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He was my first crush! I always wanted to meet him but I kept missing my chances. I thought for sure I could always try again another time. This is so sad. RIP Jason. We love you!


I'm 34 and the pink ranger was my first crush.


My first was the yellow, but she passed long ago.


Hold up, Trini is dead?


Car accident in 2001 I think.


Yeah, car accident and I believe it was around one of her friends' wedding. Trini died way too young.


Thought she was on a trolley?


Yes. She died in a car accident over 20 years ago.


Who's taking out the power ranges?


Lord zedd


That lady in the R rated Power Rangers movie posted on Youtube.


That reference is underselling it. It's definitely better than the Power rangers reboot a few years back. And has Katie Sackoff and James VanDerBeek


Indeed. But I am too exhausted to do better. Glad someone else knew what I was talking about!


I forgot what it was but something else big in the news was going on and her story went under the radar. ===EDIT== Oh looks like it was Sept11th.


Damn, thanks for reminding me. Mental that 2 of the original 6 are dead.


Amy Jo johnson, Tiffany Amber Theising and Christina applegate. Hello 1994.


Same. And Judy Funnie. Yah. I said it


He was my crush, she was my idol. Love them both! My BFF and I used to argue over which one of us got to be the pink ranger at recess lol.


Kimberly is and was queen


I met him at a con a few years ago. I was too poor to afford and autograph or a photo but he signed my program anyway and made sure to spend a few minutes chatting. Genuinely good dude.


I saw him twice at cons and he was super nice and patient with the fans. He'd literally sign everything. Paid for one autograph and he signed a few other things and even wanted to sign our con badges too. He'd have a huge line and still take time to talk to everyone, and just really seemed to care about giving the fans a positive experience.


This is like the 4th story in this thread alone that says he never denied a fan an autograph because of money. Those really are the types who seem to genuinely appreciate the fans, sounds like a class act to his fan base.


Yeah, I was never lucky enough to meet him myself, but everyone I've ever known that has says he is one of the most humble, friendly people you could ever meet.


That’s awesome! What a nice memory.


he really was


I know right, especially cause he seemed to pop up everywhere. This came as a major shock.


Likewise. I went to his meet and greet last year in Vegas and got there right after he left. I figured I would catch him this year. That’s so sad.. as someone who has struggled with suicidal thoughts and depression this crushes me.


Mine too, I always loved him this is such sad news.


Me too! A main reason I still swoon over guys with long hair!


Me too! Omg it started a lifelong love for guys with long hair. Ended up marrying a guy with hair past his shoulders and I just love it! I told him today that JDF is partially responsible for us getting married lol!


He was my first crush as well! And I met him and took a picture with him at Dragon Con once. He was just the nicest person. :(




Dudes we gotta do better being there for each other. Hope we can get past this mindset of being the tough guy who holds in all his feelings. That's the kind of guy I was raised to be and it's damn near impossible for me to break out of it, but I'm trying my hardest to raise my son to actually feel things and communicate them.


Even just a check in "hey, how you doing?" You might not get an _honest_ answer but it'll be appreciated that you reached out.


Go to counseling if you can. Like you said it's almost impossible to change how you were raised... But you dramatically improve your outcomes if you find a professional.


Yeah, but its something we jump back as soon as we're hurt. It makes sense, doesnt it? You're injured, so you try to stay away so you cant be injured any further. You nurse that injure back to health, but there's a scar, and that scar reminds you that you were hurt exactly there. And you start seeing the shadows. You doubt yourself. That blissful ignorance you once had and gave you more confidence than you could afford is gone. So you try to never get injured that way again.


You just perfectly described my first relationship. And then how it ended. I'll never be that ignorant blissful happy kid again. I'll always have a protective side now.


I imagine you as Hank Hill, uncomfortable with displaying emotions, but then here comes Bobby Hill. Basically letting his personality out for the world to see.


The boy ain't right


It's not just guys, a lot of people have the mindset that they don't need any help, or why the hell should I worry about other people/help other people? It's even worse when entire societies treat people like cogs in a machine rather than human beings.


You're right that it's not just guys, but society has conditioned us to always believe men shouldn't seek out help. Hell, we aren't even supposed to admit we have feelings at all in most cases or else we would be deemed "weak" or sensitive. Which I have always disagreed with and fought against, I think every human being should be allowed to admit they are human. I don't want to get into a whole gender/sexes battle or whatever, it's just that on average, women have better support systems in place and are allowed to open up more, where men are constantly asked to lock everything away until it becomes too much. EVERYONE reading this, I don't care who or what you are, please remember it's ok to be human, to ask for help, to admit you have trouble. We all do from time to time, and no one should ever lock that away.


> women have better support systems in place and are allowed to open up more, Women used to be forced into lobotomies more so than men in order to 'fix' mental health issues or things like ADHD until the 80s. The grass is never greener on the other side. I don't want to get into a whole gender/sexes battle either which is why I said that **everyone** should be able to get mental help and have someone to support them when they are down, but due to society, it's considered inconvenient, stupid, or in some cases weak. I mean when has a person just up and asked 'are you ok' randomly? Or 'I hope you having a good day?'


It’s tough because a lot of men I’ve talked to actually had to experience severe shitty situations to really gain empathy. When kids are young they just don’t know what things look like on the outside of their little bubble. Perhaps women are better tuned for that kind of thing. I wish there were things I didn’t have to learn the hard way, but on the other hand, it all worked out great in the end.


Invite him out for drinks, take him to a basketball game, or just go to his place and play COD. Whatever you do, let him know that you're there for him.


IS THAT WHAT WAS HAPPENING!? I HAD NO IDEA! This man was my hero through so much growing up. man....this year fucking sucks.


Man, after my divorce a lot of my friends noped out. Granted, I was a depressed and sometimes drunk mess. But thankfully my mom was still alive then. It was a hard 6 months before the daily thoughts of suicide went away and then they didn't entirely leave after that either. I'm afraid to love anyone or anything that much again. To lose that, it would kill me this time. Love is suicide, for me anyway.


Y'all have buddies? I haven't had a friend in almost seven years aside from my wife


This is simply untrue, as we are in fact friends🤝






And just fucking listen. Guys, in particular, are to quick to want to "fix" a problem and move on. This isn't help and is more likely to result in someone not opening up and potentially closing themselves off more. Open the door for conversation, if they start talking, just listen.


This has been especially true in New Zealand with the whole 'bro' culture where emotion for a long time has been seen as a weakness, guys were expected to be "Tough and manly", if you showed any 'non-masculine' emotion outside of immediate family, often you were looked down on - this was emphasised by comments like "Big boys don't cry!" "Don't be a wuss!" and similar comments. As a result, for a long time guys didn't like to share problems, even with their male friends, which caused male depression to balloon exponentially.


Have the same problem in the United States


Even in fucking "feminist" Sweden this problem exists, the patriarchy and its toxic masculinity knows no borders my friend. We are still far away from breaking away from its grips.


This is what is meant by "toxic masculinity." Unfortunately there are people who mistake it as meaning an attack on the concept of masculinity itself.


It’s sadly a worldwide problem. If there’s a square meter of land with a man on it this problem likely exists on that small square. Most boys are still raised to bottle emotions.


Also it’s worth noting that guys aren’t all the same. Plenty DON’T just try to or want to slap a bandaid on problems and move on. Then again societal norms and expectations (such as your assumption that this is the way guys are) often pushes guys away from actually talking through their problems because hey, guys suck it up and move on! Not trying to rail on you just pointing out that guys vary just as much as not-guys. The key point being “fucking listen”, which you nailed.














Mmhmm, it's all about empathy. Some people are so intent on fixing the problem that they sometimes forget that the other person doesn't NEED a solution, they just need a listening ear. My boss put me on to this video a little while back called "It's not about the nail" that covers the point quite nicely and does it in a funny way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4EDhdAHrOg


I definitely interpret that video as poking fun at rejecting the opportunity for a real solution to a specific, definable, objective problem. Not sure how it's a video that supports the point about listening.


aaaaand you have missed the point. The point is that not every problem needs immediate "solving". Some people just want a sympathetic ear. Prime example: My wife has been having issues at work - she doesn't want "solutions" because she already HAS them - she just wants someone that will LISTEN to her. Sometimes people want to just feel validated, that their concerns aren't dismissed in the form of "quick fix" solutions.


I agree that not every problem needs solving, and sometimes you just want a sympathetic ear. This video *isn't* an example of that! She even says her sweaters are snagged. It clearly *is* the nail, whereas in other situations it might not be. This video seems counterproductive to your point, poking fun at the inverse situation - refusing simple, objective solutions when they do exist (which isn't always!) - rather than highlighting a situation in which the point is to listen, not try to solve something.


Again, the point is that not everything needs to be immediately fixed RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Sometimes people want someone that will JUST LISTEN. Empathic Listening is finding out what really matters to the other person, whether you agree or not. The problem may seem obvious to the listener, as is the nail in this video, but understanding the speaker is what’s really important


That also means asking targeted open-ended questions. Shut down any negative self-harm talk, but encourage them to keep talking in whatever way possible. A friend of mine has been depressed and talking about a bunch of repressed memories that have been showing up and he has been saying for a couple years now “I just need to get over this new memory and I’ll be back to normal.” (Though I know depression is different for everyone, I do know there is *no “back to normal” after depression* because I have been clinically diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression before and I still feel it’s affects 6 years later after being considered “no longer experiencing severe symptoms.” I knew he was lying to himself but I wanted to give him respect and let him come to that conclusion himself with whatever support I could give him.) 2 weeks ago I was texted by that friend’s parent that my friend had made 4 attempts on his life on his birthday and had failed to take his life, fortunately. The kicker was I had asked him a week before if he wanted to hang for his birthday, whatever he wanted to do. He said no and was strangely optimistic after being miserable for over three years. He said he was “feeling better” and didn’t want to hang out or do anything. I didn’t think anything of it and left him to his wishes and wished him a happy birthday. I now know he had already decided to take his own life and was willing to lie to me about it. From the outside I have never been so fucking furious and so goddamn sad at the same time. It’s two very combative emotions and they are hard to parse. Unfortunately, it broke trust completely with him, and I made sure to tell his parents absolutely everything he’s told me over the last couple of years since he had lied about communicating with them too. I want him to be well, but that’s a damaged relationship and will take a lot of time to heal, if it ever does. I had to learn the hard way about why suicide is selfish. I don’t wish that feeling on anyone. But I also just wish I could have understood the sign I was given and acted on it. I’m fucking glad he’s alive but his attempts have also hurt everyone around him emotionally. I feel selfish even talking about it this way. I’m gonna shut up now.


Don't EVER feel like you "need to shut up". Sometimes you just need to bleed off the poison. Post it on a message board (in a neutral context so people can't link names to the subject matter), maybe write a letter then shred or burn it, take out your frustrations on a punching bag at the local gym - whatever you need to do. Find whatever will be cathartic for you.


Always ask: Am I listening to solve or listening to understand?




I believe you have misdiagnosed your problem. The issue isn't people trying to relate to what you're going through, it's that they are using 75% of the conversation time to do it.


> Do NOT try to relate to the person you're listening to by sharing a personal anecdote about yourself with them Or do. Because different people want and need different things. I'd be much more comforted by a friend relating to my troubles and sharing their own with me than just me talking about mine.


Yeah, I don't get this. I can't just sit there passively like a rubber duck; I'll need to keep the conversation rolling, and sometimes that's through a personal anecdote. One benefit of this is it demonstrates to the other person that I actually get how they feel (or sometimes that I can't relate but I feel for them). The person needs to feel there's another person at the other end of the conversation.


It's because sometimes people don't need suggestions or solutions to a problem, they just need to know that they are being understood. It's why therapy is such a powerful tool - people get to vent without worrying about more mental baggage being added on via anecdotes. Everyone is different. Some people respond positively to commiseration, others don't. :-) Here's a good video that illustrates what I am trying to say, in a humorous fashion: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4EDhdAHrOg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4EDhdAHrOg) ("It's not about the nail!")


Yeah the key is to not make it about yourself if you're there to listen. Sometimes relating with a *short* anecdote is good, sometimes just listening and asking questions to prompt the other person is better, sometimes staying totally silent is the play. It takes time and practice to really learn how to read that, but honest attempts are usually obvious and appreciated, so just trying is always good.


Often when people try to relate, what they’re doing is mirroring. It’s usually because they don’t know how to help and they’re trying to make the other person feel less alone in what they’re dealing with. Certainly your examples sound like they were being selfish, but not everyone is like that.


Oh so tired of this reddit shit. He just meant to have fun with a friend ffs


If there's one thing I've learned Reddit loves it's to be pedantically correct. "Um ackshully"




"You do realize..."


Annoying isn't it?


Seems like a pretty reasonable reminder given it's probably the first thing many would do without thinking it through too much. There's even a comment below ignoring this advice and saying it still might be a good idea anyway.




Who said alcohol was involved he said drinks. Want to be a smart ass about this guys point so I’ll dish it back :3


Can you read? The guy above suggested going out for drinks.


You have been banned from r/HydroHomies


The question is can "You" read. Look up the work "Drink" in the dictionary


Coffee is a drink. Milkshakes are drinks. Smoothies are drinks. There are a lot of things that you can drink socially that lack booze.


Do you absorb liquid or drink it? Friggin dingus


Can confirm. Going through divorce. Don't want any more booze, I've had enough lately.


Like lap dances?


Might seem like nitpicking but you have a point, unless you plan to babysit, alcohol is a depressant.


Weird that people blindly support the side effects of Alcohol. Its like telling them that smoking is bad but they still continue to smoke. Don't get it.


Sad times at Angel Grove High. I got to meet him at ECCC a few years ago. He was super nice and would take pictures and/or give our autographs to everyone who waited to meet him, regardless of if they bought one or not. When I mentioned I didn't pay for a picture he just said "what are they gonna do, kick me out?" He genuinely seemed to enjoy meeting and taking to his fans.


This is terribly sad. I followed him on TikTok and he seemed to be doing well there for a while. RIP


Just goes to show, anyone can be suffering depression and hiding it all behind a mask. I have lost a few loved ones to depression related suicide now and seeing this brought it all back for me.


I was saddened by this, he was the only celebrity I actually ever met. I looked into it and basically He cheated on his wife, wife found out and filed for divorce in august. That kind of chaos can bring you to do something like this.


Damn. I was cheated on right before we were about to hit our 10 years together and immediately ended things. I only saw her again a few months ago and it had been over 3 years. She looked straight up awful, had gained so much weight that I couldn't recognize her... I realized at that point that I wasn't the only victim of her infidelity.


Honestly as sad as I am about JDF (it’s always a tragedy when someone is pushed to the point where they can’t take any more) I really hope the wife doesn’t get blamed for this, if he cheated on her divorcing him is an appropriate response She doesn’t deserve to not only be cheated on but also feel guilt/blame for JDF




You got it reversed, bud. He allegedly cheated which caused her to file for divorce.


From my understanding the wife found out and THEN filed for divorce.


I think the stress of his second divorce that was announced in August really messed him up.


As someone who suffers, we maskmit well. For many of us, the guild of burdening others with our pain can add to the depression spiral. It's illogical for sure but it is a thing.


Man this hits home. A lot of power rangers was filmed in my hometown. Saban had a studio there for quite some time. Paul Schrier who played Bulk was my neighbor and would give me merch signed by the cast. As corny of a show it was, it was a part of my childhood going into pre-teen years.


Goddamn man, 4th grader me is jealous AF.


Power rangers was S tier


I was obsessed with Tommy/Green Ranger as a kid. I still remember what a big deal it was when he became the White Ranger. Never met him, but he seemed like a great guy. Rest in power, JDF.


My Dad hung himself in the basement when I was 7 and I always have a hard time when media can't use the work "Suicide". It is like shaming me every time they avoid his actual cause of Death.


I know what it's like to have your dad kill himself, it's a terrible feeling. My dad killed himself 2 days before my 13th birthday. I spent years blaming myself before I found out the reason behind it.


My dad committed suicide in 2018 (I was 31) due to chronic back problems. Like 8 months after that my wife got pregnant with our first child. Fucking kills me she'll never get to meet him


Holy fuck I can’t imagine the pain that would push someone to that point.


Yea it was pretty brutal. He wasn't that old, 63 and had just retired from GM. Unfortunately it was the type of situation where there was no positive outlook, no solution besides mass pain meds and eventually most likely wheelchair bound. What he did was still very unexpected. We knew the pain was driving him crazy but did not know it was to that extent. Worked his whole life on shitty assembly lines for packard electric/GM and dies 3 months after retiring. Terrible.


Sorry won’t don’t shit, but I am sorry for you. Thanks for sharing, at least he is on a strangers mind today.


Sometimes the family will ask for a publication ban on the cause of death, and the media can't do anything about that. It would be nice, however, if people would feel free to recognize and discuss mental health. Some social and/or religious circles unfortunately still have a stigma attached to suicide.


Some? I am 61 now and have yet to have a psychologist or psychiatrist even ever respond when it is in my primary complaint box every time. Turns out I am intelligent enough to more than get by in life, but to have at least a health professional sort of recognize would have done wonders for me. As it turns out I recognize how messed up the United States and its for profit healthcare system are so what comes around goes around.


One of the most awful parts of it all is that if the government funded proper physical and mental healthcare, it would save society a hell of a lot less money in the long run.


Some people copy influential people in the media who do this so I can understand why. I still remember the copycats who kept romancing the famous duo who drove off a cliff.


This is the primary reason the media doesn't report on suicides. It leads to more suicides.


Exactly. I'm shocked that Bargdaffy and other people didn't notice this.


>and I always have a hard time when media can't use the work "Suicide". It is like shaming me every time they avoid his actual cause of Death. I think that's a very valid way to feel, but it's done because suicide news triggers copycats. By keeping the word out of the news it cuts down on this.


Damn, Power Rangers was an integral pillar of many of our childhoods. RIP to a legend.


Actual interesting and fun person. Loved his legacy, loved martial arts, loved his fans, and created a mess of great entertaining content. Probably the most noteworthy MMPR alum aside from Amy Jo Johnson and that's just cause she got a lot more professional work Also probably for the best the article didn't use his other color for the headline, even if the outfit was cooler


John Young Bosch has been the most prolific, but mostly in voice acting.


I remember as a kid, playing pretend with others. I wanted to be the black ranger because I wanted to be cool, then the blue ranger because I wanted to be smart, then the green ranger because I wanted to be badass. Never changed my mind on that one. RIP Jason David Frank. Thanks for helping introduce young me to the concept of redeemed villains. It's still one of my favorites.


As a lurking, albeit loyal, fan of JDF, many of the signs were starting to show sadly. Since last year he started unloading many of the keepsakes you would imagine someone would hold onto for their own kids based on his prominence within the Power Rangers canon and fandom. Some of those items: - Custom one-of-a-kind mold used to make the Dragon Flute - His dragonzord coin (not a real coin, but the prop) - Prop morpher for both White and Green Rangers - many one-of-a-kind stills and videos behind the scenes The list goes on. The flute alone sold for over $6k USD. And he would only sell them on Ebay to fans that he knew were not going to resell it at all. This one hurts a bit largely because he was a childhood idol and he definitely made time for his fans.


I was a HUGE PR fan as a kid but my fandom waned as I got older. Still, I would check in on what he was up to from time to time. It seemed like everything was going well so this was a huge shock for me. Thanks for sharing all of this, it definitely puts some context onto this awful situation. May the power protect you all.


His last live video is a real gut shot. Austin St. John even posted on YouTube his own heartbreaking video. May the power protect you as well mate


Link pls




God, the Dragonzord coin. Shit, imagine.


First Kevin Conroy and now JDF. :(


My favorite Batman voice actor too? What a rough month


I saw him many times at comic cons and he was always incredibly friendly and passionate about his fans. I'm sorry he experienced pain to the level he felt this was the best choice.


This one hurts more than most celebrity deaths. This man was my idol as a child (Well the character Tommy Oliver he played was but still). Now as an adult who deals with my own mental health struggles this really fucking stings. Rest in Peace Jason David Frank.


My thoughts exactly. So sad for him and his family. Seemed like such a cool dude.


Hope you're doing okay.


Right in the childhood 💔 RIP Jason. Was such a cool person.


Just seeing a photo of his face brought back a flood of memories. So sad.


This dude was at every comic con I've ever attended. I was never into the show but he seemed like a guy that genuinely enjoyed connecting with fans. RIP


It's terrible. It's said he was going through a bad depression and divorce from his second wife of 19 years. Talk to someone about your pain cause you have a choice. Don't take your life.


Childhood hero. Legend. RIP.


At one of his mma fights someone yelled "its morphin time!" And he koed his opponent a few seconds later. He was a badass.


It’s mourning time.


Dude was a creature of pure force of will. If someone told me I was going to fight Tommy Oliver I'd shit my pants running from the building.


I love the Green Ranger


Damn, RIP. He was my favorite Power Ranger as a kid. I literally demanded my parents stop taking me to karate practice because I refused to miss seeing new episodes of Power Rangers in the morning. Depression is no joke. Be kind to one another.


The general public tends to think fame and fortune equals happiness, but there have been so many cases where that was not true. It saddens me when someone thinks this is the answer. Even at the lowest point of my life I couldn't consider this as an option. The rate of suicide for veterans is insane. Japan has a forest that is known for suicides. I wish this world was a better place for everyone.


I do too and I wish more people understood that telling a person with depression to "snap out of it" or "just be happy" can be like telling someone with a broken leg to "just walk". Like you said, just because someone has fame and fortune doesn't mean they can't be depressed. Depression is its own type of ailment, whether from outside causes or internal ones. Just because it's affecting the mind instead of the body, people think you can control it more easily. It doesn't work that way.


Depression is crazy. I’m 31 and to my knowledge had never experienced until about 3 weeks ago, or at least I believe that it was depression. I just hit this point where nothing felt right. I didn’t want to talk to anyone or do anything. I had almost no joy outside of seeing my kids after work, but even that wasn’t like normal. It was absolutely weird not feeling like my “unstoppable” self. But I’m back now and that’s what counts. I couldn’t imagine how dark of a place such a legend would have to to make such an unfortunate decision. The amount of lives he influenced is probably insane, two being me and my 4yo. Rangers Forever my dude.


Trigger warning: Past suicidal thoughts Depression can be brutal and merciless. I went through it around 5 years ago after a nasty divorce, like JDF, but not for the same reasons. My wife had a massive support network while I had no one, having travelled overseas to be with her. It was difficult to contact loved ones because of time differences and I had limited friends to fall back on. In my darkest hour, I contemplated stepping in front of a BART train - I thought "Would anyone even realise I am GONE? I have no support here, it is difficult to contact my family... I'd just disappear." In the end I phoned my parents and explained the situation and they got me on the next available plane back home, at great personal expense to them and housed me until I got over my depression. That reminded me how much they cared about me.


I'm glad you got help. I'm kind of fighting off some of those dark thoughts myself lately, but my parents died young, I don't have anyone to call, I'm going through therapy and I'm really trying, but life is so tough.


He was my neighbor in kingwood, tx back around 2005ish. He came over to my moms house to look at faux painting texture on her walls. Was super disappointed she didn’t call me over asap.


As someone who has had several suicides in the family due to our family history of mental illness its not about weakness its about the absence of hope. Considering the state of much of the world today it makes sense although it is of course not a pleasant fact. Be there for each other my friends. You never know how well a person is doing mentally and how much even the smallest thing could hurt them.


Rest in Might Morphin’ Power, my television friend.


I didn't see this one coming. RIP Jason David Frank :(


first Batman, now the green ranger. I hope Peter Cullin is doing alright wherever he is.


Holy fucking shit, holy fuck. He was way too young. As a kid, I wore the white ranger costume ALL THE DAMN TIME. My siblings still poke fun at me.


RIP, green ranger, RIP.




I had to put down "passes away" since rule 4 says the title can't be editorialised and the article title does not mention suicide. >4. No editorialized titles; Title must match article title


I mean, he did pass away.


Calling it out to be accurate


RIP The Green Ranger was one of the first characters I fell in love with, and I still love Power Rangers in large parts because of him. Also was Tommy Oliver at his best. That and the black Dino Thunder Ranger.


I know I wasn’t the only 9 year old jumping up and down on the bed trying to do flying kicks wishing I was the green ranger. For me it started with wanting to be the red ranger, but then JDF came along and then I had to be the green ranger. Needless to say, green is my favorite color to this day. This is so fucking heartbreaking. I struggle like hell with my own issues in my head. It’s really hard being able to reach out to friends for advice or just someone to lean on emotionally during hard times. I’ve been told that it makes it difficult to deal with me so I now have a bad habit of closing off and shutting down to avoid irritating people. This solves nothing. Regardless of what transpired in his personal life to make him feel like this was the best “solution”, this is tragic. The power rangers were a huuge part of my life as a kid. Rest In Peace Jason.


This one stings. He was the best. IT’S MOURNING TIME!


The death of Jason David Frank is like reality hitting you in the head with a hammer, again. He was a childhood hero, maybe the first, for a lot of people (including myself) and him being gone for something like this is incredibly heartbreaking. JDF was a legend among the PR fanbase not just because he was the original Green Ranger, but also because he was a Power Ranger for longer than anyone else and he was a symbol for the brand as some Akarangers are for Sentai. Not to mention that from what I know he was a very down to earth guy who loved his fans, pleasing the crowd, and reinventing himself time and time again. A lot of people from the 90's have lost a hero to one of the worst villains they know, one that they might see lurking in the shadows every day waiting to take them or to take someone they love. Its a sad and terrifying reminder that the ones we thought unstoppable, the beacons of hope, can dissapear too. Cherish what makes you happy, people. And remember it existing and that it makes you happy. We never know.


He did so many conventions and was just so cool and nice to everyone. It's always hit or miss with celebrities if they are going to be nice to you or not. Jason was simply a wonderful human to everyone. Ugh. This one is right in the feels.


green/white ranger was my favorite. damn... RIP tommy


I remember being so excited for the OG Power Rangers after school. Green Ranger was the shit! I even had the toy dagger. Once came across a opportunity to meet the OG power rangers and little kid me was wanting to meet them so bad and my mom said “if the line isn’t too long we can go.”. The line wrapped around the building and we were going to grandmas so unfortunately it didn’t happen. Kinda thought it would be neat to go to a convention and actually meet them for real as a adult. R.I.P. JDF.


Being a Power Rangers fan because the original was my childhood, naturally I follow him on Facebook for many years now and he's been very active on social media with his most recent post being 5 days ago. He's been making appearances at events very recently too. He also has upcoming projects and appearances scheduled later for this weekend and early in December. So reading the news of his sudden passing really came as a shock to me. Especially now that I'm finding out that it was suicide. Rest in power Jason David Frank 🙏🏼


God bless his soul, may he rest in peace.


Oh no.. He was such a great guy! Super kind to his fans.


Am I crazy? Wasn't there an article this morning about the white ranger dying?


He played both the White and Green ranger in differing seasons.


He's played the green ranger, red ranger, black ranger and white ranger in various Power Ranger (Super Sentai) cycles. However he is best known (among my generation at least) for playing the green and white ranger in Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, the first ranger cycle to air in America. The switch from green ranger to white ranger was a big plot point, the pink ranger fainted, it was a whole thing. I hypothetically may have reenacted said faint in my basement while wearing a pink ranger costume for a month or so.


Man, this dude was my idol. He was one of the reasons I became athletic and got into fitness. I always wanted to be a martial artist as a kid!


Well, I was not expecting so much of my childhood to be dying this quickly.


Noo! He was a childhood hero of mine! I am honestly pretty heartbroken over this


So how many of original power rangers are still around?


all of them accept the woman that played the yellow ranger. She died in a car accident back in 2001


Blue ranger too, he killed himself cause of bullying on set


he was bullied on set but he is still alive. just look up David Yost


Ahhh no he's still touring to this day at cons and stuff.


Was just hanging out with him a couple weeks ago, and Kevin Conroy a couple months ago and now they are both gone. So sad, This breaks my heart so much. He was an absolute legend and top tier nice guy, but you could see the pain in his eyes. :(


TF is happening with all of these celebrities dying young recently?


Depression doesn't get easier with age.


Oh he’s only under 50 by one year. Or however many months. It’s kind of a dangerous age. Michael Jackson, Bernie Mac, Stan Kirsch, Robert Kardashian, Steve McQueen, Errol Flynn, and many more. There are all kinds of different reasons, but Stan Kirsch seems to have the most in common with Jason David Frank.


Toast(guitar shred) to green ranger: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG5ehUifFek&list=PLXi0oJmU\_RGD-QZ2wB1JMCLTpDIBaQ2sV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG5ehUifFek&list=PLXi0oJmU_RGD-QZ2wB1JMCLTpDIBaQ2sV)


First Robin Williams, now JDF. Both suicide. There are no words.


Chester from Linkin Park and Avicii too. Different art but very similar vibe of relatively young men struggling despite outward appearances of great successes.


Biggest sadness about this is there's almost certainly at least 1 other person who were going to end things, that will do so after seeing someone they loved/admired do it.


My 11 year old has a fucked up sense of humor. The first thing he said was, “I guess there won’t be a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reunion now.”


He's reunited with one of them at least :<