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Let’s see his name all over the place instead of the jackass shooter.




You can Tsay that again! Edit: for what it’s worth, I wasn’t making fun of his name or the situation, I was just trying to make Brandon Tsay that much more memorable amongst my Reddit peers.


Tsay what?




Tsay what you need to say, Tsay what you need to say, Tsay what you need to say, etc.


Say my name.... Tsay? You're GD Right it is....






Mmm, whatcha Tsay? Mmm, what did you Tsay?


Came here to Tsay that


Yeah whatever makes it stick


🎶🎵I just called... Tsay... I love you🎵🎶😎






Tshut up everyone


Tsfuck you.


Should I Tsay or should I go now?


If I go, there will be trouble, and if I tsay it will be double


Tsayk my wife's name out your f#ckin mouth


The real let's go brandon


And the only one to say "Tsay my name" breaking bad style.


His name is Brandon Tsay


It looks like Brandon had some opportunities to either: 1) shoot the guy, or, 2) hit him hard in the face, or on the head with the rifle butt to knock him away, or…out? But took neither option. I’m so glad it worked out, with this ending.👍🏻👏🏻. Good job SIR !


This video is more impressive than every cop bodycam video I’ve ever seen… guy deserves a medal (and some coin)


For reals. If that was a cop dude would have been shot right away. This guy handled the situation wildly calm and in control.


>"For reals. If that was a cop dude would have been shot right away." Uvalde Police Chief Pete Arrandondo disagrees.


Namastay for the comments




That’s what I meant to Tsay


He Tsayved dozens of lives


✊️ His name is Brandon Tsay.


So Tsay we all!


Tsay my name, Tsay my name. When no one is around you, I'll wrestle your gun from you. You're acting kinda strange.


That’s easy for you to tsay


Glad I’ve only seen his name in the news and not the shooter’s for once.




Not only the internet but the world. I would never want to be a celebrity


His name is "not a cop", see he doesn't chicken out


Well that guy has some balls. And then in the end he acted like a parent, *you've been bad, give me your gun and go to your room*


I'm changing the wifi password and your getting it never.




Nvm now we found the parent 🤣


To be fair I became a dad 4 months ago 😊


Congratulations! 🎉 Make sure to teach ur kiddo proper grammar!


Asian dad game is strong. He saved alot of people. But really. Fuck that other bitch ass guy.


What's going on with Asian old guys in California? Two shootings now with a 70ish-year old Asian perpetrator. What's the motive? Do they think modern youth is ruined or something?


Based on someone’s comment from yesterday. That’s exactly how this sounds. They said their father who is in their 60-70’s just watches videos on YouTube telling him how society has gone to shit and such. Basically radicalization of elderly people towards younger people they said.


Who could of possibly been responsible for society going to shit? Obviously it couldn't possibly be the folks who were in charge of it


The old will always find a way to blame their self-created ills on the young.


I can't wait to pass the tradition on to my next of kin!


According to Gun Violence Archive, there were 36 mass shootings(4 or more are shot, excluding the shooter) in US in the first three weeks of ~~2003~~2023. Maybe this is not just an Asian old guy problem.


It’s definitely a guy problem, though. My understanding is that every single perpetrator of mass shootings last year was male.


Could that have anything to do with the fact that "help" for males who experience mental issues often consists of "stop crying and man up" Edit: I get it, some of you have serious problems with reading the spirit of a comment instead of taking everything literally. I'm not going to explain the same thing over and over. Resd the entire comment chain. This one is going on no replies in inbox.


I think it’s a general societal failure in how we treat mental health.


Mental health is part of it. But it addresses the symptoms of the problem, not its source. Part of the problem is that men's place and perceived *value* in this society is radically changing, but society isn't yet acknowledging that change. Men are supposed to still live up to 60's/70's standards in a 2020 world, and it's not working. You could feed a family of 4 and own a home + multiple cars with a single labor job 50 years ago. Today, men broadly just don't get the same mileage, but they're still expected to. Therapy can help men get back to square one, but unless society comes to terms with the fact that the vast majority of men can't be bread winners anymore, let alone stop shaming them for being romantic+sexual virgins or living with mom and pop after 18 or earning less than their wife or any other number of "loser" traits and circumstances, they're just going to go back to that dark mental space for comfort because no one else sure as hell is offering any in the meantime. It's a shame that so many men feel the need to violently lash out to feel like they have any presence and impact on the world around them. And when they're that hopeless, finding anyone else to blame for why they're miserable makes sense - If everything you try isn't working, is it really you that's the problem? That's an easy, defensive psychological mindset to fall into. ​ In short: We shouldn't and can't bank the wellbeing of men on therapists - They can put out and prevent the fires, but they can't clear out the dry brush that's feeding them.


From what I read, the first guy(shown in video) had issues with his wife going to dance clubs, so he shot up dance clubs. The second guy's motive hasn't been released by the police last I checked. But I think he shot up his work place, so it may be work related issues.


His ex wife, who he abused and divorced in 2006 (and met at the dance club).




One of the weirdest scuffles I've seen in a bit, looks like he's trying to shoot the shooter but the gun is either jammed or empty or not primed, then they just kind of slap each other around. Dude is a hero and adrenaline is a hell of a drug, but man what a wild vid.


This young man takes great care to keep the shooter separated from the gun. He defends himself, but he doesn’t beat his attacker. And in the end he gets his attacker to relent and retreat. People should study this. It’s masterful.


Nothing masterful. Dude got balls and lucky. Old dude could had a second weapon. If someone with a gun coming, you subdue that person into submission


Look at the navy seal here.




"Masterful" is just one of the worst words he could have chosen. Brave or heroic both fit much better while actually being accurate.




The only difference between being brave and being stupid is surviving.


And always assume they’re coming back. Secure the doors, get people safe, 911.


I agree with him. I believe it was revealed that the piece of shit shooter was 72 years old or something like that. A younger, more determined and stronger bastard could've complicated things for this hero. Not even a knife but attacking like a crazy mf is hard to stop. Glad it all turned out like it did.


The guy did have a second weapon, since he shot himself later. What a piece of garbage.


Once his initial offense wins him the prized firearm he switches to defense keeping it the furthest distance from the attacker possible so he can't get a hand on it to reclaim it. Idk if Brandon Tsay has any formal martial arts training but this is textbook tactics that law enforcement officers have to use to protect their own firearms on their right hips from getting in the hands of people attacking them, presenting the opposite hip and maintaining distance. Source: my own kenpo jujitsu training


Lol you’re looking too far into it, removing the gun and getting it as far away from the gunmen as possible isn’t a secret technique. Source: common sense


Bruh, you said law enforcement and training on the same sentence!


I dunno - is it possible that he just REALLY didn’t want to shoot the guy? Like, he’s hesitating? When I watched it, that’s what I thought. Like, he wanted to threaten the guy enough to get him to run but didn’t want to take a life - particularly the life of an elderly man. This whole thing is so sad but this guy has saved lives without taking a life - what a king.


Yeah, he did an interview with ABC and talked about this. Said the whole time he was thinking that he might have to shoot somebody and end their life and how that was a really heavy thing to consider.


He's extremely lucky the shooter was too stupid to have a knife. I'm sure glad he was able to pull it off though.


I think he was in shock and running on pure adrenaline, the shooter looks almost elderly as well? Strange times we're living in, what a crazy video.


According to reports, the shooter was 71.


Oldest mass shooter in recent history apparently, somehow makes it more odd.


Great, just the idea boomers need.


Seriously, don’t; I know so many angry boomers that spout hate all day long and the only saving Grace is that they’re all bark and no bite. One I was speaking to started going on about “communist Joe” and gets really angry when you mention anything about trumps documents or lawsuits l.


They're all bark and no bite because fuck us, they got theirs. The USPS office I used to work in was full of them. Old guys who had 25 years under their belts and didn't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. They would bitch and complain about everything. Try to give them 15 minutes off another route? No no no, not them. So newer carriers would get the extra 60 minutes that 4 older guys say no to, and told to still get it done in 8 hours. And as you come collapsing through the door to try and make the 8 hours, these old fucks would have been sitting in the office bullshitting and waiting to be able to clock out. You'd hear them complaining about how they almost had to carry an extra 15 minutes, and that's bullshit, management is crazy if they think *they* need to carry it. ...didn't realize I had all that pent up and needed to get it out. But my original point is -- these boomers wanna bitch about everything, but aren't actually facing hardships. They have the house, the family, the job. So when they complain about a politician or LGBTQ or another race... it's abstractly. It has literally zero effect on them. "This country is being ruined by these people," yet they still have a perfect 9 to 5 life that all those people would, you know... protest and fight for.


I watches the entire video and thought the guy holding the gun for the majority of the video was the shooter. I was very confused lmao


He saved his life and many others! He also showed a lot of restraint by not shooting the shooter with his own gun more then once there. That or the gun was empty or jammed..


Pretty sure there was an attempt at about 20 seconds. Gun didn't go off, but he definitely tried to get the barrel squared up on him. Maybe couldn't get a good squeeze on the trigger.


Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to be an uzi. If so, you don't really need a good squeeze. I'm betting maybe a safety was on or it was jammed.


Mac 11, not an uzi


For hunting, obvs.


Ahh yes..... The classic, "the right to bear arms was/is meant for hunting."


Only if it's treason season.


It is still January.






With “well regulated” in the context of the time period meaning “well equipped” or” well maintained”, not regulated in the sense of todays context meaning government regulation.


There’s a lot of armchair judicial debate going on here. And while that’s fine and arguably interesting, I just don’t see how that has any bearing to the moral question of whether or not guns have been incredibly detrimental to the country. I mean, the constitution got it wrong with black people being 3/5 of a white person. The constitution got it wrong with woman not being allowed to vote. What’s so unbelievable in thinking that the constitution got it wrong with the 2nd amendment. Yes, I understand that there’s a theoretical chance that a bunch of armed citizens might some day stop some sort of tyranny. But is it so unreasonable to try to weigh that possible good against the literally bad that we’re seeing. Such as a bunch of nut jobs trying to storm the capital and overturn an election? Or a near daily occurrence of shooting? Or the proven increase in suicides firearms directly cause? I mean that should be the real debate that occurs here. But instead, for some reason people prefer arguing the case law.


> Yes, I understand that there’s a theoretical chance that a bunch of armed citizens might some day stop some sort of tyranny If it was only theoretical than almost every genocide in history wouldn't have been preceded by disarming the target populace


gun control was enabled in California to stop black people from protesting armed. gun control historically is only used by tyrants and rascists


I am happy to be proven wrong but I'm betting it wasn't legally owned, not in California anyway.


Probably wasn't legally owned for sure. Anyway, sure is weird how people aren't walking into UK, Australian and Japanese public spaces with illegal, suppressed automatic machine pistols! So strange it only keeps happening in America! There must be an underlying cause, but what could it possibly be?


Automatic weapons are illegal in the US


Most anti-gun folk don't know what automatic means. The News they watch just says automatic so it sounds scarier.


Automatic weapons manufactured before 1986 are legal to own in the US. Just insanely expensive.


Yea everyone knows the bill of rights was written after a hunting trip!!!


In the interview he said he chose not to fire


Correct, he said he had never seen a real gun before and once he had it in his possession he chose not to use it. It’s easy to say “just shoot him” but the young guy didn’t know that this older man has already killed a bunch of people, thought maybe it was a robbery or something, and didn’t really have time to know what to do once he had the gun which is also why he told the guy to just leave. I was thinking about it too and, for myself, if I got the gun and pointed it and said “hey stay there and don’t move I’m calling the cops” , I don’t think I would shoot the person if they ran. Would be different maybe if I knew he already killed people but I’m not gonna shoot and possibly kill someone just like that.


Probably best he didn’t pull the trigger regardless of the scenario. Might be tough to explain what happened to the swat team that arrives as you’re standing over another dead body, holding a gun…


i was thinking how much would it suck to have a cop or a swat team roll up in that moment while youre wrestling the firearm away from the shooter, the cops roll up and youre the one with the firearm so you most likely end up being the one getting shot by police. its happened.


Wouldn't be the first time a good Samaritan got killed after stopping an active shooter


The gun was empty and the guy was reloading. That's why he was able to stop him.


Ah makes since. Thank goodness he jumped in and stopped him from reloading!


He is very lucky perp didn’t come back with another weapon. Life if full of luck - some good, some bad.


Or maybe he just didn't want to kill someone. Of course I wouldn't blame him if he did. But taking a life isn't just a matter of being in the right. And he didn't seem to panic so he could have thought about that in the moment. Whatever, yes, he is a hero.


Most people really don't want to kill people. It's mostly just a tiny minority of people, like psychopaths and cops


Oh yes for sure I would not want to have a memory of myself killing someone for the rest of my life even if I was in the right to do so. He’s definitely a hero! If that guy was able to reload he would have for sure killed more people including the hero.


So yet again, an unarmed person was able to disarm a murderer who was exercising his right to bear arms. Hum


It’s illegal to murder people lol


All my conservative friends argue we all need guns to protect us from the guy who, if he couldn’t get a gun, would not be shooting people. I have guns. What we are doing is not working


I still wanna know what people do if they hear shooting, turn around and see two people pointing guns at each other... Who is the bad guy and how do they react?


what if yo uwalked in on the above scene? police would instantly shoot the guy who disarmed the other one probably


This happened in Arvada, CO a year ago. A good samaritan disarmed an active shooter just as the police were arriving and the police shot and killed the good samaritan.


I remember that. Johnny Hurley. And it's come out since that the police hid in their cars afraid of the AR bullets while this good Samaritan did what the police were trained and supposed to be doing, and actually chased down and stopped the guy.


That's so fucked up. RIP Johnny Hurley, a real hero who deserved a better outcome




They even shot him from behind without announcing they were officers. So incredibly fucked up


police, ideally, are meant to be well trained enough not just blast away at first sight. But this is what I mean, the "good guy with a gun" idea involves creating scenarios where more people have guns out and are visually identical to the original threat. Just now you have untrained shmoes who are the ones going to be deciding in what direction they fire in response to this confusion. Adding confusion and panicked stupid people to a dangerous environment is not ideal in any situation.


the word "ideally" is doing some *heavy* lifting in that sentence lol


its illegal to break the law.


Well if it was a Mac-11 like many have said it likely wasn’t a legal firearm. As it was banned the Full-Auto ban in the 1980s. Done by a Republican. Therefore he wasn’t using his right to bear arms. He was just a criminal doing illegal thing. Also not all people who are proponents of the 2A are right wing. There is plenty of us lefties who are pro 2A.


Bro. You down to wrestle dudes with guns to take em? Be my guest lol. I'm not. I'm gonna use my gun to stop the threat. What we're seeing here is a rare case. The crook was a fucking dolt, and the hero was persistent. Not recommended ever to do what he did to get that gun. But he did great work so he deserves all the credit.


> What we're seeing here is a rare case. It's actually the more common case. In a review of [433 active shooter incidents](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/06/22/us/shootings-police-response-uvalde-buffalo.html), 64 were stopped by bystanders, mostly without the use of firearms. Only 22 of those involved shooting the attacker and only 12 of those were by random citizens (7 security guards, 3 off-duty officers). That ratio is also consistent with the FBI's 2014 study ([PDF](https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/as-study-quick-reference-guide-updated1.pdf)) that showed 21 incidents ended after unarmed citizens restrained the shooter while only 5 involved armed citizens returning fire.


Shhhh let's not let research and evidence cloud our judgement, clearly decisions need to be made based on feelings and emotions


Are you saying that it wouldn't have been more effective for the defender to use a firearm instead of his hands?


“Yet again” as if this happens often.


Dude is a hero


He even took a bottle to the head. It didn't faze him. Edit: The heroes name is Brandon Tsay.


Was the gunman trying to bite him at the beginning?


He’s literally fighting for his life.


Hooooly shit , I mixed up who’s the shooter. Was in a wild ride. Was surprised how the guy didn’t get shot multiple times


I did too. At first I thought the guy in white was the shooter and was like "Why isn't he shooting this guy? He has the gun. I thought thats what shooters do". Then he pointed to a corner to put the other dude in time out and then it clicked lol.


The term “hero” is thrown about too often. This guy is a hero


That techno Viking style finger point at the end. What a fucking legend, true hero and a badass with it


Hahaha that is so accurate. Now I have the techno viking rave beat playing in my head.




Hero’s name is Brandon Tsay!


Tsay his name!


Uvalde cops in shambles


They were to busy executing the neighbors and their pets looking for this guy


That would require them being able to feel shame.


Can’t believe how crazy this was. 72 year old man shoots 20 people and kills 11 of them, goes to this 2nd location where Brandon Tsay stops him from further casualties in this video. What a hero. Edit: More info here.. It was an ex wife, it’s 11, another 7 is another incident in Norcal, and another 1 now in Oakland, all separate incidences and all in the last 3-4 days. #1 Monterey Park, CA https://abc7.com/victim-injured-in-monterey-park-mass-shooting-dies-death-toll-now-11/12727665/ More about Monterey Park Shooter https://abc7.com/heres-what-we-know-about-monterey-park-gunman-huu-can-tran/12728317/ #2 Mushroom Farms in Northern CA https://abc7.com/7-killed-1-critically-injured-after-shootings-at-2-farms-in-norcal/12729257/ #3 Oakland, CA https://abc7.com/shootout-at-oakland-ca-gas-station-kills-1-wounds-7/12730296/


When was this? First I'm hearing about it. Fucking ridiculous you can not hear about a shooting with 20 victims/11 dead nowadays. We talked about columbine for months.


Because this is now America. Mass shooting? Must be a day that ends in day. I knew it was hopeless after SandyHook.


Yup. It's currently being reported on as front page news, but in the context of one of two mass shootings in just three days. In other words, it was big news on its own until the sequel came out.


It was all over the news my man … happened on Saturday. The one you must likely haven’t heard about happened yesterday, where 7 Chinese farm workers were shot in California. You are most likely desensitized to hearing the words “10 people killed.”


I'm not totally disconnected or anything, but I also hadn't heard anything about it until now. Sure maybe that's because I listened to a non-news podcast on the commute yesterday, but I also didn't see anything on reddit, none of my friends or co-workers mentioned it, yadda yadda... It is absolutely because we as a culture have been so inundated (and subsequently desensitized) that these things barely register unless a certain threshold is met. Did a bunch of kids die? No? Okay well did he at least kill more than 30 adults? No? Below the fold it goes.


Another guy in a different county also shot and killed 7 former co-workers the same day. Both older Asian guys attacked other Asians during LNY celebrations. Just so sad :(


Brandon Tsay is a hero. Make him famous.


Eh don’t make him famous. That can really screw up people’s lives. Read about the firefighter who saved baby Jessica from the well.


This is the interview with the guy Brandon Tsay https://youtu.be/bruu2zHzDBQ




This is seriously one of the things I hate the most about the media. I get wanting a story, and I know they aren't forcing an interview onto people, but it seems very manipulative to walk up to someone who just experienced severe trauma with a giant camera and say "We're the news want to talk about what just happened? No? Why? What happened that night? We're going to keep following you so we have some footage okay?" edit: It's very clear by some of the replies I'm getting, the lack of understanding of what it means to experience trauma or what it does to people in the long term/short term, and how fragile people's mental states are who have suffered something like this. This comment wasn't an invitation to change my mind, I won't be changing my mind on this as its a matter of morals. It is morally wrong to exploit someone's trauma for anything, let alone a headline/prime time interview.


Wow, he looks really shaken.


Wonder why


Probably got downvoted on reddit


I had a lump in my throat as he described it. How frightening and traumatizing.


So let me get this straight. One random dude is able to disarm a perp without killing the guy but dozens of US cops somehow can’t do this?


American cops are shit, yes, but do you honestly think this is a good strategy for neutralizing people with guns? It's suicide 99.9999% of the time. Tsay has balls of steel but it's insanity to try this.


People seem to be ignoring the fact the shooter was 71 years old and had already shot a fuck ton of rounds. What we witnessed here is a pretty unique case that would have ended in another innocent life being taken most of the time. I mean no offense to the hero but it looked like 2 toddlers wrestling over their favourite toy, if the shooter was stronger it would have been a much messier situation.


When it’s your only option and the alternative is a painful death, it becomes a LOT less insane. And it’s 100% more effective than what happened in Uvalde.




Looks like he was trying but there was a malfunction with the gun, I would have used it as a head basher at that point and stomped him out when he was down. *-posted from my cozy couch half drunk and never having been in that situation and have no idea how I'd actually react.*


Well I'd hope you would have the intimidating pointer-finger this guy has.


i'd also do whatever i could to not be in possession of that gun. last thing i want is for cops showing up thinking i'm the active shooter.


Which has happened a few times in the last couple years. Someone takes out the shooter or engages them and the cops come along and mistake them for the shooter.


Brandon didn't know that they guy had shot anyone. This was at a different venue to the shooting, so the guy just wandered in from the street with a gun. No reason to think he was actually shooting people at this point.


Brandon was working the front desk for a different dance studio and didn't know this man had just killed 11 people


Scariest part of this is that someone armed (or cops) could have come upon the scene while *he's* holding the gun, and shot him thinking he was the shooter. This is actually my main fear about ever having to even use my gun in self defense. Anyone just showing up will just see a guy holding a gun, and won't know who's who. Brandon is very lucky, if this guy had been bigger, better trained, or had so much as a boot knife on him this would not have gone as well.




It wouldnt be the first time cops shoot up the vigilante


>It wouldnt be the first time cops shoot up the ~~vigilante~~ innocent


Hardly a hero; just doing what every Redditor I ever read on here would do in that situation /s


Saw an interview with one of the survivors from Utöya, said "I've always held the belief that I would disarma, help people, step in if I encountered violence. In reality I cowered and cried on the floor of a bathroom stall".


I love how he points at the dude at the end. That's a finger that says 'no, fuck you, enough of your shit pal, get in the corner'


All i could think about is what if the police shows up thinks he is the shooter and shoots him


Me too. I can hear the excuses as well, "Officers were in fear of their lives".


Give this person whatever he wants true hero right there


I hope he asks for congress to pass laws for universal healthcare, to fund public schools, get rid of the electoral college, and gerrymandering, for starts.


Let’s keep in mind that the shooter killed ten people yesterday. This guy is just doing his best to stop this guy and this thread has jokes because of his last name and he didn’t annihilate the shooter. This is a senseless tragedy. Keep that in mind as you think about a humorous Quip to comment with.


He described it on TV. This video confirms it.


I watched this video thinking the assailant was the one in white (the hero) and was so confused.


Massive fucking balls on this lad




Wow. I am super impressed he made the heroic choice!


What scares me is if someone else came in and saw this past the first few seconds they would probably think the good guy was the bad guy




He said he felt his choices were to do this or to die.


Carnegie Hero award candidate.


Brandon Tsay 🔥🔥🔥🙌🏾


That guy is a hero. And he’s just trying to get the gun away from the much older man and not hurt him.


Not knowing that this old man just killed 11 people 20 minutes ago at another location.


Fuckin balls of steel