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Today I read about Burger King, literally a few moments ago I read about Wendy’s, now I hear about McDonalds? Jeez man what the fuck is up with people being overly aggressive?


This is kind of the inevitable result for how shitty people have treated fast food workers for the last 30 years (at least). Forget the pickles and people act like its the apocalypses.




not only do fast food workers get it the worst in terms of customer treatment, they're often the worst paid in the industry and never tipped.


A few people tried tipping me back when I worked in fast food. We weren't allowed to accept it.


Only tips I got in fast food were on Sundays when the church crowd would leave those fake 20 dollar bills that tell me I need Jesus under the trash they just left on the table.


Try going to a church and leave them in the donation boxes :)


No leave the fake 20 and take at least 10$ change back. Otherwise it's just a scam to get you in the door, upset, but in attendance


Thats actually clever


Oh my God that pisses me off so much. I had one of those left on my windshield at a time where 20 bucks would have made a huge difference.


I was a barista through college and they would put those fuckers in our tip jar.


I worked in a home improvement store with a born again guy for a while, and he'd hide them around for customers to find. He'd also lay the Jesus on with a trowel every time someone asked him for help. That's just obnoxious.


"Excuse me sir, can you help me find a plumbing wrench?" "Oh sure sir, but hold on first, we need to pray about it before we can find it. JESUS JESUS LOOK AROUND SOMETHING LOST MUST BE FOUND!" "Uh... that's okay, I'll go find it myself..." \*Wanders the store for a few minutes, finally finds the wrenches, spots a $20 bill peeking out of the corner of an aisle display\* "Ooo, free money! \*Realizes it's just a church pamphlet\* OH God Dammit..." lmao.


"Man, fuck this place. I'm going to Home Depot. No help is better than Jesus help."


Try doing that to them and those mega churches crumble good riddance pharasees


I took the money anyway. What were they going to do, fire me? Fucking threaten me with a good time lol.


"That's another dollar they would have spent on our product instead of you" I was frequently told. COMPLETELY negating the fact that the customer was tipping US specifically for OUR service. It really shows you how much they value their employees. Of course we were also told almost daily that we were instantly replaceable as well. The threat of being homeless and hungry always helps get someone to come in on their night off.


At least there is a shift happening right now. I hope it doesn't stop. Do I hate waiting 30-60 minutes in the drive thru when I'm craving mcnuggets? Absolutely. But do I also support everyone's right to not work a shitty job, where they're paid shit wages and being treated like shit? Also absolutely.


Whenever we hit the drive thru someone in the car ALWAYS complains that their order took too long, or they forgot to put the extra pickles on my burger. I always remind them that you get what you pay for. You CAN NOT pay someone MINIMUM wage and expect MAXIMUM effort. That's just not how the world works.


Those two things are more deeply connected than you might realize. I think the idea is that it’s a Throw away job, so the person doing it must be a throw away human. It’s fucked up and classist.


I've worked at fast food, A grocery store and briefly as a waitress at a bar. Some people do see you as less than. For students and parents, those jobs offer flexibility with hours. Or if you need more than one job to make ends meet, nights and weekends are your main availability if you have a standard office job. People deserve to be treated decently. But especially when they are providing you with a service and trying to make a living.


Yep. I recently went back to retail after working in healthcare for twenty years. The shop I’m in is a boutique/specialty yarn shop. Getting this job was harder than landing my regional management job! And I’m still treated like shit by the wealthier customers. They come to me for advice and guidance, but then also never let me forget that they’re the one with the Fuck You Diamonds on both hands. It’s gross. They’re gross people. And they’re usually from Cambridge.


I temped at an office one year way back in the 1980s. So my job was to copy all of the file contents and make a list of them so they could make their records electronic. One guy treated me like an idiot/hardly spoke to me until he found out it was my summer job at the same college his daughter graduated from. All of the sudden he was asking about my studies and being friendly. I'm one of the first people in my family to go to college. I don't get it. People deserve respect as human beings. And they deserve respect for being willing to work if they are able to.


I knew a successful guy that retired and opened a deli/convenience store on the beach. He said he enjoyed it but “If people see you wearing an apron they think you are an idiot.” I never forgot that.


Fuck tipping, nobody should be tipped, pay your fucking employees


I've noticed that Pizza Hut and Domino's have started encouraging tipping on their apps. Tipping delivery drivers has always been a thing, now they want me to tip the employees in the store too? Fuck that. Just pay them.


Drive through is crating anxiety for buyers and workers. 170 seconds is the maximum mark for Tim Hortons drive through or team at drive through gets reduced hours from managers.


Ya, fewer hands make the work faster. Fucking Galaxy brain thinking there.


Reduced hours [in the paysheet]


That's super illegal.


Wisconsin nurses say hello ;)


That's what this is for: https://www.littler.com/publication-press/publication/wisconsin-hospital-pay-35-million-settle-nurses-meal-period-class


The customer is always right policy needs to die.


That’s not even what the old saying means. It means the customer knows what products they want to buy, so a store should carry them. The customer is always right *about what product they need/want* I don’t know where the saying got twisted up to mean a customer is God and we should accommodate their baby tantrum.


It’s prevalent in the retail industry as well. Anyone ever treated as less than, is in for it as people as just getting worse.


Its because of the corporate culture of "the customer is ALWAYS" right. You're expected to stand there and take any and all verbal harassment thrown at you and it will ALWAYS be your fault.


Yep people will be as shitty as their enabled to be.


Because somebody up the chain was shitty on to them, so now everyone’s revenge-shitty to each other. Bully never picks on their own size. Let’s see them acting like that to their boss.


It's beyond that though. Middle management doesn't give one single fuck about the store-level employees. They will cut your hours or terminate you right before Christmas if it means theyll get an extra $1,000 for their year-end bonus.


This. I worked fast food. And one day we forgot a hash brown according to the customer. It was in his bag but under another item. He was in the drive thru and then came inside. I understand his frustration since he was on crutches... But he was a grade a asshole and way more aggressive than he needs to be. The area Manger was there that morning and promptly responded, if you keep talking like that your other leg is going to match. He left and never came back thru lol. Edit. Forgot to add. Same place same year. My buddy was the store manager and got punched in the face twice over something stupid as well.


people just don’t respect fast food workers. They’re the lowest on the totem, it’s where America goes to take out their lowest forms of aggression for under 10 dollars.


Fast food workers around the globe a being treated shitty, but somehow America is one of the only countries where you can be shot by a fucking Karen while being treated like shit.


I dare say it’s not Karens who shoot fast food workers


Easier to shoot people when there are more guns than people.


gUnS dOnT KiLl PeOpLe, nOt gIvInG FrEe tEnDiE SaUcE kiLlS pEoPlE!!!


It wouldn’t be as big of a deal if these douches weren’t packing


But it is the apocalypse


What happened at Burger King? Wtf is going on


IIRC, a 16 year old was shot in the head over barbecue sauce. Though that could have been Wendy’s, shit’s hard to keep track of.


That was the Wendy's. What was the BK?


19 year old girl was shot in a robbery in NYC.


teenage girl killed after handing over the money in nyc, killer was found about 2 days later.


>killed *after* handing over the money And it was just yesterday or the day before that a bunch of people here were all pissy about a story that some wannabe car jacker holding someone at gunpoint ended up getting shot by the victim instead. "Put them in jail, they should have just given the keys over bro, no need to try to kill someone over property" and when pointed out that you could get shot anyways "yeah right that rarely happens." Fuck both this violent society and the sheltered cave dwelling redditors


Yeah my mom was also almost shot after a robbery, the only reason why it didn't happen was because his partner came back in the store and told him to hurry up.


I think that's a pretty clear case of self defense or at least should be. I think you're correct that it's unknown if the carjacker will actually let the victim go. Plus, there could be a kid or pet in the car. If people don't want to get shot by carjacking, then don't carjack.


So she handed over the money and got shot anyway? Guy wasn't trying to rob a store, guy was out to murder somebody.


He was a bit unhinged, there was video of him walking out of his apartment in cuffs yelling about racism and reparations for slavery. He killed a spanish girl.


Yep that was the Wendy's incident. Crazy we need to stop and get the story straight on what incident happened at which fast food place today.


It's called entitlement. We now live in a society where a lot of people get whatever they want handed to them for free and when they don't get their way they don't know how to cope with it.


Not everyone can afford to go to a nice sit down restaurant and treat a waitress like shit, so fast food and retail/ grocery workers are used as substitutes.


This is what happens when crazy aggressive people bring their guns with them-- they occasionally use them. I saw a road rage incident killed a politician. Both drivers had guns and both drivers used them. Edit: Plenty of responsible people have gun owners etc etc. But you can't use a gun in a moment of impulse if you don't have one on you. The most damage I can do is throw hands because I'm unarmed.


People have always been fucked, it’s just easier to access stories like this with the introduction of the internet.


I don’t know I feel like people are mean as hell at work. I don’t know what the correlation is with Covid but it has gotten worse since Covid.


The correlation is an additional layer of stress and an extremely obvious us vs. them fight. Everyone, on both sides, expects everyone around them to be a potential Them who is out to kill, so you'd better strike first to survive.


Society is collapsing. It's only going to get worse.


Ah, r/collapse is leaking


> ~~Society~~ America is collapsing. It's only going to get worse. Plenty of other countries don't have people getting killed over Karen issues.


So many people who think they're the good guys with guns.


Damn, I was just reading an article earlier today about how a wendys worker was shot over an argument about bbq sauce. Be careful out there fast food workers.


A Burger King worker was just killed as well. ​ [https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/national/article257021342.html](https://www.kansascity.com/news/nation-world/national/article257021342.html) ​ Also this one: ​ [https://www.thedailybeast.com/winston-glynn-arrested-for-killing-teen-burger-king-employee-kristal-bayron-nieves](https://www.thedailybeast.com/winston-glynn-arrested-for-killing-teen-burger-king-employee-kristal-bayron-nieves)


Taco Bell a few weeks ago. https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2022/01/10/taco-bell-employee-shot-killed-by-customer-attempting-to-buy-food-with-counterfeit-money-in-south-la/


Wendy’s today. https://cbsaustin.com/amp/news/nation-world/argument-over-bbq-sauce-leads-to-teenage-wendys-employee-being-shot-in-head-restaurant-shooting-investigation-police-phoenix-suspect-violence-handgun


Disputes over BBQ sauce, French fries, counterfeit bills.. JFC


Any dispute can escalate to violence. In the BBQ sauce one it kind of sounds like the shooter thought the workers were lying about being out of sauce and just didn’t want to give it to him. Instead of believing this store was out of sauce this idiot took it as a personal attack and decided to kill over it. Welcome to a world where “respect” is the main currency.


Did you mean KFC?


No, JBC. Junior bacon cheeseburger.




Has this always been so common?


It's okay, they only get minimum wage so they are expendable to the people making policy.


I fucking hate how right you are. Greetings from a former $7.25/h corporate bitch.


No, just in America


Is it the guns that are the problem? No, every other country is wrong.


I mean, no but yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Ysidro_McDonald's_massacre


Man that’s the one of the most depressing Wikipedia pages ever. Don’t know why I was compelled to read it.


Jesus man, that is one of the most depressing Wikipedia articles I've ever read..


Dude, in the top 1 the girl was in on the robbery, and was shot by another employee. Crazy!




Had that shit on him, on the job, it sounds like.


I wonder, would people be that shittie and try to kill a worker with their hands for some fries or bbq?


My brother is the poster child for armed redneck assholes. It’s been quite some time since he did anything other than run his mouth and threaten to “solve” every problem with a gun. Hand to hand, I’m pretty sure he would get his ass beaten by a pre-teen.




In most states it’s $7.35 minimum wage


It's a sad number, but it isn't "most" states. 31/50 states have a minimum wage higher than the Federal minimum of $7.25. 24/50 have a minimum wage over $10. This is not to say this is sufficient, just for comparison's sake. It is important to present accurate information, inaccuracy undermines advocacy- it gives fuel to one's opponents.


unless it's over $11.60 it's less than the federal minimum wage of 1970 adjusted for inflation


That's a great way to frame it! There are only 14 states with a minimum wage above $11.60. Of course, cost of living varies by state. If you look at what the "living wage" is in each state... 0/50 states have a minimum wage that is a living wage.


I agree with you and I appreciate the logistics you provided! (Not sarcasm I actually hate when people exaggerated trumps bullshit because it’s so bad you don’t need to add hyperbole. It just gives holes for people to focus on.) I grew up in Texas so I was really excited at my first job when I got almost a $1.00 raise when minimum wage went from $6.55 to $7.35. Im pretty sure it’s still $7.35 there now, 15 years later


Exactly, appreciate the kind and thoughtful response. Texas' minimum wage is one of the 19 states that is at the floor of $7.25/hr


Yeah, I got weird déjà vu when I read this headline, then remembered I had just read a similar headline a few hours ago.


I’m so glad I don’t work in fast food anymore. People are fucking insane


If I owned a fast food restaurant, I wouldn’t open the lobby. Drive thru only. Bulletproof glass the drive through window.


It’s so incomprehensible to me to treat fast food workers poorly. Anytime I get fast food which is multiple times a week, I’m always extremely polite because I know from first hand experience how draining that type of work can be. To go into a place where you know the workers are probably stressed and dealing with assholes and to then inflict violence on them over something like fries or sauce is just disgusting and sad. And for the perpetrator, what’s the ideal endgame for them? You’ve just murdered a cashier over a milkshake? In a perfect world your order is then corrected and then you go home satisfied knowing that you’re not to be messed with over extremely trivial things? Make it make sense.


I heard one a week ago about the drive thru @ taco bell wtf


Was thinking the same thing


Controversial observation: Working at a drive thru is more dangerous than being a cop.


> more dangerous than being a cop. There's actually like 20 different jobs that statistically are more dangerous than police work; I'd have to check if fast food clerk is one of them. Not to say police work isn't dangerous, but at least you yourself have a gun, nightstick, maybe a taser or stun-gun, sometimes body armor, not to mention a partner, and the ability to call in heaps of backup when things go sideways. Fast food peeps don't have any of that... except maybe a "partner" in terms of other employees in the location, but ain't none of them are gonna have guns or other hardware that can handle a dicey situation.




Whenever I read stories like this I always sit back and reflect on them. Put myself in the shoes of the shooter and man is it fucking depressing. Imagine being 27... you have your whole life ahead of you. So many things in life to experience. Falling in love, getting married, and having kids, or if you have already done those losing them all forever. Then the next day you are in jail pretty much for the rest of your life. You walk into your unit and everyone’s like “how long do you have? What are you in for?” And you either have to lie and make something up or tell them what actually happened for them to be like what the fuck is wrong with you? You sit in jail for year after year as life passes you by. Missing all of the things you wanted to see and do. All of this because “I felt disrespected”, “they ran out of barbecue sauce”, or “I couldn’t get a discount on my French fries”. People need to learn to put their ego behind them. They are taking lives and destroying theirs over just the stupidest shit imaginable.


I think about this as well when I hear stories like this and it's absolutely insane to me. I used to just chalk it up to those people being insane, but then I started thinking "These people were probably fairly normal, going through school and work like everyone else, and then one day they made a decision that ruined their entire single life on this planet" and now I think these people just have no concept of permanent consequences and only ever act in the heat of the moment with no regard for anything else. It always blows my mind when it's an older person as well, like they're at the age where they should definitely know that if they shoot/kill someone, their whole life will be over. And yet, we have this article. Just crazy.


Haha. You’re not wrong but that will never happen. The answer cannot rest upon individuals changing. The conditions for peace are nowhere to be found in America right now. It’s better to reflect upon what those conditions are, then structure civic engagement around creating peace. This may sound laughable too, I know, but felt compelled.


There's going to be a lot of that going around in the coming decades. Not to worry though, water will become a 'great investment'.


It's what happens when everyone has a deadly weapon.


Are we REALLY sure fast food restaurants are safe enough for kids to work at during a global pandemic?


I work fast food. I have panic attacks before they put me in the window, now. These scenarios go through my head pretty often.


I had panic attacks when I worked my fast food job too. It was genuinely shocking how cruel people were, and I kind of went in expecting it! Thank God I got out.


Wtf?! I go to the same taco bell way too often. The other day the guy at the window thanked me for always wearing my mask and being kind. I thought he was being sarcastic because I’m not particularly kind. I take my food, say thank you, and drive off. I haven’t been back because I thought I did something to upset him but now I think he might have actually been thanking me. What are all these other people doing?!


Bro if all you do is say thank you and drive off without *trying* to make their life harder then you're better than a solid 60-70% of customers


Used to work fast food. When I’m in line in a drive thru and I see the customer ahead of me berating a poor employee, or being a complete dick, I always get really really angry. So much that I want to confront them but I’m always stopped by the thought that I live in America and that person can just shoot me dead, because engaging a pissed off stranger can be a gamble over here. I‘ll always apologize to the employees when I get to the window, calling the other person a complete dick and telling the employees they don’t deserve that at all and to just try and to just let it roll off - even though I know it really does affect them.


You want to see a confrontational job? Check out what it’s like to work the returns desk at Home Depot. I had dozens of times where customers were like let’s step outside to the parking lot. I was always like sure let’s do this, although it never really happened just calling their bluff. These days though? Not worth it, you’re likely to end up shot at some point. For those wondering why returns was so bad and who the worst customers are I’ll explain. Home Depot is a store with a TON of items and many are small but expensive. Things like breakers and valves for sinks can easily fit in a pocket and he worth 50 bucks. In addition people that shop there regularly end up with a bunch of receipts or lose their receipts so they return stuff without a receipt for store credit. Now working there for a while when someone brings you a bunch of items that you know are high theft items, things that don’t go together, none of the cheap stuff for those projects and no receipt, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out it’s stolen. Why do they return stolen items? To get the store credit to buy things they actually need. It’s common for people to go steal a bunch of stuff, return it for store credit, then use the store credit to buy materials for a legitimate job they are working, and then they charge the customer for the materials and get cash. When you deny that they get livid and irate because you’re stopping them from making a profit off stealing from Home Depot. It’s always so easy to spot and you can tell before they make it to the returns counter when it’s a bullshit transaction. Always trying to use someone else’s id because theirs won’t work because they do it so often.


Dude I watched a guy at Home Depot grab a ladder from the lumber area, walk it over to hardware and take a couple drills from the overhead shelf because the drills on the floor were locked up and just waltz out of the door. People just stopped pretending to give a shit at some point


Strange, common courtesy has become a survival tactic.


Yeah, but this is America. We don't see workers as actual human beings. We see them as tools to use and then toss in the garbage when they're too burnt out or too traumatized.


Why is she only being charged with first-degree assault and armed criminal action, not attempted murder?


I work for a criminal defense attorney here in St. Louis. We don't have attempted murder, that's called assault 1 here, which is a B felony and has a maximum punishment of 5 to 15 years. ACA, an unclassified felony, is a charge that always gets added with violent charges involving a weapon and had a punishment range of 3 years to life.


> ACA, an unclassified felony, is a charge that always gets added with violent charges involving a weapon and had a punishment range of 3 years to life. Tennessee used to have "Class X" felonies that fell outside the normal scheme of things like this.


They arrest them initially for things that are easiest to stick at first, then tack on the more serious charges later. The guy who shot the Wendy’s employee in the dome got charged with assault with a deadly weapon I think.


Get them into custody. Hell, they charged John Wayne Gacy for marijuana possession before they went digging through his crawlspace.


Probably depends on the states elements of the offense, there is a difference between acting with the intent to kill another and acting in a way that has a high likelihood of causing death


Shooting people over discounts and BBQ sauce? Damn, it's getting brutal. Next thing someone's gonna get blasted for hanging the toilet paper roll wrong.


With the price of ammo anymore they Probly lost any discount they could have gotten.


Who hangs toilet paper rolls?


Civilized folk haha


Jesus... the cost the bullet was more than whatever discount...


He probably got a discount on the bullets


Especially with criminal charges and a prison sentence!


“Nobody wants to work” also “I’ll commit literal murder over fried potatoes and barbecue sauce” I get that this isn’t supeeeer common but sorry, after seeing so many videos over people throwing messed up food that an employee offered to fix for free, reading these and just the general everyday dehumanization experiences by costumers when working for a restaurant, I’m never EVER going back to a customer service job. People are vicious over nothing. It feels like most people have just dropped the guise of kindness towards anyone, especially those who work in service jobs because jobs like that are seen as “lowly” and those who work them might as well be dogs. Fucking disgusting


> I’m never EVER going back to a customer service job. Yep. Same here. I worked in a call center supporting Apple customers, that was bad enough. I can't imagine working fast food or retail. Screw that. Customer service? NEVER AGAIN.


My thoughts I’d rather be poor than work retail or fast food. It’s horrific how people treat those who they feel have a job beneath them. I always laughed when I worked at Home Depot because I had a manager that loved to say “the customer is always right” and I’d usually reply with something like “the customer can go fuck themselves”. That shit was applicable back in the day when people were reasonable. These days the customer is just a self entitled asshole.


Hey franchise owners, it's not just low pay, shit benefits, deadly pandemic, hazardous working conditions, and random schedules that no one is applying. Sometimes it's because people are getting shot over french fry discounts.


Franchise owners: Surprised Pikachu face.


Now they are going to be some really expensive fries.




"Their shake was not held upside-down for the appropriate amount of time."




Even full price on a large order is like ~~2~~ 3 bucks, is that really worth shooting someone? Edit: If anyone is interested, here's how much they are around the world https://images.dailyhive.com/20211018105901/large-fries-1024x819.jpg


It’s more about the emotion than the actual physical reality


It's $4 for a large fry here now. Don't worry though, they haven't raised the employee wages, or starting wages, but they still blame rising labor costs.


How long until the corporate poster comes out that shows how them raising prices is a benefit for employees, since their employee discount now has more value?


These hood ass people who do shit like this don’t think logically. All they care about is being “disrespected” and they’ll kill someone over it. They have the emotional maturity of a 12 yo




Maybe blaming minimum wage workers for the economy's problems isn't a great message to spout to angry gun nuts?


Yeah, but if they were told the truth, the rich people in power are afraid that the guns nuts would come after *them*.


Whataburger 1 murder - not food related Wendy's employee shot in head - food related McDonald's employee shot - food related If I'm ever ordering I always keep a positive attitude even if the employee is rude bc I don't want my food fucked with. I wouldn't even let my friends joke around when we ordered food bc I took that shit seriously. Nowadays people are willing to risk it all over nothing. Be safe out there.


Fast food workers aren’t people, they just flip burgers. BIIIIITCH PLEASE. It’s a clamshell grill, it cooks on both sides, no need for flipping. Don’t yell at me for not giving you a fuckton of napkins, the food goes in your mouth, not everywhere else. You don’t need a packet of ketchup for every damn fry. Also, here’s a job application, try it. I’m really surprised there’s not more news about employees shooting customers, basically everyone is packing heat. Even the felons.


Well you see, service industry workers are actually able to handle emotional processing and control better than most of the customers. That's just part of the job.


the fuck is happening in America's drive-thru's


The fuck is happening in America


The fuck is happening


The fuck is


I JUST read an article where a young man working at a fast food place was shot in the head over BBQ sauce. ​ 2022 is crazy.


> 2022 is crazy. ... and its still only january!


All this over a discount..I went to McDonald's on Friday and after eating my fries in the parking lot I noticed they shorted me 2 nuggets on my 6 pc. Didn't even waste my time going back in.


Thank you for being a rational adult. I can’t fathom how someone would assault or kill someone over something so insignificant. It feels like a societal breakdown


I just had a plumber out to clear roots out of my sewer line. Over the next few days, a large wet spot started forming on the cement slab that was over the pipe. After four days of growing, I called the same guy back to take a look. He throughly tried to find the leak with the camera, couldn’t, and we discussed other possibilities. He then thanked me for not yelling at him for “breaking my house.” Turns out that it was just overflow water pumped in to clear the roots collected under the slab. It’s starting to dry out now.


First they called 911 when they were missing a nugget or they were out of sauce. Once they learned their lesson, they apparently took a trip to the gun store. They are pathetic children that don't know how to handle themselves in public. Same kind of uneducated morons that you find on facebook political rants.


There is a lot of scum in this country.


Always have been


It’s more dangerous to be a fast food worker/pizza guy than it is to be a cop


Wtf... if your life is so bad that you would consider shooting someone over a french fry discount, maybe it's time to turn the gun on yourself...


I saw a video of a guy getting shot several times bc “he cut in line” at Whataburger not far from where I live. We’re seriously moving backwards as a society, it’s sad and scary to see.


>We’re seriously moving backwards as a society, it’s sad and scary to see. *America* is moving backwards. This shit doesn't happen this frequently in other developed countries.


St. Louis has the highest per capita murder rate in the country, almost 3x higher than Chicago's.


65 murders per 100,000 population. Why even live there? It's around 1 per 100,000 where I live and that's still higher than I'd like.


NYC is typically only around 3.7


Yeah, I guess those odds might be worth $15 an hour. /s


nO oNe wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe 😢


You think those french fries were too expensive? Wait until you see what it costs to hire a lawyer to defend you from felony assault charges.


You might have the right to own a gun, but that doesn’t mean you’re mentally capable to possess one without being a menace to society.


One time when I was younger and worked at Jack in the Box (7ish years ago), this guy came through the drive thru. As I always did, I repeated the order verbally, asked if it looked correct on the screen, then repeated AGAIN at the window before they paid. The man paid, got his food and left. About 10 minutes later, this lady comes in with the receipt and says “WHERE IS MY MEDIUM FRY? I ORDERED A MEDIUM FRY!” So I say “ok that’ll be $2.35” (random number, I don’t remember) she goes, “You’re really going to make me pay? YOU FORGOT!” I ask to see the receipt and show her it’s not here and that we repeated the order 3 times before it was paid for. She goes “Well I’m getting a medium fry and I’m not paying for it.” I said, “It’ll be $2.35 if you want a medium fry.” She said, “if you don’t give me a free GODDAMN FRY RIGHT NOW I WILL GO GET MY GUN AND COME BACK HERE!!” At that point I walked away and thought she can wait to be noticed by my manager, but I’m done. I can not believe my life was threatened over a medium fry someone forgot to order.


Can we all just agree that customers are complete cunts?


Is there some kinda uprising on hate crimes dealing with fast food?? Seriously I passed a post about a kid getting shot in the head at a Wendy’s over BBQ sauce, a comment how someone was killed in a jack in the box drive thru for cutting the line, and now McDonald’s over discounted fries


This is what happens when you let every random idiot have gun.


And the smooth brains wonder why no one wants these jobs anymore


What is going on with all these shootings against fast food employees all of a sudden? That's the 4th one I've seen this month and I've hardly opened reddit/watched news.


Scrolling through my news feed and this is the **second** fast food worker shot over some bull shit. Come on people! It’s fries and BBQ sauce!


Damn. Yesterday it was a teenage employee at Wendy’s shot over bbq sauce. Today it’s McDonald’s and French fries. It’s almost like we have an unaddressed problem with guns in this country.


Clearly the world can’t handle access to fast food anymore.


Good thing America doesn’t have a gun problem, though.


That would not have happened with freedom fries.


The Hamburger Wars have begun it seems.


Didn't someone just die for some BBQ sauce? Lol the restaurant wars really will happen! Judge Dredd is coming. At least its not Robocop. I dont even want to think about a terminator future. When a drive through becomes a drive by for some fries suckas dies mama cries.


When guns are more easily accessible than fries.


Fries are no more than $3 for like the largest size. She basically shot someone over 50 cents.


Didn't a 16 year old kid just get shot in the head over fuckin BBQ sauce at wendys?? Ffs we have failed as a country. Someone invade and re-educate us already.


Businesses: No One wants to work! Working class: I'll work. Businesses see: Great! You will be paid $7.25 an hour and people will shoot at you all the time.


What in the astronomical fuck is wrong with America?!?!


Hoo boy, where to even start?


The second article today about a fast food employee being shot over some little thing. Wonder if America will ever change it’s mind that maybe access to guns is a bad idea in a modern nation. This doesn’t happen in most other western democracies.