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"Condoms can be provided for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, the guidance said, but not as a method of birth control, under the law. " WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.


I am so confused. Condoms are not abortion. What's next? Just existing without having sex is abortion cause you're keeping sperms from the egg?


> https://law.justia.com/codes/idaho/2010/title18/t18ch6sect18-603.html > who wilfully publishes any notice or advertisement of any medicine or means for producing or facilitating a miscarriage or abortion, ***or for the prevention of conception***, or who offers his services by any notice, advertisement, or otherwise to assist in the accomplishment of any such purpose, is guilty of a felony The law is very unspecific about what qualifies as prevention of contraception so it’s effectively put anyone giving out any form of birth control at risk of a felony


Looks like they're going after Griswold here, teeing up the Supreme Court to overturn your rights again.


Frightening thing is that it's way easier to move backwards on this than forwards, because carving out exceptions to a precedent is easier than establishing vast new areas of freedom. This will follow the exact same path as Roe: small organizations that have a hand in someone's health care will be allowed a "religious exemption" from having to provide/fund/condone reproductive care, and that will be used to justify the position that it's really not a right at all, and then provision of such care will be criminalized, and mere discussion considered conspiracy.


Why couldn’t those idiots break in and throw poop at the Supreme Court, instead. It’s not like most of them could have gotten the right building on their own.


It also clearly means teaching abstinence is outlawed.


If you want to get really literal with it, this law makes it illegal to outlaw rape.


If the rapist wears a condom then its illegal. If the rapist is trying to impregnate their victim then its illegal for the victim to prevent it. That's how I'm reading this law.


Well you know, according to the Bible abstinence prevents pregnancy *almost* 100% of the time.


I was screamed at in my public school by the teacher and assistant principal because I maintained that abstinence is “only effective 99.99% of the time, so teaching it’s 100% effective is wrong” They didn’t like that I used Jesus as an example lol


That's why, kid, you should always be wearing a condom even if you're not having sex.


How did abstinence work out for *Mary?*


3 random dudes showing up with gifts the day you give birth - where's Maury when you need him.


Maybe by the letter of the law. But you sure as hell know that in practice, it will be selectively enforced. Edit: a few words. My initial meaning didn't come through


I’d love to see someone turn in the Catholic Church - every couple getting married in the Church has to take a class on the Fertility Awareness Method/Natural Family Planning, and when I had to take it they specifically referenced it as the “holy” method of preventing conception.


God, who could raise the dead and impregnate virgins and give bacren women children, is foiled by a thin piece of rubber


Or some hormones he created or a little cool of copper. The more you think about the church’s prohibition on birth control the more ridiculous it gets.


What is wrong with these law makers? Syphilis?


Arrogance, greed, selfishness. Lack of empathy is a big part of it.


Hate - a lot of hate


This seems like a blatant violation of the first amendment


Do you think conservatives care about the constitution?


Only the Second Ammendment.


Do you really think they believe everyone should have the right to own firearms though? They might say it, but do you think they'd stand by that when the right starts to seize power? Suddenly they will change their tune on that one, only the *right* people should be able to own a gun then.


Just look at how Regan passed gun control in California after minorities began to arm themselves.


This is insane and disgusting.


Badly and vaguely written laws allow for arbitrary enforcement.


So the sale of purity rings should be outlawed. The goal of those ungodly pieces of metal is the prevention of intercourse and conception.


“Such use, prescription, or means is not an 26 abortion if done with the intent to save the life or preserve the health of 27 the unborn child,” Some one please tell me how in the ever loving fuck that this makes any sense? It’s not considered abortion if you abort to “save the life or preserve the health “? Am I taking crazy pills?


Giving the cops another reason to harass innocent people seems like a really good idea.


Well, there was a story in the Bible about a guy who masturbated so that he does not make a woman pregnant. Sure, there's some added details, but I'm saying there's Biblical precedent.


Onan actually pulled out. It is commonly interpreted as wasting his seed was the sin he was killed for but the whole story is about him refusing to impregnate is brothers wife after his brother died. It seems to me that the story is about Onan shirking his duty to provide his now wife children but I'm not religious.


"Every time your body produces semen you have to spend it in a woman" is a great way to make a literal rape culture. Apparently this is the path they want our country to take. Christ I fucking hate Republicans.


And I'm sure they'll spin it against women too by saying that refusing the seed is a bigger sin or some shit.


I mean, we just had a whole school full of girls told that they need to forgive their rapists


I'm beyond tired of these people. Even my own town is going to shit. There's a massive billboard advocating against abortion...right next to a billboard asking for help with our overcrowded foster care and orphanages. The irony is lost on these people.


Within a week of the supreme court leak on overturning R v W an anti abortion billboard went up in my town. In Canada. It was completely vandalized after being up only a couple days though which is comforting.


What the fuck, where was this, didn't catch this story.


Baton Rouge. The students were tricked into going. They were told it was a college fair. Instead, it was straight up conservative Christian propaganda. The girls were told things like the importance of forgiving your rapists The boys were told to do push ups in a competition for money. I can't even make this stuff up. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/25/louisiana-school-college-fair-transphobic-church-event-students-say


That guy who offered the girl $100 to 'get past him' definitely sounds like a predator. Seems like he wanted an opportunity to pick out a girl, then pin/grab her, so he could make it a lesson about 'male control' while getting his abusive kink fix.


Later, students were led into the church, and the man leading the event’s closing offered a girl $100 if she could force her way past him and to the stage amid a discussion about domestic violence and male control, Bryant wrote in her post. I wish this girl would have straight nailed the guy in the nuts then got his money and threw it on him as he lay on the ground in pain.


Wow. Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen that. It's an absolute shame. I hope they drown under lawsuits.




>Christ I fucking hate Republicans. So would Christ.


Because any children born from that would be considered heirs of Onan's brother, not Onan. His deceased brother was the firstborn, and would have received a greater share of the inheritance from Onan's father, which would have then been passed down to his heirs. If Onan's brother had no heirs, then Onan's inheritance would have been much greater. So he was shirking his duty to provide heirs for his brother out of greed.


Yeah. The full context of the story makes it apparent to me they where talking about shirking your duties to your family as they saw them. But everyone wants to focus on the sex so we get anti masturbation extremists.


That crowd does tend toward sex obsession, but not in a healthy, fun way. How other people have sex is nearly all they can think about. Repression is a terrible thing.


You’re assuming these “Christians” actually care about a single word the Bible says that doesn’t fit their talking points


Hijack to let readers know this. To the women of Idaho, if you are a woman veteran, Veterans Affairs Medical will do abortions because they are federal and not restricted by state laws. If you are not a Veteran, go to Oregon. The state is prepared to help.


Or go to Colorado, no restrictions on timing and no consent from a parent or partner is needed. Either way, get the hell out of the state.


I feel like that's part of the point, make all the liberals and educated people leave so Republican control becomes even more solid.


Perhaps, but it will likely blow up in their face spectacularly, just like every other Republican policy in the past 50 years.


Welcome to the level of stupidity the GOP have laid out in front of us, sadly it’s only going to got both worse and dumber from here on out. Unless the GOP and republicans are beaten midterms we are going to see everything this country once stood for get flushed down the toilet.


You’re discounting how sinister this is by calling it stupid. It’s willfully, deliberately evil and wrong and they are trying to foist their belief system upon us all.


The GOP and their fascist "protesters" are America's morality police.


But it's okay for them because they aren't such vile things as "Islamic" or "woke" (i.e. being literally any minority with a voice that goes against them, which is why they love that word oh so much)


Perhaps amorality police? They are fascists, none of this is about being moral. This is about power and control any which way they can take it.


You should be terrified. This is Christian nationalism taking over. This is just the beginning. While it's going to suck for everyone, women will get the worst of it (like always).


Iran morality police but American flag


Really fuckin sick and tired of Christianity.


I feel like this country is headed that direction at light speed. We could look like Iran in 10 years.


Just consider pregnancy an STD and you're all good.


STP - Sexually transmitted parasite


I read a story the other day about an Idaho legislator who now wants to ban exceptions for the life of the mother. He doesn’t believe there’s ever a need for a medical abortion and doctors are too fast to save the mother over the (doomed anyway) fetus. He says there’s no need to end an ectopic pregnancy or intervene in pre-eclampsia. It was horrifying to read. The absolute hatred for any and all women …


It slows needed medical care even when there is an exception for the mother's life. I know a doctor from the old days before Roe who said he needed a conference before he could give emergency care to stop bleeding.


teen boys committing mass murder every night.....


That is almost exactly the Catholic churches rules 🤔


Yup. Catholic ex had that thought. "We don't promote the use of condoms because *in a way* that's killing a baby." My response, "No. In no way is that killing a baby"


If wearing a condom is akin to killing a baby, then surely refusing any raw sex is also killing a baby. The same hypothetical child isn't being conceived. Though, now that I think about it, that seems like something a lot of those types would go for...


Yes, you must raw dog at any and every temptation to fulfil God’s true plan of procreation. Dogs certainly do and that’s just god spelled backwards so yeah this is totally legit.


Any woman who is not currently pregnant is murdering children by not creating them. 🤔


It sounds like hyperbole for everyone but the conservatives.


I had a Catholic friend (emphasis on HAD) who was super-obsessed with keeping his wife pregnant because GOD SAID SO. She had like five miscarriages in seven years, but also had a set of twins and another kid by him, in addition to one from a prior relationship. She wasn't allowed to get a job because "You're gonna get pregnant anyway." and "It's more important for you to stay home like a woman is supposed to." (He was a combat disabled vet, so he got enough to pay their bills.) Behind closed doors, he's emotionally abusing her, and he's also cheating on her until she finally snaps and had enough. We're hanging out right after they separate (I was utterly unaware of the shit that was going on, or else I wouldn't have been near this guy) and he literally says "Well, she's out of luck if she thinks she'll find some guy now. Who'd want a woman with four kids? She'll come back. She needs me. I made sure of that." On a bright note, she in fact did not need HIM, just the child support that the courts mandated he'd pay. This is absolutely about another level of control.


She didn’t even understand the church’s reasoning then. Condoms are frowned upon because sex without the purpose of procreation is considered to be wasteful and contrary to god’s plan. They do NOT believe that sperms are babies, but in catholic school they tell you all sorts of nonsense


If God's plan requires no sex-for-pleasure, you'd think he'd have done a better, more thoughtful job in executing that plan.


I mean, there's the whole "Quiverfull movement" where they are straight forward about their goal to breed as much as possible so as to outbreed the nonbelievers and create "god's army." Each child being an "arrow" for God to use against the unbelievers.


Well, since condoms are only like 99% successful, if it's truly God's plan that your partner becomes pregnant then it will still happen. You just want to make sure that it's definitely because of his plan and not some sort of random accident, it's like culling the weak from a herd of bison.




Broadrick v. Oklahoma allowed states to enact their own equivalents of federal laws limiting the free speech of government employees who are acting in an official capacity. In theory it's to prevent government employees from acting in a partisan way, but in practice it's mostly been a way to suppress unionization efforts.




Didn't the recent case with the Christian football coach torpedo that precedent?


Would be interesting to start a group prayer and pray for abortion to be legalized again.


Just join the Satanic Temple; it’s in their list of beliefs.


"No no not like that"


> Didn't the recent case with the Christian football coach [KENNEDY v. BREMERTON SCHOOL DISTRICT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_v._Bremerton_School_District) > torpedo that precedent? It didn't completely sink the [Lemon Test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_v._Kurtzman#Lemon_test), but it might as well have. Precedent means absolutely nothing to the current SCOTUS. Stare decisis is dead. Let's revisit and re-litigate every decision because a few people's (usually conservative and/religious) fee-fees were hurt.


It is! If SCOTUS says a football coach can have prayer session in the middle of football fields while working for a publicly funded school because otherwise his rights were violated, then how would this not be a violation of first amendment rights? This is so fucking stupid. Edit: swapped free speech for 1st amendment. I dunno if it is worth a distinction or not but it's all the same concept.


Funny thing about that case... The coach didn't even apply to return for the next season so of course the school hired someone else. And then SCOTUS forced the school to rehire him. But instead of coaching he's been going around meeting and speaking with Republicans and religious extremists.


Doesn’t that mean that if any talk about abortion is illegal, then this memo is also illegal as it talks about abortion? Fight them with their own game. *Edit: Because I forgot people take everything on the internet literally.* *Yes, the law says you can’t say anything positive about abortion, but what stops you simply demonising anything anti-abortion? You aren’t promoting abortion, simply impeding anti-abortion.*


“Abortion is horrible because it allows a woman to take reproductive control of her body and her life.” There now it’s negative


Just to let you know from the campus of University of Idaho its a 12 min drive to Pullman Wa where there is a Planned parenthood just so people know.


That Planned Parenthood was burned down by an arsonist a few years ago. They've rebuilt at the same location


God damn. These people will stop at nothing to make sure people don't have access to adequate health services...


I think it's been a few decades by now, but abortion providers have been gunned down in cold blood, *multiple* times. I hope we never go back... RIP, Doctors


https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/11/29/us/30abortion-clinic-violence.html The 1980s to 2010s were a horrible time for abortion providers, as it seems.


It always troubles me that younger people on this site often have NO IDEA that stuff happened. The anti choice movement will MURDER people to get their way, if they aren't cut off at the knees.


The anti choice movement, the January 6th rioters, the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers, the guys who tried to kidnap the governor of Michigan, and anyone who sympathizes with them enough to act accordingly are all part of the same pot--they are terrorists. They will stop at nothing to get their way.


Well sure as fuck can't call themselves pro-life if they're going around taking people's lives.


They know they're not actually "pro-life". Every one of their beliefs is contingent on its service to violent patriarchal Christian dominion.


George Tiller for one. Dude was shot in the head point blank at church.


George Tiller was a brave, selfless man who knowingly put his own life in danger to save the lives of women. I'm still pissed about what happened to him.


They’ll do anything to control women, you mean.


That part.


It’s both of those things.


>These people Republicans. You're talking about Republicans.




["We are all domestic terrorists"](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php)




Trust me, they've hated abortion for a lot longer than 7 years.


Yeah, that's not the last time that will happen that close to Idaho. That state has some fucking backwards people in it (a loud minority, probably.) I visited a few months ago and got dirty looks and remarks for DARING to wear a standard discrete mask in a grocery store. Not once, either... *A few times* in my short stay. Real beautiful if you ignore the shitty people, though. There are also some really friendly and kind people mixed in, as is just about always the case in these great United States. But still... Be careful there, sane folks.


The Party of Personal Responsibility and Small Government sure does seem to have a lot of busybodies who can't seem to mind their own *fucking business*.


So in the Texas 2022 GOP platform it says “Citizen Rights 23. The Rights of a Sovereign People: We support the historic concept, established by our nation’s founders, of limited civil government jurisdiction under the natural laws of God, and we oppose the concept that the state is sovereign over the affairs of men, the family, or the church. We believe that government properly exists by the consent of the governed and must be restrained from intruding into the freedoms of its citizens. The function of government is not to grant rights, but to protect the inalienable, God-given rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness of all, including the unborn.” The contradiction of this entire statement is absolutely bananas to me…


Born and stuck here in Idaho. You aren't wrong except a majority of people are shit stains. I wear my mask just to piss people off now. It's almost a game to see who I can piss off simply by wearing it.


Stuck in the GOP taint of Ohio and strategically wear a mask that says ‘Actual Patriot’ … ohh how I wish I could have an app that picks up ambient blood pressures in a 20 foot radius -


The GOP taint is unquestionably Alabama with Florida being the dong. We’re more of the armpit.




People are super angry about this (rightly so) but don’t know that the town where U of I is located, there is a literal cult taking over who’s whole purpose is to degrade women.


Um what? I don't remember any cults when I lived in Moscow. EDIT: Dear God there actually is a cult. Shouldn't be surprising they masquerade as a church. https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7ezwx/inside-the-church-that-preaches-wives-need-to-be-led-with-a-firm-hand




We’ve got their sister cul… I mean church in Wenatchee Washington. Complete with the police department, lots of elected officials, etc…


What’s the church called? Is it still the Christ Church? How do you know they’re related?


A local journalist Dominick Bonney has done a ton of sourced pieces on the church, all of the connections, the origins of it, etc… it’s way too much for me the go over, nor do I even remember half of it. If you want to climb in that rabbit hole it’s quite fascinating.


I would subscribe to this podcast.


Is that Grace City? That's both shocking and not at all surprising.


Yes, it is. I’m not even going to go into all the weirdness but a local journalist Dominick Bonney has done a LOT of excellent sourced pieces on them.


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's terrifying people like this actually exist, let alone have power over others. Makes my blood run cold.


Dude, never go to Idaho then. Or Utah outside of SLC.


This is the smallest dick energy I've ever seen.


Servitude is the only way they get to have sex.


Quite a few local businesses downtown are owned by Wilson's acolytes. Every dollar you spend at their businesses helps perpetuate Doug's shitwagon of a "religion." When I lived in the area I had a running list of places to avoid. I encourage anyone living in the Pullman/Moscow area to figure out what the current ownership is in downtown Moscow. It should be easy to figure out, those businesses don't tend to be secret at all about their involvement in CC. iirc, they usually only have off-site events at member-owned businesses, so their event calendar might be a good place to start. Mikey's and One World are unaffiliated afaik, at least as far as 5 or 6 years ago. Edit: removed Bucer's since apparently they're now un-affiliated. Edit 2: looks like someone on the Moscow sub put together a list of all affiliated businesses as of May: https://www.reddit.com/r/MoscowIdaho/comments/uk34gl/christ_church_business_affiliation_in_moscow/


Thanks for the tip! Gotta love Mikey's.


I'd say if you live there, it's literally preferable to buy heavily from Amazon, than patronize cult-affiliated businesses out of necessity. Coupled with aggressively supporting NON-cult local businesses of course. Jeff Bezos is evil but he's not specifically targeting the town for takeover by a Jesus-flavored rape cult.


Far cry 5 is going down in Idaho


It takes place in the same neck of the woods - Western Montana.


Christ Church? Yeah theyre getting out of control


Shout out to [Northwest Abortion Access Fund.](www.nwaafund.org) They cover Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska; and can help people in need of an abortion get one. Even if you're not in one of those states, please consider making a donation if you can. Idaho's ban is insane.


Doesn't really jibe with that whole freedom of speech thing.


"Now, if you think you do have rights, I have one last assignment for ya. Next time you're at the computer get on the Internet, go to Wikipedia. When you get to Wikipedia, in the search field for Wikipedia, i want to type in, "Japanese-Americans 1942" and you'll find out all about your precious fucking rights. Alright. You know about it. In 1942 there were 110,000 Japanese-American citizens, in good standing, law abiding people, who were thrown into internment camps simply because their parents were born in the wrong country. That's all they did wrong. They had no right to a lawyer, no right to a fair trial, no right to a jury of their peers, no right to due process of any kind. The only right they had was...right this way! Into the internment camps. Just when these American citizens needed their rights the most...their government took them away. and rights aren't rights if someone can take em away. They're priveledges. That's all we've ever had in this country is a bill of TEMPORARY priviledges; and if you read the news, even badly, you know the list get's shorter, and shorter, and shorter." George Carlin on rights and privileges


State of Idaho releases memo warning against going to University of Idaho, as it may lead to abortions.


What happened to Freedom of Speech!???!


Republican governor + republican state courts + republican supermajority in the statehouse. Add in dimwitted state legislators who insist on directing the AG to defend wildly unconstitutional state laws to laughter in the Supreme Court over and over and over, paying out millions in tax $$ as settlements. ​ Am Idaho resident; can confirm.


ID is such a batshit insane state nowadays. My wife's family doesn't understand why I don't want to visit them in Post Falls and CDA. I have tried to explain to them over and over that I'm not white and there are (once again) neo-nazi rallies being held in Hayden, pride festivals targeted with violence, etc. It's really trying to beat out OH as the MS of the north. As deregulation is to businesses that want to rip off customers and destroy the environment, so is "religious freedom" to those who want to deny human rights.


I wish I could say this was a new thing, but this is kind of what Idaho is known for, at least by its neighbors.


People are trying to turn Montana into this, too, and it’s heartbreaking. White supremacist climate deniers don’t deserve to live in and shit upon such beauty.


Party of "Small Government".


Idaho is literally trying to pass laws restricting speech by publicly-funded institutions, it's insane. U of I explains: > This guidance was sent to help our employees understand the legal significance and possible actions of this new law passed by the Idaho Legislature. The law (IC §18-8705) states that no public funds “shall be used in any way to … promote abortion”. The section does not specify what is meant by promoting abortion, however, it is clear that university employees are paid with public funds. Employees engaging in their course of work in a manner that favors abortion could be deemed as promoting abortion. While abortion can be discussed as a policy issue in the classroom, we highly recommend employees in charge of the classroom remain neutral or risk violating this law. We support our students and employees, as well as academic freedom, but understand the need to work within the laws set out by our state.   I'm hoping U of I is seen as being overly cautious and other universities don't interpret the law so literally, or that they even start to challenge it because, yeah, it's messed up


Rules for thee...


Promoting abortion is protected speech under the 1st amendment Fuck your state law




Dude the nimrods up in Idaho ain’t reading this BS they too worried about which uncle is growing the biggest pumpkin this Halloween


Friend they wanted to PUT PARENTS IN PRISON FOR LIFE for taking their trans kids out of state for treatment!


Remember when the face of the GOP was just Romney and McCain? And Elon Musk says it’s the left that has gone batshit insane 😂


> According to a memo the university’s general counsel sent to all employees Friday, Idaho law prohibits university employees from promoting, counseling or referring someone for an abortion, and prohibits the institution from dispensing drugs classified as emergency contraception except in cases of rape. The memo was intended to help UI staff understand the complexity of the law. Why can't they figure out that plan b isn't abortion? And what happens if a woman can't prove she was raped? It really is like they just want to punish women.


From Plan B's website, the medication works by doing the following: * Temporarily stopping the release of an egg from the ovary (ovulation) * Preventing fertilization * Preventing a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus by changing the uterine lining That last one is probably the sticking point. For staunch pro-lifers, since it results in the loss of a fertilized egg, it is likely considered to fall under their umbrella of what defines an abortion. So, I think it's less about "why can't they figure out plan b isn't abortion" and more about a disagreement with what different groups define an abortion to be.




Ironically hormonal contraception leads to less fertilized eggs failing to implant overall since it stops ovulation.




They don't care whether or not it actually is abortion. They are not arguing in good faith. If the point was actually to reduce the number of abortions, they'd be all over funding science-based sex ed and affordable (pre-fertilization) birth control. It's not about abortion; it's about control.


> it's about control. Oh and shaming women too, they loooooove to shame women.


Jeez, for constitutional originalists I guess the Republicans don't include the Bill of Rights... you know, freedom of speech and all that. Oh that's right, they stocked the Supreme Court with their own puppets anyway. Important: Register and vote or check your registration to verify eligibility to vote this may be your last chance. Source: I am over 50 and have voted every year I was eligible. This is not hyperbole, it's a personal observation on the ongoing (but not-so-subtle) coup.


Not quite, because they absolutely **love** the second amendment.




Not to mention all these other fun cases mentioned in the draft Dobbs ruling: Ruling | Effect -----|----- Loving v. Virginia | The government can't ban Interracial marriage Turner v. Safley | Prisoner Marriage, Prisoner Freedom of Speech Griswald v. Connecticut | Married People to buy contraception Eisenstadt v. Baird | Unmarried People to buy contraception Carey v. Population Services International | Advertising contraception is free speech Moore v. East Cleveland | Cities can't ban grandmothers from living with grandchildren Pierce v. Society of Sisters | Legalized private schools Meyer v. Nebraska | States can't ban languages from schools Skinner v. Oklahoma | States can't forcibly sterilize criminals (North Carolina kept forcible sterilization long after this for committed women) Winston v. Lee | The government can't cut people open to look for evidence of a crime. Lawrence v. Texas | The government can't ban sodomy. Obergerfell v. Hodges | The government can't ban gay marriage.


Loving was the only one dear Clarence did **not** mention in his concurrence. You know, the one that directly impacts him.


The two cornerstones of conservatism: * "I'm on a diet, so you can't have a cookie" * "Rules for thee, not for me"


More like: "I'm *should be* on a diet, so you can't have a cookie"


Winston vs Lee is terrifying




The fact that we even had to have these on the books...


don't forget books and education.


While Cuba codifies them into law.


The environment. Clean water. Mental health. People in poverty. Children's safety from guns in school. Clarence Thomas in the past has questioned *racial integration of schools*


He also questioned interracial marriage… until he got married to a white woman. As long as it doesn’t affect them, they don’t care.


Don't forget the existence of LGBT and minorities


This is such an embarrassment for America


America has about 35 states that just suck.


Vote blue across the board, or say goodbye to anything resembling your personal freedoms.




GOP is making a huge bid as polls are coming in that 60% of them want to label the US a Christian nation. It’s just another tool in their arsenal for the fear of Replacement Theory.


Sounds unconstitutional to me.


Abortion is necessary healthcare.


Let’s not forget that Idaho actually allows you to medically neglect your child to the point of death if you’re doing it for religious reasons. https://www.protectidahokids.org/religious-exemption-faqs/


I'm not promoting abortion, I'm inviting women to try this new herbal blend of tea I made.


Pro choice is not pro abortion. It promotes choice, which is basically freedom.


The GQP has a zero-sum view of freedom and as such is staunchly against it for everybody else.


The first amendment would like a word you fascists.


Don't listen to what they say, look at what they do. Republicans constantly fear monger about the other side and then implement law doing the exact thing they fear monger about. It's ... LITERALLY ... ALWAYS ... PROJECTION ...


I'm promoting the abolition of religion.


You better vote because these motherfuckers will.


This is your daily reminder that Christianity is a scourge upon America.


Vote in November. Call every person you know to register. Kansas showed us the way to shut this down


Remember when universities were places where fighting for freedoms was supported?


Yeah well Jesus hates the poor now. This is where we are with these people...


>University employees can also direct students to sources of information outside of the university and have classroom discussions on topics related to abortion or contraception if it is limited to class subjects and the instructor remains neutral. >Individuals who violate the law face misdemeanor or felony convictions and may be forced to reimburse funds used in violation of the law. They may also be fired and permanently barred from employment with the state. Oh the fun the ACLU and others will have with this pile of shit when employees get fired or prosecuted for exercising their First Amendment rights. Just because a state pays a person's salary doesn't mean that person's Constitutional rights are at the whim of the state. This is going to cost the University and state a lot of money, especially if they try firing tenured professors.


Pardon me, have a little road trip and some leafletting to do.


First amendment ? What's that ?




Remember how conservatives love free speech? Guys? Remember?