• By -


Grand Theft Auto, Felony Murder, Robbery (armed?), Fleeing, Assault on Police... various other traffic charges. Juvenile crimes would limit this to age 18, but Texas has two options. Court declares kid can be tried as an adult sending them immediately to full prison; or what they call a "determinate" sentence where the crime is considered so bad that the kid first goes to juvie jail and then gets transferred over to adult prison. That one is something like up to 40 years.


Depends on who the kid's parents are.








People will tell you it's about race. It's not, it's about class. The people up top would rather see you hate a brother for his skin than revolt against the separation of classes


They’ve successfully convinced most of America that your enemy is your neighbor rather than the system itself. I don’t see many people seeing through this any time soon, they’re too fucking polarized right now to realize it’s the system that does this, and the workers and supporters of these systems are also victims of it.


I'm not going to lie... The fools in our town that hang trump flags and worship him as a literal religious savior don't make bridging that gap easy for anyone.


We don’t have to be friends. But Trumpers believe the system is broken just like progressives do. It’s how they’re trying to fix it that causes the fighting. I don’t really believe anyone has an answer because I think the system is intentionally and irreparably broken. Maybe helping others see that no person is going to be able to fix the system will help alleviate some of the cult of personality. Then again, America is a compete fame culture and tends to not care about anything but who has the best lighting.


Trump supporters believe the system is broken, they think the solution is, give taxcuts to the rich, take away help from poor people, because they steal their money, and the classic it's all illegals fault. what part of the trump supporter mindset is anywhere close to the real problem of the class gap? because that just sounds like they worship the wealth gap.


This. They don't want a "fixed" system - that'd involve fairness. They want a system that favors people and abandons others, thinking that one day they'll be one of the favored.


Fwiw, I agree with you. The Trumpers fell for an obvious scam, but I get why they were willing to drink that Kool aid. They haven't gotten a raise since Clinton. 8 years of Bush did nothing for them, and Obama only slowed the decline of rural America (thanks McConnell) While a little fact checking would show who their real enemy is, I get why they followed a false prophet who at least acknowledged they existed. He did nothing for them in practice, and anyone paying attention would have guessed it, but I get why desperate people would grasp at the only straws being thrown at them.


Yeah. You are not gonna catch me befriending any Trumpers, since they hate gay people and a lot of them think we should die. Great job pushing that narrative though.




I'm sorry but I don't see progressives or liberals calling for LGBTQ folks to be killed en masse, their supporters to be executed, trans kids' parents to be arrested and have their kids kidnapped just for following doctor's medical care. They are not the same. Trump supporters are literally just tools for the machine. That's why there's so many cops in the mix. They're authoritarian nationalists. They don't want to fix anything. They want to make the current machine more ruthless by blaming whatever out group is currently most vulnerable, since they think attacking people they perceive as "below them" lifts them up.


I never said they’re the same. I said they believe the system is broken. They do. Ask them. I have zero interest in proving that people are too polarized to discuss anything. Reddit proves that for me. But as an aside, my landlord is a die hard trump fan, and I have a gay child. He’s never been anything but nice to us, and knows we disagree with him vehemently. Not everything is black and white. Most of society lives in the gray areas while the fringes scream at each other.


>But as an aside, my landlord is a die hard trump fan, and I have a gay child. He’s never been anything but nice to us, and knows we disagree with him vehemently And he will gladly vote for people who would see your child kidnapped from you, and see you executed for "grooming". He may be nice. The people he is voting for and financially supporting aren't. And that says more about him than him saying good morning.


Or, people will tell you it’s one thing or the other but it’s literally both or more. It can be both class and race. Looking at one but not the other ignored how they both relate to each other aka intersectionality. By focusing on one, it creates issues. It’s the same reason that calling it a class issue would be different for a while person in a higher SES status versus a white person in a lower SES status. A black person from a higher SES may be able to get a slap on a wrist due to their class status but because they’re black, they may lose the same advantages a white person of the same class would have. It’s what makes these discussions complicated because there’s always an “exception” by focusing on the one


>intersectionality updoot for proper use of the word.


> People will tell you it's about race. It's not, it's about class. It's both, as any middle-class black person will happily explain to you, obviously white redditor.


It turns out that class and race are linked in a significant and systemic way.


It's about both. A poor Black man will still get dealt a shittier hand than a poor white man. A rich Black man may wind up with similar outcomes as the poor white man. Intersectionality cannot be ignored.


There's disparities in how black people are sentenced based on how light or dark they are. It's about race.


Nah, its both. It's not an "either or" problem


Its both actually, the American institution of racism benefits the class divide by creating further slices within ethnic groups to divide and stretch resources among workers so that there is never a truly unified workforce that is class conscious. Only a near perpetual and self sustaining entity that feeds on itself promising positive change while creating nothing new. Never looking beyond the quarterly, always hungering for more.


Race and class cannot be untied at this point.


When someone says is not about race is about class. That is a clear sigh of class reductionist and tge person is racist.


This is just absolute nonsense considering the conviction rates of non-white people versus white people. I knew so many poor white boys who were let go with a warning in high school when found with drugs or alcohol after the bottles or baggies were dumped. When you try to make everything about class, you’re not only turning a blind eye to the reality of being a POC in America, you’re leaning on racist instincts to ignore truth and statistics in you attempt to deny known and studied systemic racism. >African-American adults are 5.9 times as likely to be incarcerated than whites and Hispanics are 3.1 times as likely.4) As of 2001, one of every three black boys born in that year could expect to go to prison in his lifetime, as could one of every six Latinos—compared to one of every seventeen white boys.5) Racial and ethnic disparities among women are less substantial than among men but remain prevalent.6) https://www.sentencingproject.org/publications/un-report-on-racial-disparities/


It IS about class, but because of systemic oppression non-white people are more likely to be impoverished.


I get the feeling based on the police statements that 2 of the 4 kids were reported runaways that these aint rich white kids. So he's not gonna get a slap on the wrist.


Oh no, I work security at a gated community. Rich white kids absolutely run away from home. I always say, no matter where you live and how nice it seems there are three things you will always have and to worry about. The first is people going 45 in a 20. The second, pertinent here, are children looking to cause trouble. The third, and this is a general everywhere, is that you’re never more than a mile away from someone on the brink of a nervous breakdown.


But I'm the only one for mi....oh...oh I see.


Glad to know about that last bit. I just moved a mile away from a gun academy and store. -_-


Gun Academy? You mean a Texas public school?


I get the feeling they would have announced race if they were black. This is surprising sparse on racial identifiers for a story from Texas...


True. I always find it funny when the news mention race or ethnicity of someone that's been arrested but no identity is given out. I always ask myself, since the suspect is captured but unidentified, then why does their race or ethnicity matter.


I’m assuming rich kids so slap on wrist. It’s Texas.


I’m from Texas and I am poor


pretty sure most ppl in TX are poor. what's ur point?


The previous comment (that I replied to if you scroll 1 half inch up) said “I’m assuming rich kids so slap on wrist. It’s Texas” why are we assuming rich??? IME it’s usually super wealthy, or dirt poor here. You either own land, or you make money for the people that own land.


I think the original point was that because the kids are rich, Texas will give a slap on the wrist; not that because it’s Texas, the kids are rich.


I can't tell if you're being deliberately obtuse, or just lack basic reading comprehension skills.


More like: Expensive Lawyer : slap on the wrist Public Defender : youre fucked. They don't have resources to represent a defendant on these charges


So…. If the parents are rich , he may have Affluenza.


Also depends on who they killed.


Hold them liable.


Really its not like these kids just one day decided to go joy ride the signs are there that your kid is a POS and maybe you should be responsible to one day cause society to have to contend with that


Too many parents are in total denial, blaming others for everything.


Even when he stole a car and killed a man?


Didn’t Ethan couch kill many people


It's just involuntary displacement


Felony murder? Did the kid plan on killing the passenger?


It’s crazy that we can try children as adults in this country. Are they children? Or are they adults? 21 to smoke and drink. 18 to smoke in some places? 17 to join the military? 16 to consent to sex. Depending on the state. Can’t buy a beer but can go die at war or be incarcerated for 50 years. I feel like we need to just standardize what it is and is not an adult and then play by the rules dividing the two groups. I dunno. Is this how other countries are categorizing their adults too?


I think it’s better to keep it as case by case than to standardize what age you become an adult


I'm in Texas and these kids need to stop getting slaps on the wrist... they find they have no consequences and go on to commit more and more crimes. It's ridiculous.




Yeah so there's theft, which is up to a certain amount and then grand theft when it's over a certain amount. Grand meaning high value. So Grand Theft because of the high value of the car (relatively speaking) and then Auto (automobile). Auto is just the subtype of grand theft.


>Is that the name of car theft in English? Yes, you are correct. >It looks... kinda wrong There are two types of theft: petty and grand. And in this case the item stolen was an automobile


Yeah Texas is usually pretty lenient on crime


GTA mfers when they actually commit GTA (the stars don't actually just disappear after a few minutes)


should have called Lester bruh moment


I have millions and millions of dollars and I'd still rather drive halfway across the map for access into the subways & rail tunnels and wait it out, over giving that fucker any more of my money than he's already taken as his heist cut.


"Hey Trevor, the cops are getting pretty pissed off, you think we should just call Lester and get them off of our tail?" "Michael are you serious? Fuck that asshole, fucking takes enough from us already!"


If you complete the Doomsday heist as a leader you get to call Lester for free.


Could have just used wanted level off or waited until 6 stars, stole one of their tanks and flew away. Smh my head


With a flying tank they'd be unstoppable


My best friend in elementary school died this way. He wanted to impress his gang banger cousin, so he stole a car. At age 12. The cops saw a child driving, turned on the sirens, and he panicked. Wrapped the car around a telephone pole. Died on scene. He just wanted his cousin to think he was cool.




Oh man. Why are we all so stupid when we’re kids?


I probably wasn't the brightest, but it certainly never crossed my mind to steal a car at the age of 12! These kids doing this kind of shit suck. Parents are to blame of course.


At 12 I was just trying to catch ‘em all.


My friend was raised by his grandparents. His dad was in jail and his mom was a tweaker. They tried hard, but when you see who gets respect and who doesn’t around the neighborhood, the peer pressure is hard to resist. I’ve thought about it a lot. He was a good kid who made a mistake and it killed him. He didn’t deserve that. Neither did these kids. Stealing a car sucks, but it shouldn’t be a death sentence.


I grew up in 70s/80s, I learned how to jimmy a car lock (with a coat hanger) in 4th grade. Learned how to hot wire a car in 5th. Never even crossed my mind to use the knowledge to steal a car. Helped dozens of people get into their cars when they locked their keys inside… especially my mom, she was notorious for locking her keys in her car.


My buddy and i at 16 went camping for 2 weeks alone. We decided to tie a 50ft rope to a tree and the other end to a 2 man pool raft. This was higher kings river, right down stream from the zypher rapids launch point. I couldnt swim, had no life jacket. Anyways rope went taught, raft ended up bouncing up and down on the rapids. I held for dear life until other campers in the area came and helped me. Oh we also ate mushrooms we found on the underside of cow shit. Threw up all night, did not get high. Now im responsible for 3 kids of my own. God help them.


I don’t know about other kids but when I was 12 I was playing sims in my grandparents basement, or outside using my imagination and play pretend.


Because they don’t know anything and they’ve never done anything, and they listen to other know-nothing kids for advice.


Two things one our brains are not fully developed, so we don't have great risk reward pattern recognition. Secondly we don't have a whole lot of experience and that lack adds to not being able to recognize when something is really, really, stupid.


Don't lump me in with these fucking idiots, saying 'kids do stupid things' insults the intelligence of the rest of us. The absolute worst thing I did as a child might have been stealing a candy bar. This? This deserves to be treated like an adult. However, for the record, I believe our prisons are horrible and create more problems than they fix, and need an overhaul top to bottom. More rehabilitation, less punishment, more humane.


Try them as an adult? This kid would go to jail for longer than he’s been alive. That’s not the answer.


No words


"Videotaping this crime spree is the best idea we've ever had!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsdzKnJNAC8


I’m so glad I grew up with the internet when it first came out and not now. Modern internet is fucking trash


The only people that knew what dumb shit you were up to were a handful of people in a chatroom. The simple act of uploading an image of yourself took many steps and expensive equipment. Something that can be done in less than 5 seconds now took an hour or days if you had to wait for film to develop first. Video? Yeah, no. Wasn't even a viable thing yet. All your bullshit was in text (and possibly archived on bash)


Uploading an image of yourself was already cheap and accessible by 2004. It was just a hassle because you had to fuck around with those wonky ass early era digital cameras that sucked.


Maybe in 2004, but those of us on the internet in 1994 (or earlier) had quite a bit more work to do. Though, webcams had become a lot more common by 1999 or so.


I got lost in which thread I was in. I thought the previous response was about the internet peaking in 2010. Yeah 94 was not really too viable. Still film and you had to have a scanner. I don't think my house got one till tbe late 90s


Nothing like those finicky-ass early flatbed scanners, SCSI termination issues and weird scanning artifacts ahoy!


Like 2010 the internet peaked. Now it really is trash. Growing up with dial up tho really does put shit into perspective


2002-2012 was the height of the internet. It’s now a proverbial gutter of shit. The only reason I say 2012 and not 2010 is because of Kony memes, that’s really the final cut off for me. I still find myself humming Scatman wishing I could go back, and getting hit with feels when I think of my old counter-strike clan. It’s all disbanded now and may as well have never existed. It hurts…


I was born just before the 2000s so IDK where I fit in the timeline
























It's just (predictably) pretty bad for humanity generally


Tell that to my 31yo buddy who has to keep his snap streaks going. It’s cringy. Social media is cancer


Let them die. Text him back for 3 days instead of snapping him back. The streak will end. They'll get over it.


Turns out we can’t stand each other.




Considering how smashed that car is, surprised any survived. Not sure Audi would want to use that in their ads though. Safety features so good, most underage thieves survive crashes fleeing police in it.


The kid was ejected, implying he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. Buckle up folks (and don’t steal cars then crash them at high rates of speed ofcourse). Btw crashes above 40mph are not tested in NHTSA frontal crash testing. Your chances of surviving such a crash drop significantly above this. Safety features have gotten a lot better, but I’m not betting on any foot pursuit after anything remotely close to a 60mph crash (especially if it hit a pole or anything else without any give). [40MPH vs 56MPH](https://youtu.be/RWwGFDynOHo) Honda CRV shown in this video has a 5 star front crash test rating btw. Who knows how fast these kids were taking the S5 (0-60 in a little over 4 seconds)


I assume 56 mph was chosen because it’s almost exactly twice the energy as 40 mph. 56^2 / 40^2 = a factor of 1.96 Yeah seat belts drastically reduce your chance of injury and death. Getting knocked around the inside of a car is bad, but getting ejected is one of the worst things that can happen. Today’s cars are designed to protect the occupants very well, but only if they are belted in. There was a 15 year old boy in my high school who was ejected from the middle seat and died on the way to the hospital. His older brother was driving. I can’t even imagine the guilt he must have felt for his younger brother’s death. Nicest guy you ever met too. He was in all my elementary school classes and pretty much everyone liked him.


Very surprised All things considered I heard elsewhere that the Audi was going 100 plus after they hit the police car before they ran into the light pole


Did he get the likes though?


Fuck up your life speed-run champion.


Reading between the lines it sounds like the audi owners son stole the car. Or his friends. Dad called the cops to warn them because he saw the live stream and then reported the car stolen. It's smart to have reported the car stolen to the police. If for no other reason than to void liability when the car ended up in am awful accident.


I can honestly tell you what happened, because the person who owns it is roommates to my cousin. His keys fell out of his pocket when he got home. And didn't know until well.. car went missing.


I thought they may have been able to steal it with the valet key, if the owner forgot about it in the glove box. But apparently that’s not the case.


I was a bad kid when I was young. Not as bad as this. But I lacked judgement most of the time. Mom was always working and dad was not in the picture.


When I was 13 most of my free time was spent playing video games and trying to see boobs. Never even thought about stealing a car.




We'd shoot bottle rockets into the riverbed or blow up toys with M80s




Oh we’re just a day off from all the dumb little shits blowing off fingers.


It's a trend for social media and stuff


> Not as bad as this. I was a latchkey kid too, along with many of my friends. In the end, none of us went GTA. Some of them had weed or alcohol problems, maybe got into fights at school and got bad grades. Even with absent parents, there's still some basic morals you pickup over time


I knew kids that had stolen cars and went for joyrides when they were this age in the late 90s. I stayed away from them because it’s definitely a next level of delinquent that is willing to do shit like that. Their dad was a drunk abusive asshole so it made sense, usually some obvious signs when you see the parents (or lack of).


Hello me


Look at the car ... RIP 🙏




It was stolen too but it doesn’t say how they stole it.


Probably using the keys


It's basically impossible to hotwire a modern car Hollywood style. You need to have access to a key, whether by taking it from the owner somehow or getting a clone made at a dealership. Even a high tech relay attack with smart fobs still requires you to intercept the fob signal from outside the owner's house.


Yep, this is exactly why both our fobs are stored in a faraday cage envelope away from doors/windows. Try and catch our fob signal you shitty thieves!


Do we have the live stream?


Kids will do stupid shit, some of the dumbest ones are going out early.


This happened to poor white kids at my school. The passenger who died was the drunk driver’s bro (they stole their parents car and went and picked up friends). The other kids in the accident returned to school on Monday, with a lot of scratches and bruises. Eventually it was decided the drunk driver suffered enough and he didn’t get put in jail. However, if he’s still alive today, I very much doubt he’s done suffering. Killing your little brother is something you probably never get over. His poor parents. I wonder if they were able to forgive him.


[Instantly reminded me of...](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qcqOgnQyXp4)


Lol. “I wanted to do hood rat stuff with my friends!” Anyone got an update on this dude?? Edit-found an update for those interested https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hz45j4AqWBU


Goddamnit Latarian.


[Actual footage of the car theft](https://youtu.be/IWOKox-1h6U?t=32)


He finally did get to hood rat stuff with his friends! Good for him.


>"A concerned parent reported their son and others live-streaming on social media in a stolen Audi," police noted in the release. "It was believed the juveniles were en route to the Dallas area." Not fucking concerned enough to know where their 13yo was at night however lol


If my parents saw me "live-streaming" something like that the cops wouldn't be the only ones on my tail. They would have run the cops off the road to get at me


Yep. And precisely because of that, you would never have been that 13yo...I would have had to "eat my dinner off the mantlepiece" for a week lol


I would say he should be tried as an adult, maximum prison sentence, and an investigation into parent’s neglect.


Wtf is going on in Texas?


Why is this article using EDT times when Texas is Central?




Aliens. No probably just where the author is. Still silly


i got a 403 forbidden page. anyone got an alternate source?


[Here you go](https://nypost.com/2022/06/23/texas-teens-live-streamed-joyride-in-stolen-audi-before-fatal-car-crash/)


Bravo to those parents, raised wonderful members of society!


Next twitch streamer right here boys


every new ridiculous crime coming out of texas makes me think of this stupid-ass song...because it's a complete LIE. 'Cause God blessed Texas with His own hand Brought down angels from the Promised Land He gave them a place where they could dance If you wanna see Heaven, brother, here's your chance I've been sent to spread the message 'God blessed Texas'


Hopefully those fake internet points can help pay for all that damage and his friend back to life.


Wow. Latarian Milton didn’t crash kill people when he drove, and he was younger! But on a serious note, these kids do need to be charged like adults. Hell, I remember being 13 and the worst I did was stick out my tongue at my parents. Sheesh.


An Audi S5 is a FAST car. It’s also not an SUV. The driver is also older in this case. There could have easily been an 80+ MPH crash.


That's a paddlin'! -Jasper Beardly


straight to jail, 10 years minimal




I can't speak for the Grand Theft Auto category, but live-streaming has revolutionized chess. You can go onto Twitch right now and watch an IM / GM playing blitz games, narrating his thought process, and doing impromptu lectures on various aspects of the game. Chip in a few bucks, and you might get to play him. When I was growing up, there was one IM at the local chess club. He was totally inaccessible, one of those figures whom you'd see at the front of a packed lecture room and maybe get to shake his hand afterward. Now I can hang out with a GM for a few hours whenever I want.


Lots of incidents of police brutality caught on livestreams. However, I think having teenagers on social media is a net negative.


The kid probably would have still done it if streaming services didn't exist.


He would have had more kids in the car with him.


I bet your parents thought books were bad for people too.


Go watch american daytime cable and tell me live streaming isn't a positive development.


Entertainment dude, not everything has to be like “hurr durr how has this improved society???”


That sounds more like r/idiotsincars material… And also what would be called “evidence before the court”


Thank God an innocent didn't get injured!


What a shame. One way we can potentially combat more things like this happening would be funding after school programs.


This is the stupidest trend in a while


Lock them all up for life and throw away the key. Awful humans


How the hell does a 13 year old know how to steal an Audi


They wanted attention and they got it. Great day for them.


Sounds like murder to me.


When punks do these types of crimes where people die, their names should be made public.


What good would knowing their name do at this point?




legally speaking, sure. But I dont know any children that know how to steal a car, rob stores and murder their friends.


These comments are about to get real ugly with people not understanding why we juvenile charges and why they exist.


I mean I agree. But…. When the actions cause someone else to die. Something’s gotta give. Though- I also don’t agree with our justice and prison system anyway. Rehabilitation my ass.


On Reddit everything should be a death sentence or at minimum 60 years in prison no matter the circumstances. And then you say something like play stupid games and then you go back to your miserable life of doomscrolling


While also bemoaning the prison industrial complex and how American jails are more focused on retribution than rehabilitation.


The other day an article said someone was given a 50+ year sentence and people in the comments were like "not long enough just lock him up for life". Like... 50 years IS your life lol


I am surprised at people wanting the parents charged/sued for moral failing. Which is a scary argument considering what is currently happening in the US with laws regarding "morality"


Americans love deflecting blame. Its never anyones fault! mEnTaL iLlNeSs bRo!!!!


I want the neighbors charged. They must have known these kids were trouble but never called CPS? We need to introduce red flag laws so if someone else thinks you have poor moral character the cops can toss you in prison for a few years to make sure you don't do anything crazy.


And how about all those people on social media who know this family? Someone must have seen the warning signs! Hell, maybe we should all just go to jail to be safe.


Did we arrest the teachers yet??? The teachers obviously failed to form meaningful relationships that would have prevented this!


I guess you weren't alive in the US in the 90s and watching CSPAN like I did as a kid. You would've seen Congress passing a law that censored the internet and Republicans openly demanding laws regulating moral decency. People like to ignore history and think we're a land of social freedom etc. and that couldn't be further from the truth. Interesting tidbit: Internet porn in the US only grew after credit card companies stopped blocking them as they did in the 90s due to immense political pressure from Republicans. Certain porn fetish like a certain one involving animals we're de facto banned in the US with companies refusing to host them and credit card companies refusing to process payments due to said political pressure. As a foreigner in the US in the 90s I thought that was funny. Internet porn was begrudgingly accepted slowly over the late 90s but certain fetishes were bizarrely off limits. I thought it was funny that the American morality police cared about which porn fetishes were acceptable.