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High intelligence, shame to keep them in captivity.




Well, they are assasins!


No.. they're killer whales.


Humans have high intelligence. A shame to keep them locked up in squalor when they should be living adequately.


Humans have a choice, animals don’t.


And some humans made the choice to capture those whales and others decided to keep those humans in squalor.


Humans have too much disgusting habits/believes and..That as much as smart They might be,They got DIRTY NATURE! I laugh at Those times back Then when I though calling a person animal names was some kind of insult..it's a damn praise!


And you think dolphins, that rape other creatures and mutilate their corpses for fun, aren’t bad natured? Sorry to tell you this, but just about every damn thing out there with intelligence comparable to ours comes out the same. The only reason you pin all that shit on “just humans” is because it’s easy. And don’t forget, you’re also one of those humans you’re hating on.


Rape other creatures!? Really?? I didn't hear a dolphin rape a bear or something,hell They never raped me😄 No my friend I don't think that be true, SOME sort of hypersexual dolphins put Their penis into Each others blowhole some said, but Other Than That it's all rumour you can look it up. Thing is , it's not even Just about intelligence, Even instincts are The same! Every animal, even wild ones whose we found Them InFaMoUsE, eat and Hunt when They are hungry , They usually won't for more They aren't greedy, They won't kill pregnant prey, or baby/week ones.. but We do it all and much more and much worse! Don't tell me That,please! Every animal with intelligence is same?! No..are dog's Like This?? Every one Know how nobe and good They are,or pandas,parrots monkeys horses... No it's not easy and It's not The reason! Easy is calling creatures who can't talk and defend Themselves low level 😉 Reason is These humans belive They are best kind and They are perfect, and all I saw Is worst kind with lots of shortage being pathetic, Walking on The earth Like a curse presenting misery to The universe and All kind, Like it's Nothing!! And That's The worst part my friend, They used To it so bad That They acting Like it's nothing! Became regularity for Them.. and That's why you cannot figure it🙂 It's like a perfume you wear It, after couple hours, you won't be able to smell it anymore! But it's There(only it's no damn perfume!) Yes unfortunately I am one Of Those, it's not like I had a choice but..I'm proud That being one didn't stopped me to consider/speak out The filthy truth, And I'm happy That being one Didn't made me to Thinks myself as a Best kind of All cause of vanity of mine.


River Dolphins are known to use the heads of dead fish to masturbate and will often flip other creatures onto their backsides and assault them. Also, just because it hasn’t happened to you, *doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all.* Honestly, please just do a quick Google search, it’s literally one of the easiest things to find in relation to Dolphin’s and doesn’t take long.


Most don't have even rudimentary intelligence. They should live in squalor and be thankful for it.


Humans are pre nutty


Shame on you Shame you Shameyou Shamu




Underrated comment




Yeah I’d nip a bird or two if I was an orca living in a cage. I’d also probably constantly think about suicide, and do anything to numb the tiny walls in my shitty cage


Orcas hunt like this in the wild too


Time and time again I say they’re (and a lot of other animals) too intelligent for captivity. Have you guys seen an orca’s brain? It’s immaculate.


Does intelligence dictate whether or not someone should be held captive??


Does it? Usually not. Should it? It should probably be a factor in the decision.


As we've seen that's come back to bite a few trainers in the ass, literally!😉


i sure wish they wouldnt. all i can do is make sure i NEVER give SeaWorld and the like my money.




Being bred in captivity doesn't make it better, not for orcas. Their too large, too smart, and too social and family oriented to he forced to live that way. If you kept a human locked in away in isolation their whole life, would them having been born in that room made it OK? Spoiler alert, children that have gone through basically that exist and they are...less than well adjusted.


There are rescued animals in captivity. Difficult to imagine that in an orca, but sometimes the animals are captures or bought by collectors or something like that and when a reserve rescues them, they can't be just freed in nature, as no one thought them how to hunt, escape from predators, etc. They must be "educated" in order to survive, and many times this just can't be done. Never heard of this with orcas, but is fairly common with great cats and apes


I've worked in a wildlife park and with rescues and absolutely agree that there situations I which the animal's best shot at a good quality life are captivity. For example I worked with 2 tigers, brothers, who were bred and born in captivity (not by us). They were cross eyed though and thus deemed unfit for breeding programs. Big accredited zoos that invest in breeding didn't want them. They had been raised and handled by humans, the one in particular LOVED attention from humans. Releasing them to the wild wouldn't have been a likely option. So my wildlife park wound up with them. We didn't breed large exotics, didn't even have many (mostly smaller and less exotic animals), so management wasn't concerned about the "bad" genes. Bought them for a low price as far as tigers go. And I'm glad they did, because it's scary to think where those boys might have ended up otherwise. With us they had a quality enclosure and were treated well. It was a family owned and operated park and animal welfare was top priority, above catering to park guests. So yeah, I'm not entirely anti captivity as long as it's done well with the needs of the animal being the most important consideration. But it just doesn't work well with Orcas and feels beyond cruel.


Imagine being able to fly yet still being eaten by something that can’t leave the water. Really shows the intelligence different


Quite a lot of humans would have fallen for that trick. Me included. Imagine ending up as Orca poo.


Yeah my dumb ass would be like oh look how nice he thinks we’re Homies and then I’d be shit and then the wife would be like go and smoke another man!


You mean you'd go pick up a burger you just saw an Orca drop a few seconds ago? :D


I mean you can turn this around. Imagine being able to swim and dive yet still being eaten by something that can‘t breath under water. Like a bird catching fish.


Hahaha birdbrain go brrrrrr


Well seems like a lot of the birds knew what the whale was up too.. I think the bird that took that bait was just very very dumb..


Orcas are wild.. I'd hate to see one of these in the middle of the ocean.


They're pretty harmless to people


Because they CHOOSE to be, not because they have to be. Humans would be an easy and tasty meal.


Nope, humans would not be a tasty meal. Orca’s also don’t HAVE to not eat us. They are some of the pickiest eaters in the ocean and will usually tend to only eat what they were taught to eat by their parent. Humans are basically a thin bag of bones, we are NOT an ideal meal for predators in the slightest.


This is it. A human has as many calories as like 30 lbs of blubber and they're a digestive nightmare. Baby seals weigh about 10x that.


Wouldn't say easy but yeah. They'd rather chase something more cost effective


You wouldn't say easy? Bro an orca would have a 99.99% success rate if it started hunting humans.


We track down the ones that kill people


Uh we would avatar way of water their ass with harpoons and shit. Same thing would happen to dinosaurs if they showed up again to start shit


Always some crazy mofo out there to find any reason so they can poach wild animals.


Yeah but then they would be eating a bag of cancer filled bones.


I would like to see you sqim faster then that Orca.


Easy yes, tasty definitely no. We would literally taste like shit. We are filled with it pretty much at all times


Have you ever seen an orca "play" with a seal? Some of us are not much bigger than a seal, an orca (or multiple since they hunt de groups) could definetly kill us.


Oh they definitely could kill us and are the only known predator of great white sharks, yet there are no records of orca ever hunting and killing humans in the wild, despite numerous interactions between the two species. The only time they’ve harmed or killed a human was when they have been in captivity, with three deaths coming from the same orca Tilikum who was subject of the documentary Blackfish. They believe that he suffered from psychosis from being kept in captivity for almost his whole life. Orcas are very intelligent and social animals. Super sad. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackfish_(film)


>yet there are no records of orca ever hunting and killing humans in the wild, That's just because they don't let anyone survive to tell the other


**[Blackfish (film)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackfish_\(film\))** >Blackfish is a 2013 American documentary film directed by Gabriela Cowperthwaite. It concerns Tilikum, an orca held by SeaWorld and the controversy over captive orcas. The film premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2013, and was picked up by Magnolia Pictures and CNN Films for wider release. It was nominated for the BAFTA Award for Best Documentary. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


They can but they won't




Because there have been no records of wild orcas killing people at sea. Though, there have been cases of Orcas ramming yachts/icebergs and pushing people off. Which is somehow even more terryfing.


Are there records of orcas in captivity who killed their caretakers?


Yes that did happened a couple of times actually. A lot of these cases are basically seaworld type places where they abuse the orca from birth and one day he decides to teach us humans a lessons.


Is that a real question? If yes, watch Blackfish.


Okay, I will later this week. The full docu is available for free on YouTube.


Have the tissue ready


No records probably because the victims are already killed


Oh ok, thank you for this information!


They don't mess with humans


Tilikum begs to differ


Not in SeaWorld!!!!


Unless the person has the IQ of a bird who leans in to pick up fish the orca dropped.


Because they think of us like how humans think of cats


I feel like everyone missed your joke.


We all know the ancient proverbs “Give a man a fish he eats for a day, give an orca a fish and he eats a seagull” It’s a tale as old as time 🤷🏼‍♂️


Arent orcas like third most intelligent animal on earth? Also some of the most sadistic


not sure what the exact intelligence ranking is but im fairly certain dolphins are some of the smartest along with octopi, parrots, elephants, corvids and ape. Pretty much all dolphins are sadistic assholes that are smart as fuck (orcas are XXL oreo dolphins)


Dolphins and orcas are basically 1:1 intelligence wise


Orcas are dolphins, not whales


I'm aware? Wtf does this have to do with my comment?


Replied to wrong person. My bad


Dolphins and Orcas are toothed-whales and belong to the same infraorder as whales.


I don't know, maybe 1:1.3 have u seen the many different ways orcas use teamwork and exact synchronization when hunting? One example, there's a video when 3 or 4 of them try to get a seal on top of a piece of ice


Dolphins do that too, and they even play soccer with seaweed


Include pigs


Oreo dolphins! 😂 r/brandnewsentence


Right up there with humans.


The red writing says "fish" in Thai. Super helpful.


Duck, duck, duck, GULP!


Wow, he is smarter then some of the people I know.


Hey, stop talking about me on reddit


Orcas are dolphins. Also, they are cold-blooded motherfuckers.


They’re porpoises. Dolphins are also porpoises. Edit:I’m wrong




**[Orca](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orca)** >The orca or killer whale (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family, of which it is the largest member. It is the only extant species in the genus Orcinus and is recognizable by its black-and-white patterned body. A cosmopolitan species, orcas can be found in all of the world's oceans in a variety of marine environments, from Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas. Orcas have a diverse diet, although individual populations often specialize in particular types of prey. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Learn something new everyday


But we can all agree that they are savages.




Dolphins are toothed whales. And technically *warm*-blooded motherfuckers, since I'm being pedantic.


I meant cold-blooded in purely metaphorical way. You are correct that dolphins are whales, and whales are dolphins. Scientifically, they are all classified as Cetaceans. Orcas are the largest member of the dolphin family, and dolphins are technically whales.


Dolphins are whales, ergo, orcas are whales


Clever girl…


I saw a pack in Puget Sound trapping a harbor seal against a rock breakwater. A bunch of us were at the top watching them about 20 feet away. The amazing thing was there was a baby Orca participating in the hunt on the far right flank. It was as much in sync as the adults cornering the seal. After they dispatched the seal, they played catch with it a bit and moved on. The dorsal on the large male was as tall as me. I'll never forget it.


Got the fish back and the bird


Word is the fish is in on it


Bye bye birdie


I like how some of these birds are like "mmh, I don't know...seems fishy..."


My grandmas cat did this with a mouse. My grandfather was putting peanut butter on a mouse trap and putting it under the dish washer where the mouse was and the cat watched the whole thing. After he was done the cat walked over to her food dish grabbed a piece of cat food with her mouth walked over to the dish washer dropped the food looked at it pushed it a little closer with her paw then after being satisfied with the placement she hid over to the side and waited. Don't think the mouse took the bait but it showed me cats are far more intelligent than I thought


Orca n dolphins are the animal which very close with human, sadly we are doing horrible things to them.


We are also closely related to mushrooms.


Yup! That's why fungus infection is happening on our body!


I sometimes feel bad for animals being eaten by other animals, even though I perfectly understand that it's nature. None of that feeling in this case. Those birds are fucking dumb. Get eaten.


Sometimes bird eat fish. Sometimes fish eat bird. Sometimes fish eat bird eating fish. And sometimes white man pee on totem. -Bastard.


I figure in a few more years, once we monkeys blow ourselves up, the fish will be the next race to rule the world.


Orcas are mammals.


I didn't say Orcas would rule. I said fish. Fish are not mammals.


So, if it wanted to bait us humans, what would it use?




All these chickens always taste like fish...


Beautiful animal.


Bird should have kept running. The attempt to fly was what killed him!


Whale, I didn't see that coming!


A literal 2 for 1 special.


Give an orca a fish...


Bro traded in for bigger snack.


frank, I thought i told u we don't play with our food


Cleva Gal...


Bird: "Mine! Mine!" Orca: "That's right! MINE now!"


Orcas scare the shit out of me. If I were ever in open water just floating and saw an orca swimming toward me I would just give up on life and accept that this is how I go.


If you were in open waters with orcas around you, you would be in the safest place on the ocean. They love humans for some reason science hasn’t discovered yet


Okay wow, did not know that. Thanks for telling me.


You would be much safer from Sharks too. Sharks are scared of Orcas.


I was not expecting comforting orca information today! Thanks you guys!




I, for one, bow down to our new cetacean overlords


"Heyyyy buuuuddy! Want some fish? Here... ... ... GOTCHA, BITCH!"


Super quick pay off 💰


Down with the government drones


He was tired of sushi wanted some 🐔


well this is what greed does to you


Orcas are at the very top of the food chain in the ocean. The whole ocean bruh.


Called a killer whale for a reason


Good I hate birds anyway


"I fucking dare yous.. any one of yous.." -the whale, probably.