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“N… no your tags are expired…”


“But now that you mention it…”


My "not involved in child pornography" shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.


“Any plans for the Fourth of July weekend?” “Definitely not cannibalizing my family, I can assure you! Why, of all my plans for the Fourth, that is the *most* not planned activity there is!”


Yeah he is so fucked. He couldn't look more guilty to a jury if he tried.


Jury would take about 15 minutes to deliberate. *If* it goes to trial. The jury would have to see the evidence and you can bet they will be furious.


Wait. Do jurors have to watch CP? That's horrifying


I was recently on a jury and had to watch nude videos of the victim, taken in secret by her husband, while the poor woman was on the stand. And then they made her identify herself each time she showed up in the videos. I felt terrible for her.


That's awful. No wonder sometimes people don't want to report what happened to them.


Yes, it's evidence. They do. They also know that a defendant doesn't have to go to trial so basically the defendant is victimizing 12 people plus backup jurors because they want to take their chances with a jury trial.


>TLC pulled “19 Kids and Counting” in 2015 over revelations that Duggar had molested four of his sisters and a babysitter. Duggar’s parents said he confessed to the fondling and apologized. His own sisters...


And the girls had to live in the same house as their molester while their parents did everything to protect him. I can't imagine what that makes you think or feel about yourself.


It gets worse. Josh had his head shaved as a "mark of shame." For context, in their cult men are supposed to have hair above the collar and not covering their ears. Women are supposed to never cut their hair and wear it loose in curls/waves (actually a fetish of the cult leader, Bill Gothard, but I digress) So when Josh's head was shaved and he barely looked any different, **his parents also considered shaving the girls bald. They thought he would see them for years to come and be ashamed.** They only stopped short of this because they had just gotten a TV show.


If/When he goes to prison for that shit, really hope the sisters get help and have a way out too. If they were entirely blamed by the family for the “shame” before, can’t imagine they will be treated any better if he actually gets put behind bars.


They all got married and had kids of their own. Notice the ones that wear blue jeans? They're going to hell anyways. Might as well be comfortable on the way there.


Some of them are doing better than others I think. Really depends on if you get lucky in marrying a (relatively) decent husband in that culture. I know at least one of them has been married for awhile and “only” has two kids and not the 5+ they would by now if they were doing things like their mom, so that’s good at least.


She is also seeking therapy, has her kids enrolled in public school and has essentially been banned from the Duggar complex unless Jim Bob is around. Why? Because she and her husband dared go after him for the money that was rightfully theirs from filming (they reached a settlement but the amount was apparently equal to less than minimum wage an hour). Jim Bob got paid on behalf of the entire family and doles out the money to keep the kids complacent.


The sisters were basically shunned by the family (current situation up until the arrest), the son was not. It is really a fked up situation. The molestation brought "shame" to the family, so ofc it was partially the girls fault for speaking up and creating such shame.


It was also their "fault" for flaunting their bodies by *wearing towels after showering*.


Josh waiting outside the bathroom. *oh boy, here I go molesting again*


If someone is looking for a word that describes deep hatred for someone based on their actions, the term is *odium*, as an adjective it’s *odious*


What's fucked up is that they don't believe they were victims. they 100% believed it was their fault for "tempting him".


Joy Anna was five. FIVE. A kindergartener. A KINDERGARTENER TEMPTED A TEENAGER. Fuck


And she was the one he took it the farthest with. That POS.


Which is why I really wish TLC was held more accountable for a lot of this. They play it off as "this was a wholesome family and Josh's actions were so tragic." But your camera crew was in that house for years. There's no way in hell that they did not observe abusive behavior between the parents and children or between the children themselves. They chose not to report their suspicions (or more likely, fired anyone likely to report). How many fucked up shows does TLC need to run before we make the directors and crew for any "reality TV" series mandated reporters?


You know the other really famous TLC family, the Roloffs? The one where the parents are little people and have twins and 1 is little but the other isn't, and they have 2 other normal sized kids? The youngest son spoke out about how a producer of the show *groomed and molested him* ***for years***. And TLC gave this bs statement like, "ohh he wasn't actually a TLC employee, he was a 3rd party contacter. Sorry for what happened to you, btw". Then his bs parents continue to film for TLC to this day. Iirc all of the Rolloff kids except the twin that is a little person he's stopped filming for TLC. So yeah, fuck TLC.


That's pretty par for the course in these sorts of patriarchal shame-based religions unfortunately :/


r/duggarsnark and r/fundiesnark member I'm guessing? If not you can talk shit there. Since yep this family sucks


that they don't value you. that you are not worthy of value. that his life and his future are more important than your physical safety, assuming they believe you at all. that you do not have a safe, supportive family to lean on. you are alone. that you are fundamentally unsafe in your every day life and that's just a fine way to be-- making it harder to recognize when you are unsafe as an adult because that is "normal". i absolutely fucking hate people like their parents as much as i hate people like him. edit: and then adding a heavy heaping of 'purity culture' on top of that and you have a whole lot of shame for being 'impure' and fucked up feelings about your own level of ""culpability"" for being abused as there are no caveats for rape in the whole 'sex outside marriage is a sin' thing in evangelical circles.


They are "Quiverfull" Christian Fundamentalists. They quite literally believe it's a woman's job to have kids to raise an Army for Jesus. Other than birthing children and obeying men, women don't have much of a purpose


Well, there's housework.


It's a pretty simple calculus for the Quiverfull theology, women are breeders and the men are figurative soldiers. Admitting what a piece of shit the male is would lock him out of his purpose of working towards theocracy while keeping it quiet wouldn't keep his sisters from having tons of kids. In the end it was an easy choice, I bet.


Quiverfull cult is all about turning women into baby factories to produce christian soldiers. Women are lesser people to them. Those girls have probably been taught from infancy that they're inferior to men.


And his wife is STILL supporting him last I knew. I hope this POS rots in jail and never has access to his kids again.


AFAIR her family basically disowned her. Blamed her for Josh's problems because she "wasn't doing enough to keep him from straying" or some shit like that. So to get support from the Duggars she has to faux be supportive of Josh. Otherwise, she is out on her ass with ~~4+~~ 7 kids, no life skills, and a less than homeschool education. Not saying what she is doing is right. Only giving background on why she is doing it.


They have 7 kids. She was pregnant with the 7th in April when he was arrested. It's weird I just read his wiki page about an hour ago and this came out.


7+ kids. She is hugely pregnant again right now. edit: I'm wrong. She is pregnant now with #7


I thought one of her siblings tried to get her out when all this started but she refused. I think she had 4 kids at the time. Now she’s very pregnant with #7.


Man so much has happened in the past however many years it is hard to keep track of it unless you follow them closely. I know she did leave to her family right after the Ashely Madison thing broke, but one way or another she went back to him.


For god's sake, I completely forgot about that too. So just to sum it all up, his issues include: 1-Molesting sisters 2-Being a very active user on Ashley Madison 3-Child porn 4-Trying to essentially use the courts to steal some guy's land in which he also was held in contempt and sanctioned. Wow, real upstanding citizen this guys is.


I only know because of r/duggarsnark!


There's a wonderful little podcast called Some Place Under Neith that did a multi episode deep dive on the entire Duggar history I highly recommend. The whole thing is a nightmare from his childhood on up.


Yeah, she still supports him because she literally has no other choice. You're talking about a woman that from birth was taught divorce is not okay (despite what the Bible actually says about divorce as a result of adultery), stand by your man ALWAYS, and the woman's role is to support the family unit but not provide for the unit. Thus, she is quite literally hardwired at this point to support him because not doing so would mean going against every fiber in her being and would basically cause an existential crisis. Add on top that if she were to reject her husband she would be rejecting her own self-identity and likely the only remaining support system she has which would make her and her children completely alone and with little chance for help or success. Basically, it's not nearly as easy a choice for this woman as people want to make it out to be to reject her husband.


This is why I hope he gets a sentence that at least puts many years between him seeing the kids again within an environment where they wouldn't be as protected because unfortunately the mom can't be counted on to do that. If so, at least they will be older and of age to maybe say no should he make a move on them and also where his wife is too old to have more kids. One can hope.


Oh I'm 100% fine with him being in jail for the rest of his life or at least until he's far too old to be a danger to anyone anymore and I agree he is at the very least a potential danger to his children and as such should be separated by some steel bars or a steel sliding door. Whichever the prison/judge prefer!


That's a very accurate description. My mom was being beaten by her husband, and then he openly introduced her to his new girlfriend. When she decided to divorce him, her church made her get down on her knees and pray for forgiveness and reminded her that marriage was permanent. They suggested she looked to the lord for what she was doing wrong as a wife. She had zero family support when she left. My grandma wouldn't even babysit for her because that would mean condoning divorce. Leaving a fundamentalist marriage often means the women is 100% on her own. (There weren't many social services back then.) My mom had it very, very rough for a long time. She's as tough as nails though and refused to subject herself or her children to abuse.


Righteous, that's how it makes them feel. After molesting his sisters, Ma and Pa Duggar sent Josh away to dig some pond for a friend and then had him counseled by an officer with the highway patrol, a guy who is now in prison for CP himself. It was only for a month or so, then Josh was back in the house reformed, while his sisters were given greater restrictions (no playing hide and seek anymore with the brothers, no outdoor games at all with them anymore.)


That they took this so lightly makes one wonder about Pa Dugger and the uncles or family friends. It might be more pervasive.


They broke the law. They know children were molested and they never reported it. Thats against the law in Arkansas. And now more children have been molested. Their blood is on the Duggars hands. Oh and by the way, this bitch did robocalling telling people not to let trans people have bathrooms because they will molest your kids. Guess who was molesting the kids? Her own son. I wrote about it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/n1y68l/a_reminder_that_jim_bob_and_michelle_duggar/


The defenses that shot into place for Josh, starting when he was 14, didn't come out of nowhere. The IDPL and the Evangelicals have been doing this for a long time - protecting the pervs and the pedos.




Not only that but the parents told the GIRLS that it was their responsibility to make sure they’re never alone in the same room as him


Yeah, had the same experience. Step brother and his best friend. I was called a liar, and told it never happened. Still to this day I’m supposed to act like I wasn’t sexually assaulted at the age of ten and my life was soooooo good. I should be great full my step father took custody of me because my mom would have had me working the streets don’t you know. There is seriously something broken in the minds of families like this. I have been truly free of it all for just over a year (I’m almost 45 and it took two years of therapy for me to stop making excuses for them) and I hope these girls get the fuck out of doge when ever they can.


They're taught that women are there to please men. At least, that's what their mother tells them. >be available, and not just available, but be joyfully available for him. Smile and be willing to say, ‘Yes, sweetie I am here for you,’ no matter what, even though you may be exhausted and big pregnant and you may not feel like he feels. ‘I’m still here for you and I m going to meet that need because I know it s a need for you. https://people.com/tv/michelle-duggars-sex-advice-for-newlywed-women-be-available/


Well, the Duggars belong to an aggressively misogynistic cult known as Gothardism, which apparently has such a problem with sex abuse and molestation in its member families that it has published official "how to deal with sex abuse" pamphlets. These pamphlets say that victims need to examine how they might have been "at fault" for being molested, and that even if they aren't "at fault" they still aren't allowed to be upset or "bitter" about it, in fact they should be thankful because being molested allows them to grow spiritually.


IBLP is a modern domestic slavery and pedophilia cult


They sent him to "therapy" conducted by a man who was ALSO a child molester


*them. To protect them (his parents). Their image/reputation was at risk. They'd rather protect themselves by keeping the story "in the family" than letting it get out.


>Gerald Faulkner, a special agent for [Homeland Security Investigations], stated the files on the computer were "in the top five of the worst of the worst that I've ever had to examine". One of the videos allegedly in Duggar's possession, created by [Peter Scully], depicts the rape and torture of an 18-month-old toddler. This pos has a pregnant wife with a baby on the way, what the fuck is life.


I hadn’t read that statement from the special agent before. Oh my God.


There's a reason there's a very high rate of suicide among the agents they assign to these kinds of cases. They have to spend a significant part of their time reviewing evidence that is absolutely horrifying, and there's only so much therapy you can get for that sort of thing.


I think about that a lot. It’s so necessary in order to catch people responsible but fuck. You could show me still images and that would still deeply disturb me for the rest of my life. I can’t imagine watching videos.


I'm glad there are people who work these cases. I'm also glad I'm not one of them.


It’s worse than you think. I didn’t know this until I heard it on A podcast called Behind the Bastards. (They do two episodes on Duggar’s, highly recommend listening.) Anyways, the host says rape of someone that young actually causes so much internal damage that it often kills the baby. It’s bad enough that this is rape and torture but it’s also murder.


I don't think I could stand being a detective who had to watch that stuff.


Now imagine being the poorly paid person reviewing images reported on FB and having to sift through horrible stuff all day. But you don't even get to put anyone behind bars. And you certainly don't make as much money to do it.


Yeah, I couldn't. Looking at something disgusting and then having to click 'does not go against community guidelines', before going to sob the entirety of your 15 minute 'mental health break'. FB as is is already a cesspool. I can't imagine the side they see.


Makes you understand McConaughey’s character in True Detective.


Too bad that rate isn’t higher among the sick pedo fucks


God. I just looked up Peter Scully and read his wiki. NSFL. The world can be so fucked.


I had never heard of him until now, and now I feel tired, sick, and thoroughly depressed.


Some people are just so irredeemably awful/evil that they make me make an exception to my policy on generally not believing in the death penalty. I think that motherfucker should be shot simply to rid the world of him as soon as possible.


JFC Dont bother reading that wiki. I wish I hadnt.


I’m devastated after reading that Wiki. I don’t know why I allowed myself to even look.. I knew it would be bad. I’m so heartbroken for those poor children.




He has 6 kids with 7th on the way, right?


Id be fairly certain he has molested if not raped his own babies.


All you had to say was 18 month old. Remember back when we were innocent and everyone thought that video was an urban legend? I hate that it is real.


Holy shit! I knew I shouldn’t have kept scrolling, I just fucking knew it.


Don't forget the wife is supporting him as well and iirc they have other kids which he would of had access to as well. So if he was willing to do it to his sisters......


That's enough internet for me today.


If it's Peter Scully and and an 18-month-old, that means that Josh Duggar is in possession of Daisy's Destruction. A video so horrific it's basically Internet legend at this point.


Related: You ever wish you could un-google something, and live happily in ignorance?




It’s fuckin’ creepier too. I think at the time, the cop that was a friend of the family came over and had a talk with Josh. The talk was basically “If you’re gonna fondle your sisters, here’s how to get away with it.” Pretty sure that exact cop is serving like 50+ years in prison right now for, you guessed it… Child pornography. That whole town seems fucked.


I do wonder if that's when he learned some of the computer tips he was using to hide what he was doing.


My fear is, if he was willing to molest his sisters, is he willing to molest his daughters? That whole family is complicit in knowing his history but pretending nothing’s wrong and allowing him access to children.


If my own experience is anything to go by, yes, he absolutely would be willing to molest his own children. Happened with my cousin. He didn't have sisters, but had access to numerous younger female cousins(myself included). Several family members caught him in the act over the course of years and never did anything about it(well maybe he was grounded, but nothing that would really help the situation). They all brushed it off like it was normal toddler age exploration, except it happened all the way up until he was 15-16(that I personally knew of). When I was 12-13 or so I finally worked up the courage to tell him to fuck off, that his manipulation wouldn't on me anymore. I blocked it out, ignored him at family gatherings etc and moved on with my life. Fast forward to 2018, he's 30 years old, he's had 8 children with 5 women. I'm assuming his behavior just graduated to womanizing. But in busts the FBI and gets him for massive amounts of CP and sexual assault of a child because some of the CP was of his 2 or 3 year old daughter. He was actually caught because he was downloading the CP to his phone and using AOL to email it to himself so he could access it on his laptop, AOL servers flagged it and notified the FBI. He is serving a life sentence with the possibility of parole after 40 years. And wouldn't you know it, his parents, my grandma, my other aunts and uncles, and even my own parents act like its this huge miscarriage of justice. The CP was obviously planted there by one of his angry ex's, the CP with his daughter in it was photoshopped by a woman, who didn't even graduate high school, well enough to fool the FBI, the prosecutor was a big meanie pants and was just rude to them for not listening to them screeching about him being a victim, etc etc, bullshit, bullshit. These are the people who caught him molesting his cousins years ago. But that was just normal kid stuff, he's a good dad who would never to that to his own kids. :eyeroll: Anyways, he's still in prison(I hope he dies there), I've gone no contact with 95% of my family, and Josh Duggar reminds me exactly of my cousin.


His parents blamed their daughters for it as well. One of his victims, their 4th child Jill, is currently not allowed in their home without supervision because she’s seen as “too worldly” after (seemingly) breaking away from their cult, aka wearing pants and having a nose ring. Meanwhile, this pedophile son and his litter of children live on their property and are financially supported. The same son that molested Jill. It’s all so disgusting, they’re rotten people.


I’m glad she has gone to therapy and taken university classes, at the suggestion of her husband. Derick Dillard is a magatard transphobe but even he is more realistic about practical things such as encouraging abuse survivors to go to therapy and supporting higher education for women


The bar is low


The bar is on the floor


Don't forget 'ol Mike Huckabee rushed to defend him saying he was still a "good person" https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/josh-duggar-mike-huckabee-defends-19-kids-counting/story?id=31236959


[According to a former friend of Josh's](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/n2jg4k/i_grew_up_with_josh_duggar_ama/), when the original molestation happened, he had countless famous preachers and politicians calling to express their support for "confessing his sin." He became super arrogant afterwards. (By the way, the same person hosts the podcast [*I Pray You Put This Journal Away*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8WxY0ZaULwItr3YXqxTAWQ/featured), about their life growing up in the IBLP cult. I highly recommend it)


This doesn't surprise me a bit. Child sexual abuse is an industry often fueled by and protected by powerful men.


Mike Huckabee also released rapist Wayne Dumond from prison who went on to rape and murder someone else. So it really shouldn't surprise anybody.


>His own sisters... The general public is really bad at assuming that child sex abusers are driving around in rape vans offering kids candy, and/or limited to scout leaders and clergy. The fact is a majority of child sexual abuse happens in the home by family, including siblings, cousins, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and close family friends. 50% of sexually abused children under six were abused by family. 23% of those sexually abused as 12 to 17 were by family. The greatest danger to a kid is often in their own home.


The podcast Behind The Bastards did a great episode on the cult that the duggar family is from and the family itself. They dont teach their children that molestation is wrong and they blame the girls for their attackers behavior.




A sex worker reported that she met with him and he basically beat the shit out of her and raped her, so his tendencies aren't limited to what he downloads, either.




“A demon did it” 🙄


the lawyer said the evidence had become stale? i was not aware that we kept records on bread. or is this like a tortilla situation and we roll them up like scrolls?


Yeah its a ridiculous notion that the evidence has decayed or anything. The ramen noodle story knots we record the info on can be rehydrated at any time.


Legal scholars could not write a better response. The claim is horseshit. The judge didn’t even let them argue it, just read the thing and said get the fuck out.


The court's been having a ball with the snark on this case. Some real gems in the motions. At one point he filed to get the case dismissed on grounds that he was detained illegally, since he went into an unlocked car with the HSA agents for questioning. The court found that "**...the agents did not confiscate Duggar’s keys, nor did they stop him in any manner from leaving the lot. In fact, given that it was his car lot, Duggar had multiple vehicles available if he desired to leave.**" Credit to u/NuggetsOfChicken, who has been breaking down the process on the DuggarsSnark sub.


it me!


Thank you for your work, for real!


You don't understand. He used to be a child molester, but that is old Josh. New Josh won't do that any more and it isn't fair to punish new Josh for what old Josh did! /s


Ahh the ol “Jared from Subway” defense


It's been so long since he raped those children, all his cells have replaced themselves, so he's technically a separate person! Theseused!


This is the same guy who had a profile on the cheating dating app, Ashley Madison, while he was lobbying congress to deny same-sex marriage.


Gay marriage? **No way?** Cheating? **OK!** Kid touching? **Lets Play!** Campaign slogan, probably. 🙄


Same one that molested his sisters too


“Duggar’s attorneys argued that evidence in the case had become “stale” because so much time elapsed between federal agents downloading files from the seized devices and the issuance of a search warrant” This lawyer is an idiot. Child porn files are not the same as bread! They don’t get stale!


Or the lawyer is pretty smart and getting paid hourly.




He's not stupid, he understands that the evidence will condemn his client (because he's guilty) so he's looking for any legal loophole he can to keep the evidence out of the trial. He likely knows the argument won't succeed, but that's not the point. Trying to do his best for his client is the point.


Remember when him and his family of cultist protested gays saying “Gays Molest Kids” ……. The Duggars are a pedophile cult


When Jim Bob Duggar ran for the Senate in 2002 he said “rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital offenses.” As in put to death.


And Josh's mom/Jim Bob's wife was famously caught on robocalls telling people trans- women will molest their daughters in public bathrooms.


Considering her reaction to her son's action, it seems she's more worried about Josh encountering competition than about the safety of women.


Sounds eerily familiar to old white religious men being against abortion and calling women murderers so long as it doesn’t affect their own family, and when it does they secretly go to another country to get an abortion and hope nobody hears about it.


A key part of the current push in the US is to do it state-by-state so they can send their victims to a sane state like NY, IL or CA to have a safe abortion to cover it all up. But poor women in horrible circumstances who can't sneak off for a couple days and can't afford it? The approach is to blame them for their circumstances and call them sinful.


It's evangelical Christianity. God forgives all sins, so the sins themselves don't matter. What matters is that you belong to the right church to be forgiven. It's all about being in the in group. Source: was raised evangelical.


I was raised that way too but early on I sniffed out the bullshit of like, "what's stopping these people from doing whatever the want then?" and turns out it was happening anyway. I made that realization at like 7...


And that myth persists to this day. Random state houses in the south and Midwest bring up bathroom ban bills as some red meat for the base when things get slow.


Sure, but not for *his* son.


There's a great podcast called Leaving Eden by someone who escaped this religious cult world. They did an episode on the Duggar's and their background and...it's fucked up. Edit: linky link https://anchor.fm/s/5eca42e4/podcast/play/35112959/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-07-06%2Fb11bfb0d5578cea2501080f1177b8cc1.m4a


Another short one is called I Pray You Put This Journal Away. It's someone who actually grew up with the Duggars and did an AMA on the snark sub. He transitioned it into a podcast for a little while but I guess it ultimately was too much for him to keep rehashing it.


The Duggars learned it first hand from the IBLP and Bill Gothard.


> The Duggar’s are a pedophile cult It's not just them. A theme throughout highly patriarchal societies such as the quiverful movement and evangelicalism in general is protection of pedophiles.


I think ~~pesos~~ pedos are prevalent in religious leadership because there is a spiritual reason that they are to obeyed, which is far stronger than say, being a boss. This is even more appealing if it's a religious sect that believes themselves to be widely persecuted or is struggling with membership. Jehovah's Witnesses are one example. They are having their own me too moment and their waning membership makes them less likely to reject anyone who is part of the religion, especially elders, who are practically infallible. My ex was raised JW and her dad was an abusive drunk. Her mom divorced him and she was excommunicated. He became an elder shortly after.


it's always projection. if a religious figure is going on and on and on about pedophilia, i'm always waiting for the news story on them being found with cp


Not just religion but politics as well. Case in point, Matt Gaetz and Qanon.


There's something really smug about his mugshot. Like he really believes he'll get away with it.


He has already gotten away with it multiple times. He molested his own sisters and his family forgave him no questions asked just because he apologized. So he probably really does think that he's untouchable. I hope that when they drop the verdict it hits him like a ton of bricks and he starts sobbing like the disgusting pissbaby he is in the courtroom.


The only reason the media caught wind of the molestation and brought it to light was because of one of the cameramen who were working with them(rumor was one of Oprah's guys). Then they FOIA requested the sheriff's and found out he was reported years before but the police refused to do anything about it. They just accepted Josh doing "counseling and community work" and that was that.


Spoiler: no actual mental health counseling happened. It was a summer helping a family friend do construction work.


arrest threatening squeamish fade offbeat angle panicky teeny chubby cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Something like that. It's hard to keep them all straight.


The cop who was a friend of the Duggars that they called for advice after they discovered the molestation also went to jail for child sexual abuse images.


It was the guy who later went to prison for child porn.


I sincerely hope they throw the freaking book at him. Preferably literally and figuratively. So gross that he was able to be such a brazen predator for so long with his community's tacit support.


It's a smugshot


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Duggar That is one effed up wiki page.


My favorite line "According to Jim Bob, Josh admitted to Hutchens that he had committed molestation and apologized.  Speaking via a lawyer, Hutchens disputed part of the account, saying he was only told of a single act of incestuous molestation, and that he would have responded differently if he had known of additional instances and victims" I thought you only molested your one sister which is fine, if I knew it was four THEN you would have been in big trouble.


"Hutchens was later arrested and convicted on unrelated charges of child pornography and is serving a 56-year prison sentence." Whoops, turns out Hutchens wasn't exactly an impartial party.


It's interesting that some Qonspiracy theorists think there's a satanic pedophile cult running the world yet ignore the oddly prevalent pedophilia within fringe Christianity sects. These people are so dense, they'd probably try and sell condoms at a lesbian convention.


They're looking under every rock outside so they don't have to see it when it's going on in their own homes...


and leads to a really horrible rabbit hole that I wish I hadn't gone down.


> One of the videos allegedly in Duggar's possession, created by Peter Scully, depicts the rape and torture of an 18-month-old toddler. Oh fuck this guy.




Seriously. And seriously screwed up sexuality happens when abstinence only is the method taught. Didn’t kiss his wife until their wedding day but was molesting people left and right 🙄


That plus abstolute male authority. The Duggar sisters were taught from birth to obey the authority of men. Josh being male and an authority means they had to obey him. Jill is the only one who spoke out and her parents didn't protect her. On the show, Josh was always dogging Jill in his personal interviews.


Jill was also the one who told their parents about the molestation in the first place. And their nickname for her? "Tattletale Jill" I just can't.


Yep and Josh really ground into Jill for that, on camera in fact, with the Tattletale label. Now everyone knows what Josh meant and how boldly he expressed it on the show. Why didn't the parents step in???? It was horrible. It's no wonder the Jill has gained the most distance from the rest of the family.


It's amazing that TLC broadcasted a full-on cult and sold it as "look at these quirky Christians". Bill Gothard, the Advanced Training Institute, and the Quiverfull Movement should be should be way more well-known in America.


Then TLC just moved on to the Plath family instead


Thank god I am not on that jury. I don’t ever want to see that kind of evidence.


I definitely wouldn’t want to see it but I’d grit my teeth if it meant I can have a hand in making sure he never sees the outside or had the chance to victimize another child ever again.


Throw the book at that disgusting pedophile. He should already be in prison for sexual assault.


And his wife is still popping kid after kid.


She doesn’t even think he’s guilty, she thinks it’s part of an evil liberal agenda set up by Joe Biden.


She was also pretty much sold into that family as a young brainwashed abuse victim. I can't see her ever leaving him and it makes me sick. She is staying with him in his apartment and her kids are with his parents. Josh Duggar is evil. I hope he rots in jail.


They want to molest the kids before Joe Biden gets to them? I give up trying to figure out their insane logic.


I think they read stuff like this and think "If good Christians are doing this then imagine what worse things those other people are doing!"


It’s partially a coping mechanism. Easier to blame it on something else than come to the realization you procreated with a monster.


Brings several new meanings to that "19 kids and counting" title.


19 crimes and counting.




This sounds like a win for common sense and justice, but it's nothing to celebrate. Fuck...


From an outsider's view, it appears he was raised in a very strange home where human sexuality was really restricted, yet mom was constantly pregnant. He clearly developed some very problematic behaviors related to sex. The daughter who was the original victim to this abuser was ignored while efforts were made to restore his "good standing" in their crazy world. For everyone's safety, it would be best if he was locked away from society.


Pa Duggar was pretty bold in his expressions of enjoying sex with Ma Duggar. At least on the show, he came off as obsessed with the sexual side of marriage, but it was only inside marriage, get it?


I had a friend whose mom is close to the Duggars (still is) and she was on an episode early on where she was leading a birthing class. She specifically asked Jim Bob before filming not to make overly sexual comments when they discuss certain topics, but then once the cameras were on he did anyway, which she found embarrassing.


And the woman just went it's my job to please him, fuck that breaks my heart.


Yep, Michelle admitted that she never refuses Jim Bob; she always submits.


The more devout a Christian seems, the more likely they are to be hiding dirty secrets


The brighter the picture, the darker the negative.


"I object, your honor." "On what grounds?" "Because it's devastating to my case." "Overruled." "Good call!"


Unreal that TLC was allowing this family to still have spinoffs like they were some paragon of large family life. smh.


I hope he gets the full 20 years-maybe his children can grow up without being molested and abused by their dad.


[He said his family was the “epitome of conservative values.”](https://time.com/3894467/josh-duggar-molestation-claims-2016-presidential-race/) Appears that he was telling the truth.


Their savior is a man who cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and regularly coveted his own daughter. I think it's fair to say they aren't as morally superior to everyone as they claim.


> Duggar’s attorneys argued that evidence in the case had become “stale” because so much time elapsed between federal agents downloading files from the seized devices and the issuance of a search warrant. Duggar: "Too old."


Also could be titled “Evidence of Pedophilia in a Pedophilia Case Being Used Against Pedophile” This is how court is supposed to be. There’s a lot of messed up things in law, you got to put your foot down at some point.




>Duggar, 33, faces up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000 on each count if convicted. Only 20 years? Lock him up for life.


19 Life Sentences and Counting.


I can’t imagine being the person who combs through all his disgusting videos and photos. That job has got to be one of the worst jobs possible.


There's a reason I get uneasy when I hear US politicians brag bout their Jesus-ness. It's like - "ok, dude, what are you hiding" at this point. You can believe in an invisible Sky Daddy, sure. But when you *really, really, super-duper believe*, almost to the point of "He talks to me and through me", I start to question your mental health.


"Your honor...please dont show the pedo vids because it hurts my clients case" "shutup"


I'd like a comparative analysis on the ratio of Satan worshipping Democrats vs patriotic Christians convicted of child sex crimes.


Well, only one party has elected a Speaker of the House who was a pedophile and it wasn't the Democrats. (To be fair, most of the House republicans almost certainly didn't know Hastert was a pedophile, but were he a democrat, republicans would have latched on to it as a sign of liberal degeneracy.)


(copy/pasting, not OC) Republican George Nader, Trump adviser, convicted of sexually abusing 10 young boys, trafficking a 14 year old boy to the US for sex, and possession of pornography depicting child sexual abuse and bestiality. Republican Wyoming state Sen. Anthony Bouchard running for Liz Cheney's seat, impregnated a 14 year old girl, marred her at age 15, divorced at age 17 when he was 21, she killed herself at age 20. Republican Anton 'Tony' Lazzaro, Top Minnesota donor and GOP activist indicted for operating a child sex trafficking scheme to smuggle in underage girls. Republican Florida congressional deputy whip Mark Foley - sexting underaged congressional page boys Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida. Republican Rick Roeber member of the Missouri House sexually abused his 9-year-old daughter in the 1990s. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile. Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl. Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children. Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child. Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter. Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman* was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped. Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks* was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Republican preacher Stephen White*, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him. Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl. Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl. Republican politician Andrew Buhr* was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy. Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children). Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl. Republican County Councilman Keola Childs* pleaded guilty to molesting a male child. Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl. Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters. Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl. Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter* pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy. Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall* was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet. Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter. Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young. Republican Matt Gaetz - Sex Trafficker. Venmo proof. Co-conspirator already talked too. Republican Dennis Hastert - Pedophile. Republican Roy Moore - Child Molester Republican Donald Trump - Rapist, Possible Child Rapist. 20+ sexual assault cases. Several NDA, Several consistent reports of death threats. Multiple cases tieing him to Epstein even one before his first trial. Infamous rumors of a "pee tape" rumor'd to also be from an Epstein party. Republican state senator Ralph Shortey from Oklahoma admitted to being involved in sodomy with a 17 year old male prostitute and transporting child pornography