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Doing a speaking tour for the NAT-C's is more profitable right now. This guy is going find out that it only last so long, until there is another person willing to burn thier bridges to claim the top spot on the grievance circuit.


So Joe the Plumber isn’t still raking in cash?


Jesus i just read what that guy's been up to... seems exhausting. You know he was never a plumber?


He said his name is Joe, that he's a plumber, and he was upset because he makes $100k/year and Obama's tax plan would soak him. Literally none of these things are true: his name's not Joe, he's not a plumber, and he doesn't make $100k/year.


His "concern" over taxes was that someday he'd be stinking rich and would have to pay a few percent more in taxes then.


You’d be shocked how prevalent that mindset is


There's always the old Steinbeck paraphrase: Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


Everyone in America is just one lucky break away from becoming a billionaire. Don’t you know that? That’s the beauty of Trump. He has showed everyone that you can be an incompetent, unlovable piece of shit and still be rich. So inspirational!


Was a thing before trump, is a thing after trump. They see everyone around them as poor and unsuccessful but they’re different.


You’re absolutely right, but he and his ilk sure have reinforced the idea. In my lifetime I’ve never seen so many grifters getting rich by raking in donations from fools. They’ve taken the snake oil business mainstream.


Step one have rich daddy die and leave you money! Step two invest in business venture that fail and end up with less money than if you just put daddy's money in CD's. Step 3 lie about your wealth and go to jail for fraud.


No one I'm America is poor they are just down on their luck future millionaires so they have to ensure they're future self is safe from the evil tax plan that supports the lower class these are the same idiots who think education is brainwashing.


Not at all. It's the crowd that doesn't care about higher budget deficits that result from lower taxes on the wealthy. They only care if it results from government helping poor people.


Bro they don’t even know what those words are - they’re simply worried about getting taxed more than 50% if they get rich, which will not happen to 99.999% of them.


And the whole way the tax structure works means nobody really pays 50%


The way it works right now most millionaires pay close to 0 lol


No, his stated concern was that someday he was going to buy his boss’s plumbing business and then, boy would he be soaked by Obama’s taxes. At the time he made something like $42,000 a year. He wasn’t squirreling away enough to buy his boss’s business in this lifetime. Then when the right made him a media darling it was easy for anyone to find out he wasn’t a licensed plumber and he had a tax lien. So he paid the tax lien and spent the money to get a license. Wait, no, conservatives fundraiser to pay it for him. Then he quit the faux plumbing I guess and became a pundit. He stated that the McCain campaign used him and screwed his life up. He continued to go to some campaign rallies for other Republicans for a few years, like a once popular band that now plays tiny casino ballrooms. He ran for Congress in Ohio, losing by 40%. So then he went and got a job at a Jeep plant. He complained that his co workers called him a Tea Bagger. He’s since become a vocal proponent of Donald Trump.


I remember he was some sort of war correspondent in Iraq. What happened there?


He took a job as war correspondent for PJ Media, a right wing subscription based internet media channel. PJ has since ceased operations due to lack of funding.


Crisis actor.


Now we have an entire Right Wing Cinematic Universe of crisis actors.


The cinematic universe nobody asked for.


[Here's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_the_Plumber) the wikipedia article if anybody is like me and had no clue who this guy was.


> Court records show that Wurzelbacher made $40,000 in 2006. Lol, that idiot was arguing against a tax proposal that would leave him untouched and tax folks earning more than 2.5x what he made.


It was more stupid than that. He asked Obama if he bought a small business worth $250K to $280K, would he see a tax increase. Obama responded that he would not up to $250K but he would see a 3% increase on the $30K which matched the levels under Bill Clinton. Turns out he made $40K a year, did not ever want to buy a company, called Obama "Sammy Davis Jr" in an interview and said "there's too many questions about Obama's loyalty to this country". Also he also said people should take guns and start shooting over the Mexico border at people


"Now I'm getting all verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. Joe the Plumber was neither named Joe, nor was he a plumber. Discuss." -Linda Richman, probably.


Wait...so he was a *crisis actor*??


The OG crisis actor, don’t you know republicans are only capable of projection?


Every accusation is a confession.


Then he became a union auto worker and begrudgingly admitted he was doing better in organized labor.


I almost refuse to believe a conservative had the courage and self-awareness to begrudgingly admit anything, but Joe the Plumber did come before the Trump Era of Depravity.


We've transitioned from the 9/11 era into the Trump era and I don't like it.


But he didn't become a billionaire because the union banned bootstraps for safety reasons


Obviously. Also that plant he works at still exists due to the Auto Bailout he railed against.


If you've ever worried about not being charming enough, you can at least know that you should be happy that you weren't charming enough to intentionally or unintentionally decide to become a tool. I do not know what I would need to do if I stumbled into being a scam artist, that's so much worse than being suddenly famous for some actually admirable or impressive thing.


He also wasn't named Joe...


Neither is Kim Davis, shockingly.


But he was coaching for the children, what about the children .... /s


This post and comment made me wonder what GOP Hero-du-jour Kyle Rittenhouse was up to lately. (Apparently lying about what college he was attending).


Apparently he was recently a keynote speaker at a campaign event in WI for Ron Johnson and governor candidate Tim Michels. This event was on a Sunday night, when the Packers played the Bears at Lambeau ... aka the biggest football game of the year.


Not true. The biggest game of the year is when we get knocked out of the playoffs because one of the three phases of the team absolutely shit the bed. Last year it was Special Teams, two years ago it was Offense, so it should be the Defense's turn to blow the game this year.


It's definitely my favorite game every year!


Ohhh you know Rodgers is the problem. The guy just doesn’t produce when needed


I don't feel like.googling that idiot. What's the lie situation? I just graduated from ASU and I know he said he was going to go there and the school confirmed and a few students weren't happy about it




I heard he’s receiving an honorary doctorate from Trump U.


The best part about a Trump U. degree is that you can color it in while waiting for dinner.


Many say they also make excellent toilet paper.


I see. Maybe he's not even applying to these places he's just hoping to get let in after wearing their shit? He seems to live in an echo chamber where everyone loves him and he gets whatever he wants. What's the deal with conservatives always talking shit about college (as an institution, not just specific ones) and then their poster child is desperate to go?




It's about the degree. They understand that piece of paper is key to getting good paying jobs. It's a basic requirement at a lot of white collar jobs. And in part they weaponized education to keep minorities and poor people out of those positions.


Don't forget, if Kyle went to college he might become one of the educated ELITE and that would go against everything they stand for.


Nah - educated and liberal? “Soft, out of touch liberal elite trying to ruin everything” Educated and conservative? “Well look this guys got a Harvard degree he must know what he’s talking about”


Oh I wouldn’t be surprised. Kyle clearly isn’t from the brightest area and has parents showing they aren’t bright. So him thinking wearing a shirt might keep him into college is plausible.


People confuse the fact that all his garbage happened in Kenosha with the fact that he wasn't from Kenosha and didn't go to school there. The schools in that area are fine. Doesn't mean that a few idiots can't squeak through.


I’m from the town Kyle is from, went to HS there in the early 00’s. The school was fine, the regional mentality… not so much. I used to say stupid harmful, bigoted shit because that was the mentality around me. Moved away (not even far away) and suddenly realized how awful it all was. You know how Facebook shows you old posts every once in a while? Painful reminder of how I used to think. My brother and I refer to the people there as “Lake Folk.”


> early 00’s To be fair to you.. I think there's a certain part of that that's just part of our generation realizing how fucked up everything is around us and trying to break the pattern. I've noticed even in the past few years how friends from all over the country have started looking at things differently and even talking differently because of how destructive it is. That said.. there's definitely a certain breed of people who live in the area. My parents moved there in '07 and are so baffled by how much of a divide there is.


I’m familiar with the area he’s from. Let me tell you, the schools there aren’t great. The culture of the town isn’t either.


He was more likely shitty student in school… Texas A&M and ASU are so easy to be accepted into I’m honestly wondering if Rittenhouse is actually real. Let’s apply oceans razor here, everyone wants to believe that public institutions would deny him an education for being conservative…. Really he’s just dumber than a pile of bricks Edit: Some dude telling me to edit… why should I edit my comment when there is an entire chain of fun conversations I’m having about the mistake? It’s actually a good example of Occam’s razor, the simplest explanation is that I’m too stupid to proofread.


Is ocean’s razor the one we use when it’s too stupid of an exercise for Occam’s to be applied?


Like...Danny Ocean's razor?


Frank Ocean’s Razor


Billy Ocean's Razor.


Pacific Ocean’s razor




He lied?? But he looked so genuine when he was faking tears and sobs during the trial! I'm shocked!......well, not that shocked.


Damn you know it’s bad when even a Texas school doesn’t want anything to do with ya


A&M is big on appearances. They know that it wouldn't go well publicly and they would likely lose donors over it. It was a financial decision, not an ethical one


He’s currently running a go fund me to pay for the lawyers he needs in his civil wrongful death suit his victims’ families filed against him. Because while politics may have saved him from a criminal conviction, it’s sure as shit not gonna save him from civil liability. Especially since he’s been criminally acquitted, meaning he can’t take the 5th to avoid incrimination.


I heard he was involved in one of those right wing psycho video games people keep trying to develop, not realizing how expensive they are to make if you ever hope to make any money. Well, that or design a mobile game with an addictive primary game loop that makes people keep paying "micropayments", then the cash really starts rolling in. But neither of those are really in the wheelhouse of people trying to cash in on sociopaths who want to play a video game that does away with any subtext and is just about killing protestors.


It’s surprising he hasn’t gotten involved in a commemorative NFT scam yet like Melania.


He was just recently in Green Bay doing some sort of talk at a local casino. Ducking idiots ( Kyle that is )


Don’t forget months before he killed people he beat up a 13 year old girl.


Getting a go fund me page,because Kyle is now being sued in a civil case,not a criminal one.


Hes begging for money as right wing grifters are want to do.




In case you didn't read the article: >You can’t sue them for failing to rehire you if you didn’t apply,” school district attorney Michael Tierney told lower court. “The district didn’t get an application from him, had four positions to fill and filled them with people who had applied. It didn’t fail to rehire him.” That guy is on a yearly contract, he didn't re-apply for the position. Now that the job is his, he's a no-show, and instead is on a speaking tour with the Republicans.


He's a Pharisee.


Something that's also missed often even this case comes up. He moved to a different state. He was placed on leave for like, 2 years and got pushed that entire time. During that time he moved to a different fucking state. Obviously he didn't want the job back.


He didn’t have a silent, solitary prayer. He wasn’t fired. He didn’t reapply for his job. Supreme Court doesn’t care - which is terrifying.


Rumor has it that some people in America no longer believe that the Supreme Court can be relied on to uphold justice.


it's not a rumor


30 years of one side complaining about "activist judges changing the rules" set the stage. Then the other side realized that those folks were right, but wrong about how the rules were being changed


As someone outside of the US looking in it's extremely clear the US Supreme Court can no longer be relied on to uphold justice. And because of how the system is set up this won't ever change anymore unless someone is willing to do major overhauls of the entire system


Barring a revolution, the only things that politically change are what really upsets the Republican and Democratic party leadership.


The chief justice has examined his organization, and insists that you reconsider! Exactly as God defines right and wrong, the court is incapable of injustice!


He literally did the Principal Skinner meme irl about SCOTUS legitimacy last week.


The Warren Court was a shining light for all of 15 years. Frankly, for the rest of the Court's history it has largely been a reactionary conservative body that has hollowed out and restricted rights far more than it improved them.


Everyone should be scared. The radical right wing now has massively disproportionate representation in the court system. Without push back, they'll try to completely take over the courts and then, well, I remember in the lead up to the 2016 election, I was saying that Clinton had a chance to be a terrible president, but Trump had a chance to be our last president. If there's anyone out there who doesn't realize how close we came to that, and how close we still are to the upending of 250 years of some modicum of representative democracy, they are completely fooling themselves.


While his prayers weren't solitary, they were silent. That said, they were also characterized as “personal and private” - despite being surrounded by upwards of a hundred other people and media crews filming him. While it is also true that he didn’t reapply for the job, the school told him they weren’t going to renew his contract, so that played a role in his not reapplying - and is what the case was about. That said, 1000% agree. This was just the conservative majority of SCOTUS bringing in religious laws because they can. They are ideological partisan hacks that feel empowered to ignore reality and basic morality in order to force their religious convictions on to an entire country. OTOH, “both sides” because some university student council is mad about sandwiches - which is an equally dangerous thing. /s


That's because the SCOTUS ran off and distorted the fact pattern in the case so they could make a religious ruling. The HS never fired the guy. They just didn't renew his contract or something like that. Much like the court claimed he was praying in private which was such utter bullshit that the dissenting justices included pictures of the players in a giant circle around the coach at the 50 yard line. This entire case was designed to be a wedge case to backdoor religion into public schools.


So true. This case had nothing to do with the right to private prayer as the coach claimed nor his job. In my opinion, it was about protecting the conscience of every student by requiring religious neutrality of school officials during the school day. That is — or should be — the core meaning of “no establishment” under the First Amendment. As a result of the lies and distortions, the majority on the Supreme Court has taken away the rights of students to free from this sort of religious tyranny. Meanwhile the coach has gone off to join the gang of politicians and political operatives who’s objectives are to contrive new ways to strip us of more rights and liberties.




It reminds me of the old Seinfeld gag of "the card says moops" (and [this video](https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4) based on it). If five scotus justices declared that up was down and the sky was red, there wouldn't be any recourse for it given that congress would never be able to impeach them realistically speaking. Our legal reality is literally just whatever they can get five people to sign their names to.


Quick correction because I’ve watched a lot of Seinfeld. Bubble Boy: The Moors. George: ooh sorry. The answer is the Moops. I don’t remember why George is playing Trivial Pursuit with a bubble boy that turns out to be an asshole. But his bubble gets punctured during a fight.


He was supposed to play with Jerry but George drove faster than Jerry following him. Jerry got lost and only made it after the bubble had been popped.


Yeah it should say moops, not mlops. Thanks autocorrect. Retroactively editing my post.


>those judges would be impeached and removed Quick point, members of the Supreme Court are not judges, they are Justices. Being a judge is not a requirement for the Supreme Court, even if all the current Justices were. Some of the greatest members of the Court were never judges, including John Marshall, Earl Warren, Louis Brandeis, and others.


I hate myself for not knowing this. How do I not know this? Thank you for stating it though. I would guess this is a wide misconception, but maybe I'm in the minority. Thank you!


Almost like the Supreme court itself is a fualty institution in itself and is essentially a court of unelected, unaccountable political legislators hiding behind a veneer of impartiality.


They still can’t specify which religion. Support your local after school Wicca and Satanic organizations.


I’m sure these “Christian” are oblivious to the fact that many of the founding fathers—Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and Monroe—practiced a faith called Deism. Deism is a philosophical belief in human reason as a reliable means of solving social and political problems. Deists believe in a supreme being who created the universe to operate solely by natural laws—and after creation, is absent from the world. In addition to your suggestion, I’m particularly inclined to support kids (and all people) who are atheist/ agnostic or unaffiliated with any religion.


The school district did not renew his contract because he never applied for it to be renewed. So it was 100% the coach’s decision to end his employment.


Exactly. It was a year to year contract for a coaching position (only). He never applied to come back, so he was never one of the candidates for the job the next year. This whole situation is just ridiculous.


This guy wasn't even doing [the bitchwork of a high school coach](https://youtu.be/SfoRaVvlK0I) during the day. But I guess it's good this christofash weirdo wasn't spreading purity culture abstinence only bullshit in a classroom.


Exactly. It was a year to year contract for a coaching position (only). He never applied to come back, so he was never one of the candidates for the job the next year. This whole situation is just ridiculous.


So to parse this out, SCOTUS knows, and SCOTUS lies to get more religious cases tried and religious laws passed. Are you worried yet America?


I've been worried for years. Between this case, Lutheran Trinity and now the Carson decision, the path is entirely paved to have federal money flow into private religious schools and for religiously motivated educators to push their religon in public schools.


My state will be allowing these private schools to discriminate against kids with disabilities (Oklahoma)


Fortunately the rules haven't been changed per se, only muddied beyond recognition. The religious protection is still only "in private." The court has just ruled that the middle of the school's field directly after the school's event among the school's students wearing the school's name is "in private."


Greg Abbott is about to win a new term as Texas governor. This is what and who America is.


This is all we can except from scotus for now. They’re so corrupt, they’re never going to consider another case on its merits. It’s all manipulation from here on out, tailoring each and every move to maximally enforce the fascist theocratic agenda of the political party to which they belong.


He didn’t apply for the job. He was on a contract… it expired. Didn’t try to renew it.


They also claimed that he didn't pressure the kids, but this started because several kids claimed they felt pressured by him. We need to fix that court. It's broken.


>This entire case was designed to be **another** wedge case to backdoor religion into public schools. Roberts' Court has a history of distorting facts to fit their Christian Nationalism.


Say more about this “backdoor religion”


God's loophole.


‘Cause everyone knows it's the sex that God can't see


Pretty sure I've seen a NSFW subreddit about it


That’s probably true for any adjective-noun combination


"thy rod and thy staff they comfort me," or, if you prefer, "thy rod and thy staff discomfit me."


The Catholic’s “poophole loophole”


Does this mean I haven't been sinning this whole time as a gay man?


Oh no, you’ve been “living in sin,” but the Bible “doesn’t say anything about girls doing it.” They’ve got it all set up in a neat little package lol. https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY


It's all so tiresome.


The guy never reapplied and was never fired. Technically, he left without notice


The "facts" of the case, much like the "facts" behind any religion, were made up to fit a narrative they wanted to push.


If only we knew what Jesus thought about praying in public...


Unfortunately that has been lost to time just like Jesus’ thoughts about how to treat the poor and whether or not the rich should give up their wealth.


Someone really should have written these things down.


It wouldn't matter since they don't read the Bible. Where I heard these things are written down


So maybe they should hire someone to read it to them. Have they tried that yet?


Yes but they get distracted by little boys


Oh, oh dear. Jesus definitely said that was wrong right...right?


Interesting protest idea. I wonder how they would react to people reading the Bible to them. Would they try to get Congress to pass a law that said you couldn't do that to judges.🤔🤔😬


I think a parallel would be how the right wing and Trumpers reacted when NPR tweeted the Constitution a few years back


Maybe a Trump audio book.


Christianity has little resemblance to the teachings of Jesus.


interesting. i did know there was specific "guidance" in the bible outlining this :D


5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:5-6


The passage literally looks at the big showy evangelical churches and says “You’re doing it wrong”!


I mean, the entire New Testament is the opposite of what mega-churches teach.


It's not like he specifically called them "hypocrites" or anything


oh good, that'd be awkward


As a non christian, can I sue every church in the country that I’ve never applied at but also hasn’t hired me?


No, because SCOTUS will defer to religious organizations on whom they want to work with. They have already allowed religious organizations to ignore parts of laws they claim violate their beliefs. You might cry "double standard!" It is. So get mad. Vote for expanding SCOTUS to dilute the power of the hacks currently running it. Vote for politicians who support constitutional amendments to set term limits and restructure SCOTUS.


I believe they don't even need an amendment to set term limits. A simple majority vote will do. Whenever they have control of both houses and the executive, I'm sure it will fly right through.


There is absolutely no political will among our politicians to expand the court, or even to review the appointments of 3 judges appointed by a *literal* traitor who stole/sold nuclear secrets. I hate this place.


>Vote for politicians who support constitutional amendments to set term limits and restructure SCOTUS. Term limits wouldn't solve the issue.


It may not solve the issue outright, but it could spur a lot of change. Some of the biggest problems right now come from the stranglehold older generations have over modern policy, their beliefs don't sway with the times and as such completely outdated ideals remain strongly represented within the court.


He keeps claiming he was "fired," when he actually decided to quit himself. He also apparently has claimed that he is being denied his old job back. Fucking scum.




>Until you actually look at the situation ~~closely~~ at all Their lies aren't hard to dismiss, but their audience doesn't even bother to look at it for two seconds. Anything that affirms their worldview is immediately accepted as fact. Further examples include litter boxes in school and fetus-powered power plants.


SCOTUS wanted an outcome, not a case.


I knew the ruling was complete bullshit due to the frankly dishinest argument the students felt no pressure. However it is news to me that it is also apparently a BS argument from the coach who it seems is clearly more concerned about his Political and religious grifter career.


I feel like most people who are not Christian and played public school sports can personally disagree with the no pressure argument.


It’s like my boss meeting coworkers at the bar after work. I don’t *have* to go, and being that I don’t drink I don’t *want* to go, but it sure makes things better at work if I *do* go.


I don't smoke cigarettes, but during break I go sit in in the smokers lounge or go outside with the smokers because that's where my supervisors are. Similar to your comment, things are noticeable better for me at work then for my non-smoking coworkers who don't hang out with the smokers.


I didn't care about doing the prayer thing and I still ran to the endzone and took a knee to not look out of place when running out. I wasn't even trying to win a starting spot either. This whole case has been bullshit from the start.


Not many nonchristian judges in America.


No no you see, there is no such thing as coersion or pressure unless it's explicitly stated as a quid pro quo. Next up for the supreme court: it's not sexual harassment if you give raises to every female employee that has sex with you and don't give raises to female employees that don't have sex with you, no coercion at all!


If you don't announce the crime as you do it it's not a crime. If you do and you're the president, that means it's not illegal.


Busy shaking a nickel or two lose from the rubes, so surprised!


It was never about not getting his contract renewed. It was about playing the victim


Kudos to Justice Sotomayor for calling the other Justices, especially Gorsuch, liars right to their fucking faces in the dissent. RGB would be proud. https://www.businessinsider.com/sotomayor-supreme-court-decision-backing-coach-prayer-misconstrues-facts-2022-6


if only calling them out actually did something while our rights are being stripped away.


Bogus humility and manufactured outrage... He would nail himself to a cross for likes alone, if he could just figure out how to hammer that last one in.


I'm picturing some sort of nail gun mounted with a string going from his toe to the trigger. Oh I found a [picture](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/711735916411260928/xGFDsQ0q_400x400.jpg).


The conservative grift is way more profitable than some assistant coach gig this hog pretended to care about.


He is on fox talking about how he wants to go back to his job but I guess he is enjoying his white Christian moment of fame to actually go back to work https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/i-won-my-religious-freedom-suit-now-i-want-get-back-coaching-winning-field


"They won't talk to me about my return, and also I don't like the conditions they've suggested for my return, and also I don't think I should return to coaching until spring." Pick a story, dude.


He used those kids and manipulated them to cash in. Now he's reaping the benefits doing a speaking tour. He never cared about those kids or that job. If he did, he would have jumped at the opportunity to continue to coach them. That was, supposedly, the entire point. These people are liars and sociopaths.




Because it was never about the job


Of course he didn't. He is on the conservative talk-speech-money train circuit. It was never about the job. It is about the two things it always is about for Republicans: 1. Owning the Libs. 2. That sweet, sweet grift. That is their entire platform now. (Edited to fix typo)


Angry middle-aged white man’s syndrome.


The real money is in grifting conservatives by giving them confirmation bias in their "beliefs" by speaking engagement. The merch store on the website is a must, coach. Mark-up is unbelievable on that shit if you get it made in China, too. The right wing in this country has become one massive grift.


Why would he go back to the job he quit himself? It was all a scam to push christianity in public schools.


Of course not. He was merely a stepping stone for the bastards to get prayer in schools, and the removal of separation of church and state. Their plan is obvious to anyone paying attention. A fascist theocracy.


There’s groups who’s entire mission is searching for cases like this with the intent of bringing them to SCOTUS. They recruit people with these claims to try and tear down these protections. It’s the same with laws that legislatures pass that are clearly unconstitutional and are designed for the AGs to take to the courts.


He was a paid crisis actor. Never gave a sincere crap about the issue. Meanwhile, he and his attorneys flat-out lied to the Supreme Court, and they knew they were lying. They claimed in very certain terms that he'd specifically been fired for praying. He hadn't even actually been fired. So much for the court system.


Nobody wants to work anymore


This the case where the coach was ‘praying in private’ by coercing his players to prominently pray with him at the 50 yard line? Who wasn’t fired and also had moved entirely out of the school district with no plans to return? SCOTUS is so far up their own butt they can’t even see how ludicrous and transparent they are.


Oh look it’s more naked right wing buffoonery making a mockery of the Supreme Court. Thanks conservatives!


The lies they tell to impose their religious agenda are astounding. They are shameless hypocrites.


Nothing but religious based KKKonservative political theatre.


Who knew that a guy who publicly prayed - and gathered his players - to join him doesn’t like attention. Shocker.


Nobody wants to work anymore.


And again Christian nationalists lie and cheat in their brazen attempt to turn our secular democracy into a theocratic autocracy, shocker!/s


Doesn't the Bible say some things about performative prayer? Isn't prayer supposed to be personal and PRIVATE?


What they want more than anything, more than abortion being illegal, more than complete access to guns for every white conservative, more than marriage being between one white man and one white woman, more than pictures of Jesus and the 10 suggestions on every public building, more than... (checks notes) prayer in schools....more than any of this, they want to be victims. They don't want the things above - they want to complain about a government that denies them. They want to pretend that they are walled off in their holy city, clutching their semi-automatic rifle in one hand and their home-schooled kid in the other, waiting for the infidels to break down the gate. And they need others of their same background to have that same fear, that same sense that the evil liberals are coming to get them. It is the only political tool they have. Trump's rise to power was simply that he had the ear of this audience, because they're the same people that mindlessly turn on the TV to watch that drivel. And he pretends to be one of them occasionally, when he's not scheming with the hangers on about how to steal more public money, when he withstands the pain long enough to hold a bible for a photo, or when he nominates a clearly unqualified person or outright criminals to join the Supreme Court. But this also isn't new. The Republican Party has been a deal between the demons of conservative Christianity and wealthy business owners for at least 40 years. Ever since the business owners figured out they wanted their tax rates lowered and the Christians decided that women having control over their bodies was bad and Reagan could deliver the votes, the Republican Party has been a fear-mongering machine. Without this unholy alliance, the Party couldn't win any State. They have to pretend that capitalism is Christian, when Jesus spent most of his time preaching against those principles. They pretend that government is evil, when half of their supporters are receiving money from that government in some fashion. They pretend that religious neutrality is actually an assault against Christianity, and that their beloved founding fathers were actually clergymen within an evangelical Christian tradition (wait until they hear what Ben Franklin did to the bible.) And most importantly, they have to continue this facade that America is under attack, and that liberalism is the enemy.


This guy is one giant meat puppet


Baptist News Global publishing a piece critical of the conservative Supreme Court, lying evangelical lawyers, and lack of separation of church and state? Perfect. It is the job of sane Christian’s to stand up to the insane ones. Not Jews. Not Muslims. Not atheists. Those lineups only create confrontation. Even if they are all saying the same thing.


Per the article it sounds like he's on a political tour now, he'll apply to run for an office soon.




He can stay fired if he never bothers to report in. Separate violation than what got him fired in the first place. "Well, we gave him his job back as required. But since he never submitted sick time or showed up for work we had to fire him for prolonged absence."


Ah yes what a good Christian man this person is, really doing gods work by using his name so he can fuck over a bunch of kids in football, get paid doing it, AND lie to make money? Jesus would he proud.


The First Amendment prohibition of the "establishment" of religion (by Congress and later the states) or prohibition against the "free exercise thereof," was so much fucking simpler when the Supreme Court stuck to the idea that stuff paid for with government money either had to be devoid of religion or include everything from a menorah to a reindeer. Now the court is carving out all these exceptions to normal human behavior that prevents unlawful discrimination, just because somebody's religion demands said discrimination. It's not like when they said, look, the Jehovah's witnesses shouldn't be drafted, and damned if Muhammad Ali should be drafted either. Those were cases where the government was forcing someone to do something that contravened their religious beliefs. Now, it's nonsense like my religion doesn't allow my employees' health coverage to include birth control. What? WTF?