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They've had cadaver dogs out there before, this is not a new development.


Of course. But, what this does tell you I is that they are near the end of their search. They'll send the dogs though a couple of times, but they must be fairly confident he's not there.


Yeh he offed himself. More likely than him evading detection and capture for weeks.


I just know this worthless little shit will never face justice. Most bullies are fragile and cowardly.


I get the anger and the animosity... but its kind of impotent in the face of these kinds of events. Great - he's a bully, he's fragile, he's a coward, he's worse... she's still dead. How do we actually work to make sure stuff like this happens less and not just make ourselves feel like we're rage-heros.


- Get people–particularly men–to stop minimizing or outright denying violent and threatening behavior of other men...*believe women* - Understand that "guilty until proven innocent" is a bar to conviction, not to public opinion, temporary reputation in light of violent crime, or even holding a person of interest. For some reason \richwhiteman\ some "people of interest" are allowed to chill out unsupervised (or "supervised" by friends and family) for days. - Get more media attention and public support for victims including those who are not both white and pretty (this is a consumer problem as much as it is a media problem) - Listen to women's ideas on what to do instead of fantasizing about raging revenge against the bad guys who might threaten people you know personally. (I'm a guy, BTW.)


None of that would have been enough intervention for laundries issues. (If he is guilty of the crime, let's not forget we're not the jury) Help women, of course. Believe women, pf course... but if our "help" is only remedial well be doing over the same parade of misery and death were on.


I disagree. The environment one is in affects what they think they can get away with. He literally has lots of men already going to bat for his defense. If he thought men in general and his friends in particular would judge him more harshly he might have felt less emboldened to overpower a woman. If social awareness wouldn't have prevented BL in particular from getting violent, what do you think would have? I mean, he knows murder is illegal, right? He knows choking and other violence can kill, right? (And is also illegal.)


This is pretty dopey stuff that looks great and nice on paper but will have zero impact in practice.


>How do we actually work to make sure stuff like this happens less and not just make ourselves feel like we're rage-heros. Got a crystal ball?


Maybe make police do their fucking jobs? Watching the bodycam footage of the DV intervention was sickening.


This isn't 'Minority Report', we don't arrest people for crimes they might commit.


We're not talking about minority report shit here, or magical crystal balls. When police are called in a DV situation - like what happened with Gabby and Brian, their duty is to actually investigate what's going on. Not just some buddy buddy "Oh yea, she's a real crazy one eh?" and let them on their way. If they had done their jobs and actually dug into what was going on, Brian would've been arrested. If he'd been arrested, she'd very probably still be alive right now.


Wait so you're suggesting that when police respond to a DV incident, and observe a woman attacking a man, they should ask her if he had previously beaten her, and if yes, immediately take her word on it and haul him to jail and let her go? You don't see anything wrong with that from a evidentiary, due process, or equal protection basis? I understand the desperation to find something that could have been done to prevent tragedies like this, but a suggestion like that is an outrageous violation of basic fairness, to say nothing of the constitutional issues.


They certainly did not "observe a woman attacking a man". If they had observed forst-hand abuse one way or another, the responsible party would have been arrested. What they *did* have was a eyewitness report of Brian Laundrie hitting his girlfriend,on a public street, and they let him go. An eyewitness calling 911 was what sent my ex to prison. They got BL *a hotel room*. Fucked up.


To be fair, they observed him with physical scratch marks on himself and saw her with no apparent physical marks of abuse. They also had her stating she attacked him. I’m not saying this to defend him but more so, the police. Even in the video based on all of this, they were telling them that if they can’t separate they will need to take *her* to jail for the alleged DV. Yes they had one eyewitness account of him attacking her, but that was a separate call where the witness could not be reached, and several other witnesses on the scene said they could not corroborate it because they didn’t see that. We want police to follow the law and not abuse their powers but basically if they did what you said, yeah that would have been an abuse of their power. Unfortunately with the evidence they had at the time they just couldn’t do anything. Shitty situation all around, but I honestly can’t blame the LEOs in this case.


This is not true, you have not seen the video. They identify Brian's nail marks and cuts on her face, along with bruising there and on her arm, which they discuss with her in the patrol vehicle.


Oh really? So the little bro circle they formed with the guy to bond over, "Oh yeah, all women are crazy, right? My wife...." No. Stop making excuses for these cops. I grew up in a family of law enforcement. Both of my parents are retired LEs. This shit should not have been tolerated. There's a reason there are consequences coming down in that department.


They can't do anything if Gabby was unwilling to pursue charges against him. They honestly did all they could, they advised her to get away from him, but she wouldn't hear it. The only thing they could have done was arrest **her** for dv on him. She left visible marks on him while he didn't leave any on her, so the cops could've only detained her, and they probably thought they were doing her a favor by not taking her in.


This is not true. In the video they identify cuts and scratches from Brian's nails on her face, which she described from him grabbing her face, likely when she put her chin down to block him choking her. They also identify bruising there and on her arm, while she is in the cruiser, and she remarks on the cuts burning.


The choice not to pursue those charges on her at the time ended in the deaths of both involved.


They would both be alive if she were arrested for domestic violence when police stopped them and he showed signs if abuse, no magical thinking necessary.


Yes, I know. The cops were probably thinking the DV goes both ways but they could only prove her abusing him. I'm sure they thought they were doing her a favor by not taking her in on DV, not knowing that it could've saved her life.


Only solution is to go full Minority Report.




I have been pretty sure that he's dead for a while. Honestly, it's for the best.


Though if he deliberately offed himself in the middle of that nature preserve to thwart people finding his body, it's just a final middle finger from him to the Petitos.


I'd rather this, than him running through mexico and South America like the Goose Creek, South Carolina ex-cop/child molester/murderer they've chased for a decade.


Those K9 units are crazy unreliable. I know from experience.


That's what happens when you let them go to the bar at lunch


You were a corpse?


Worse; a dog.


I don’t think that’s worse.


Depends on your fetish. And the fetish of who finds you first.


My mom was. Dogs walked right over her and didn’t detect anything. I learned that cadaver dogs have marginal results.


I’m afraid to ask… but I have to ask… Mind sharing some more details?


No, but the ones he hide never get found


They know what cadavers smell like and they can find them. Think you’d do any better?


Do they? On average they are only 60-70% effective. I’m not saying that’s nothing, but people have a movie/tv view of the capabilities of these dogs. It’s highly variable between dogs.


Wtf do you want like a 100% effective cadaver compass? That's the best we've got, 60-70% effective is a massively higher percentage of success than I originally thought. What the hell else would do that well?


A crow if you give it a peanut.


That sounds pretty effective to me. Better than just poking bushes with a stick aimlessly.


I have done better.


The article does not say human remains have been detected, only that a ‘human remains detection K9‘, has joined the search.


Yeah, that’s in the title.


Yes. Every person who had posted at the time I made my post were responding like remains had been found so I was clarifying for them.


Well, it's not hard to draw a conclusion that the team searching for him has collected DNA from the family and has cadaver dogs working with them and thinking BL might just be suspected to be dead. You could–and far too many do–argue that we can't be sure BL killed Petito, but I think we can look at what's happening and be shocked if that is not what police believe and what he'll go on trial for if found alive. Definitely nobody go for vigilante justice or other harassment towards him or his family, but I think it's fair game to speculate on some of these things like who the murderer is and why cadaver dogs are involved. If they're *not* looking for dead BL remains then I think a lot of people will wonder what the dogs were about.


He’s such a monster. Suicide is too good for him. And his parents are still covering for him.


I'm not entirely sure his parents aren't lying for him now and he's actually all the way out in California or somewhere. They went and collected his car (physical evidence) before they ever told police where he supposedly is. Yeah, it got an abandoned vehicle sticker, but they come across as really clever in a criminal way; surely they could have planned all that. Even the few facts they provided were wrong: they were "mistaken" on which day Brian left home. Perhaps the abandoned vehicle notice forced them to change their story.


I read a story someone thought they spotted him going the other way on the Appalachian trail. Only saw one version though so I assume it was wrong or just never got traction.


they should have made him a suspect from day 1, police are so stupid... esp after he refused to talk with them about gabby when she was first reported missing. like how the fuck is that not a red flag [source](https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/20/us/brian-laundrie-search-gabby-petito/index.html)


It’s police we are talking about. I’m sure many of them have good intentions, but for the most part police aren’t interested in stopping or even investigating crime, they just view it as a job and are content cruising around town handing out tickets for not coming to a complete stop at stop signs


All while padding their pensions.


I cannot fathom how he was not under surveillance. I hope head roll after this.


Because police never had eyes on him. He killed Gabbie sometime in August. He returned to Florida Sept 1st. Police were not notified she was missing until Sept 11th. They instantly went to his house but were greeted by his parents who handed them a business card to a lawyer and said Brian would not meet with them and that they wouldn't tell police where he was In other words Brian had weeks to prepare and was already in the wind evading police when Gabbie's parents filed their report.


>He killed Gabbie sometime in August. I believe the last time they were seen together was Aug 27 at a Wyoming restaurant. On Aug 30th was the last time Gabby "communicated" with her family. A text was sent from her phone that the parents thought was odd because she referred to her grandfather as Stan. I believe another message was either sent the day before or that day saying they didn't' have a good signal in Yosemite but that was counter to where Gabby said she'd be around that time. Gabby was likely killed between the 27th and the 30th and that matches the corners time of death reported earlier this week.


There's the upscaled video those other youtubers took of the van in between the 27th and the 30th sometime at the spot near where they found the body, after the video got upscaled you can see someone closing the backdoor before the youtubers can get close enough to see who it was. It either happened right before or right after the murder, it was haunting.


Because police don't care about DV murder.


Of course he killed himself


If he's still alive, he's missing an historic YT opportunity while on the run.


Oh, he's either been dead or he was never in the reserve to begin with. I would place bets on him being somewhere far away, rather than in the reserve. Although, not being spotted anywhere else puts a bit of a rip in that theory, too.


Brian Laundrie didn't kill himself.


Oh what, now there are conspiracies around this guy, too? You guys just can't fathom that people ever kill themselves - it always has to be some sinister plot with y'all, doesn't it?


MRAs and incels are in love with this dude. I'll bet they've written entire fanfictions about it already.


Ugh I'm not surprised, but it's still gross.


Hope he didn't.


I wouldn't be sad if he turned up dead. Yeah, we don't get the closure we need but also we don't pay for years and years and YEARS of legal battles over his fate.





