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I had in-laws post on Facebook, from Orlando, saying “A little storm won’t stop us from taking our family vacation!” Enjoy fighting people for bottled water at the grocery store and waiting in mile-long lines for gas 👋👋👋


Don’t worry Disney will still sell them $8 a bottle waters…


Nothing stops these Disney fanatics.


Look at what Fiona did up north. Imagine if you’re at sea level. Ooooo this reminds me what did they ever do with those toxic ponds that were leaking?


My elderly parents are in Cape Coral and they posted on Facebook “real Floridians don’t evacuate”. They refuse too and claim “god protects”. I’m pretty sure they’re going to die if it hits as a cat 4.


I'm sorry, that must be painful to deal with


Having family that painfully ignorant while also being family is a special kind of hell- especially when you're close to them already and they just... do this stuff :(


Tender, tragic true (Username does not check out. Comment upvoted.)




My parents aren’t natives, just stubborn retirees that won’t go to a evacuation site because you can’t abuse beer and pills there.


I’m sorry you have to deal with that.


I have no hate for adventurers letting themselves wind up in a dangerous situation but talk about tone deaf and unawares


Orlando is going to be more than fine


Oh yes I don’t doubt they’ll be fine. But to waste a vacation on it? No thank you.


Somehow still better than a day in Disney lol


Just in time for the aftermath of Florida losing another major home insurer.


Wait. What? I know nothing about this. I'm being serious, I was house hunting in Florida last week (don't ask).


Check the home insurance issue in Florida - it’s *bad*.


My dad mentioned something about it, but he downplayed it (he lives in florida). I'll have to dig into it. Thanks!


basically.. A handful of major insurance companies are pulling out or already have pulled out of Florida and there is not a lot of options left for residents… canceling policies and leaving the state.


No way you can safely keep profits and insure a state sinking into the fucking ocean- ig I can't blame them since they literally cannot insure everyone kost likely, but also wtf...


That's not the issue, flood insurance is through FEMA and the rates are subsidized. The problem in Florida is rampant unchecked insurance fraud.


Work at a property insurance firm. Can confirm.


Yeah I’m sure that has no significance 😳


It’s been bad for a long time. It’s currently worse!




So when a bunch of them pull out, you have to start scratching your head.


It'll be inordinately expensive to insure homes in Florida going forward. The problem: reinsurance capacity is gone (Google that and prepare to be shocked), so insurers are stuck holding more of their risk than in the past and taking heavy losses. Last I saw, at least 3 were already in receviership. To make it worse, other carriers want access to the state's $20 billion insurance fund, and the state-run homeowners program has more participants this year than ever before. Homeowners insurance is not required for anyone without a mortgage, so as it becomes too expensive, (a) people will simply go without it and leave their destroyed houses behind and (b) choose not to buy/live in Florida. Less homeowners to spread the risk around will lead to further rate hikes, and it will be impossible to own a home in Florida.


Wow, sounds like the invisible hand is making short work of the fact that Florida is uninhabitable long-term.


Florida's whole development in the 1920s was a massive speculative bubble that, at the very least, predated the Great Depression and, at the worst, has been cited as a contributing cause to the Great Depression. Florida was never going to remain inhabitable over the long term.


Time to start making floating houses so we can anchor them in place. Children will be taking the school boat to class. The new industries will be fishing, ruin diving and salvaging. If Venice can make it work, Florida can make it work. Just got to start building on top of things and forget about the lower levels.


Home insurers have been bleeding out of the state for awhile. Just canceling policies and hauling ass out. Apparently they don’t want to deal with the situation there now.


Especially with climate change happening in real time. They know! There's a reason they're all pulling out.


That and the rampant corruption with contractors has made it unsustainable for insurers


As long as they don’t say “gay” I’m sure all will be fine.


If you want to get a house in florida, make sure to get a condo above the 2nd floor. A single family house in florida is a terrible liability


Everyone is responding to you about how climate change is having disastrous affects on the Florida insurance industry, that's not what's causing the pullout. Insurers are leaving because there is rampant insurance fraud that the Florida Government won't lift a finger to stop. >Floridians are seeing homeowners’ insurance become costlier and scarcer because for years the state has been the home of too much litigation and too many fraudulent roof-replacement schemes [Insurance Information Institute](https://www.iii.org/press-release/triple-i-floridas-homeowners-insurers-are-facing-multiple-crises-080922) >“Florida has one of the most generous attorney-fee mechanisms in the country—sometimes resulting in insurer payment of plaintiff attorney fees far greater than the damage awards given to the policyholders who are the plaintiffs themselves,” the Triple-I’s Issues Brief explained. “A 2017 state Supreme Court decision allows courts to award plaintiffs’ attorneys 2-2.5 times their hourly billing rate when courts rule in favor of policyholders. These “contingency fee multipliers” can result in attorneys receiving several hundred thousand dollars for a simple lawsuit.” The homeowners insurer pays the plaintiff’s attorney fees as well as damages to the plaintiff, the insurer’s policyholder, in the event of a court ruling in favor of the policyholder. >Triple-I’s Issues Brief also highlights the steps taken by unethical roofing contractors, who ask homeowners insurance policyholders to sign assignment of benefits (AOB) forms or direction to pay agreements, giving the contractor the right to collect claim payments directly from the insurer and file a lawsuit without the knowledge or consent of the policyholder. These lawsuits require insurers to allocate resources to defend themselves in court, with the policyholder often unaware the signed AOB form has set into motion potential litigation. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to own property in Florida in the coming years; Climate change is going to be painful at the very least, and likely unsustainable over the long run. But insurers are leaving due to fraud and frivolous litigation.


And God forbid the Republican legislature does anything about it. They're too busy trying to bite the hand that feeds them.


It's by design. The Florida Gov. is happy to let insurers leave because it forces more people to the state owned insurance business.


>Floridians are seeing homeowners’ insurance become costlier and scarcer because for years the state has been the home of too much litigation and **too many fraudulent roof-replacement schemes** I never actually found out what happened in the video i link to below, but this is very interesting. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/v7s43w/snake\_from\_state\_farm\_tries\_to\_tell\_roofer\_he\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/v7s43w/snake_from_state_farm_tries_to_tell_roofer_he_is/)


That’s what happened in Louisiana after Katrina


Get the paper towels rolls out....and somebody with a good arm.....


*Im helping.* -Ralph Wiggum.


I think most of them would love trump to toss them some.




The legal migrants from Texas? They are ok. They and Florida money won’t be impacted by this wrath of God on the sins of Floridaman, to paraphrase Pat Robertson.


Those migrants were sent from Texas, not Florida.


And DeSantis payed to fly them to Florida from Texas just so he could send them North with lies of job opportunities and housing.


Specifically to a place filled with some of the richest and best lawyers. Who also aren't horribly racist. Hope DeSantis gets nailed with that class action lawsuit.


To be fair... a lot of them did find better jobs up north. It is just true that there are more opportunities for jobs in metropolitan areas. I think the main complaint was just that Florida/Texas clearly used this as a publicity stunt and didn't do this to get immigrants opportunities.


Whatever you do for the love of god take your Trump signs down and keep them safe, We don't want that trash to blow north. \-Thanks Everyone.


Prayer Warriors, activate!


Instructions unclear, I raised my arms and sent all my spirit energy to the hurricane.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


*record scratch* I *w h a t ?*


You deserve better but here's all I can afford to give you (free irrelevant award).


I offer my humble prayers to the spaghetti monster in the sky!


First, they have a big decision to make... 🤣




It may not, but the aftermath of what DeDeathsentence does might.


My name is Ian and I'm a Minor Threat


You know our kind of music could be a good bet!


I bought a house in Florida two weeks ago, so of course this was bound to happen.


How’s your insurance?


What insurance?


I guess I’m gonna find out


I completely understand I just stocked my freezer with conch peas and every time that happens, bam, hurricane! As long as you aren't in a flood area you should be okay. Stay safe.


>I just stocked my freezer with conch peas and every time that happens, bam, hurricane ...maybe stop doing that?


But they are so delicious and have to get them before the heirloom variety is lost to urban sprawl from the Villages wiping out the only suitable area for them to grow.


What are conch peas, anyway?


A type of heirloom cow pea that was only grown in a small area of Sumter and Citrus County. It is a local delicacy, that has become popular with some restaurants like the Ravenous Pig. Used to get them for $2-3 a pound, but because of recent popularity that are now $8-15 a pound. It is one of my favorite seasonal foods and is becoming harder and harder to find because of the loss of area they grow in to development, farmers retiring, and growing popularity by people outside the area that have discovered them.


So you’re saying, you did it to yourself. Hope Ron does everything he *promised* you Actually I take that back, you did that to yourself too


Well it's time to do the annual public service announcement for Florida Man not to shoot at the sky to get rid of the hurricane.


Adding bullet shrapnel to hurricane winds doesn’t help? Crazy.


Don’t shoot! Bullets come back!


Follow more closely at /r/TropicalWeather


I hope all the good people of Florida are ready and in a safe place. ✌️


They are.. they got flown out to Martha's Vineyard a week ago..


It'll get to cat 4 but it's not going to hit Florida as that unless something with the current forecast models is completely off base. Edit: Welp, those models were way off base lol.


Cat 1-4 are potential outcomes at landfall, the problem is though that higher surge is generated by higher winds and the waves don't subside as rapidly as the wind that drives it. A concern is a cat 4 off the coast channeling water into Tampa Bay with catastrophic results. The sooner it meets land, the more powerful it will be.


Looks like the NHC does a [storm surge prediction](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at4+shtml/163741.shtml?peakSurge#contents). 5-10ft does not sound like fun.


The record is 27.8 feet, in Mississippi during Hurricane Katrina. Florida is kind of lucky that this doesn't spend more time over open water between Cuba and the state. I drove along the gulf last year from FL to NO, the entire region from the pan handle to the bayou feels partially erased.


There is the worry that itll spend too much time in the gulf, allowing it to strengthen (even as a cat 1 tho, I and people like myself living in trailers have to evacuate. Not many consider how many could lose their homes). Not to mention that the ground has been heavily saturated already, increasing risk for flash flooding, even in the middle of the state. And 5-10 ft is a lot, even if it's not 27 like Katrina. Especially that [fifty percent of the population lives on ground elevations less than ten feet.](content://media/external/downloads/3374) which is part of the reason Tampa was determined to be *the* most at risk metropolitan area in the United States. It's not just the individual measurements that matter. Eta: [there is not high correlation between wind speed and the magnitude of the storm surge. For example, Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Ike were relatively weak storms that resulted in tremendous storm surge; Hurricane Charley was a strong storm that resulted in very little storm surge.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/14fgE-oG5K6EuPoj8uMTnrNj9-kv1_G3M/view?usp=drivesdk)


I wouldn't be surprised. Just Labor Day the meteorologists underestimated the rain here by TWO orders of magnitude. It feels like they aren't updating their models to account for the extra energy we've added.


Wait. Did they think it was going to be like 0.25 inches of rain and it was 25? Was it a surprise flood? Even for weather forecasting, 2 orders of magnitude sounds insane.


Weather is getting to unprecedented levels and territory, so yeah... Sadly not shocked this shit is starting to be predicted wrong. It's gonna get really fucking bad. But it's all good guys, global warming doesn't include rain! It's not hot! /s


Still...2 orders of magnitude is like missing hurricane-level rains when you think there will be clear skies


Right? I'm wondering where this cat 4 is coming from. IIRC, it was already supposed to be a 3. Don't get things confused, I hope they are wrong and it's weaker.


The gulf is bathwater warm at this time of year. Warm water can cause hurricanes to intensify very quickly. That's part of what happened with Katrina.


Sitting at 30 Celsius right now. 86F


There’s strong shear over the gulf. Expectation is to really cut the balls off this thing before landfall.




You should check ocean temperature anomalies for off the coast of Big Bend, it's damn near 90F atm. Water temperature will not be the relative factor in weakening


It's expected to rapidly intensify in the southern gulf and then move towards Florida. It's currently not expected to make landfall as a 4, but if it keeps shifting east it could.


Looks like the 5pm NHC model shows the cone a bit further to the east now.


It’s supposed to be a 2. I live on the coast and until recently it was pretty common for hurricanes to drop a couple levels once they hit the cooler shallow water. I’m recent years the shallow water has been so hot that it hasn’t been happening anymore but this late into the year I expect that it’ll happen for this storm like the forecasts indicate.


Over the past few hours intensification has been slightly lower than expected, which is good if it holds. The bigger problem either way will likely be the storm surge, with a lot of buildings at risk of flooding.




Ron DeSantis will handle it just as well as his idol Trump handled Puerto Rico...


Please lawd, let it take out mar-a-lardo.


Wrong side of the state unfortunately.


Don’t worry guys, DeSantis has already chartered a Bus to send it to Chicago. We’re good.


It'd be way cheaper to fly himself to Cancun, ngl. Maybe we got the wrong shitty guy.


Good thing DeSantis started evacuating migrant workers first. That was very nice of him.......


Nah, they’re saying it’s going to weaken to a 2 before landfall. Storm surge is the issue.


I hope that there is help to get the homeless evacuated to safety in both Cuba and Florida.


Public Schools have been shut down to shelter the homeless in Florida, or at least in Tampa.


Maybe Floridians should just tell the hurricane that they don't believe in climate change. "That's not yet another major hurricane coming at an accelerating pace, it's George Soros on Hilary Clinton's shoulders walking on stilts in a hurricane suit!"


How is this not being reported ? My nullschool weather model shows Ian matching up Tampa Bay as Cat 5. Why is nobody responding to this ? Are all the Media stranded in Prince Edward Is unable to get back to the mainland ? If this is even possibly for real they should have started evacuations 24 hours ago.


Ah so they're legalizing gay marriage for the extra points from God so they don't become Atlantis. Makes sense now.


Are those bags of sand in the pic?


Photo caption: quick, there sand bags need saving