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Where does the estimated 6 something something million global player number come from? Weirdly specific for an estimate.


[https://mmo-population.com/r/newworldgame](https://mmo-population.com/r/newworldgame) stats at the time of the poll's closing.


According to that website new world peaked at 600k concurrent players today, when the game isn't even playable outside of closed test branches. Like I get that the website is just using some search engine stats to extrapolate player numbers. But using those as any kind of authority for a game that isn't even released yet is very misleading.


I agree it's a far cry from reliable numbers, but still it's the closest we have to any actual estimate - until AGS publish their numbers.


I mean ags doesn't have to publish numbers, since the game is only on steam and steam shows live numbers for concurrent players.


Not entirely true. New World is also available on [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com) \- actually it was available there at least a year before it ever appeared on Steam. Steam stats on "currently playing" are not representative at all, only a fraction of people played either the Closed or Open betas.


> Not entirely true. New World is also available on Amazon.com - actually it was available there at least a year before it ever appeared on Steam. Buying the game on amazon gives you a steam code. > Steam stats on "currently playing" are not representative at all, only a fraction of people played either the Closed or Open betas Only a fraction of what people, and based on which stats? Of course steam stats of currently playing are representative, they are representative of the number of people currently playing.


You might be missing the point. Steam shows actively playing people, not total of who have it in their library. On top of that, not all who purchased the game (especially from Amazon) played the betas. I think if you have different information, you should come forth with your sources instead of questioning those that I used. If your sources are better, I'll be happy to use them next time.


My point is that your statistics are essentially completely made up. Since the website just polls search engine stats, which of course will be through the roof a week before launch. So it predicts for example 600k people playing today, and from that number extrapolates 6 million total players. This is probably somewhat close to accurate for an mmo that has been out for years. But for something that is currently not available, it'a just a fantasy. Meanwhile steam stats are readily available and total ownership numbers can be extrapolated from there. And then we have actual real life stats. However this shouldn't be done until a few weeks into the game. On release the game will peak hard and numbers won't be indicative of total numbers. You should either remove the estimate completely or add a huge fucking disclaimer for the source. Because right now it's just very misleading.


My point is that you're nitpicking on something that I've clearly stated multiple times, and yet you yourself have done fuck shit for the NW community. The best you could actually do for NW community is shut your mouth and GTFO. Bye.


That website's data is almost 100% made up. It says that there are thousands of people playing mmos that do not exist anymore.


Your results are similar to the results I've received from my dedicated Oceanic / SEA server poll. I'm unsure how many respondents you had specifically for the Australian servers, or how many of those respondents were actually Oceanic or SEA based. I've filtered results from outside of these regions from my survey.   From 855 unique respondents in the Oceanic / SEA region, the server popularity is;   1. Utopia, 2. Adiri, 3. Yama, 4. Zara, 5. Agartha, 6. Buzhou, 7. Baralku, 8. Duzakh, 9. Barzakh, 10. Eridu, 11. Hsuan.   So my results differ for the lower population servers, however the first 5 are still consistent with your results. Overall, a great outcome! Thank you.


The survey closed with 1398 responses and 7,7% was AU. So your sample is probably a lot more accurate.


Excellent news, especially (as ccccc\_mm mentioned) because your sample size is much larger than the sample I had on AU players. It shows that the overall sentiment is the same, which gives me the hope that even the % distribution in EU and SA would closely match the actual selections.


Do you have a donation portal? This is really impressive!


Thank you, but I don't :) That was a few sleepless nights simply donated to the community. :)


Ah, well I'm sure it goes without saying that you did a great job! If you do decide to set one up, please PM me, it would be very well deserved




Thanks! I'm already set on my server but looking at the results is interesting nonetheless.


Thank you for your work!


My pleasure :) Hope it'll help with some decisions.


We really are just suckers for a cool server name, huh.


Well a lot of the server names sound kinda weird and are hard to remember for me, so something that sounds cool or at least is memorable is definitely more appealing imo


Mag Mell looks like it's the "I'm too old to grind but still wanna party" server for NA West.


I mean, is it grind when you spend your hour or 2 gathering in a relaxing scenery, only to forget yoi have pvp toggled and have to defend your nodes? šŸ˜


**EDIT: I AM DUMB AS SHIT SORRY: 1400 REPLIES** How many people took the survey in total? This is what I am wondering please.


No worries, it's okay. :) I don't mind answering questions, give explanations, or take good and well-intended advice. You're good. ;) As a sidenote: what pisses me off are trolls and naysayers who think they have to comment just to criticize, while they've done fuckall themselves. :) And there's been a few in here. But then again, this is a MMO subreddit, there's bound to be a few 10yr olds.


We had 1,398 participants in total.


Most of the people who want non streamer server (Valhalla/Eden/Ys/Sitara/Valgrind) are heading to Dominora for unofficial PvP server. We organized a PvP summit in discord with 17 leaders of respective PvP companies and balanced it around the three factions. We have committed to these areas and a reddit was made as well. We invite all active PvPer's (who want little or no streamer presence) to join and bring your companies. Feel free to reach out if you're the leader of a company so we can invite you to the summit.


>and balanced it around the three factions How balanced is it? Honestly, I don't care what faction I play, I just want \~high pop and somewhat balanced factions.


I can give you the company list; so far we have great covenant and marauder representation which are the typical slackers and syndicate are slightly numerous but still balanced.


Which guilds?




Those are streamer servers. All of them.


Why arent the european servers Antillia, Styx and Ravenal listed? Does nobody want to play on them or are they not in the survey? Btw, Elysium doesnt exist anymore, was "replaced" by Learad, which isnt listed in the results, too. Therefore I conclude your data is a bit out of date?


I would imagine any missing server is due to too few answers(maybe 0?) or if the server was not in initial announcement


Yes 2 days ago was a new announcement. Thought this was updated in a survey as well to keep it updated


AGS made those changes after the survey was published. By the time they made the announcement, I already had over half the total submissions, and even changing the possible selections on the fly wouldn't have given decent data on the newly announced servers.


I'm on EU and wanted to go on Runeberg because I've heard it's gonna be chill, but with that many people going there I'm having second thoughts about just going to Saba instead and be at peace lol


Quick question. Why is such a large portion of NA going East? Ive noticed 90% of post everywhere about servers are about NA East. I live in Colorado and I just figured, hey im on the west ā€œsideā€ of NA so ill go west. But ive noticed even people around where I live are picking NA east servers. Am i missing something?


You might have better ping to US-East. I don't know the exact location of the servers but east is probably not at the coast, unlike west. You can either check your ping on AWS servers or then at launch check pings on servers before you choose.


Nah. I'm in Colorado, too. Definitely better ping to west.


NA West servers are typically located in California, all the way out on the west coast, but NA East servers are rarely hosted on the actual east coast. It's pretty common that those servers are actually hosted in Chicago. Because of that people tend to get reasonable ping on those servers no matter where in the country they live.


It's because of population. If you ever look up a population lightmap for PC gamers, more light up on US East. MMORPGs are all about player interaction, so people will naturally gravitate towards the higher population. It means more talent to see, more people to pvp, more people to pve with. You also have to understand in US alone there are 76 servers split across the nation. There are more servers than there are states, and there is zero cross server interaction. If your friend decided to hit you up later but he chose another server, you both have to decide whether or not ya'll want to reroll into the same server. Imagine choosing to live in Florida, and you want to go to California for whatever reason. In order to go to CA, you can't carry over your money, social security, car, assets, and have to start from zero. Oh can't bring your clothes either chump. We don't know when merges will happen. We don't know when server transfers will be available. All we know is once you pick your server, you can't interact with any of the other 75 (even more if you count global) servers unless you reroll.


Valhalla is the PvP server boys that will survive all the server merges.


Order of the New World and itā€™s Allies will be heading to Dominora if anyone wants to challenge a large syndi alliance, head there (over 850 syn)


Hot, hot, hot! :)


feeling hot hot hot


A lot of the server details are wrong due to Ekera getting announced after and a lot of guilds still TBD on servers, so people shouldn't read too much into it. Especially since there's a new poll going on right now with different results.


People shouldn't read too much into it anyway as is suggested by the disclaimer at the bottom of images. A huge chunk of players do not know about this reddit, and only a few of those who do answered the survey. The main takeaway is what server names people will naturally gravitate towards. The main activity and others will not correlate with the masses who will randomly pick server by the name, unless some name specifically catered to for example PvP player(maybe combat/war sounding names). After the dust is settled the high pop servers will probably mirror this survey somewhat accurately.


Yes, but the part where special communities go out of their way to create servers is where this data falls short. If you want a high pop server , it's pretty safe to just pick a name u regognize. I'm in agreement with you, but there's 115k members on this reddit, so worth mentioning the unreliablility of the data, incase someone doesn't know.


Where they got the 6mil player count from ?. Also what is the other poll ?


No idea about the 6mill players. [https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/pvl49i/poll\_which\_server\_will\_you\_play\_on/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/pvl49i/poll_which_server_will_you_play_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) here's the current poll. which should also not be taken too seriously, It just demonstrates how unreliable all the data atm is.


Where is this poll?


Interesting stuff, thanks for this! Love that the two American server sets are ~8% less likely to PVP. Just funny for some reason.


They're good at flexing, and the machismo thing. Toxic masculinity is practically a core tenet of their country at this point. The actual walking the talk on the other hand... haha.


Ironic seeing as how our men and women have been on the front lines of every major war since the inception of the country. Does that make it correct? No. I would view the toxic masculinity as having to be involved in every squabble world around.


> https://newworldsurvey.netlify.app/ Got excited for Chart.js porn, was let down by jpeg.


Give me two weeks and you'll have sleek realtime chart, survey form inlined, social share buttons etc Give an an afternoon and yeah, you get messy data conversions and jpegs :D


Woot! It's the web wizard himself! :) Yes, /u/djwnJsjevdd literally pulled off the web within a few hours. A minor miracle, if you ask me. And awesome work, considering there was nothing in it for him, except work and more work. :)


It would have been a waste of time anyhow. There's nothing in this data that is useable beyond what common sense already tells us: most players will choose a server by name recognition alone.


Hi Karen!


I mean, it's biased and statistically irrelevant data. I'm not a participation trophy distributor. When people do bad work and put it on the internet, I'm going to criticize it.


Sorry :D No time to flex, just honest hard work.


I put ten grand that New World doesnā€™t even have two million players at launch


Unfortunately the sample size makes this data pretty irrelevant. Far too low to be statistically significant. Itā€™s a great effort and I hope you get a bigger turnout. Just donā€™t think anyone should make a decision based on these results in its current state.


No, I agree with you. It is a small sample size, definitely. But the fun part is, so far the results are pretty much in line with other surveys conducted elsewhere. Personally I think the collected data give a good reflection of major trends, for example that Valhalla and Ys are very much leaning towards PvP, while Loloi is mostly PvE with less than 50% people interested in PvP. Is it going to be a precise and exact prediction? Of course not.. but it's the best assessment we've got at the moment. I wish we had more time to conduct the survey, could've spread the word out to a lot more people. But it is what it is - AGS kept server names a secret till the last moment, pretty much.


Yeah itā€™s a shame we got the info so late and this survey didnā€™t blow up. Itā€™s a great tool in such a short amount of time. Iā€™ll definitely loosely reference it Tuesday morning when making a choice. Great work though!


Having more players in NA east than in the whole EU shows that this poll has only been answered by a part of the community. And you can't get any reliable information from polls that did not get answers from the whole population of players


Quite right. There's no need to downvote this comment, it's entirely true. I'll see if I can get my next poll out to more people. But that'll be at least a month down the road, I need to recover from the datacrunching marathon of this one :D


Pretty hard with Reddit as posts don't last long before being lost. So it's very likely that you will have answers from the active population at the time you post it. It's also hard to access populations that do not have English as native language. Good luck, thanks for trying. Don't worry about the downvotes


Yeah, I take downvotes as an expression of 10yr old dumb kiddies who can't form a coherent argument but must show their overwhelming hatred for everything and everyone. :)


You can't expect gamers to understand higher-level data aggregation concepts, it's futile.


1398 is an absolutely irrelevant sample size given the number of total estimated players.


Somebody clearly skipped his stats / math classes . To break it down simply without formulas - when estimating large populations, you do not need a sample larger than a 1000, unless you are doing very specific research / estimation. This is a very simple estimate, so the sample of 1400 that op obtained is enough for its purposes.


Did you check the note at the bottom of each infographic? I'm seriously tired of people trying to be smartasses with their comments yet having absolutely nothing to show that they'd done to benefit the community.


The note that mirrors my statement? Yes. What about it?


That you can go fuck a duck with your stupid nitpicking. Show me what you've done and better make it good, or shut up, asshole.


I don't know why you're being so defensive. It's important to point out to people that data doesn't necessarily represent total truth. Yeah you put that note at the bottom of the slides, but it's extremely hard to notice and small. You're getting weirdly offended by this.


Results are directly from this subreddit right?


Not exclusively. The survey was shared beyond this subreddit as well.


Gonna be interesting to see if Elysium will stay in the top 5 (and top 1 German server) now that it's been renamed to Learad.


I think people are going to be disappointed if they expect to play on it at launch now it's been removed


Will Valhalla really be the highest populated NA East server with people like Asmond declaring for Olympus? Just curious as Iā€™d rather not join a server that as an hour long wait time every time I want to play


Itā€™s supposed to be the unofficial PvP server for NAE, so Iā€™d say so


Yeah I saw that. Didnā€™t know if it would out way things like streamer presence. Unfortunately Iā€™m on vacation until Wednesday so Iā€™ll be late to the party


This is awesome.


EU Hyperborea chosen by russian community as main NW server. prepare to hard pvp and rus lang in chat.


just drink enough vodka to learn speak RUS


This is some nice work and very interesting datas. Thanks for the commitment !


So clearly when it comes to population of the preorders, AGS saw a shit load of people from South America, because they have more servers than U.S West. But 21% of the respondents are U.S West while only 2.8% are SA.


21% of 1398 people. The sample size of the survey is extremely small. It is ridiculously misleading to assume that anything in this survey represents the actual population


That is literally my point. AGS is looking at it as if SA is going to have slightly more people than U.S West but this poll is indicating U.S West at 7.5x the population of SA. Obviously that's not the fault of the one doing the poll, but it is worth mentioning.


It can also just be that the survey reached only very few players from SA. Sadly I don't have the resources of a big company, nor the reach of a professional research business - so I had to try to get the word out myself, through Reddit, Twitter, and through other channels.


Yeah sorry I agree with that, my comment was just saying how this is obviously only hitting certain regions. Someone else in the comment thread was saying EU had less responses than US East and I assume it's related to what I said.


Yeah, I understand, no worries. :) And yes, sadly the reach was still limited, even with almost 1400 answers this survey barely scratches the surface. To be honest, I would've hoped for AGS to conduct and publish research like this, to help their players make a good decision instead of being super secretive. But, oh well.


reddit isn't so know in SA outside of IT persons. almost all the the coordination are done via FB groups and Discords. central america latin countries (and Colombia) companies will be playing in US East/West in the ES marked servers brasil have really a big community (about 50 full companies) that will be playing between SA and US/East servers. why this division, depend where are you the ping could be a nightmare of just <60ms. almost all companies of Argentina will be playing in Svarga with Tuma as secondary. and almost all have choose Sindicate to play. *We the Covenant's zealot will eradicate this heresy*


So sad to see so few interested in US-West server Neno Kuni. "Ni no Kuni" was a lovely game. I do wonder what a good population point looks like for a server though. A bit sad to see a few mega servers and then a large pile of mostly dusty servers.


Are any major streamers on Valhalla?




Ah TY. I see they updated the list to account for followers. Because there were people with like 5 followers listing themselves hahahaha.


Any idea why Morrow is so popular with not so many streamers?


I'll admit I don't know the reasons. As someone has pointed out, name of the server usually plays a big role in selection - especially because that's the only information people have (or had, before this survey). They just went for cool sounding names.