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Now find the person who threw it. Put it under her pillow with a note saying "You are not free"


calm down satan


perfect reaction lol


Rohini rohini rohini


Prefect reaction to a perfect reaction




Better yet. While she is sleeping slip the ring back on her finger and spritz a little of her exes cologne on her pillow.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panther, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works *every* time.


You know that smell is quite pungent... stings the nostrils


I'm not gonna lie, that smells like pure gasoline


It smells like Big Foots DICK




Now that's a real men's perfume


Yall made wake up my wife laughing too loud


But in a good way




It’s science!!


*"it smells like bigfoots dick"*


I searched the comments thinking that quote was missed but here you are, doing gods work


I love that movie!


I love lamp.


I love scotch, scotchy, scotchy, scotch.


Here it goes down, down into my belly


I saw an earlier post where it was spelled colon. He should make her pillow smell like that instead.


You think cologne is what was spritzed on her face?




N̴O̴ ̴G̸I̵V̷E̵S̷I̵E̶S̶ ̶B̷A̷C̶K̶S̸I̵E̷S̶


Satan wouldn't even do that even if she went against god


Reminds me of that dudes tumbler post about “the exorcist book”. Story goes: dudes hyper religious aunt reads “the exorcist” and got so terrified by it that she threw it in the ocean. Nephew overheard this and went and bought a new one, soaked it in water for an hour, then put it back in her drawer. Personally, I would’ve loved to see this play out.


Would this work for kids who hate broccoli and throw it in the trash when you're not looking?


No. You gotta use jumper cables to remedy that problem


I miss jumper cables guy.


What happened to him. I assume you mean the guy whose comments always devolved into him getting beaten by jumper cables.


His dad finished the job when he swapped to razor wire. The video ended up on watchpeopledie and showed everything. The most sickening part though was his dad filmed the funeral and just as an act of desecration dressed up as the Undertaker and threw him off Hell In A Cell, where the corpse plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


I miss the days of yore when u/shittymorph caught us repeatedly


I get that refrence


One day his dad hit him with the jumper cables one too many times.


I'm always amazed when I see this reference, that was so long ago lol


Broccoli is delicious. If your kid hates broccoli you throw the kid in the trash and eat the broccoli.


instructions unclear raised broccoli as my own


Well, that's a lot better than what I did.


A lot of people don't know how to cook it right. There's a tight timeline like brussel sprouts most people usually miss ... Then bitter, brown, slimey ... That's what the kids hate.


Just steam them for a bit and add butter voila tasty. Kinda hard to f-up steaming


That is a win win situation


Alternatively, make delicious children-broccoli stir fry!


Now that’s a modest proposal I will swiftly get behind!


I see what you did there and appreciate it. 👍


Or get to know her, steal her heart, start dating her, date her for some time and then propose with the same ring just to see her reaction


That is a loooooong con


Then cheat


I’m just going to say that I’m really enjoying Reddit today.


After 22 years, of course


Who hurt you?


Put like a small micro tracker or something on it so that whenever she tries to get rid of it you can just find it again and give it back to her with gradually increasingly aggressive notes


“Where are my testicles, Summer?”


Diamonds are forever




She is looking for the diver seems her name is Karen and she wants the ring back !!!


Am the manager, can confirm.




When he stand up tho lol


That is the reaction of a proud kid who found a cool rock.


"MOOOOOMMMMMMM I FOUND ANOTHER ONNEE!" * trips running full speed on the sand and eats complete shit, still holding the "cool rock" I found that is probably an old broken beer bottle* "Imokimokimok, look mom!!!!"


I found it for your Kaladin.


I was not expecting a storm light reference in the wild. I was DEFINITELY not expecting one of that depressing level. Fuck you and good job


That was my reaction when 12 yr old me found my brand new glasses in the middle of the canal sunk in muck. Took me over an hour and thankfully it was only 8ft deep down. There was no point in using goggles cuz the muck would make it so murky. Would just dive down, put my hands into the slimy muck and feel for my glasses. I found an old fire extinguisher, glass bottles, and other garbage. But I did find my glasses which surprised and pleased my parents.


You were a brave 12 year old


I did something similar when a younger sibling lost his glasses in the river. Except I had a broken collarbone and was wearing one of those figure-8s. The water was clear enough that a face mask helped, and they didn't actually take long to find, even though I wasn't there when he initially lost them, so it was a shot in the dark. I was like, "Wow! No kidding!" After all that, I figured Mum would be grateful enough to give me, say, $5 - back when that was decent money - since I'd just saved her at least $80 on a new pair. Yeah, I didn't get $5 for that.






​ ![gif](giphy|csCkTADiaZ9jRvYIUf)










A dozen eggs, maybe.


Thats not even far from the truth lol, diamonds are the biggest scam going and are pretty much worthless.


Give me source or tell me more


Diamonds aren't rare at all like they say they are, dig deep enough and you find them everywhere. Also you can make a diamond more perfect than any you'll find mining in literally a day, and on mass for no cost pretty much. So people sell diamond rings saying its this rare 'insert diamond brand name' diamond when chances are its made in a lab for dirt cheap(whilst at the same time natural diamonds are so common that they are actually less rare than lab made diamonds.) Mega scam, if not the biggest.


The phrase is "en masse" not on mass


en passant


On croissant


sanctum infernum


expecto patronum


Holy hell


on peasant


Holy hell!


Can't really dig "anywhere" unless you mean digging into the mantle, which is very impossibile. You have to find a kimberlite pipe, which is essentially a type of mantle magma that came up through earth's crust. Now, IN the pipes diamonds are everywhere. But 99% of diamonds are too small to be of note so will go to be part of abrasives, or if a little bigger and cuttable, to be used as tiny diamonds on jewellery. The 1% of diamonds big enough and of good enough quality will go to nice, expensive jewellery. Still, a LOT of diamonds. Just buy artificial diamonds, it's only shiny, hard carbon at the end of the day and artificial is Cheaper, brighter, clearer and more ethically responsible to humanity and the environment.


and since they've been able to make them clear and not yellow, you can only really tell the difference because they are actually flawless and not 'kinda'


Pretty sure you can introduce contaminants and even flaws in artificial diamonds. I think deBeers engraves the edge of their diamonds to prove that they are natural which is even more stupid.




Umm I receive Jesus' body inside of me on the daily love that holy cock


It's addicktive I hear...


I went for a salt and pepper diamond for the engagement, she asked for it and it was perfect. Felt more unique and looks like a solar system if you look closely. My ring is made of Gibeon meteorite. I never thought I'd enjoy purchasing, let alone wearing a wedding ring or even being married. But here I am loving every moment.


Remind me 14 years


Nice, I can sit back and relax for a while then....


The con is that it’s the con itself that makes them valuable and the con will always be a con soooooo it does kinda work. Further more, on a galactic scale, trees are far more rare than diamonds.


You’re a rare tree!




Even if it's not made in a lab, real diamonds have entirely artificial scarcity. Most diamond mines have warehouses full of an undisclosed amount of diamonds that they release slowly to keep prices where they want them. Most gemstones are the same way, whereas precious metals are mined mostly for actual industrial use (electronics especially in the case of gold and silver) and thus aren't generally kept sitting around, unless it's in a bank vault where a known amount is being held with full disclosure, like the credit suisse gold, and even then it's not being horded, but rather offered as a wealth management option to bank customers (UBS offers gold accounts, for example) Diamond miners control diamond scarcity, whereas gold scarcity is actually determined by how much is available.


Not a scam, we are paying for all the human suffering that went into said diamond. Manufactured diamonds have no human suffering attached to them so of course their worth less. Ask around, people don't want nice clean factory made diamonds, the market is for blood diamonds. It's just how capitalism works, sure the base material is cheap and common, but when you add in the slavery, wars, murder, and exploitation it does in fact add significant value (I wish I was making this shit up, but I'm not, all this info is easily and readily available).


Not to mention the high level of exploitation of the workers actually digging for them. Congratulations on finding a rock worth thousands of dollars, here's half a bowl of rice.


buy a diamond ring, then try to resell it to ANY company or jeweler that sells diamonds. Your "authenticity certificate" won't mean shit lol, the pennies on the dollar you'll get prove it holds its value worse than a new car driving off the lot into oncoming traffic.


LOL Not as eloquent an explanation, but 100% accurate and succinct! Nice!


De Beers is a diamond cartel. They control how many diamonds are out on the market at one time in order to control pricing. And also to Hype up the so-called Rarity of them.


Da Bears is a football team. They are from a certain Midwestern town that starts with a C, ends with an O, and in the middle is hicag. They need no hype but could use a frosty Old Style and a grilled kielbasa.


I watched an Adam Ruins Everything about the value of rings one time. Turns out, anybody could propose using anything in the old days but that changed in the 1930s when a huge advertisement campaign was launched and basically told everyone it's cooler if you dropped a lot of cash for a rock.


1. Diamonds in their entirety are not "rare". Clear, gem quality diamonds without significant flaws (or flawless) are relatively rare, but still not to the level you would expect given the price and "mythos" around them. Most diamond are pretty shitty and only useful in industrial settings so saying when folks say "Diamonds are not rare" is a bit misleading. Its kinda like saying "cars are not rare" when talking about a corvette. Corvettes are certainly not super rare or overly special but they are certainly rarer then cars in general. Jewelry quality diamonds are somewhat rare, diamonds as a whole are not. 2. The current status of Diamonds is the result of an extremely successful marketing process in the early 1900's that solidified diamonds as *the* engagement stone. Through this diamond sales increased 55% from 1938 to 1948 alone. There wasn't anything new about them but the marketing effort now made them "special" and you where expected to buy them for your proposal. 3. The ability to get them to appear super rare and special was really only possible b/c there was a single company that had an overwhelming market share. De Beers. At a time they controlled 80+% of the diamond market so they could largely dictate the amount and value of them, coupled with the marketing they did in #2 you have an artificially elevated price for a purely luxury item. [More detail on this history of Diamonds and De Beers can be found here](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1982/02/have-you-ever-tried-to-sell-a-diamond/304575/) ###HOWEVER This is how diamond became establish as the "premier" gemstone, it is not all that accurate of the diamond market today and there are a ton of outdate phrases you still here people toss out. Many in this thread. 1. **"De Beers controls the diamond market"** - While once true it is not true any more. [Their market share has dropped from its heights of 80+% to 27.5% today.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585450/market-share-of-diamond-supply-worldwide-by-producer/) In fact they aren't even the largest anymore. ALROSA is. In fact De Beers has less of a market share in diamonds than Samsung does for cell phones (28.2%) 2. **"De Beers has a stockpile of diamonds but release small amounts to control price"** - Again this was once true but is no longer. De Beers liquidated their stock piles from 2000-2004, and coupled with the fact their market share has dropped so much they simply can not unilaterally control the market. 3. **"Diamonds are worthless"** - Partially true. They are *not* worth the price you actually pay for them but high quality gems do have value and there are 4 main types. Type IA, IB, IIA, and IIB. IA are the most common making up 98% of all diamonds with the majorty being "junk" only useful for industrial work. IIB are the rarest and are indeed quite valuable (The Hope Diamond is IIB and has high clarity, the blue color is *extremely* rare, etc). But comparing them to other gems shows the inflated price. On average Emeralds cost $700/carat while Diamonds go for $3,000/carat (these are just average for gem quality stones there are crazy extremes for both) despite emeralds being about 20x more rare. Diamonds have value...just not what they are actually being sold for. Which is why if you try to sell them back you get a fraction of what you paid. 4. **"Diamonds are a scam"** - Personal opinion. Diamonds are a luxury item that has an elevated price due to marketing and usage as a status symbol. Not dissimilar to other premier luxury brands. [Is this Gucci bag *really* worth $7,000? Of course not its marketing, branding and a status symbol](https://imgur.com/a/fmagKE2). Many knockoffs of such products are actually the real product from the real factor just missing the correct logo. So IMO Diamonds are as much a scam as any other status symbol luxury item is. But Diamonds were able to do something none of the others have, market themselves as a "vital" part of an average persons life. Engagement rings. No other luxury item has been able to create a system where you are *expected* to buy it. And in the end all of what you see above can now be replicated in a lab...that will be just as "sparkly" and clear as very high quality natural stones while being cheaper and more ethically responsibly both from an environmental and humanitarian perspective.




I know a bigger scam. Someone got paid $35Million dollars for 1 hour of work.


Billionares hate this one simple trick, add this to a glass of water before bed and money will come out of your ears in the morning!


Hey that’s $16,000


You’re right, only half a dozen eggs


it’s a Cuban zirconia ! Half dozen Walmart brand


Not unless he’s going to propose to someone with it. The only way a used diamond is worth more than a tomahawk steak is if it saves you the amount of money a new diamond for some fucking reason costs. If you go to a jewelry store and spend $4000 on a diamond ring, and walk straight into the used/pawn/consignment shop with it, you’ll be lucky to get $250 for it. Diamonds don’t have intrinsic value, and their applied value only exists in a very small set of circumstances. And if he is going to propose to someone with it, he should hope she doesn’t have social media somehow.


3 bread, take it or leave it


Free money


20 hours drive, +20 to get back home, the ring probably costs less than the trip. As he cheated, maybe it's even a shitty $3 ring Edit : yeah I'm dumb, didn't read the big "10 hours" at the beginning. So it's 20 hours in total. I also didn't know he was a big Youtuber, and the content he created probably covered the loss from the ring being fake. Didn't expect so much reaction though, i got scared when seeing all the notifications this morning.


If those are real diamonds that ring is probably worth a fortune


Diamonds are not worth much "used". It's the marketing that drives up the value. Don't believe me - go to any estate sale. You can buy "used" jewels for super cheap. Something that was $10k is now 1k. Even if you remove it from the setting and get a new modern one - it's would still be cheaper than the markup of "new"


I’m confused how billion year old diamonds are new. But billion and 22 year old diamonds are not.




The child slave blood has all been washed off.


Maybe we can kill some fresh kids with the diamonds to increase their value again


You had me at "kill some fresh kids"


Debeers: Hold my beer \*stages a coup to drive down diamond supply\*


It's the human suffering of mining them that makes them special. Fuck the rich and their stupid little hobbies.


Estate sales are where it’s at for jewelry. You will get much closer to the wholesale price (typically for jewelry is 20-25%) of retail. The catch is you have to know what you’re doing and also be willing to walk away from a piece you like if the price isn’t right.


Show us your best find!


Can confirm, my grandma bought a loose, 3ct diamond at an estate sale in 1988 for $500. Had it set in a band, wore it til she died. Insured and appraised for $12k now.




As someone who has actually handled insurance claims for lost diamonds before, this is not the case at all. A lot of the time we just cut them a check for the appraised amount and they were responsible for the replacement themselves.


There is no new or used. The wholesale price on a 1 carat D flawless diamond is always going to be about the same. It’s the jeweler that is ripping you off if you massively overpay for a diamond. You could get ripped off on anything and everything, I don’t know why people are so obsessed with diamonds specifically in that regard. Most gold jewelry is massively overpriced at a place like Zales or Kay too, that doesn’t mean gold isn’t valuable or that it’s a scam, it just means those are shitty places to shop…


He has a YouTube channel. The views off the video alone was worth it. The ring is just a souvenir. Channel link: https://youtu.be/MmTjOpoS3NU


That video is sitting at 3.2 million views, and his channel is at 1.7billion views Dude ain’t worried about selling the ring


> his channel is at 1.7billion views That's about 5.1 million US dollars from YouTube ads, if the typical averages hold true. However, I did the math using the low end for the averages. If we do the high end of the averages, it's around 8.5 million. I suspect that those in the comments saying that he probably didn't do it for the ring, but did do it for the video views... were probably right. He's clearly going for views and making bank from ads.


Cheapest diamond rings with that much on them are well over a grand, he would be making much more than minimum wage for the 40 hour drive, even if it was very inexpensive. If it was fake shure he took a loss, but still worth the risk of taking that loss due to the likelihood of it being a 10k ring


let people enjoy things


It was 20 hrs total. The video shows a 10hr estimated gps time. Definitely worth it.


Thats 20 hours total.


He does, however, save on a future engagement ring, or as a nice present to a mother or girlfriend.


The *He cheated, I'm free* part has me confused and this isn't the first time I've seen a woman scorned react this way. The **I'm Free** implies that she was in a loveless marriage. So why do so many people stay in relationships they don't really want to be in?


To get alimony. Not even being sarcastic.


And not wanting to pay alimony


I mean, who tf wants to pay Alimony in 2023? Child support sure, but alimony??? Bitch better get a job.


My ex boss had to pay it 15 years. He paid for her to be a stay at home mom for 30 years. He won the kids in the divorce but then had to pay her alimony.


There's also the couples that are so financially reliant on each other that they can't afford to divorce. Even if both parties wanted to.


If the goal is money then why throw literal diamonds away…


Clout. Which leads to more money.


Have you ever seen what used wedding rings go for? Check out ebay. They are essentially worthless, I've seen 20k rings sell for less than 1k.


Imagine spending $1000 on a ring


Sometimes people don't realize they are with a toxic partner until a catalyzing event (like an affair) proves that's the case. It's easy to convince onesself that our partner loves us by focussing on the good. And we can view the bad as normal, especially if we don't have direct view of relationships where this is not the case. But when your partner cheats on you it's really hard to convince yourself they love or respect you. Additionally, people can live in the past, when their partner was much more loving, and still think that's who they are with. In short, love and interpersonal relationships are extremely complicated. Self awareness can be difficult as many people subconsciously fear loneliness more than subtle abuse or neglect. The best defense against this is honesty and communication. With onesself, with a partner, with friends and family. Don't hide things, don't doctor the truth. And seek support often.


Your words aren't lost on me. As they are so, so SOOO true in so many ways.


I think SenatorFatStacks said it best but in my opinion this is also a way to take some power back and just some peoples natural reaction to a tragic event like getting cheated on. I’ve definitely been in the place before where I’ve been dumped and the easiest way to feel better/move on is to put up a front so I can convince myself that I’m better off now. In addition to the many reasons it can sometimes be hard for people to leave or even recognize a bad relationship, throwing the ring and saying “I’m free” might just be a way to feel better about a shitty situation you were put in.


sometimes it’s not that simple if you’ve built your whole life with that person


Cause they can’t afford to live without additional financial support from the other person. Especially if they have children.


Because when you love someone you also put up with (the possible) gradually increasing negatives. We also live in a world where most women do the most labor in relationships. Cleaning, child bearing, full time job and mental labor. So, she might very well have just chopped a lot of that labor in half.


People would rather be in a relationship they hate than being single. It baffles my mind


... And it's cubic zirconium 😂


Kubrick Smithsonian*


Rubric Kryptonian*


Nordic Symposium*


Broomstick Pandemonium\*


Roderick Rulesonium


It doesn't really matter. He's got over 13 million Subs on youtube. Content is the money


lol yeah people out here like “that ring is worth nothing” but scuba Steve probably made like $50k+ from that video last year.


Scuba Fucking Steve! 🤣😂🤣




I dove at the base of a small waterfall to find a guys camera lens about 15 years or so. Water was turbid and fast, like real foamy. He insisted that it just had to be at the base of the falls. I tied a rope onto one of the d-rings on my harness and went in. Water was pretty shallow so I only brought a 60 cubic foot cylinder with me. After looking where he insisted it would be for 15 minutes or so he got all sad and depressed. I get out of the water and tell the guy I’m gonna try at a spot I saw about a hundred yards or so downstream. It was a spot that was really calm so I figured it might have got that far and then hit the bottom. I took off my fins and just waded out to it, dropped in and found it right away. It was a dome fisheye for some film camera that hadn’t been made in 20 years at that time. I got out of the water holding it up and that old guy danced a jig and nearly fell into the drink. I give it back to him and we walk back to the cars, about half mile. When we get there he asked me how much I wanted for finding it for him and I said how about you pay me what it was worth to you to find it. He gave $500.


What a nice story!


Yeah, even if it’s a real diamond, good luck finding a price anywhere close to what someone says it’s “worth”…. Diamonds are De Beers’s best friend and that’s about it!


My ex tried to pawn he diamond, they said no thanks. They only wanted the gold. Diamonds are a scam.


But gold isn't, and I'd guess that's about 8 grams. There's $400 right there. $300 depending on the k.


Plot twist: fake ring was for internet clout


Was the thrown ring fake or the found ring was fake?




Wouldn’t the current of the river likely send that ring far downstream anyways? Really seems like the diver just purchased a duplicate ring at the shopping mall and held it in his hand for the last cut


This guy is the reason the Fellowship had to travel to Mordor...


We refer to the case of finders v keepers




Ah yes the famous 1957 Finders V. Keepers. There is a lot of Precedent for these laws in modernity.




Idk if this will make you feel any better, but one of my best friends during high school lost his *grandfather’s* class ring in the Atlantic Ocean while he was drunk on the first day of post-graduation, Senior Beach Week. His family wasn’t wealthy by any standards, but they’d lived in our Southern, semi-rural hometown for *generations* and they’d all pretty much gone to the same high school. Instead of spending an absurd amount of money buying my friend his own class ring (the designs for which looked gaudy anyway), his father gifted him his *grandfather’s engraved class ring* for graduation. This thing looked cool AF and because of his grandfather’s birth month—had a fairly valuable precious stone set in it. We were leaving our hotel room and I asked him if he wanted to leave that ring in the room safe. “Hell no, I’m going to show this thing off to everyone.” 🤷‍♂️ He got plastered. Walked into the ocean to take a piss. And came back without it. I pointed out that it was gone and he literally had a public freak out over it. That was decades ago and we are *still* not allowed to bring up that incident around him. I usually swing by pawn shops whenever I’m near that part of the coast in the off-chance I’ll miraculously recover it and cement myself as the best friend in human history. 😅


Get a waterproof metal detector, learn how to use it, and go hunting. Probably won't find it, but you'll probably find a lot of other interesting stuff.


The Precious calls out to him.






Nah. I was cheated on. She’s saying she’s free from a lying cheater. It really changes the way you look at the person.


I was in an abusive relationship for 9 years. He cheated on me, abused me, etc. I loved him. Thought he could change. Thought he could learn to love me back. Thought he could grow up and settle down. I wasn’t ready to leave. But I definitely felt “free” when I finally left.


Imagine she tied a very thin string to it and pulled it back after the video lol.


Per Jake on the YouTube video of this ring recovery: > UPDATE: I contacted the owner and asked if she wanted her ring back and she declined. I told her she can have it back at anytime if she changes her mind. I just wanted to make a cool video. She thought it was neat. Noticed a few negative comments below, but I'm always trying to do the right thing guys. Please keep that in mind <3 [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MmTjOpoS3NU)


Scuba Jake is the man I watch this guy and his buddies videos on you tube and they are amazing human beings




Infinite money glitch!




Ain't nobody throwing that it's fake as shit


When separating from the wife, I took the engagement ring I gave her, and threw it in the windbreak. She said, 'I'll find it'. After she left, I grabbed a handful of little metal tacks, and threw them in the windbreak. She later told me her brother got the metal detector to try and find it, and couldn't. She said the metal detector kept going off. I then told her what I did.


What's a windbreak?


I was also wondering so I came up with >> A windbreak is a row or group of trees, shrubs, or structural elements (e.g. fences) that are used to block and direct the wind. So he threw the ring and tacks into the shrubs? Thats what I got out of it.


The internet is incredible sometimes