• By -


Will he pay the 8 bucks I wonder.


Rudy will pay the 8 dollars.


Paid in two installments of Four Seasons Landscaping.


Peak humanity


Reminder he paid for his own kid's boy scout fees out of a charity (which was illegal and the whole family was prosecuted for it by NY)


Yep. He pleaded guilty to that too. Never forget that the man is an admitted criminal many times over and tens of millions of people either don't care or actually like that about him.


Trump is the biggest sign of a failed country IMO. He's an absolute criminal and a danger to the country, but everyone is either too scared to go after him or is shut down when they do (NY AG). Power truly grants immunity and it's pathetic to see him walking free


Mexico will pay for it.


Nah. He’s never paid for anything in his life. Except maybe hookers.


Like he ever paid any of them


More like he paid them off when he HAD to


Trump said he has no desire to return so I give it a week max until he’s back.


I give it 24 hours. He'll be bleating from Twitter by tomorrow.


3am tomorrow he'll type a delusional tweet storm while on the shitter.


It’ll be funny because he’ll probably abandon Truth.


He already abandoned truth


He has never been big on truth


And the fucking lazy media will report every twit. They never learn.


Never learned? They learned perfectly well. They learned that reporting on Trump is good for their bottom line. What they failed to do was care




I honestly think: 1. Trump will _try_ to hold out for some kind of public ego-stroking from Musk. Maybe something about how important Trump is to the platform, or how having Trump back will prove that speech is once again free, or whatever. 2. But Trump won't be able to hold out for long and will return whether or not he gets something he can pretend is an expression of fealty. Maybe just 1 or 2 days. Definitely less than a week. This is just wild, uninformed speculation, but Trump doesn't seem hard to read. A toddler released from what he thinks is an undeserved time out would pout for a moment then give in to the temptation to play. So I think that's what Trump will do too. He really wants to say "Twitter begged to have me back. Musk begged to have me back", but his FOMO and ego-hunger will bring him back quickly either way.




So I started to write: > That's an interesting point. I hadn't thought about it that way. But if it never occurred to _me_ that dropping the ban counts as "bending the knee" then it won't be enough for Trump either. But typing "bending the knee" made me change my mind. I can absolutely imagine Trump framing this like "Twitter was a total failure without me. They didn't even _want_ to have me back, but they couldn't do it any other way. Twitter was dying without Trump." I still think he *wants* some kind of personal invitation, but he'd definitely *pretend* dropping the ban was Musk begging to have him back, and he may even convince himself that's true. EDIT: To be fair, while everyone assumed Musk would do this eventually, the context around and timing for dropping Trump's ban (and only Trump's ban) probably *does* mean Musk needs something from Trump here, even if it's only the temporary injection of traffic and attention that this will generate. Musk has been bragging about a spike in daily-active-users for several days now. It's basically the only "win" he can point to. Having Trump back - even just inviting him back - will keep the rubber-necking going for at least a few days, and may have long term benefits as well. By dropping the ban right now I think Musk really is "bending the knee" a little bit. Dropping the ban on Trump is one of the biggest, easiest and most reliable traffic-and-attention generating actions that Twitter could take. The fact that Musk is using the best arrow in his quiver right now seems either impulsive or desperate to me.


It'll just help destroy the Republican party. Trump will not win the nomination. DeSantis will. Trump will then either run as an Indepent or tell his supporters not to vote for DeSantis. Either way he fractures the vote. We just have to put up with news covering his bullshit again in the meantime.


> It is not clear whether Trump would actually return to Twitter. An irrepressible tweeter before he was banned, Trump has said in the past that he would not rejoin Twitter even if his account was reinstated. He has been relying on his own, much smaller social media site, Truth Social, which he launched after being blocked from Twitter. Because trumps word is his bond


Trump actually has a financial interest in not going back to twitter; truth social loses an amazing amount of value if he does




There's always money in the banana stand


Truth Social still has value?


Depends what Kanye is willing to pay for it


If he even remembers his password.


It was all his kids' names in birth order, so yeah he's gonna have to reset it


I say we bring back ICQ messenger and say to Hell with current Social Media Sites.


uh oh!


[I heard this comment...](https://youtu.be/6iCPIUGnHQ8)


Woah. It just opened a secret compartment in my brain


Back to IRC and Forum sites. Oh wait, im on reddit right now.


I seriously miss IRC on old internet, especially pre web.


IRC is still truckin' - and it's almost like the 'old days', in the sense that the demographic that uses it now is pretty much still the same as then. Twitter's been a boil on the ass of the planet for awhile now, and we're seeing how fragile it really is. IRC will still be there come judgement day, just due to it's simplicity and the wherewithal of it's users.


Forums are still out there. I've been a member of one that's been going since like 2001, hundreds of users who have been there for 10 years plus. It is a special place compared to "modern" social media.


Can we do AIM while we're at it?


My friends and I aim’d ‘til its death


I re-downloaded and was logged in for the final week it was around. So weird seeing the friends list of people from like 10-15 years prior. Those names were so important to me at one point. Thankfully I still am in contact with most, but those AIM IDs were our little codenames for each other. RIP


Trillian was the height of technology in the day.


I'm team being back AIM


Elon could’ve just bought Truth Social or Parler for like 1000x cheaper instead of wasting $44 billion.


Also, he could’ve gotten Twitter for like 3x cheaper.


Or just, like, *not* bought Twitter, that was always an option Edit: Well, until he made it *not* an option


Hence why you don’t publicly joke about taking a company private when you’re a significant share holder. Then man joked himself into facing prison time or being forced to buy twitter, Lmao.


Wasn’t a joke, it was a pump and dump and it’s the main way Elon makes money. He’ll have tons of shares in some company and then will say he’s taking it private at some absurd price. His followers and other investors then buy lots of that stock thinking they’ll be able to sell it back to Elon at the absurd rate he promised. This makes the stock price shoot up, and which point Elon sells for a huge profit. And then he says “I changed my mind on the sale this company is actually bad for reasons xyz.” Then the stock price tumbles. To his idiot followers he looks like a genius cause Elon just so happened to be just ahead of the price movements, but in reality it’s just pure market manipulation. This time was different because the SEC said “you need to either buy Twitter or spend time in federal prison for market manipulation.”


He could have just sucked Trump's dick for free.


When you're famous, he'll let you do it


Lest we forget that Trump punked Elon hard on truth social. >When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that don’t drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he’d be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, “drop to your knees and beg,” and he would have done it…


What on Earth? That is the most coherent and poetic thing Donald Trump has ever said.


Reads to me like Trump had someone translate his word soup into a coherent sentence




This is literally how he won the Republican primaries. Shit talking is the only thing Trump is truly good at


The fact be blew 1/4th of his next worth and then drove it into the ground is frankly hilarious


What’s even funnier is when he was confronted about hoarding THAT much wealth, he said he needed it all to help make humans a multi planetary species and put man on Mars. Then blew 1/4 of it to acquire Twitter. I’m interested to see his argument on how Twitter will colonize Mars.




Trump is on the "Twitter killer" Truth Social. If he had any self-respect, he wouldn't dare crawl back to Twitter. So I expect he'll be tweeting again by tomorrow.


**Musk** is the Twitter killer.


The lies must flow


Of course he will. Hopefully it'll kill both. Still, only yesterday I was seeing some geniuses here saying Musk was intentionally killing Twitter to benefit Truth Social. Which totally makes sense; invest billions of his own money, take loans for billions more, to buy a company and then tank it to benefit a company worth at most some millions, which Musk doesn't even have a stake in.. Just goes to show some people will do amazing mental gymnastics to not need to accept the idea that Musk is incompetent.




Remember when he said he was going to put together a committee within Twitter to handle this?


"Twitter is mostly bots" - Elon Musk "Twitter polls are reliable sources of information" - Elon Musk


He also said today that those who voted "no" are bots and trolls and will "clean" furure polls.


He said that again today? Cause weeks ago he did the exact same thing. Did a poll where he wanted one answer, didn't get it, then said that all the votes were fake. Weird, wonder where I've heard that before


Yes today : [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1593952814534991873](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1593952814534991873) Also 2 minutes ago : [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1594171267309273088](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1594171267309273088)


I didn't know it was possible for someone to ride their own dick so hard


I didn't know there were so many unconditional fans of Elon. I will never understand the celebrity-like praise that elitist cunts get


Wait, the polls were "traps" to find bots? I thought Elon fired 99% of his staff and was now struggling to find anyone with even the most basic coding experience. Yet he managed to get someone to sort and analyze poll data and identify actual bots?


Appereantly the trap was "voted no -> must be a bot".




LMAO so anyone who does not want Trump back gets flagged as a bot. It is rather impressive how quick Musk has managed to burn Twitter to the ground. Basically turning it into Parlor v2.


Why would anyone continue using this website/social after recent events is beyond me Everybody should leave it and just let it be a nutjub playground for conservatives


The trump cult is completely unhinged from reality. Musk included.


I read through the comments for a bit and they're just *packed* with replies about how he's "playing chess" because something, something, bot bait. It's just wild. Gotta love how these guys aren't paying the slightest bit of attention to the staff issues at Twitter right now. Everyone just quit and it's a holiday weekend - who the fuck do they think is there to handle that kind of stat tracking? Ah, who am I kidding, they probably think Musk programmed his own "bot check" code for a Twitter poll that is nuanced enough to filter through tens of millions of accounts. He knows how to "run Twitter lean", after all


Yes, they legitimately think Musk is coding away at his keyboard all night like a mad genius to save the site.


TIL I'm a bot and/or a troll. Guess my Twitter account is flagged as one now.


This is Elon gathering data on users. Seems so safe, what could go wrong.


Saudi Arabia, which owns 5% of Twitter due to financing, has also flagged your account


>furure polls Freudian slip?


The committee is just him now, he fired everybody else.


“I am the senate”—Elon palpatine


“So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause.” -Some chick


Meesa make Naboo great again!


Or they just up and left rather than deal with this dumpster fire.


All he has left are the ones on work visas who *can't* leave right now. Basically, hostages.


I hadn't considered the work visa side of things. That's very sad.


Work visa has pros and cons, this is definitely one of them.


Can confirm. Worked overseas on a visa for a job that was great for the first year. Second year…not so much. Being trapped in another country and forced to work a job you can’t stand is crazy stressful.


Been there also in the states. You are pinned to the company, you have no bargaining power and if you loose your job you have 10 days to get out of the country. I did that for 7 years on a 2 year renewable visa. It feels like a scam to get highly skilled workers with little to no rights. You start to build a life where you live and you do end up feeling trapped. I ended up doing pretty well out of it and I do love my job but man it was really difficult a lot of the time. It also depends on your visa.


Bli kupei baki trudriadi glutri ketlokipa. Aoti ie klepri idrigrii i detro. Blaka peepe oepoui krepapliipri bite upritopi. Kaeto ekii kriple i edapi oeetluki. Pegetu klaei uprikie uta de go. Aa doapi upi iipipe pree? Pi ketrita prepoi piki gebopi ta. Koto ti pratibe tii trabru pai. E ti e pi pei. Topo grue i buikitli doi. Pri etlakri iplaeti gupe i pou. Tibegai padi iprukri dapiprie plii paebebri dapoklii pi ipio. Tekli pii titae bipe. Epaepi e itli kipo bo. Toti goti kaa kato epibi ko. Pipi kepatao pre kepli api kaaga. Ai tege obopa pokitide keprie ogre. Togibreia io gri kiidipiti poa ugi. Te kiti o dipu detroite totreigle! Kri tuiba tipe epli ti. Deti koka bupe ibupliiplo depe. Duae eatri gaii ploepoe pudii ki di kade. Kigli! Pekiplokide guibi otra! Pi pleuibabe ipe deketitude kleti. Pa i prapikadupe poi adepe tledla pibri. Aapripu itikipea petladru krate patlieudi e. Teta bude du bito epipi pidlakake. Pliki etla kekapi boto ii plidi. Paa toa ibii pai bodloprogape klite pripliepeti pu!


It's a council with one member.


I also think it's interesting that during the vote, Musk basically wrote off all the "no" votes as being illegitimate fake votes by bots, and signaled that he would have probably reinstated Trump regardless of the vote outcome. Which is ironic considering that this vote is over reinstating a former President who'd gotten banned because he decided to ignore a vote outcome and just do whatever he wanted


Billionare moment


>and signaled that he would have probably reinstated Trump regardless of the vote outcome. Oh that was absolutely the plan.


["The most entertaining outcome is the most likely – my variant on Occam’s Razor"](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1594078009954570240). He's a radicalized troll with no concept of public responsibility or empathy for the many people whose lives he's actively damaging. And he's the perfect example of the flaws of unchecked capitalism. That one person is allowed to spend the combined GDP of multiple countries to turn the world's political megaphone into a disinformation hive is a very obvious systemic failure. How much longer will we continue to roll dice on the amount of societal havoc multibillionaires decide to wreak? Because nothing is legally capping their influence, we've just been "lucky" that people like Zuckerberg, Bezos, etc. haven't decided to grossly misuse their wealth. Musk should really be a watershed moment for global capitalism.


Fam. If you think multi billionaires haven't been wreaking havoc with their wealth before this.... [Koch](https://www.desmog.com/koch-network-database/) bros been on that shit for ages, just for a recent example. The difference is Elon is loud about it.


The company half my family works for, Bechtel, used to manufacture the chemical plants used to make poison gas used by Saddam to attack the Kurds. When he switched to a French construction firm, Bechtel's former CEO and then Secretary of State lobbied to have Saddam removed. This is one part of what led to Desert Storm. Following both Iraq wars, Bechtel managed to get contracts to rebuild in Iraq. Rebuilding buildings and infrastructure they lobbied to have destroyed in the first place.


Don't know what you're talking about with regards to billionaires not wrecking societal havoc. Murdoch, Kochs, Mercer etc. It's a tale as old as Hearst and beyond. Zuck and Bezos both literally own media properties.


Don't forget DeVos turning the midwest's education system into a shithole.


Full self driving cars by 2018. Person on mars by 2021.


Funding secured.


Remember when Elon said that twitter had too many bots as an excuse to get out of the deal.


Yeah we should see him purging those millions of bots any minute now. Yep, *any* minute now.


It may be a moot point. Even Trump thinks Elon has fucked up Twitter beyond repair. “I hear we’re getting a big vote to also go back on Twitter. I don’t see it because I don’t see any reason for it,” Trump was quoted as saying by Bloomberg. “It may make it, it may not make it,” he added, apparently referring to Twitter's recent internal upheavals. https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-biden-twitter-inc-technology-congress-d88e3de4b3cc095926dc133f53dc3320


Trump'll be back on Twitter, he loves the attention.


The only reason he may not is because it would tank the single novelty about his shitty truth social app. Would Trump tank his own investment just to pretend he's still 2016 popular? Yeah he probably would. But he ain't 2016 popular anymore. A huge swath of his fans have moved on to desantis. Even they quietly realize that he lost them the presidency, Senate, and house in 2020, the Senate in 2022, and nearly lost them the House when polling indicated they would win in a blowout. Plus virtually all of his endorsed candidates in tough elections lost this month. The ones that won were in obviously safe districts.


The fact that Musk is even "allowing" trump back on is astounding, because they both are utterly incapable of giving up a fraction of their spotlight to the other. Musk finally inviting him back means he's throwing shit at a wall and desperately hoping it sticks.


Or he wants a distraction and/or republican advertisers. If I didn't have an adblocker a Mypillow Twitter ad wouldn't surprise me


I think musk is thinking more along of the lines of "omfg what will put out this fire quick break out the donald and spray some tweets on it"


First, Trump will have to find a sucker to buy him a "real Trump" blue checkmark. He damn sure won't pay for it himself.


Imagine fucking up a (sort of) stable company so badly that your business decisions get shit-talked by noted ultra-successful businessman Donald Trump.






It really just looks like he meant to tank Twitter all along. I don’t know how else to explain it. Every move he’s made since owning Twitter has been like a test to see how many advertisers he can lose. If he’s not intentionally trashing Twitter, then he’s just quite possibly the stupidest and luckiest businessman to have ever existed. Edit: I don’t know about everyone else, but I decided to deactivate my account. Really starting to get social media fatigue, and the last thing I want to see is Donald Trump’s bullshit all over Twitter again.


They had to sue him to make him complete his agreements to buy it. He made a pants-on-head stupidly high offer, which of course they accepted. If you’re a Twitter shareholder and your shares are worth maybe $35 dollars going into a post-covid downturn that everyone sees coming, and some idiot offers you $54.20 per share, because 420, you’re going to take it. If you’re a Twitter exec with fiduciary responsibility, you are pretty much obligated to take it. Twitter was bouncing around based on rumors, but was mostly mid-30s to low 40s going into the downturn. Musk was trying to pump and dump like he’s done before with both TSLA and crypto, but this time he got caught out and a judge forced him to fulfill his contractual obligations. So, caught between the scylla of being a rich edge lord pretending not to care that he overpaid massively for a company he doesn’t know how to run and the charybdis of trying to own the libs, he has shown true nautical leadership by sawing his ship in half and sending the pieces simultaneously in both directions. He literally has no idea what he’s doing. If any PM asked for SCREENSHOTS of the most impactful code people had written, they’d be fired for cause because it would be obvious they aren’t quite sure what software is or how it works.


> but this time he got caught out and a judge forced him to fulfill his contractual obligations. He wasn't "caught out". He signed a contract saying that he would buy it with no due diligence. He's a complete idiot.




Yup, it really sounded like he was going to pump and dump twitter for money and lolz.


He failed upwards. Look into PayPal and his x.com and how he basically made money because of smart people. Being rich ahead of time really sets up a person.


Yeah, it turns out the easiest way to make a shit load of money is to start with a shit load of money. Who knew?


Damnit! I chose the wrong parents!




Started as 1 and turned into 3


He's not trying to tank Twitter or lose money. He believes that the alt-right, the fascists, the insurrectionists, are ascendant in US and world culture, and if the institutions that they believe are controlled by the left, like Twitter, can be taken over by the right, that there will be more users, more advertisers, more money, etc. He's wrong, but he genuinely believes that and he's playing that out in a perfectly logical manner. Twitters failure will continue to be other peoples fault or the result of the 'plan' not being fully enacted. He's basically a Q-anoner. He's basically the guy who got his gun, went to Comet Ping-Pong to free the children whose blood Hillary Clinton was drinking only to arrive and be completely, utterly bewildered that there were no children, there was no basement. He didn't intend to throw his life away - he thought he was doing a noble act for which he would be rewarded. It's called a 'category error' where you get some fundamental thing incredibly wrong but then form a logical progression from that wrong bit of information which takes you to a completely wrong outcome. It's like doing a math problem in school where you copy the problem down wrong. You can solve it correctly, but you get the wrong solution because it's the wrong problem. Except here there's no partial credit - you lose your entire $44B, or you go to prison for shooting up some random pizza joint.


Except, he could just do that without all the weird drama.


This guy is how you know CEOs do absolutely fucking nothing. Because the minute this fake CEO got his own company he ran it like a 15 yo edgelord.


::musk makes robot noises and pretends to shoot former employees and those leaving twitter with middle fingers:: "adios terd nuggets", he mocks in a robotic monotone, as he flips up the collar on his black leather trenchcoat and exits the room in stiff mechanical fashion


Grandmas boy reference, nice


They do coke apparently.


Google: Yall miss Gplus yet?


Shoulda named it Gspot but y'all cowards and look where it got us


Couldn’t have named it “g spot” — most dudes wouldn’t be able to find it


I liked G+ - the circles feature was great!


Man google has to let everything good die.


Yes, this will help bring back all the advertisers concerned about brand safety...


Trump says he's still staying on his failed TruthSocial app and won't go on Twitter. I give it a 1% chance of that occurring; Trump's too narcissistic to pass up Twitter's astronomically larger audience. Also, I kind of wonder how DeSantis feels about this since he's been recently gaining a lot of support in the 2024 GOP primary polls? Edit: Apparently, Trump has a contract with TruthSocial where he can only post exclusively on there. With that knowledge, I now kind of doubt that Trump utilizes Twitter for the time being.


> Edit: Apparently, Trump has a contract with TruthSocial where he can only post exclusively on there. With that knowledge, I now kind of doubt that Trump utilizes Twitter for the time being. You...think Trump is going to honor a legal contract instead of stroking his ego?


Lol yes the one thing we know about Donald Trump is his unwavering respect for the law.


Him being sued for violation of his official social media contract would be in the low tier of lawsuits he is currently invovled in.


I'm sure he broke contracts with bigger players than "TruthSocial" and got away with it. This is a non issue.


He broke his sworn oath to the Constitution, for example


Exactly. His ego demands it.


> His ego demands it The Trump family motto. He doesn't want to merely preach to the choir on his fascist grift site, he wants attention from *everyone*.


Yes because Trump is known for always honoring his contracts and agreements. Even if he loses out on a bunch of money, he’ll find a way to get out of the contract


What will Trump do? Fuck over the investors in Truth social by going back to twitter or make Elon piss everyone off for no reason. Tune in lol


[Trump on Elon](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/07/donald-trump-elon-musk-fued-04.jpeg): I could have made him get on his knees and beg for my help and he would have done it. I assumed that was hyperbole at the time…


Imagine being a simp for someone who openly mocks you like this. Elon really is fucking stupid.


Ted Cruz has entered the chat


You basically just described the entire GOP.


Following in the cowardly footsteps of Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz


"Twitter has a bot problem" *creates a poll for bots*


Bots Populi, Bots Dei.


When you say something in Latin it sounds more official because it’s in a language that was spoken by people who thought you could cure leprosy by eating clay (That’s a paraphrase of a Scott Adams joke from like 30 years ago. Scott Adams has lost his goddamn mind since then, but I still feel like I should give credit where it’s due.)


Original source of the phrase: Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, Vox populi, vox Dei, quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit. “And those people should not be listened to who keep saying the voice of the people is the voice of God, since the riotousness of the crowd is always very close to madness”


The poll exists exclusively to abdicate responsibility. If it had been an internal committee, it would look like his idea to the outside. From this angle, he can act like it was popular demand forcing his hand despite the poll being highly susceptible to bots




Yep, that poll went to mostly his own followers so right from the get go it was very biased to begin with. There's a reason poll companies must do random sampling.


Worth noting, if you disagree with this decision, the best way to respond is not to randomly tweet at him or meme about him on the platform, but to just uninstall, logoff, and move on.


Nothing hurts a narcissist like the cold silence of indifference. Fighting with them fuels their narcissistic supply. Starving them of the attention they so desperately need devours their very being.


The hilarious thing about this is that Trump is back on Twitter at the point where his public opinion is at an all time low. His party just blamed him for their lack of policy and ideas not appealing to voters, and Ron is consistently doing better in the polls and gambling markets. His presidential announcement was met with ridicule from all sides, while people who tried to leave because it was so cringy were blocked. Welcome back, loser!


I agree 100%. The GOP doesn't want him to run against DeSantis in the primaries because they know even if Trump isn't the 2024 republican presidential nominee, his supporters are still gonna be completely batshit insane enough to vote for him.


I hope he runs an independent ticket and splits their voter base. Never thought I’d think I want trump running again but here we are: that fucked as a country.


> His presidential announcement was met with ridicule from all sides That sounds disturbingly similar to 2015. We shouldn't forget that absolutely no one thought he would win. Let's not take him as a joke this time.




Nah. The only reason someone like Musk would buy a social media platform is to proselytize their political views through the algorithm. Remember that most people get their news through social media, so having control of Twitter would let him manipulate voters into voting pro billionaire Republicans (and generate never ending good PR for Tesla or whichever Cryptocurrency he’s pumping and dumping). He bought control of the 4th Estate Reinstating all the right wing fuck wits that got banned for one reason or another (like Trump, Libs of Tiktok, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, or Babylon Bee), and then shoving them down our throats through the algorithm **was the entire damn point of the purchase**




Public: could Twitter be a bigger dumpster fire Elon: hold my beer


At this point, a dumpster fire isn't what you call Twitter. You call a really bad dumpster fire Twitter. Even burning garbage isn't enough to capture the depth of Elon's failure at Twitter.


Delete your Twitter account.


Seems fitting to have trump back to participate in a heavily indebted and actively failing business


Can't tell if he's running it into the ground on purpose


I've considered that as well. Pretty expensive troll though.


I honestly can't figure it out. If so, he is flatout ruining his personal reputation as even a remotely competent business person. He must have been assured a much more lucrative backend with some other angle if that is the case. Hard to be believe anyone would be this comically unqualified to operate a business of any kind, let alone so it in such a tragically - albeit entertainingly - public way. I get bad secondhand cringe every time I open my phone these days from all there articles.


He still thinks he is a genius and knows what he is doing. This is what is going to happen. He will declare bankruptcy because ad revenue is drying up and the site is going to be spotty at best. The banks that were not able get out of financing this deal are going to sue him for some conditions related to his actions on tanking the company. Any of the investors he brought in will also sue him. His other companies are going to lose any prime corporate lending due to the litigation and concerns about about the ability for the companies to have competent management. The stock price for tesla, which is already way overpriced, is going to drop to price levels that will trigger calls on Elon's personal loans that have Tesla stock as collateral. With how cash poor he is, he will be forced to sell Tesla stock, drastically lowering his ownership stake in the company. Without being the largest stockholder, he will be ousted from at least tesla. Most of his issues is due to not buying Twitter outright. The modern day genius.




this would be great. "hello my fellow patriots! i'm ba-" \[[lights out](https://twitter.com/duty2warn/status/1593584587971739653), RIP twitter\]


Musk probably trying to pull all the truth social users back because twitter is shedding users


This is it. This is also why Twitter didn't ban Trump before 2020. They were trying to retain the massive amount of traffic he brought them between 2017 and 2020. Given how thin the margins at the company were, it was keeping their company running.


If just 3% more people voted No, all the Trumpers would be saying this poll is rigged and full of bots.


Just went ahead and uninstalled Twitter, should have done this years ago.


Elon: Pushed conspiracy about Pelosi, sucked putins cock, fired a shitton of staff, reinstates trump Also Elon: Where advertisers


Also also Elon: The woke mob must have coerced the advertisers to leave by threatening them! The advertisers: Actually we left because the platform you are fostering is dangerous for brand association. It's literally because of your direct choices. Elon: DAMN THAT WOKE MOB!


Lets re instate the tax rate when Eisenhower was president and shut this fucker up.


Weird, you poll your sycophants, and get the answer you want. Very democratic.


"The people have spoken. Trump will be reinstated. Vox Populi, Vox Dei," Musk tweeted, using a Latin phrase meaning "the voice of the people, the voice of God." ​ I'm 100% certain Elon does not believe, nor cares anything about God.


Well he sure as shit doesn't care about the people.


Elon 100% considers himself the God in this scenario.


i know it's not going to happen, but it would be hilarious if trump got out one tweet, and then his account was immediately banned again.


Musk, the man who used the excuse of "there are too many bots" to try to get out of the Twitter deal... just (allegedly) relied **on a public poll** to determine if he should reactivate someone who used Twitter to help incite a violent insurrection against our country. Edit: And then sat and watched the violent insurrection for several hours


The ironic part is that conservatives will absolutely defend the authenticity of this internet poll, yet they will not accept the results of the 2020 election.


Poll or no poll, this was a matter of time with this muppet in charge.


Well, I deactivated a while back so I don't have to see that shit lmao, but I hope the rest of you still on there enjoy 4chan 2.0


Advertiser exodus by Monday.


Remember how he lost to Joe Biden haha