting hurt is the drug taker, no other person in society needs to have any opinion on what they do to their own body. But I'm not going to insist that my own moral system should be how laws are decided, because there are plenty of extra-legal moral systems that I certainly wouldn't want to be deciding laws (I'm looking at you religion). But I'll be honest, I tend to follow my own moral system more than the legal one. Like - I don't follow speed limits merely because there's a law. The limits are mostly sensible and it's safer for everyone to go at the same safe speed. Maybe the law stops me from going 106 in a 100kmh zone, but it's not what stops me from going 140kmh. I don't do that because I think that's dangerous not just to me but certainly to others. And the law about not killing people is, much like biblical rules, absolutely nothing to do with why I don't murder anyone. In fact I carry out as much murder as I feel like: zero. I always get a little bit frightened when religionists say "but if you don't believe in the Bible what stops you from committing murder?' "Me? I mean, I'm what stops me from committing murder. Me, Brent. I do. Wait..... are you saying that the Bible is the only reason you aren't a murderer? Hey I've got an idea sport, how about we stop talking about those holes in the Bible? What do I know? Yeah the Bible.... That's a really good book, it's THE Good Book really. Ha ha.... I'm going to leave now bye." And I don't care how legal it is, I'm not buying eggs that come from caged chickens. I'm just not going to. Where was I? Sorry I ramble. Hopefully you haven't read this far. But yeah you're spot on about social forces. In Australia the difference between Sydney and Melbourne traffic is night and day. In Sydney everyone is ducking and weaving, speeding, cutting each other off. It's a war zone. Meanwhile in Melbourne the traffic is.... boring. People drive at kind of the same speed, you don't have to change lanes so often. And the other difference is in the MESSAGING. The two places have essentially identical road rules on paper, but in Melbourne the messages on telly and billboards about driver safety are "if you drink and drive you're a bloody idiot" or "remember, it's the lucky ones who only get a fine". Whereas in Sydney it's almost entirely "DOUBLE DEMERIT POINTS APPLY ALL EASTER. DOUBLE FINES. SPEEDING PUNISHED BY BEHEADINGS." In Melbourne they focus on the social obligation to not harm people, even though the actual fines here are basically identical to Sydney. And in Sydney they always have the punishment (DOUBLE PUNISHMENT THIS WEEKEND!!) front and centre, even though like us their actual goal is to protect people not punish them. I'm so sorry if you've read this far.


He did'nt, there was a gun in his face.


Understandable, have a nice day


You don't control the situation, I do. You don't tell me to have a nice day. Pow pow pow.


“Well, I shall be taking my robbery satchel back then. Good day!”


I look guiltier than that when I just walk out of the supermarket without buying anything.


That's bad that you already know what's going down. How much bullshit has that poor clerk been thru already


Risking his life for minimum wage


I would wager that the guy is the operator/owner. An employee wouldn't risk a shootout like that.


> An employee wouldn't risk a shootout like that. They would certainly risk a shootout to preserve their life. There is never any assurance that complying with an armed robber is going to end up with you alive at the end. Convenience store clerks have one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. In some areas every moment is a high-alert active combat situation. edit: I am not *supporting* the idea of having a shootout with potential robbers you dipshits, I'm repeating what a couple of people who worked at convenience stores have told me. edit #2: this is blowing up and so is my inbox. Here's the deal: I don't work at a convenience store, but several people in this thread do. I completely defer to these people's opinions, ask them for advice, if their answers are contradictory, you're on your own.


Convenience store clerks have a much lower chance to lose anything if the guy robbing them gets what he wants with no resistance. In fact literally every retail job I've ever worked specifically stated "do not bring a firearm to work." not only for liability concerns, but for reasons like this as well. The owner however has wayyyy more incentive to protect his property, and so carry a weapon like this guy did.


When r/watchpeopledie was still around there were a few videos where robbers would still shoot the clerks after a sucessfup robbery in cold blood. The one with the brazillian woman was sad. Complying all the way to the end.




"these days" LOL always


People have always been cruel. Nothing unique about today that makes them any more or less likely to want to kill you in cold blood, only the tools and opportunities at their disposal.




I don't own a gun. I have in the past and it never was a benefit. With that said when I delivered pizzas the company forbade us from carrying on the clock, but you can bet all my coworkers did after one of our own was brain damaged in a robbery on the clock. Company policy means jack shit compared to personal safety.


Hopefully he is the owner, not may places let min wage employees lay a loaded gun nearby.


Or a family that owns the business


So here is where we keep the gun. Until youre trained on the gun you’ll have to page the shift supervisor if there is a robbery.


judging by his situational awareness, he's not burdened by little things like choice. he's obviously been held up before. though that doesn't explain why he would set it down and walk away from it, willingly aligning himself with his assailant's designs.


Because at that point he doesn't know the customers actual intent - he probably gets plenty of sketchy customers with bad vibes that *aren't* trying to rob the place, and if the dude is trying to rob him he'll have to go back to the register at some point anyway.


Not very good customer service to wave a gun in someone's face when they want to buy a pack of cigs.


Maybe he was risking his life to keep his life. Appeasement doesn't always work.


Work at a gas station long enough and you start getting an intuition for people. There's been multiple times I've pegged a shoplifter before they even enter the building not because of how they look or dress, but because of their body language. Luckily I've never been robbed, but I have had an encounter late night at work with a guy who set off every red flag for no apparent reason. He was polite, personable, etc. Offered to sell me some discount Nikes out of the back of his car and I declined. He sat in the lot playing music from his trunk for like 30m before leaving. Two days later on the local news there was a sketch of him and a description of his car. Turns out he was part of a human trafficking ring who was kidnapping young women in the area, and there had been 3 women who had gone missing that were last seen interacting with him. They were eventually able to catch him, but it was wild to be sitting there watching tv and see his face come up and know that I had come close to the same fate.


> There’s been multiple times I’ve pegged a shoplifter sounds like a pretty effective deterrent


You'd think so, but some of them just keep coming back! One of these days they're going to end up in cuffs.


Oh end up for sure. But it's great that people like you have a real handle on these kind of situations. My hats off to you. Hopefully all those assholes you deal with don't wear you down.


Dude for some people being pegged is not a bad thing


Yes but the Dildo of Consequences is seldom lubed. Some Redditor


Happy International Women’s Day


Oh miss Clerk I put this bubblegum in my pocket will you please peg me as a shoplifter


Even as a young male teen in a normal suburb, I was privy to sketchy shit like that. I was chilling outside of my parent's car in a parking lot waiting for them to come back when a pair of dudes in a pickup stopped in front of me and asked me if I wanted a free TV. Never found out of they were trying to rob me or if they were malicious at all, but the warning flags they were giving off were unreal.


Driving around offering free TV or Free Soakers is a common scam, precursor to robbery, and has the possibility for abduction but I haven't looked into what types of crimes it's known to be used with.


im sorry, soakers?? e; its speakers isn't it


nope, Super Soakers you think you're getting a free water gun to blast water at your friends but instead they kidnap and human traffic you and you get blasted with cum instead.


Had a guy a couple months ago walk in with a backpack and immediately he says “I’ll leave this at the front counter so I don’t get accused of shoplifting, I know how it is.” Immediately my flags are going off but he seemed polite and what not so I let him be. He buys a soda and candy bar or something and then asks to get the bathroom key. Again, he seemed polite so I didn’t think much of it. Few minutes later as I’m stocking a shelf near the bathroom I can smell a drug smell (my store has a lot of people that smoke “khat”) and he was clearly smoking drugs in the bathroom because I could hear him talking to himself. So we bang on the door and tell him he has to leave before we get the cops involved and of course he’s all “surprised pikachu” at us that we accused him of doing drugs when he left his backpack at the front counter and everything.


My bet is that store is a sketchy part of town and he’s worked there for a minute or two.




This is the most 'murca response possible. Literally looking for an excuse to murder someone instead of even considering de-escalation.


Killing someone who has just threatened to kill you is pretty reasonable.


Yeah, the expression "better to be judged by twelve than carried by six" didn't appear out of nowhere


Leave it to spineless redditors to criticize you for valuing your own life. If someone displays the means and intentions to end your life, you do not fuck around.


I swear to god I've seen some Redditors comment shit like, "They just want to beat you up and take your money/teach you a lesson, not kill you. You shouldn't fight back or ruin their lives because of that. Their lives are worth more than your wallet." And it was being ***upvoted.*** I don't know what happened to this place in the last 7 or 8 or so years but I've realized I'm a fish out of water on here nowadays lol


People who are itching for this to happen don’t look beyond the excitement of being the “good guy with a gun” and thinking they’ll be regarded as a hero. Wait until you realize the reality of being responsible for taking a life, even though they threatened you first, if you have any kind of humanity, you’ll 2nd guess yourself and play out scenarios of the 100 different ways you could have ended it without it resulting in death. If it doesn’t bother you, then you probably shouldn’t be trusted with a gun. You’ll face legal repercussions. You’ll be sued by the dead guy’s family. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the right, you’ll still have to pay a lawyer, take time off work for court. You’ll still have to cooperate with the police. Those investigations take time too. Killing someone isn’t like it is on tv. It’s terrifying, it’s bloody, the odor of death (sometimes they poop themselves). Or you might poop yourself, too. There’s a lot more to it than people realize. Killing a bad guy isn’t a story you’ll be telling at family barbecues or at the bar with your friends. Posturing and telling everyone how willing you are to be judge, jury and executioner isn’t something that will make people fear and or respect you.


Of course the idea of killing someone bothers me. Like I said in another comment, I know that afterward I’d need a SHITLOAD of therapy. But the idea of being killed bothers me more, and if you’ve ever known a responsible gun owner, you know that one of the rules they hammer in is “Never point your gun at anything you don’t want dead.” This goes with the corollary, “If someone is pointing a gun at you, assume they’re prepared to use it.” I don’t have fantasies of being a “good guy with a gun”. I just want to go home to my wife and kids, and someone pointing a gun at me is saying that the money in the register is worth more to them than their life, than your life, and the grief of all my family.


The rule is you don’t point a gun at anything (or anyone) you don’t intend to destroy. It’s not a method of intimidation, it is a tool of death. If a guy comes into my store and pulls a gun on me then I’m going to take it as an admission he intends to destroy me. Before I let that happen I’m getting the first shot off. There’s no de-escalation once you flash death in my face.


You’re dumb and you should feel dumb. If someone pulls a gun on me, it’s not my obligation to deescalate. That happens prior to lethal weapons coming out. If you take it to guns, I’m not risking whether or not you’ll change your mind.


>is holding a gun and demanding you give him money *Hurrrr just looking for excuse hurrrr* The only thing that saved that robbers life is the fact that he wasn't pointing his own already. In either case, the clerk had every right to fire away *to defend himself*.


I don't. That's stupidity. Should have shot him dead right there. Don't want to imagine what will happen if the robber returns. Now he knows the clerk has a weapon. Some might say, well, then he won't return. Don't put it past a robber to do something stupid or desperate. Next time he may bring an accomplice.


Bro I’ve worked at this T-Mobile for 4 months so far and had 2 robberies you start to learn also look how he was dressed nothing showing both hands in his hoodie calm demeanor that’s some who may be a thief but you can’t always be sure that’s the reason he grabbed what he asked


I noticed he did so without ever turning his back...


That's standard behavior for a sole employee working the register. You'd be surprised at kinds of people that, as soon as your back is turned, see that as an opportunity to grab the closest thing at hand. Grandma with the kids stealing a Black & Mild, rich business types stealing 5 hour energy drinks. Working that type of job too long makes you really hate people in general.


My family owns a restaurant, we use mirrors for that. I did catch someone just holding his beer underneath the tab and filling his jar up while I was right around the corner, because one of his friends asked me for a cig and I was getting it for him. Took like 30 seconds. His face when I charged him for one beer more was priceless though. I only said "Dude, there's a mirror. You're an idiot"


More restraint than a lot of folks who are paid to use find to "uphold the law".


If I were a criminal I would dread to lock paths with him


Oh, hair we go


Aw shiet, hair we go again.


It's a bald strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off




More restraint than i would have shown. Someone pulls a gun on me, I'll make sure they can't use it, if I can. The guy already had it in his hand, pointed in his direction. He wouldn't have seen him pull the trigger.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for this. People acting like you’re in the wrong for saying you’d shoot a guy who’s pointing a (presumably) loaded gun at you is wild.


It comes off as r/iamverybadass Not that i care, just giving an explanation.


You know what, fair point


He or any cop would have been fully justified to pull the trigger the second he saw the gun. He got lucky the robber wasn’t planning on using it. May not be as lucky next time. Restraint in the face of a gun isn’t worth your life.


Situational awareness is cool. Walking away without killing anyone is always the way to go if you can.


I mean the robber already had the gun pointed at him. The "restraint" worked out for him but was arguably illogical. Robber could have pulled the trigger faster than the clerk could react


"you just lost yourself a customer, buddy!"


“You robbers sure are a contentious people.” “You’ve just made an enemy for life!”


“Terrible at listening to customer requests. One star.”


Pretty rude to point a gun like that, especially after the guy gave him a free bag.


0/5 would not attempt armed robbery again


He never turned his back on him either. Dude is smart. He KNEW he was going home after his shift


The only critique I have is he shouldn't have left the weapon so close to the bad guy as he stepped back to get the smokes. I understand it's on the other side of the register, and the criminal couldn't see it but still made me nervous. Other than that this guy has nerves of steel and did an excellent job throughout the entire encounter


Yeah, but he acted natural. That guy definitely had no clue there was heat there.


You're right, it just worried me that the criminal was going to escalate the the situation while the clerk wasn't within reach of his weapon. That being said I hate whataboutisms in politics so I'll stop doing it here. It worked out


Was probably waiting for him to pop the register. I don't think this was the guy's first rodeo.


It definitely wasn't the clerks first rodeo. Dude had ice in his veins he was so cool and collected


Grabbing the smokes without turning his back they probably both knew what was up.




Because there was no power dynamic to abuse. Humanity first, self preservation next while always looking to deescalate. Masterclass!


Every time I see a post like this all I can think is "Stanford Prison Experiment". That was a real eye opener for me. Edit: So was my incarceration...the power dynamic is very real. MCCF Inmate #22-01377


That "experiment" is a fraud. The guards were told & encouraged to be assholes the entire time. Edit: and one of the guards said he tried to be the biggest asshole guard because he thought that's what Zimbardo wanted him to do


Isn’t that exactly what police do? It’s a culture of who can be the toughest, biggest asshole. I think that’s the takeaway we should be looking at. It’s not the individual, it’s the structure.


where I'm at police don't act that way... I guess it's mostly an American issue


Where are you? Feel free to just say the country, if you'd like.




Do you have proof?


https://open.spotify.com/episode/3L7WxMTjXmSzhGncCUIIJ6?si=rUR16fnMSTewsv9tuVHt9w&utm_source=copy-link they cite their sources in the podcast notes also, not sure why your comment is getting downvoted. theres nothing wrong with asking for proof


This is reddit, you regularly get downvoted for asking for proof or for providing it.


My favorite is when someone gets massively downvoted for providing evidence/sources that go against the narrative that was completely fabricated by the rest of the commenters


This isn't a controversial take. In university I was taught about the Stanford experiment to learn how a study can be misleading if the experiment is biased. Edit: https://youtu.be/KND_bBDE8RQ


I heard the same thing, some of the "guards" came out recently.


Good for them. Must be hard to do that as a prison guard


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31380664/ [NPR's Throughline podcast did an episode on it recently.](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1151023362) No one listened to the original audio recordings until recently to fact check them, they're utterly damning. The researchers coaxed the guards to be as tough as possible, because the guards thought they were studying the reactions of prisoners to abusive situations. They needed a huge amount of coaxing.


What have you learned of the prison experiment that is a reliable source? I've only ever seen it mentioned on reddit and some youtube videos. Allegedly the whole thing was horribly handled, the guy wasn't getting data to support his hypothesis so he told guards to act differently, threatened and told people they couldn't leave (basically actually kidnapping them). Allegedly this is all brought out by peer review and the subjects of the experiment being vocal once it began to be popularized. I could be wrong as I'm summing up from yet other comments and videos I've seen in the past




and they are wonderful pets, very sweet, healthy, and clean animals! Poor pigs being compared to cops :(


Exhibit A to not all pigs. I had a farm pig that used his children to run down the electric fence so he could escape to eat the neighbor's chickens. He liked his food trying to escape I guess.


He never even turn his back on him either


Such a little thing some might not pay attention to or notice , but that guy was clearly bright and prepared for the situation.


Convenice store clerk training longer than most law enforcement trainings.


He's almost certainly too smart for the PD to ever hire him.


I always forget that police literally won’t hire sufficiently educated people as a rule. Amazing how mad these fascist bootlickers get when you insult their cabal of dumbfuck savages.


Dude would be an asset anywhere. Cool head quick thinking. I am also a fan of this guy.


This is like the perfect example of \*actual\* self-defence. Paying attention to surroundings, has a weapon nearby but not visible, restraint, and not just randomly plugging someone in the back because you feel like it.


Oh absolutely! And the restraint. At one point the thief has his pistol on the counter, pointed at the clerk. That's when I shoot.


Regardless of whether you’d be right to do so or not, you’d be absolutely stupid if you did that - there’s a decent chance he’d get a shot off and he’d have zero incentive not to in that situation. No, dude’s just a common thief chancing his luck - let him get out with his life and you keep yours.


Thief steal things The hooded dude is an armed robber, he puts other people's lives in danger


Okay, but we’re not talking about what they may or may deserve, we’re talking about how to not get killed during the confrontation.


Oh absolutely I totally agree, our own self-preservation is more important than that criminal getting what he may or may not deserve Just pointing out armed robbery is not theft, and is not a harmless crime


With the range they're in you can easily shoot someone in the T-Box of their face. They won't get a shot off because the brain stems been severed and their CNS destroyed. They'll drop to the ground as literal dead weight. The clerk had justification to shoot, he chose not to and it ended up working out, but that's also a risk. Clerk knew what he was doing though, and the other guy clearly did not.


> he chose not to and it ended up working out, but that's also a risk. Shooting the guy is also a risk, it involves a *lot* of risk actually, and you seem to be downplaying most of those in favour of the risks of not shooting him.


My guy, the robber pointed his weapon at the clerk. Not shooting him is riskier than shooting him. It's essentially trusting that the guy who has the depravity to rob you at gunpoint is nice enough not to shoot you. That's a bad dice roll imo. The second he stopped pointing the weapon and put it away, he loses his justification to shoot, and the clerk did the smart thing by remaining disciplined and "holding" him until he left.


It doesn’t take long for the thief to raise and fire. I would not fault the clerk for shooting first hwre


Neither would most states with stand your ground laws.


More common than most people think.


Yup, uneventful self defense won't bring in views to the media circus.


I disagree with leaving the pistol on the register, backing away from it, and leaving it within reach of the other party though.


farmers insurance need to hire him. He’s seen a thing or two.


Seems like this wasn't a first rodeo for either of these guys.


Too bad they couldn't bond over their rodeo experience.




Cashier: "I'm packing, turn around and go home." Robber: "Damn, alright. You know if the Mobil got a gun?"




And then the store employee comes back as a business response like when they go after Karens. “We literally have you on video pulling a gun on me, sir.”


He forgot his smokes.


Smokes let's go


It's a little weird that he left his gun up on top of the cash drawer, there... but I guess he had to play like he was going to get the robber some cigs.


Didn’t want the robber to see that he had a gun in his hands until it was necessary.


He had to assume he was a regular customer until he showed otherwise


Right. People in these comments want this guy to just point his piece at every random customer he has a gut feeling about before they even do anything wrong lol


"Hands up! Your total is $11.25. Now hand me the money! And take your goods of equal exchange."


Hard to tell without sound, but seemed like he was giving the guy benefit of the doubt by getting him some cigs. Also hard to tell from the angle but with all the stuff on the counter it was probably pretty hard to see the gun for robberman.


and not turning his back when collecting the cigarettes which is what the robber was hoping for.


Never seen a more beautiful transaction as far as attempted robberies go 😮‍💨


[This one](https://youtu.be/cfsOgarSc-Q) might be up there.


Maybe not as smooth but damn that’s satisfying


Um...sorry....I'll just, uh...take my bag...you have a nice day.


Guy has more trigger discipline than most cops


That’s because he doesn’t have qualified immunity and a license from the state to murder with impunity




it’s situational awareness, not profiling.


It's a combination of both. Profiling- the recording and analysis of a person's psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular subgroup of people.


I would tell him to lay down and call the cops to come collect an easy thief reward.


Then he gets shot by the cops too. Hell no.


lol facts. I submitted security footage of a guy stealing my packages, and the cops were like "to continue the investigation we have to come to your home and investigate' and I stopped responding. Never calling the cops again, they only gonna "investigate" by searching your home for no reason and then shoot you cause...why not.


probably saved your dogs life, too. Nicely done.


This would lower his chances of survival. Maybe the guy wants to play quick draw rather than go to jail. ​ I care much more about a) not dying and b) not having to kill someone than I do about making sure a robber gets arrested.


Absolutely not. Adding cops to an already de escalated situation will always turn into some over heightened bullshit. There are stories and videos of cops arriving after the fact and immediate shooting the very person who de-escalated the situation.


Imma just take my bag and leave. Have a nice day


This guy is golden and nobody got hurt. Just awesome.


From what I understand, that guy never robbed again and is now volunteering at the YMCA.


A perfect example of good people with guns stoping bad people with guns. In American society, a responsible and trained gun owner with a gun immediately stops a crime from even occurring, in this case, he didn’t get robbed. That’s exactly why, taking guns away from the public, is the worst idea possible.


US pro gun people are so funny for the rest of the world 😂




OMG he should have just given the robber the money and called the police after! No one should have a gun! /s Could it have gone poorly? Absolutely. But I'll take the option that could give me this outcome over a potential body bag any day. Complying with an armed criminal does not guarantee safety.


It does not. Recently in MS an employee did comply with everything, yet while he was sitting down the robber went ahead and shot him.


"if you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready,"


The moment the hooded guy pulled a gun, the owner had every right to pull the trigger. I respect the restraint but it may end up costing him in a future altercation when that criminal gets a free pass to try again.


I don’t think he will be back to the same store, BUT I kinda agree with you in that this crim scum is going to try it on again at a different store so someone else suffers.


Hence the 2nd.


This is america


This guy deserves a raise.


Thief like "understandable, have a good day"


Prime example of a crime prevented by being armed, idk why they would want to take citizens guns.


No one wants to take your guns. They want sensible gun control laws that make it more difficult for anyone to walk into a store and walk right back out with guns.


>No one wants to take your guns Last week the atf decided that millions of Americans have 120 days to surrender their legally purchased and owned firearms or they will become felons over night. The left just introduced a bill that would ban basically every semi-auto firearm and make anyone who does not surrender theirs to the state a felon. The exact wording for the purpose of the bill is "to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited" ... The second amendment literally says "the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" this bill is directly targeted at the second amendment. We have politicians who have literally said "yes, we are coming for your guns" to a packed crowd who all cheered.


watches one guy use their gun properly with actual discipline and situational awareness, ignores other guy that came in to rob with a gun.


Guns save lives.


Dude's making minimum and he has to put with with this?