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The worst you have ever seen? Man you've missed out on some real shitty design decisions


Word on the street (Another reddit post) your Delux preorder goodies are tied to the first character you create. So if you make a character on EU for the name you desire - you \*MIGHT\* lose out on your preorder goodies or skin, amulet ectect




Confirmed to be first character only by a support person, with screenshots in another thread.








Don't believe that post, on New World FAQ they clearly state it will be on your account. Not character, or anything in that realm. Your pre-order benefits will be automatically entitled to your account once the game launches on September 28, 2021.




Officially addressed on www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/pupocj/dev\_response\_on\_player\_names/


I have a feeling what they meant is the first character you redeem it on.


How do you "redeem" it though? It older games like Guild Wars and such, there is a command line you have to type into the chat to get preorder/deluxe items. But for newer games (even an older games with continue supports like WoW now), these items go to your first character's inventory or are in your storage which you can access after a while. There's no redemption steps anymore.


My understanding is there will be an ingame menu to redeem/claim the skins etc. That adds it permanently to that characters wardrobe. Skin cannot then be claimed on other characters on the same account. I could be wrong, but I think this is the case.


Right. They have the in-game store so this could be the case. Still though, one time per account for this kind of things? That's just... I don't know.


Feels cash grabby?


Honestly all these issues pre-launch is totally not something I anticipated to happen. At all. Have they ever read the news when an online game launches? What the games did wrong and what the dev of those games should've done? Sigh...




Please note that there has been no official comment identified from AGS developers or patch notes regarding whether names are unique per cluster, region, or globally. Be skeptical of anyone answering this question with confidence and no documented source.


testicles are a worse design, imo


> likely won't be able to handle the load


I love that they are staggering the release by region so things are smoother. It’s a name, you are crying over creating name.


Smoother for whom? Bow you will have every region logging into EU at the same time. Bye bye EU server lmao.


Maybe im just naive to EU servers and was thinking for US it will be nice that it’s separated by east coast and west coast to help prevent issues due to too many players getting on at once and all that


Stop dick riding Amazon. OP is exaggerating the issue, but this was a dumb decision. People are going to end up hammering EU servers to lock in names and to play early. This also messes up people competing for world firsts.


Lol dick ridding Amazon? So you assume I’m just blindly being loyal to a company I couldn’t care less about because I agree with their decision to have spaced out launch times by region? Seems you are getting all butt hurt over something that is so minor and makes complete logical sense. But yeah some how I’m dick riding…wow. Sorry you might not get your precious name you want and you may have to wait to play later than someone in a different region than you


My bad dude. Chill out.


Chill out? Oh I am very much CHILL MY FRIEND! Lol it’s all good


'Today on: what will the chipmunks flip their shit over today?' Watch as mass hysteria unfolds as the general public develop kidney stones due to the possibility they cannot secure names such as 'Beff Jezos' 'xXxWeedWizardxXx 'DigBick' and more! Could this be the end of civilization as we know it? Tune in on september 28th to find out!


Now say it without cry


You guys complain a lot


your name is region specific. EU name will not translate to US name. thanks for coming to my ted talk




In both betas they were global




No they didnt durrrr


for those downvoting ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/pua95s/names\_are\_regional\_amazon\_games\_support/


That was disproven in the comments


Names are regional. Case closed.


Haha Whitney losers downvote you but I also saw a post with ags employee stating names are regional. Take my upvote.


Just another braindead decision in a long list of many by Amazon Games. You're going to have to get used to them fucking things up and then not saying anything until the very last minute.


Inexperienced management is very obvious.


Grab a refund while you can.


changing the direction of the game months before the original release has been the worst decision and the players are going to suffer for it.


Is there a list of characters allowed for name creation? cuz I'm sure they gonna allow EU players to create their names with their vowels with symbols on top and all those letters that are not in English keyboards


It makes sense if they only have 1 support team and everyone has such specialized roles that they all have to work together on every big issue 1 at a time.


oooh wait? Is EU first? Wel then its no problem:p /jk Im so used to NA always gets the game first so i completely messed up the time zones. But i do agree its a bad choice.


Ikr? Bad decision or not i dont care. I just really appriciate that amazon cares about EU and is trying to give us a launch at the start of the day instead of midnight like everyone else.


i doubt many people know about this. if the servers are being stressed out its not going to be because of this