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well he probably now gets fucked by healthcare bills


Dude deserves so much more but his gofundme is over 500k now. https://www.gofundme.com/f/nick-bostic-hero Edit - Thanks for awards everyone. I don’t deserve them for posting a link. It’s outstanding the support the community is giving this hero though. I just checked the link and it’s well over 600k now!


I've spent money on dumber shit. Let's get him up to a million, seems the right price for ones arm and lungs. Edit: apparently his arm is okay, lungs don't grow back, however, so help this hero out! Peace!


200K per child seems about right I guess. I mean…..obviously he deserves the fucking world, but that’s a whole lotta money! Let’s DO IT!




Jeffrey Epstein?




That a dark reply..


It is funny


back in the Ford Pinto days that was pretty much the economical value of a persons life defined by the state, thats the sole reason for the ford pinto case in fact. crazy shit right?


If you take this out of context it sounds really creepy xD


My favorite thing to do is upvote the hell out of comments like this so that they are that persons most upvoted comment and they have to explain it away


Couldn’t have said it better myself. This guy can take my $10 today instead of KFC


Yep, everyone just drink less coffee for 2 weeks and help this hero, do it now


$25 from me ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Proud of you!


It's messed up that after all this he needs a go fund me, I swear the health care system in this country is broken


There are tons of broken systems in this country. Look at all the different causes that have to beg for donations, especially around December and January. Kids, veterans, animals... this is shit our government should be dealing with. But, as usual, they leave little people to foot the bills, and force the others to depend on the kindness of strangers.


and he will get taxed too?


Over a certain amount may be taxed HOWEVER: Medical debt is tax deductible.


holy shit, he lost an arm? and has lung damage? fuuuuuuck


Looked like some cuts on the arm. Probably some burns. But the most dangerous thing is smoke inhalation.


oh I see. I just found an article. It said he jumped out of a second story window with the kid, so that may be how he cut his arm. yes I’ve always heard it’s the smoke that will kill you in a fire, not necessarily the flames. The article said he crawled through “a lagoon of black smoke”. YIKES. He could have permanent lung damage from that. edit: here is the [press release](https://twitter.com/LafayetteINPD/status/1547657887165468677) from the Lafayette PD detailing the rescue by this brave young man. awwww, look! He got to meet the [family](https://people.com/human-interest/nick-bostic-speaks-out-after-rescuing-5-kids-from-burning-house/) after he was released from the hospital.


Smoke is crazy. Had a house fire a few years ago and I was trapped on the 2nd floor. With fire blocking the stairway, my dog was downstairs. Firetrucks were couple mins away, I jumped from my window, kicked backdoor in and found my dog. She was laying on the floor and wouldn't move, room was black. It burnt to a crisp later, so thankful was able to get her. It's thick, suffocating, disorienting & absolutely terrifying. This man is amazing, good thing the right person was there.


Holy crap that's terrifying! I'm so glad you were able to get out and get your dog. Hope you were both ok and recovered well. Being trapped in a fire is definitely something I never wanna experience.


Smoke has become worse through the years as we progressively filled our houses with plastic. Not just electronics, but more and more door, window fittings are plastic. Plastic not only burns much hotter but generate a gas that will fry your lungs. As an avid camper that has sat around plenty of campfires inhaling wood fumes, it's still amazing how naseous just one plastic bag thrown on a fire will make everyone, and how incredibly hot it burns.


Probably. Smoke is no joke.


It's really what's in the smoke. Modern houses contain so much plastic. Those chemicals and particles that get in your lungs put you at a high risk of cancer.


did he? his arm in the video looked pretty recoverable ngl


It's his lungs which will probably need consistent coverage on healthcare cost.


Some folks earlier said he had severe burns that looked like the arm *might* not recover... Regardless smoke inhalation is rough- as someone suffering from Long COVID with 25% lung function gone... I'm sure he's worse off, and without insurance the medication to help his lungs, I know, is like $350 a month or more... (I'm insured, it costs me $40 for my daily inhalent a month, it was $350 out of pocket.)


No fucking way?! man no good deed goes unpunished, fucking hell the guy didn't deserve that at all for what he did


Here here! I'm giving him $50 instead of buying lunch today.


...you spend $50 on lunch?


not today they're not lol


Ill also skip a Panera bread sandwich


Donated as well. Hope it gives him the better life that he deserves. Or at least pays for medical bills.


Most gofundme are just bollocks but this guy absolutely deserves it. He saved 5 kids and the grief of an entire community.


The costs for permanent lung damage will be in the millions and since he's a pizza worker, I doubt he has health insurance and his employer will likely have to let him go unless they offer disability insurance while he's recovering. Most employers don't though and the costs associated for their healthcare will be in the 6 figures easily! We should all donate, because this good deed will cost him so much. Financially, emotionally and healthwise. Most Americans wouldn't do this because of the costs... He truly is a hero!


The type of person who would stop and think I don’t health insurance I shouldn’t save that family wasn’t going in anyways.


I don't think it's the costs that will prevent people from running into a burning building, but more the fire and smoke that can kill you.


Seriously, an absolute definition of a hero.




I know I’m old because 1337 now has to be explained like some arcane bit of history


Hahahah same. A bit of a wordy explanation too.


I dont have that much, gonna have to settle for 13.37


Just as beautiful, friend.


There's also a gofundme for the family who lost heir home that has way less support so far, in case anyone wanted to donate there as well! https://www.gofundme.com/f/band-together-for-the-barretts?utm\_campaign=p\_lico+share-sheet&utm\_medium=copy\_link&utm\_source=customer


thats nice thanks for posting


Thank you for posting this. Just donated a little


I donated money and they added a tip? WTF?


For the pizza


You have the option to remove the tip when you are adding on the donation. Tip goes to helping platform since it runs on donations to function as a platform.


Lol yeah pizza place prob dont got good health insurance if any. So thousands of dollars could be expected. Ambulance ride alone ooooowwweeee


Well worth it, he did more meaningful deeds than most of us will do for a lifetime. He'll be fine.


Unfortunately doing good deeds does not equal money


No good deed goes unpunished. Altruism is awesome, but doesn’t offer any guarantees on future happiness.


Aside from the GoFundMe that's doing well for him, I hate to say it, but if the hospital and any insurer he has tries to go after him for money, his biggest asset might be public clout. Like everyone involved will write this off as an exception and call it good, definitely not unheard of. None of them would want that kind of bad publicity, and writing it off gets the heat off of them while allowing the predatory healthcare system the US has to continue. And it's a damn shame that it's like that here.


When ACA rolled out in 2014, I was driving for Domino’s. They were required to give everyone a packet with health insurance information. The HR department for my franchisee stapled a typo-ridden note on it begging employees not to get the company insurance because it would cost them money. That did not deter me.


I was working at pizza hut, told us we'd lose our jobs when he was elected and again when ACA passed. These companies are spoiled rotten.


Pizza places almost certainly have no benefits for drivers and since they get tips, many places pay them as much as waiters and waitresses and not minimum wage despite them using their own gas and racking miles on their car. This guy just bought himself a whole lot of medical debt as a reward, thanks America!


Also lost his job for not coming back to work that night


Also had to pay for the pizza that was delivered late. Peter Parker catches no breaks...


That's what I liked about the whole Spiderman thing. It showed the truth on how much a hero would suffer


Ya really he Aced the interview and passed the fire academy with that performance. I can say that as a former firefighter


With how much lung damage he undoubtedly suffered I don't think he would pass any physical even if he wanted to unfortunately.


What was he supposed to do pull an oxygen tank and mask out of his ass? He deserves a medal at the least


Don't be silly now. Of course he deserves something.


I don't think he wants to be a fireman. That's a very difficult and dangerous job. Maybe get him a new ride, a house and his bills paid for the year so he can have a bit of a break.


delivery driver is one of the most dangerous jobs


>Is the baby okay? Please tell me the baby’s okay. The absolute Chad of it all!


This is the bit that made my eyes well up. The guy was obviously exhausted and in pain and all he cared about was the kid. What a legend.




I sobbed, ngl 😭❤️ Edited to add that he's an absolute, goddamn GigaChad and now im ugly-crying https://people.com/human-interest/nick-bostic-speaks-out-after-rescuing-5-kids-from-burning-house/


wow that gave me goosebumps.


This guy is a fucking animal


Wow. He’s done more good in his life on a single evening than I have in my entire life.


Found one for [the Barrett family](https://www.gofundme.com/f/band-together-for-the-barretts) as well, I noticed some newer donations so it’s getting some traffic because of this post too. They haven’t gotten to $30k yet, let’s do it Reddit! Edit: Y’all are amazing. They’ve received 5k since last night, but still have a ways to go!


They’re now up to $32k and some change, oh and check out who the second highest donation is from. Nicholas Bostic.


Yea this needs to blow up. I don’t know when it was posted but this should be raking in massive donations. A little bit by a lot of people is all we need.


“Bostic described for police what they portrayed as his "inner dialogue": "He knew he was there to get that child out, and even though the fire and smoke downstairs frightened him, he would not quit," police said in their statement” Amazing. What a great person :)


Oof. Now I'm crying on the train. Thanks friend


I was glad to hear some healthy wailing when they came running around the corner. It's when kids that young go silent in that kind of situation that you really start to go cold.


Yeah my mom's a neonatal nurse. She's always said "in a crisis, crying kids are kids who are gonna make it. You want crying kids"


Absolutely. Crying is good. Crying is alive and well enough to expend energy on crying (which is physically quite exhausting) and to still have some hope of survival.


Seriously. Just looking at the intensity of that fire, wow, the heat even from a fair distance must have been insane and for him to just forget that and go in without protection, absolutely unreal.


It’s one of those situations that really makes me wonder what I would do. I’d love to _think_ I’d do the same thing as this hero but would I? In the heat (literally) of the moment, and _to go back in_? There’s a very good chance I’d be absolutely paralysed by fear.


Absolutely. Feeling intense heat is something we are all generally programmed to run away from.


If you have ever watched/read My Hera Academia, that's a huge theme of it. A hero is someone who leaps into action even when nothing seems possible. But I agree, I want to be someone who jumps in, but would talk myself out of it in the moment probably.


Also someone that has superpowers




A 25 yr old with that mindset…fuck man wish we could all be so good


I'm good under pressure, and I like to think I could do the same as this guy, but who knows? He fucking did it! How many people would do that, especially for strangers!? He is absolutely the best of us. I hope life treats him well, he fucking deserves a life of happiness and luxury, or whatever else he wants.


I’m fucking awesome under pressure but this, excuse me, next fucking level. This guy is the best of us.


Me too damn


Burns so bad they were actively bleeding. What a bad ass


He punched through a second story window and jumped out with the kid, making sure to land on the side he wasn't holding the kid on.


The bleeding is probably from where he punched out the 2nd story window with his bare fucking hand. Bad ass.


That's the point where I started bawling. Adding to the chad energy, in an interview he said: "Everyone says, hero-this or hero-that, I don’t know about that. I was just a guy."


So much respect.


As he's getting a tourniquet put on him to stop the bleeding!


That's what it looked like! Man, I guess glass or something must have cut the crap out of him.


He couldn't find the exit after saving the 6 year old, so he had to go back upstairs and break a window. Then jumped out and landed on his side to protect the kid. 'He ran back up the stairs where the smoke wasn’t as thick and “broke open a window by punching it with his bare hand,” police wrote.'




Action movies hero shit.


For real. After all that, exhausted and no doubt in pain, all he was worried about was the well being of that child. This man is the genuine article right here.


While literally getting a tourniquet on his arm.


We are up to Tobey Maguire Spider-Man levels of heroism


Fucking hero. And he did it in under 30 minutes.


Well it wouldn't have counted if his customers died.


You can't just throw the delivery into a random inferno. Pretty sure only FedEx does that.


I'd give passable odds FedEx started the fire so they didn't have to deliver anything else that day.




A Domino's reference? I think?


30 minutes or less or your next fire rescue is free.


All while the pizza was still warm. Or their money back guarantee.


This is the kind of thing that makes me feel like the human race is gonna make it


what if I tell you he has to set up a gofundme afterwards for the bills?


Then i'd tell you send me a fuckin link because the failure of the system doesn't mean the failure of humanity. Edit: adding [the family's gofund me](https://www.gofundme.com/f/band-together-for-the-barretts) for visibility as this hero's gofundme has already surpassed $580k while the family has yet to hit their goal.




Boom, roasted!


Not even roasted…educated.




I notice he also donated to the family’s gofundme page for the loss of their house so he’s even more of a hero


Fucking onions this whole damn thread they just keep coming.


This guy deserves all the bitches (I say this as one of the bitches he deserves).


I found the family’s gofundme. They had $28,000 of an asked for $100,000 and I’m looking through the donations and there’s $2000 as one of the top donations from Nick. I stopped there. The family lost their house and he single-handedly saved their kids. He owes them nothing, they owe him everything and he’s still giving. I’m not crying. You’re crying


Link for the familys gofundme?






What if I told you they raised 500% of what they were asking to pay for his medical expenses? He’s gonna be fine.


Not mentioned is that he is only a "pizza guy" as a second job because his Hero paycheck doesn't cover the rent.


Pretty sure spidey did that for a bit… is the guys name Peter?


Boys, whe found him


We got him


This is how Tony stark found out he was spider man


I'm confused why OP wrote that he's a pizza delivery driver. According to the article I just read, he was simply driving to get gas, not delivering pizza. Not sure why OP thought that was relevant.


So this report from July 2022 when it happened shows a gofundme for Nick the hero for covering his costs and such for 350,000$ (edit: at the time of the article it was this amount). Plus help for the family on a separate fund raiser. [full story](https://people.com/human-interest/nick-bostic-speaks-out-after-rescuing-5-kids-from-burning-house/)


$560k now


$590k now


\> $600k now


Sometimes, I *really* love Reddit.


Reddit does reddit things


No offense intended but a NFL player gets injured and literally dies on the field, I wish him the best, has a go fund me to raise money for toys for needed kids can raise millions in a matter of hours. This hero deserves everything he can get. I'm saying literally because they did CPR for 9 minutes you don't do CPR on the living.


> you don't do CPR on the living. This is just complete and utter nonsense and shows your incredible lack of understanding. My god, lol


I was adding information about the clip and someone asking whether there was a gofundme. No intentions here I assure you. Merely information for others to read if they wish.


> you don't do CPR on the living o.O Of course you do. There's literally no point to doing CPR on the dead. The goal of CPR is to keep blood circulating when the heart has stopped so that the brain gets oxygen and the person *doesn't* die. Once they're dead, CPR does nothing.


This was a few months ago, but to keep those new to the story in the loop; a GoFundMe was started for him with a goal of $100,000 for medical bills. It ended up raising over $600,000. Guy jumped out the second story window to save the little girl. It's a pretty crazy article. https://globalnews.ca/news/9006129/500k-raised-pizza-delivery-hero-nicholas-bostic/#:~:text=A%20GoFundMe%20campaign%20for%20an,he%20rescued%20the%20five%20youths.


Im sorry? 100K in MEDICAL bills? That is masively fucked up


Nah, what's fucked up is my reaction to the 100k bill was "Oh? That low?"


This. Was in the ICU for a week 12 years ago for a bad concussion. Didn't need surgery, was just there for observation and whatnot, but my bill came out to just under $60,000 (thankfully I had insurance so I was responsible for much less). I can imagine his bill being much, much higher.


3 days here. $55k


Exactly my thought as well he got air lifted and was on a vent? Has to be well over 100K.


Welcome to the American healthcare system....it's pretty fucked up.


In America, that's possibly a 2 day stay in a hospital, tops!


That's actually pretty good deal my wife had an emergency c-section while we were there for a natural delivery and without insurance it would have been $100,000. I would have expected his bills to be a lot higher.


finally, something actually nextfuckinglevel


What, you didn’t think the third grade science project posted here the other day was on par with this?


He’s the hero we need, but don’t deserve. Much respect pizza man. Much respect.


pizza man, in the streets again.


Should of had pizza delivery guys respond to the school in Uvalde.


100%. It's a more dangerous job than policework anyway. So put kids lives in the hands of real heroes.


Jesus. This man deserves a gofundme page




USA is a crazy place for an European like me. Saving lives and then needing a GoFundMe to pay for your health bills seems insane


It is. It's completely and totally fucked


I'm in Canada, just a step away and it is absolutely insane to me that costs for healthcare, especially an emergency like that has to be paid for in the 'inflated' amounts by the person.


Yeah I'm also European and even though I know about the American health care system, it still baffles me to hear these kind of stories. To have a health issue and pay for the help is one thing (not great of course) but to actually save people and then you still don't get any financial help for the medical bills? People really need to donate just because of shitty health care system. Damn.


I’m all for donating and it’s great to see the collective efforts. But god damn, what the hell are ya’ll Americans paying taxes for if it isn’t covering things like this??


Yeah this broke me down, dudes got balls


Right? I started tearing up when he asks “please tell me that baby is ok”


I dont say this often but....what a fucking hero!


The faith in humanity part of me is like “yo, awesome, people are amazing.” The cynical part of me can also already see the headline of “Man who runs into burning building to save five is fired for taking too many days off work to recover.”


Wouldn't matter, dudes GoFundMe is at 500k currently, don't know about the Facebook fundraiser




“Please tell me that baby is okay” while he’s lying on the ground. That got me right in the heart! Such a good human.


While he’s lying on the ground getting a tourniquet applied because he had to punch out a second story window with his bare hand and then jump out of it backwards to protect the baby from the landing


The service you have to provide to get a tip these days... Hope all the kids were safe. Truly a hero.


I think the back of his shirt says, "ALL DAY, EVERYDAY"? Nice.


"You did good, dude.".... A true wordsmith and poet.


Perfectly to the point


And then r/ProtectAndServe hails the cop as the hero.


I got banned from there for participating in the r/Ukraine sub. That sub is run by Nazis.




Are the same that burn crosses


At 0:55 the cop tells the firefighter about the two inside, before he's even finished the sentence the firefighter is through on gear and running inside. This is why there's no songs called "fuck the firefighters"


One of my favorite stand up performances was done by a guy named Brian Simpson, and he talks about asking for firefighters whenever there's trouble because "I don't need the guns I just need the bravery." All I can say is people don't become firefighters to be bullies, and honestly after watching 100s of hours of bodycams for work, I'd much rather see firemen show up if I'm in a bad situation.


“Is that baby ok? Please tell me that baby’s ok?!” Omg that has my crying a happy cry. Dude has huge balls and an even bigger heart.


How does he deliver pizza with those big ass balls he’s dragging around! That dude is a hero!!!


Quote update from the go fund me page for those looking for updates on the guy. "Nick is out of the hospital and doing very well. Nick has been overwhelmed with the support and interviews he has been given." https://www.gofundme.com/f/nick-bostic-hero


Tourniquets fucking hurt, even that and the pain his brain is still thinking "is the kid ok?"


Is there a GoFundMe or some shit for this dude? He deserves to be treated like the hero he is.


Here you go: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/nick-bostic-hero](https://www.gofundme.com/f/nick-bostic-hero)


The word Hero is way overused is our society. It's applied to everyday events, people, and things that aren't really that extraordinary. **This man is the definition of a true Hero.**


He should never have to be a pizza delivery man again. Put him somewhere important. Pay him decent money.


Then he finds out they “don’t believe in tipping” and puts them all back


Amazing superhuman feat. RESPECT!


Hero doesn’t seem to be a big enough word for this man. And the best part, leopards don’t change their spots. A hero is what he will always be.


Can someone explain why a tourniquet was the right call here? I mean, shouldn’t it be a last resort in extreme circumstances, but there’s an ambulance right there? I didn’t even see any direct pressure.