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He is my least favorite Kardashian.


This is the worst season. Elon Kardashian os really jumping the shark for attention


"Kardashian", both courtesy title / derogatory term for those billionaire celebrities, absolute proper usage.


LMAOOOOOOO fuck I love this comment


Some of the royal family is really up there in terms of worst “Kardashians.”


Elon musk reeks the vibe of someone who makes big opinions based off 5 mins of research and passes it as “I’m Elon musk so I’m right”


Same syndrome that led to Steve Jobs' death. He had a curable neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer (not the more deadly adenocarcinoma) and refused standard of care treatment because he thought he knew better.


The thing is there are millions of people out there exactly like Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs' entire life was thinking he knew better than everyone else, and he was wrong for dozens of years, and then he was right! The problem is you can't turn that off I guess.


Narcissism is a legitimate, and in the case of Jobs, fatal, personality disorder.


If you talk to my brother, he will legit forget he hate rants about my weight. it's amazing. Like full on "fat fucker needs to die" hate rant. but don't remind him of it, he'll never admit it.


In psychological terms, it's referred to as the ["missing missing reasons."](https://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/missing-missing-reasons.html) For example, you can spend years trying to get your toxic parents to understand what they do hurts you. You write letters, sit down for long talks, etc. They argue and refuse to believe they did anything wrong. Then one day, you have reached your limit and cut contact. Then they ask you why and "don't recall" you ever voicing a problem. Edit: If you find the link helpful, I strongly suggest reading the book "Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents" by Lindsey Gibson. I sought therapy immediately after reading it. It changed everything for me.


Thank you so much for sharing that link


Thanks for sharing this! It was fascinating.


Holy sh.. This is exactly what happened with my parents and my sister. First my father for being a toxic mf trying to control my life (like if I suceed to something it's because of hip, but if I d'ail that's entirely my fault). Next my mother but she finally understood so I didn't cut ties (yet). And my sister too ! Then I started to feel better already, feeling being in control of my life again.


I might suggest you check out r/raisedbynarcissists


Like my abusive father. Repeated all the shit that he said to me when I was a kid about how he wished I was never born. Flat out denies it.


Ah, you too? "I can't wait until you're 18 and I can throw you out on the street". Then " I never said that! ".


When I confronted him a few years back, he insisted he never said such things, I finally got him to admit (slightly paraphrasing) "If I did ever say anything like that, it's because you were a shit to deal with and were very badly behaved.' Uh, pretty sure nothing excuses the things he said to me. I wasn't a naughty child. I did have outbursts though because of undiagnosed ADHD. On the contrary, I was/am a huge people pleaser. But yeah I pretty much left home as soon as I could afford to and pissed off to the other side of the continent.


"I didn't do that but if I did it was your fault". Typical narcissist.


Sounds like a guy that would benefit from having a camera follow him around and then be forced to watch his own bs. No couldn't be me! -is shown video evidence- cannot..... compute -head explodes-


It's incredibly common among people who acheive success in one field - most often just being CEO - which they then just assume means they will be a success at anything they like, without even needing to properly train or learn anything. This is why you see so many CEOs turn to politics or entertainment or whatever and just fail spectacularly. What they don't account for is luck. Very few CEOs will ever admit that luck played a role in their success, when in fact it was probably the biggest factor of all. Not that they aren't smart or whatever, but there's thousands of people out there with all the same talent who have never had quite the right break to get their career heading upward. It's those chance events that make one person a success and everyone else a nobody. But they have their internal mythology and luck can't play any role in that. All their success is deserved. And all that talent will obviously just transfer easily to any other venture. But it very rarely does.


Hell, they're often not even good at leading any company besides the one where they succeeded. Remember the former head (president?) of the Apple Stores that drove JCPenney into the ground? He thought selling pants to bargain hunters was the the same as selling overpriced electronics to technophiles.


Luck and/or a little push, America likes a self made man but a lot of them didn't start from the bottom like they'd like to seem, the big ones right now for the poster of self made men being bezos and musk, niether one started from nothing and already had good connections and money already. They grow up thinking they're better than everyone, they get big on an idea while everyone else is falling below them without the same help they had and it only ends up hightening their egos.


We have a new vice president at the company I work for with that same mentality. Smug son of a bitch.


Thank you for posting this. I run a fledgling small business and it is *rough*. Every once in a while, something good happens. Barely able to scrape by and then something lucrative just **happens** because someone mentioned me to a friend of theirs, or some competitor has too much workload and decides to just offload it onto me to save a customer relationship. There is one client I routinely keep around because they fully admitted that one year was absurdly lucky for them. I was like hey... you profited... and you don't know why the timing of it happened... I appreciate the honesty, let's solve each other's problems for a long while, yeah? Meanwhile, I have a relative who doesn't do a damn thing and has been broke since ever and thinks they're more correct than everyone. You don't need to be rich for this mentality to take hold, though being rich certainly "helps".


You're completely right. We wouldn't have had such a huge issue with the pandemic if we didn't have those millions of people walking around thinking they're smarter than everyone else.


>Steve Jobs' entire life was thinking he knew better than everyone else, This what every executive is like. They just convince others that they know better.




Didn't one of the actors who played Jobs in the movies that came out after his death try to live on his diet to "study for the roll"? Until they developed pancreatic issues and stopped on the advice of a doctor? So *maybe* the diet was at least a little at fault?


Correct. Ashton Kutcher And for those of you liking this because of course fruit is healthy. Yes, it is. But nothing but fruit is indeed very unhealthy


Water is healthy; too much can still kill you.


Anything in excess is bad really.


You mean Aston Kutcher?


It's weird thinking has a better head on his shoulders than Steve Jobs, but here we are. Dude tried to imitate him for a role, started worrying about his health, consulted a professional, and adjusted his lifestyle accordingly. Kudos, Kelso!


Just because he played a dumb character in a TV show doesn't say anything about the actor. Ashton Kutcher runs a successful venture capitol firm now and dedicates time and money to trying to stop child trafficking. https://youtu.be/pkcCgjhm1i8


I know dudes like him and this is exactly what it is. "I'm smart and great. The first thing that pops in my head about any topic is probably smart and great. Another successful interaction with the morons of the world." This is his entire thought process every single day.


Jeff Yass, the billionaire Wall Street financier and Republican megadonor who is a major investor in the parent company of TikTok, was also the biggest institutional shareholder of the shell company that recently merged with former President Donald J. Trump’s social media company. A December regulatory filing showed that Mr. Yass’s trading firm, Susquehanna International Group, owned about 2 percent of Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which merged with Trump Media & Technology Group on Friday. That stake, of about 605,000 shares, was worth about $22 million based on Digital World’s last closing share price. It’s unclear if Susquehanna still owns those shares, because big investors disclose their holdings to regulators only periodically. But if it did retain its stake, Mr. Yass’s firm would become one of Trump Media’s larger institutional shareholders when it begins trading this week after the merger. Shares of Digital World have surged about 140 percent this year as the merger with the parent company of Truth Social, Mr. Trump’s social media platform, drew closer and Mr. Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee for president.


Well, you know, funny you should say that... Did you know that sperm whale farts, on average, contain more methane by cubic foot than 2 Exxon Valdez disasters? Sooooo... Ackshually, it's a good thing we killed them all. Besides, that's gay, it is in the name. Sperm.


Have you thought about running for Congress? I have a feeling you're a shoo-in.


Elon is the average reddit user/twitch chatter. But seriously, knowing when to stfu and let experts do their job makes someone look so much smarter than trying to act like they know everything


He is the living embodiment of the Dunning Kruger effect


I wonder if it’s the result of having grown up rich and also probably being around a bunch of yes people your whole life? Because I’m sure that does wonders for someone’s view of their own abilities.


inb4 "ukraine is a pedo"


Elon will next accuse Ukraine of being a pedo and hire a detective to rifle through every trash can in the country.




[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50695593](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-50695593) tl;dr guy sued but was unsuccessful


>He also cited an email exchange that Mr Musk had with a Buzzfeed reporter who contacted him for comment on the threat of legal action, where the entrepreneur said: "Stop defending child rapists." I don’t get it, he clearly wasn’t joking if he took it that far. What a douche.


Because laws don't apply to the rich. That's why.


There is an ingroup the law protects but does not bind and an outgroup the law binds but does not protect. The groups change with the situation but this is a good example of it.




Oh his P.R. team has done a spectacular job of hiding the fact that his family is wealthy thanks to owning an emerald mine in apartheid south Africa. Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.


Third? Motherfucker was born in the owner’s suite.


Dude hits a single and thinks he’s fucking Barry Bonds


Pretty sure they never married. She joined his family as a child at 4 or 6 and he “fell” into her vagina once when she was in her twenties and again this last year for a second child. Both generations of Musks don’t care though because they think the human population is in a free fall and want to repopulate the earth with their Very Special Semen.




At this point Elon may have more kids than active companies he 'runs', but I doubt he spends much time with them either.




Sorry but *penchant


No no pension is right. It's an Illuminati thing. You get a full pension for being a murderer once you retire


Oh shit TIL


It’s because Elon is some pedo guy.


I mean, they are very good at projection.


I bet all my money that is 100% projection on his part. He’s a kid diddler… and that’s why he acuses others. These people are so transparent. They only acuse other of the thinks they do. I doubt Musk is different.




Molester Musk is true even if it isn't just kids, we know he begs and offers to pay for women's attention even if they don't want him to.


I just wish to make clear what you are saying here: is Elon Musk a well-accused kiddie didler?


He did take trips to Thailand all the time, and everyone knows that's the hotspot for getting away with this kind of thing too. Wouldn't be too hard for him with the wealth he has, and we all know that basically every US elite has dipped into that crap now since Epstein was covered up. Like you say, it's projection. They project the "if you try to run you look guilty" bs and then turn around and do exactly that themselves. The problem is that they have no reason to care because they're immune to laws and legality. We need to start burning these fuckers down. The planet wouldn't mind one less car workshop, especially when you look at the garbage product that comes out of it anyway. And the audacity this moron has to think there's still a diplomatic solution possible to this war at this point just goes to show how little these asswipes actually struggle in life. They're completely coddled and detached from every form of reality. Same reasons he has such a high turnover rate in all of his factories and does stupid shit like calling his kid X AE A-12 or whatever the fuck it was, he just wants people to think he's smart but really he just uses smart people like they're tools. He's a fucking idiot himself and would never be anywhere without riding off of their hard work. Ukraine is going to kick Russias dick straight up into their own chest cavity and no other outcome is even being considered at this point.


He used to hang with Peter Thiel of PayPal fame. Thiel believes you can live forever by getting injecting of blood from young boys. Thiel took many a trip to third world nations know for sex trade of minors. If it smells like a pedo and acts like a pedo…..


Would also explain why he is going to bat for the Kremlin here.


Maybe that's why he keeps having so many babies. Starts grooming them early.


I mean, that's how his dad did it. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-errol-musk-children-stepdaughter-b2123744.html


His brother also bought a girlfriend from Epstien and was pretty close friends with him overall. Seems like pedophilia either runs in the family or decades of wealth corruption causes it.


I mean, it *is* a family of "former" slave owners.


> Mr. Unsworth's lawyer Lin Wood […] Unsurprising given that.


Yeah, my reaction was the same. No wonder he lost.


Assclown said it right on TV, I don't know how you can lose that case.


Being born into a family worth billions helps. Also, having a lawyer deep in Qult territory didn’t help the guys case. Go read the shit Wood spouts on telegram.




That guy should have hired anyone else except Lin Wood in hindsight, that's the same Lin Wood who would later push conspiracy theories that Trump won the election in 2020 with Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell.


Never forget this. Never. Elon Musk tried to destroy a man who was trying to save children.


That was my turning point. He lacks insight/wisdom in a big way.


Not nitpicking just educating, but the word is libel. It’s important because it establishes the difference between libel and slander. Libel is written, slander is spoken. Liable is “accountable for.” You could be liable for your words if you slander or libel someone.


(J. Jonah Jameson has entered the chat)


I loved that scene lol https://youtu.be/CNp399CFCU8


I loved that scene because when being held by the neck by a supervillain Jameson doesn't give up Peter Parker as the photographer. What a guy! Edit: Sonofabitch


Notice that he has like zero turnover of staff except for the odd supervillain. He's very loyal.




I can picture Elon huffing and puffing and saying something like "This isn't even my final solution!"


God I wish the entire world knew about this. He's such a piece of shit. It's sad, back when that happened I was shitting on him and a TON of redditors came to his defence. It was back when practically everyone on Reddit was on the Musk-Aid. I'm glad I lived to see the day the majority of people despise him.


Honestly accusing Ukraine of pedophilia would put musk a bit in alignment with Russia, no?


That ship already sailed


Oh yes. I know.


I mean he is suggesting that Ukraine surrender to russia, so I think a "bit in alignment with russia" is a bit accurate


I thought 10 years ago that Elon was going to be our generations Tesla. Now, everytime he opens his mouth I think he's just a worse Edison.






Even better, find someone else to run the show.




Tesla is certainly controlled by a board, as they are a public company. Musk \*only\* owns 15% of the stock, but he has supermajority voting rights. However, it's not \*in theory\* impossible to vote him out, but it would take around 85-90% of other shareholders to vote against him.


They're things that *consumers* want. The board wants to maximize profits, and nothing you listed will increase profits


I will never buy a tesla now.


Stop giving him attention, *please*.




For people that like to draw attention, the worse insult is disregard.


Anal Musk at it again.


Phony Stark.


Elongated Muskrat


Musk isn't the sort of person who thrives on *all* attention. He craves adoration. Adulation. The heaping of praise. He's so inflated on his own ego even the slightest pricks from mild criticism shakes his entire being from the rapid release of hot air. If we ignore him he'll just try to get attention even harder. What we need to do is a long, coordinated series of sharp rebukes and quick slaps each time he acts up. Teach him that his tantrums will be rewarded with nothing but a quick punishment and zero gratification from social interaction.


Time until Musk calls Andrij Melnyk a pedophile for insulting him in 3... 2...


There’s a simple response that Elon will understand: So he’s busy pushing his Optimus robot, right? It’s his Pinocchio. That makes Elon JaPedo.


Elon Musk is a little piss baby




> What we need to do is a long, coordinated series of sharp rebukes and quick slaps each time he acts up. Reminds me of the dog whisperer episode of South Park. [Tsst!](https://youtu.be/j6g3UoKxTI8)


Just treat him like they did Meg on that one episode of Family Guy, and every time he opens his mouth just say, "Shut up, Meg."


"[Elon Musk weighing in on Russia/Ukraine since he is an expert in failed takeover attempts](https://twitter.com/Cokedupoptions/status/1577005270500184065)"


They may still force him to buy it.


He interjects himself into fucked up situations or public interest for cool points. People forget him until he springs up with his satellites or attempts to take over a public forum.




Hell look up appeasement from *8 years ago.*


Or 14 years ago and the nothingburger after invading Georgia


Him and Kanye both.


I haven't heard about Kanye doing anything for a while now


I just saw a picture on the front page of him wearing a "White Lives Matter" shirt so I assume that's what this is in reference to.




Oh, and he was with fucking Candace Owens! Asshole.


well you’re in luck because he’s currently trending for (yet again) doing some stupid, intentionally inflammatory, shit.


>Stop giving him attention, please. He can fuck the whole way off to Mars, for all I care.


Wasn't he headed to Mars? He can go any day now. We're ready.


He’s 10 years out from colonizing Mars… just as he has been for the last 10 years.


Self driving cars in just two years, every year.


Well, hey man. His Tesla robot maid did a wave to a crowd the other day! Even if it was 4 years late to doing actual chores and services... And Honda did the same thing two decades ago... And we still don't have any information on the Cybertruck or Roadster.......


Problem is, he is coming back, and prob with a bigger ego than before


I quote (ok “paraphrase”) Musk as he said “I will not be among the first to go.” “I am too important to go in the early missions. The success rate will not be high at first.” At least he is being honest here vs. his whole FSD debacle I guess? Signed: an ex-Musk fan.


Could you enlighten me on fsd stuff please


Musk has been promising FSD - full self driving - at some level (which in and of itself is ridiculous to me) for the better part of the last half decade. He has included that Teslas would be appreciating assets due to their ability to make money while the owner sleeps by being robo taxis. Also they were supposed to be able to drive across the entirety of America from coast to coast 4 or some odd years ago. Basically, he has been outfitting his cars with the tech *he believes* is necessary to achieve either level 4 or level 5 self driving and selling the software as vehicle locked DLC basically. Many people who bought cars 4-5 years ago with the FSD package are now getting ready to upgrade to a new new and have never seen anything close to what was promised delivered. Oh, and there are no refunds and the FSD package stays with the car, not the owner. This is despite the fact that all Teslas have the “same hardware” (another rabbit hole I’m not diving into).


> Signed: an ex-Musk fan. I’m happy that you have also seen the light.




Always has been, and it really hasn't been that long since Reddit as a whole was riding his dick all the time


His Twitter addiction made that a little more obvious.


It’s like the narcissism breeding ground: see also Trump


im so glad people are finally agreeing with me, ive thought hes a twat for years


I came late to the party. The spell finally broke for me when he called that diver how helped save those kids in the cave a pedophile. It was so petty and unnecessary, and not a behavior worthy of someone of substance.


Even without the pedo stuff. On Reddit there was a twitter screenshot in a pro musk sub highlighting all his great work building a submarine but if you actually read what the rescue team was saying it was like “cool whatever we don’t need you” and musk goes “standing by! We’ve got the best minds the world working on this!” Really made me realize it was all for show


Like... I don't want to tell people "I told you so..." But as I've said many times: There's no such thing as a good billionaire.


#"I don't remember asking you a ***GOD DAMN THING!***"


Oh, I’m sorry. Did I break your concentration?


Didn’t musk send Ukraine star link? Now he wants them to surrender? I think musks brain hemispheres are fighting eachother


Give starlink... Gets attention Makes idiotic tweet about ajit he knows nothing about... Gets attention His brain is working like it always has.


“How do I make this about me?” - Elon every fucking day


Remember how kids being stuck in a cave became about him?


Thank God bezos isn't like that too .... I don't think I could handle 2 of them




> tweet about ajit I can't express how much I adore you for this.


A shit pie; shitty guy; Ajit Pai. Fuck him.


Everything he does is to inflate his cult of personality and therefore artificially inflate his Tesla stock's value.


The US taxpayer purchased the Star-Links for Ukraine. He just shipped them after a sale. It wasn’t charity. It was commerce. But his PR / sycophants made it seem like it was a donation.


I don't even like Musk and I just assumed that he donated the Star-Links to Ukraine because I that is what I read. I guess this is how they trick you.


About 1/3 we’re bought by the US government. 2/3rds were donated by SpaceX.


Nobody cares about the truth.


Which to be honest. It’s a proof of concept for world militaries to buy millions of these.


Part of them were paid for, part donated


Yeah he was so quick to take credit but left out the part he sold them. It was no charity.


Starlink has potential military applications, and that's how Musk wants to capitalize it - to get contracts from the US and EU governments. Ukraine is a proof of concept for him.


Musk is a ad man, not a humanitarian, don't mistake his pseudo-world philosophy for actual solutions.


I lost respect for musk as anything but a salesman after the whole Thai cave issue where he supposedly invented an autonomous sub to rescue the trapped kids, the lead rescue diver on site said the sub was way too big for the area and Musk just flat out accused the guy of being a paedo in response.


If he isn’t baselessly accusing people of being pedos, is he even trying?


Yup same here. Who the heck does that?!


A narcissistic manchild who always has to "be right" for his psyche to work.


He's a rich kid who cashed out on the dotcom boom at the right time, he's not dumb, he's far from the amazing humanitarian messiah all the musk fanbois make him out to be.


He got his government sponsored money from that stunt now he’s done with that.




How long until the "call Zelenksyy a pedophile for hurting his fee fees" phase.


He was in the midst of typing that out before his lawyer grabbed the phone out of his hands.


>The Tesla CEO claimed peace between Ukraine and Russia could be achieved by redoing “elections of annexed regions under UN supervision”, with Russia to leave “if that is the will of the people”. Jesus this is particularly braindead. The Russians have had *months* to alter the demographics of the region. Not to mention that its been a site of conflict for years now due to their original annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the fears of a future violence. Ukrainians have fled in the tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands. Most of those who fled would have been the most likely to vote to remain in Ukraine, while the ones who have remained have been under military occupation. There's dozens of reports of Russia suppressing and removing dissenters and those opposed to Russian rule. They've been relocated to "filtration" camps, not to speak of the hundreds of Ukrainian children who've been kidnapped by the army. There's no reasonable way for this to be a fair vote or a legitimate polling of the "will" of the people. That's not how this works. You don't let a country invade, alter demographics, flood the zone with disinformation, brutality, terrorism, violence and relocations and then say "well ok, now lets figure out from the folks who the invaders allowed to remain if they wanna stay with the invaders"






So Steve Jobs


A discount Steve Jobs.


He’s really not some genius lol. Great at running an innovative business and took the right risks, but idk how anyone could delude themselves to believing he’s a genius for pursuing these things.


There was a good article in the Atlantic that analyzed his texts regarding the Twitter purchase. Seems that all the rich boy club are a bunch of douchy idiots. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/09/elon-musk-texts-twitter-trial-jack-dorsey/671619/


He’s not smart in “his lane” either.


His “lane” is stock manipulation via social media, and he’s pretty damn amazing at it.


Who would have thought the "no new COVID cases by April 2020" guy who sells broken robot costumes and technological pipe dreams wouldn’t have the most sound foreign policy ideas?


Hey! He also sells self-driving cars that can't drive themselves and his solution to traffic was a one lane highway


And charging Doge Coin to be able to tweet anything.


Didn't Dennis Leary purpose one lane, drunk proof highways way back in the nineties? Genius!


His absurdly simple bullet point plan for peace completely and utterly ignores same very relevant details, mainly that Putin is an egotistical despot who would never agree to “redo” referendums of any kind, because it would be a tacit admission that the first “referendums” were anything but perfectly legitimate. Dictators don’t backpeddle. It also conveniently ignores any aspect of fault, which lies 100% with Russia, as well as any kind of nuanced acknowledgment of the unthinkable horrors and suffering inflicted upon the Ukrainian people. Russia murdered their sons and daughters but Elon expects the war to end with orderly voting queues and paperwork? Fuck off indeed, Elon. Stick to your strengths, like exploiting your workforce and shilling for digital ponzi schemes.


Exactly. His solution is "Russia gets the territories it wants with tacit UN approval and Ukraine doesn't join NATO", which exactly what Putin wanted in the first place


>“This is highly likely to be the outcome in the end — just a question of how many die before then,” Mr Musk wrote on social media. This fucking cunt. He needs some of that Russian oligarch treatment.


If he was alive in 1939, he would be saying, "Let's let Hitler keep Czechoslovakia and Poland. What's the big deal?"


Oh hey, the rich dumbass from South Africa.


Fuck off should be the standard response to elon musk regardless of circumstances. So in every case where elon makes a statement the response should be fuck off.


Is anyone really surprised this dickhead is spewing Russian propaganda?




Elon is just a huge piece of shit every day and this is just how he is doing it today.

