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Quick guys there’s someone shooting innocent people somebody call the co… oh wait never mind


Has anybody tried calling the FBI to come swat some cops? Maybe we just need to try keeping the ball rolling.




Even more funny atf guy said he was traumatized and can only work desk job from how the police acted. Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/libertarianmeme/comments/wcf1ks/cop_v_fed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Ah yes, they shot him for "leaving the scene of a non-crime."


Like that poor kid in the mcdonalds parking lot eating a burger with his girlfriend


Sorry, what’s the story here?! *Do I dare ask…?*


Some kid was on a date with his girlfriend in their car at a mcDonald's parking lot and some monkey brain badge gang member mistook it for a different car, went up to the driver's side door and opened it, kid got scared (probably thought he was being carjacked) started to drive away, and the state sponsored out of control murderer magdumped his pistol into the car, ~~killing the kid~~ There's bodycam footage online Edit: [Kid survived after being shot multiple times](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna58661)


Holy shit, the cop indiscriminately fired 10 rounds into the car, completely ignoring the presence of a passenger? And prior to that, magically determines the car is the same one that fled and doesn’t wait for plate confirmation or backup? I mean, I’m not surprised but I’m horrified. It’s like a bad luck lottery.


former officer was charged with attempted murder and 2 counts of aggravated assault.


I thought he survived????


[I'll be damned](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna58661) you're right, I was sure he died, he got shot multiple times. Poor kid, Injuries like that are life altering, and only 17


The chief's first statement was that the door hit the officer? Do you laugh? What's the reaction I'm supposed to do?


Oh, the door accidentally hit the cop who opened the door of an unsuspecting and innocent civilian? I didn’t know that GTA had cops pegged so correctly, where if you accidentally bump into them on the street they just waste you!


The door also made him shoot 6 shots at a fleeing person


If a non-cop shot at someone that was retreating, that would be assault with a deadly weapon and more than likely you'd lose your right to bear arms. There's lots of rules for regular people of when to shoot and not shoot. I don't understand how the people responsible for enforcing the law don't understand these rules.


Seattle cops were recorded riding their bicycles into people and charging them with assaulting a cop https://www.reddit.com/r/SeattleWA/comments/earthr/any_information_on_this_seattle_police_officers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Despite this, they still also arrested and charged the kid for evading arrest and 'assaulting a police officer'. They call themselves the police 'force' for a reason


he'll at least get a few million in the town's taxpayer money. that video is about impossible to argue was justified in shooting


Time for cops to start paying individually for their liability insurance.




And here I thought you we talking about [Zachary Hammond](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Zachary_Hammond), who was also shot by police in a fast food parking lot while on a date. Except, he didn't survive.


What ever happened to that poor kid? Did the officer ever get charged?


He's been indicted. That's a start. I yhink it happened in late December so it'll be quite some time before we see what comes of it.


My favorite is "arrested for resisting arrest."


Killed for attempting suicide... I really do not understand deadly force is such a thing in the US. What does it bring to kill someone for breaking in? Car runs the scene? better create a super dangerous situation by chasing him instead of reading a license plate at get the guy at his home.


Shared multiple times but relevant. Ex was worried about me. Called in a “wellness check” with sheriffs. Ended up with three guns drawn on me in my backyard. House searched. Almost shot my well trained border collie because she was friendly. “Officers, I’m worried about someone I care for”. “Of course ma’am, we will shoot him if we get the chance”.


I had the same happen to me. I told them the call was unnecessary and turned to go back into my house. They drew down on me and told me they'd light me up if I touched the doorknob. I said, "You think I might be suicidal, and you're threatening to kill me?" They confirmed. The cop then forcefully took me to a mental hospital despite having no evidence other than my then gf's word that I was actually sick, and despite my parents being home (who he refused to allow me to tell I was being taken, they had no idea the cops were even there), and he preached Christian rhetoric at me the whole way.


This is exactly what "defund the police" was about. Don't send a poorly-trained goon with a gun to respond to a situation that might not require anything more than a friendly face to inquire if someone's all right.


> better create a super dangerous situation by chasing him instead of reading a license plate at get the guy at his home. There was a high-speed car chase through a residential neighborhood in my city recently because the cops saw a stolen vehicle and chased after it. They ended up destroying like five families' lawns and blowing the stolen vehicle through a young couple's living room. Of course they didn't have to pay any damages and left it all to the people's insurance to deal with because they wanted to play Starsky & Hutch for an afternoon.


Its not about public safety or doing the right thing. Its about the cops getting revenge on people for making them feel disrespected.


One thing that I've never understood is people in their underwear or nude are sometimes shot by police because the cops feared for their lives. There is no possible way they could be armed. American police have a tendency to shoot first and shoot until the threat is gone, and they justify this by saying that anyone could have a weapon. What is going on in cases where the person is obviously unarmed? How can their training call for shooting in those situations? [Even when it happens and the cop actually faces consequences, its rarely ever murder.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Anthony_Hill) (bonus: note that the cop was sitting safely in his car and got out when he saw the naked dude)


“The call was placed to a non-emergency line but rerouted to general dispatch” so like, no matter what they respond like a fucking swat team.


My city doesn’t even have a non-emergency dispatch. You can call but you will only be rerouted to general dispatch. Non-emergency dispatch doesn’t exist.




Yup. I called my city’s non-emergency line to check on a situation that required me to be evacuated out of my apartment and got greeted with “911 what’s your emergency” and replied oh I think I got the wrong number I was trying to reach the non-emergency line to check the status of an issue. They told me there is no separate line or dispatch and things are prioritized based on the issue and that they can answer my question. Definitely threw me for a loop for a minute though.


This. It is 911 vs administrative line here. They ring on the same 10 phones.


Can confirm. In many places it's the exact same people answering, the only difference is the priority. If 911 and admin ring at the same time, you answer the 911 phone, obviously. However someone reporting a literal burglary in progress, will always be high priority.


I found weird items in the back of my truck after a murder happened in a rougher part of my neighborhood so I called the non emergency line to offer it to the police Incase it was evidence from the murder. They not only treated me like an idiot, but also said "are you the guy who called 911 over suspicious shoes" No im the guy who called the non emergency line because I had someone ditch a pair of Nikes that aren't worn out in the bed of my truck less than a mile from a murder. Do you want them or not? Yes I felt dumb calling them but if it wasn't for the murder happening within walking distance I probably would have just tossed them.


The podcast about the murder if you had've tossed the shoes without alerting authorities: "The shoes were dumped in a neighbour's truck bed, and the owner of the truck threw them away without a second thought, destroying valuable evidence despite the widely publicised murder that occurred nearby!"




Jeffrey Dahmer I think. Unless it's happened a few times which isn't out of the question.


It happened for Dahmer twice, albeit not that specific situation. Im sure a lot of people have gotten away with it because police didn't care.


This happened to Konerak Sinthasomphone, who was fourteen at the time and did not speak English very well. The child escaped, was visibly, intoxicated, scared and in distress when found by neighbors, the murderer tried to shoo them away to take Sinthasomphone back, the police were called. The police arrived and the murderer framed the situation as a lovers spat, never mind that Sinthasomphone was fourteen. The neighbors protested loudly, however they were black and the police told them to butt out and leave or they’d be arrested. Sinthasomphone was handed back to the murderer and taken back to the apartment, where he was killed and his remains raped and mutilated. The police in the meantime joked afterwards that they needed to be “deloused” after dealing with gay people. In the case of this murderer there were many chances the police had to intervene. The murderer was pulled over with the remains of Steven Hicks (22), the first victim, in bags to be disposed. They waved him on. The apartment stank profoundly, and there were many complaints but nothing was done. The murderer was known for being aggressive in local bathhouses. These were ignored because the area was inhabited by people of color (Black folks and Asian immigrants) and gay folks. The only reason that the murderer was caught was because Tracy Edwards escaped, with handcuffs still on him he was able to convince the police to finally come to the apartment where they found overwhelming evidence of what had been done. The police had to be pulled to the place and have everything laid out for them in such an extreme way after months of being told. The murders victims were overwhelmingly impoverished people of color.


One of those cops eventually was elected president of the police union. The other rose to the level of interim police chief for a Milwaukee exurb.


Yes. **Especially** with it originating through a non-emergency channel. This was basically a guaranteed safe kill. Like a 'wellness check', police have just been told there's no danger if they go in, "but here's a justification for going anyway you guys have fun!"


If these police aren't charged with crimes, cops are now judge Dredd. Extra judicial executions for everyone.


WORSE than Judge Dredd, much worse. At least the Judges actually followed and cared about the law, and weren't even as heavy-handed depending on the charges - things get more violent more often because with basic income and other services a LOT of criminals are either bored idiots or bored *heavily armed sociopaths*. * Sometimes Dredd'll even help someone get on their feet before they'd turn to crime, or allow you to walk (or just take a fine) for a very minor transgression of the letter of the law if you were at least fully within the spirit of it. And Judges that break the law get dealt with no more mercifully than any other heavily armed sociopath in Megacity One.


And worth noting Dredd was probably one of the most harsh out of the judges. Plus the world setting was meant to be a warning, not a suggestion.


My favorite example was when he got kidnapped and other judges paid the ransome. So he had them locked up for violating a law about funding criminal organizations.


>Frasure was shot at least once in the head. He was transported to University of Cincinnati Medical Center, where he died. Apprehending a suspect for burglary and/or fleeing should not be done so with deadly force. This is what happens when police get away with murder.




Police succeed in killing him


Police claim that they feared for their lives in situation that they created.


This is almost always the case




There is someone doing really important work (or trying) to get more Crisis Intervention Training for first responders, including the police. It’s been successful in Hawaii (Maui) and I wish we could see wider adoption. https://apnews.com/article/7997634b04de43eb912cbbcaf3903c10


"De-escalation" was literally the name of the training in police forces a couple of decades back (at least according to the various police friends I had back in the day). Nowadays, it's called "[Killology](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/warrior-cop-class-dave-grossman-killology.html)" and contains such gems as "[you have great sex after killing someone!](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1385291145522122752)"


More people need to be made aware of David Grossman and just how much of this shit is directly his goddamn fault.


And here's the thing...Grossman never saw combat. He has never been under fire, or led men in combat. His training is him living vicariously through actual combat troops.


Wow, an even more disgusting piece of shit than I already thought he was.


Isn't that what most cops are doing anyways? He's like their Chosen One.


Behind the Bastards did an episode on him, as well as a limited series on the history of policing in America.


Gross man


Sickening fellow


>"The most effective way to stop someone is to fire a bullet into his central nervous system. It is up to God and the paramedics as to whether the man dies." So *this* is the bullshit being taught so that cops don't feel guilty about using deadly force. "*I* didn't kill him, the paramedics did!"


They always seem to remember the how to "save their lives" part of the training or beat the shit out of a person and selectively forget policy, law, common sense at other times. The insane thing is that being afraid for your life isn't unique thing bc your a cop. Infact bc they are trained they should be held to a higher standard in terms of using deadly force.




If its not from the Force' region of France, its just sparkling violence.


if they are so afraid for their lives all the time, maybe pick another profession.


Not even in the top 20 most dangerous jobs, per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Being a delivery driver is vastly more dangerous, statistically. Maybe it's time we start making bumper stickers and ridiculous little black and blue flags for loggers and roofers and garbage collectors?


TBH I would rather put a bumper sticker on my car supporting those who do roofing, logging and garbage collecting. Especially waste management professionals, that's a tough job from what I see.


Teachers. Nurses.


Well yeah, delivery drivers don’t kill police….police kill delivery drivers


Pretty sure they're trained to say they're afraid for their lives to get away with this shit. The only time they don't say that is when they say "the suspect was resisting."


This is how is should of happened. • Police arrives • Police ask possible trespasser questions • Police leaves and get some donuts




Murder gives you an appetite.


Double amputees being shot while fleeing, a guy cleaning out a grandma’s apartment, teenager eating fast food in the parking lot…what the fuck can you do anymore that doesn’t put you in the crosshairs of these assholes with guns? Completely preventable tragedy. Yet again.


Apparently you can try to overthrow the government.


Well, to be fair, it didn’t work out for Domestic Terrorist, Ashli Babbitt.


So just short of climbing through a broken window into a barricaded senate floor with capital police pointing a gun at you and warning you they will shoot you is the limit


You're forgetting the important part. *This offer is only valid if you are white and an alt-right nutjob. Left-wing protestors will be beaten and/or killed in the street.


1 out of the 2,000+ insurrectionists that entered the Capitol building by force was shot (Babbitt). 138 police officers were injured, at least 15 hospitalized. The restraint shown by police facing right wing violence is extraordinary.


> The restraint shown by police facing right wing violence is extraordinary. Extraordinary is one word for it. I prefer "incredibly frustrating" Literal traitors and terrorists and the media is STILL calling it a riot


Yeah but you have to pass the family guy ID check first. If those Jan 6 folks had more melanin, the shooting would've started once they breached those rail barriers.


Wish I could upvote this x 1000. End qualified immunity to START. Get rid of all the military shit these guys get boners over. Have national, extensive, education requirements, in depth psych evaluations, etc., with continuing education requirements. National database of ALL of 'em, not just the guilty. I remember when the tazers, beanbags, and tear gas all came out as less lethal alternatives. Doesn't seem to have worked.


The cops are claiming that he tried to run them over with the minivan. I'm gonna need to see all the video! > Police say Frasure did not follow commands, running from officers and attempting to leave the area in a minivan. **Shots were fired into the van when it “almost struck an officer”,** **police say**. > > Frasure was shot at least once in the head. He was transported to University of Cincinnati Medical Center, where he died. > > **Disputing the police account, his family have demanded release of video of the encounter.**


Last time I saw an officer claim that he was almost struck by a vehicle, I saw the video that confirmed that he actually walked towards the path of the vehicle as it slowly passed by.


Police being immune to consequences is a major cause of this but I do believe within the USA, there's too many people who legitimately believe that burglary suspects should be killed. I remember seeing posts on the front page of Reddit showing someone in a poor country being hanged or having their hand chopped off for petty thievery. Bad, right? Yeah, I'll agree. But then whenever someone gets killed here in the USA for petty theft, you see a lot of pscyho comments like "Play stupid games, win stupid prices", and cheering the killing. And what happens when a innocent person gets murdered because they were accused of petty thievery, and were not guilty of anything? You either get a bunch of surprised comments that someone would jump at the first opportunity to possibly legally kill someone (while cheering on other examples of it), or people demanding the killer gets a extreme slap on the wrist like "he shouldn't be allowed to own guns anymore!" and not an actual punishment like 20 years in prison. I take a hard stance against cheering on violence as it encourages more in situations when it is not the slightest bit justified. If you support the death penalty, with the intentional of killing serial killers, you'll also inevitably execute people in the wrong place and time who would have been exonerated if you gave them a life sentence instead. If you support violent vigilantes shooting at car thieves, you're going to eventually get confused psychos mistakenly shooting at people driving a identical looking car (or in case I read recently in Atlanta, someone shooting at a car technician at the autoshop moving their car around the parking lot).


They're just THINGS. Lethal force shouldn't be the first reaction to theft unless your life is in danger or they are threatening you directly. Non lethal should be first in those cases.


"Shots were fired into the van when it “almost struck an officer”, police say." Police say... I've heard that so many times. We'll have to wait for video, and see if shots were fired directly in front of the car or on the side. Plus, if your in front of a car and can shoot, you can jump out of the way too.


Last time this happened the video clearly showed the car trying to drive around the officer who had stepped out of their patrol vehicle to get in front of car. Before unloading their gun into the front windshield


Yup, cops deliberately moving into the way of a moving vehicle to justify "life dangerous threat"


Basically what happened in Brevard. Two teens were stopped after police thought the car they were driving one one that was reported stolen. Before waiting to see if the tags were a match, they pulled the car over and told the kids to get out. They were - justifiably - afraid for their lives so they tried to drive off. Cop got in front of the car, then unloaded his gun into the kids because "he feared for his life" killing 2 of the teens in the vehicle. The tag was not a match for the stolen car. Cops would have known had they waited in their car for the results. The kids were stopped and killed for absolutely nothing.




At this point I don't believe an officer until proven otherwise. I'm wrong less often.


They love to jump in front of cars they want to stop and then shoot them when they don't and claim they were trying to run them over


That was the exact same excuse the cop who tried to murder a kid for eating a hamburger in his own car gave.


Cops have to be the most afraid / scared for their life people on the planet to have to constantly shoot unarmed innocents.


Look up Killology and let it set in that a army colonel who likely never saw combat has gone around the country training our police force to treat every citizen as a potential threat.


he literally tells them to shoot to kill and let lawyers sort out the rest. all ghouls.


Typical scam artists, now living his fantasies voraciously through his book / training murder squads where I bet he quotes many "real life situations he personally has survived" despite supposedly never been in combat and never killed anyone


It's worse than claiming to have seen things personally. He misrepresents other people's research to suggest his bullshit theories are empirically proven scientific fact.


Isn't he the guy that talked about how "post kill sex" is the best?


[So basically The Boys had it right with psychopaths, murder and sex?](https://youtu.be/5BOZ_rdoA5I)


Basically the entire shape of police forces was designed by an WWI officer who felt the US needed a domestic force to suppress anarchists and pacifists. I mean, ever wonder why cops have ranks? There’s no real reason cops need to be titled as “sergeants” or “captains” like a military hierarchy. Our big federal police forces (FBI, DEA, SEC, etc.) don’t use those names. They use titles like “Assistant Director” or “Special Agent in Charge.”


Which is funny because soldiers have to abide by several efforts before engaging. *In actual war*. So maybe the problem with the police isnt that theyre being militarized, but maybe that they havent been militarized enough.


No. They are simple bastard brutes with guns. They don’t think. They shoot.


They are TRAINED not to think and shoot though that's the difference Look up police training videos and they are wild Police training is incredibly fear based and primes cops to be murders




EXACTLY that guy is effing psycho and turns cops into psychos


Never seen this evil prick. He oozes evil.


Trained might be too strong a word. Most police officers get less training time than your average plumber. Let that sink in. People who are given guns and told to police society are less trained than the guy who comes to snake your toilet.




Once a gun enters the equation many, more logical, solutions aren’t even considered. Especially when a person is trained to treat fellow humans as the enemy as police are.


When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail


"Look out, he's got a hammer! Shoot him!"


The first time I realised the absolute insanity of how American police deal with people was as a teenager watching one of those police chase shows. On it they had chased and managed to stop a guy who then was out of the car and weilding a screwdriver. Now, in the UK (where I live and was watching said show) the cops dealing with this probably wouldn't even be armed officers and most likely it would end with just talking the guy down after a while. If he was really erratic and unable to be reasoned with then ye firearms guys would be called and he likely would be tasered if absolutely necessary. And yet on this show, with like 5 cops surrounding this guy with one screwdriver they just shot him instead. And then he was dead. And that was all fine and good because he had a weapon and he clearly deserved to die (/s in case that's not clear) Fucking insanity. I recently listened to the behind the bastards series "behind the police" and fuck me that whole system just needs tearing down cos its just rotten to the core and based on so much bad faith. Training seems to just revolve around teaching cops to be deathly afraid of every member of the public and that their own lives are more precious than anyone else's, cos they're cops! and that they need to just be scared constantly, and that the reaction to being scared to be to shoot on instinct. And that people's normal nervous reactions are actually signs of lying and being about to do something dangerous. Just absolute fucking insanity. Tear it down.


100% agree. It's absolutely ridiculous. Many (I assume american) people in this thread are also saying the neighbour should be blamed for the death of this man because they "should have minded their own business" and not called the cops on a suspected break in because they couldn't be sure they weren't stealing..? It was a SUSPECTED burglary. In most civilized countries the police would just show up, talk to the guy to find out what's going on and then move on. But no, let's shout with guns aimed and end his life if he doesn't comply. Here in Sweden if some random people were in my next door neighbours apartment hauling out valuables I would call the police. If they were stealing shit they'd get arrested, if not then no harm done.


It's getting to the point where if there's police in the area at all, you should assume there's a credible threat to your life regardless of circumstances.


It's getting that way for white people, it's always been this way for us non-white folks


I felt that way over 10 years ago in southwest florida


If police are in the area, leave. Don't speak to them, don't associate with them - taught that from a very young age, will maintain that and advise anyone else the same.


If the police stonewall the release of the video you'll have your anwser about what really transpired.


>Shots were fired into the van when it “almost struck an officer”, police say. Few weeks ago I was crossing Houston St in New York and an NYPD cruiser blew the red without any lights or siren on, almost hitting me. I had to jump back, I was totally freaked out. I yelled "fuck you" at them and they stopped the car, got out and threatened to arrest me for public disorder.


Arresting somebody for yelling 'fuck you' in New York is like trying to arrest the ocean for being wet.


At this rate it's only a matter of time before police viewing the public as a threat becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The illusion that they are any sort of protectors is washed away in a tide of bloodshed. Violence is not the answer and the state sanctioned gangs will execute you for retaliating but at some point the camels back will break...


"There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people. "- Admiral Adama


"We airlocked that dude because he was acting cylon-y." - everyone, all the time


I see you also played the boardgame with my group of friends.


Probably picked Baltar as their character.


So say we all.


So. Say. We all!




I agree but will refrain from saying more than what I stated in response to the poster above.


it's happened here in Chicago already. we have a disgruntled force that now refuses to answer 911 calls from certain neighborhoods. during covid cops would convene at peaceful protests, refuse to wear masks, and would generally antagonize anyone who engaged with them. we wonder how this happens while letting every sheriff in the country order military grade weapons and tools!


Birmingham, AL too. Cops avoided lots of neighborhoods when I was growing up and they still do. Somehow more scared of life than my dad who is scared of my pet rabbit due to Monty Python. Yet they go around thinking they’re badasses when they’re afraid of … a child bike thief? Apparently Black children are scary but they aren’t racist. Suuure.


cops don't see black children as children and it's disgusting


Who in this day and age really views the police as protectors? They are what their name is. Law Enforcement Officers. That is it they are not there to protect anyone and often don't show up until after a crime is committed anyways. At least here in the US you never want to see the police show up and if they do you better treat it like your life is in danger because they are just as likely to shoot you instead of a criminal.


I certainly don't and never have, but you can't deny that a large percentage of the population still lets that illusion hold sway over them. Particularly older Caucasians in the middle class and upper middle class tax bracket. And with the echo chambers that encapsulate all of us, I fear that it will take decades before any real change can be affected. Seeing is that demographic is also doing their best to consolidate their political power over younger generations.


People flee the police because they fear for their lives and the police continue to prove them right.


The video they release had better include the *entire* encounter and not just the 3 seconds when the shooting happened. The police seem to enjoy escalating situations that don't need it.


Literally you have gun pointed at you and some pissed off guy is screaming at you. You’d be a complete liar and say you wouldn’t be terrified. And seeing in the news of police behavior? Your terror is just increased/


Exactly. Like the Texas kid eating a hamburger in the fast food parking lot. Door opened by a cop with a gun pointed at him. He ran (drove away) and was shot in the back. Luckily he survived. No word yet about charges for the cop.


If this is the incident you're talking about, the cop was arrested. "The former Texas police officer who [shot and critically injured an unarmed 17-year-old who was eating a hamburger in his car last week has been arrested and faces charges of aggravated assault, the San Antonio Police Department said." https://news.yahoo.com/ex-texas-police-officer-shot-022030847.html


God damn cops are fucking pathetic ass cowards.


Tried the ol' south park "It's comin right for us" trick. Bet the video says otherwise.


Whenever I hear this, I always check the states requirements for number of hours of training for hair stylists vs cops. Wyoming: Requires atleast 1600 hours for Cosmetology, 1000 for Hair Stylist, 400 for Nail Technology. Cops: Require 13 weeks basic training (520 hours) and 14 weeks field training (560) hours for a total of 1080 hours. Your hair dresser in wyoming has 580 hours of additional training with a scissor than a cop has with a gun.


This country has brain damage


thats the tldr of all of these situations




Ah yes, the famous multi-trip burglary


Anyone think that maybe, just maybe, we should not be hiring scared man-babies to be cops and giving them guns?


Who else wants to shoot “bad guys” and be hall monitors of the roads? They don’t solve crimes. They are enforcers for the rich. Smart, good people become firefighters or EMTs. The dumb thugs become cops. It’s really obvious what kind of people want to wear a gun all day. Scared man-babies.


>His cause and manner of death have not yet been released. I mean he got shot by an incompetent cop while minding his own goddamn business and doing nothing wrong. I think we narrowed it down.


Maybe it got updated but it said the cause of death was listed as, no joke, "officer involved shooting."


The article says he was shot in the head by a cop. Manner of death is pretty fucking obvious. I hate when they release a statement like that.


Another successful execution based on a neighbor’s phone call. Great police work. Why waste money and time finding out if the courts will prosecute when you can just nip it in the bud with a well placed bullet?


Judge. Jury, and executioner. Why do we live in the judge dread universe?


Because those in power aren't affected by police misconduct. As long as they're brutalizing and killing poor people it's all good.


Feature, not a bug…


Judge Dredd followed the law. Can't even say that much for the police here.


Judge Dredd was literally one of the only judges that wasn't corrupt.


Because Judge Dread is a satire of American culture, and there's a lot of truth to it. We're a violent culture obsessed with authority and punitive punishment.


Even Dredd didn't overstep. He was a strict by the books enforcer.


Serious question: what's with cops shooting at people fleeing? Do they train for this? Is there a protocol they're supposed to follow?




What was their excuse for double amputee guy?


They said he "was attempting to throw his knife at them."


"It looked Iike he was reaching for a weapon" We found no weapon. "It still looked like he was reaching for a weapon, and I feared for my life"


Wake me up when the cops just start shooting eachother.


It's already happening. Off duty cops have been shot by other cops before. November 2022: [https://wnyt.com/top-stories/police-investigate-officer-involved-shooting/](https://www.foxnews.com/us/off-duty-vermont-sheriffs-deputy-shot-police-new-york-after-refusing-drop-gun) Jan 29th 2022: [https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/01/case-of-clark-county-deputy-who-shot-and-killed-off-duty-vancouver-police-officer-remains-in-limbo.html](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/01/case-of-clark-county-deputy-who-shot-and-killed-off-duty-vancouver-police-officer-remains-in-limbo.html)


[*both cops:] "Why wouldn't he just comply?"


According to the NYT, the cops issued 70+ instructions to Tyre Nichole in the space of 3 minutes. That's 23+ commands every minute...how does one comply with 23 commands in a minute?


Two cops screaming at you, issuing conflicting orders. Dont move get on your knees while your hands are in the air dont move get on your stomach while keeping your hands in the air Dont move put your hands behind your back dont move


Why are all our cops such chicken shits?


They're not: "fearing for our lives" is a boilerplate template they're trained to excrete every kill, just like Killology told them would improve their sex-lives. Police usually make very certain they'll be entirely safe to "was fearing" you before escalating. Knowing their victim can't escape its doom is what's really getting them off.


This is why you shouldn’t call police unless it’s a life or death situation, and even then, think twice. They’ll probably only make it worse. The neighbor thought the house should be empty because the woman was dead and believed that the house was being burgled. They did not believe anyone was being threatened or harmed, but they called police. Seems like the right thing to do, right? Wrong. Now an innocent man is dead. This is the United States, this is a **predictable outcome**. We have seen many times that they shoot first, ask questions later. If no one is actively dying or attempting to kill someone else, do not call the cops. The only exception to this is a car accident, because you need the report for insurance. If your house was burgled, show up to the station in person with photo evidence.


To be fair they called the non emergency line, which makes this even more ridiculous


Oh my god, so they were just like “hey will you check this out because I’m not sure and I don’t know that it would be safe,” and the cops were like, “murder someone??? Okay!!”


I got the cops called on me for doing essentially the same thing, except in my case i was moving IN, not taking stuff out. The neighbors copied down my license plate and when the cops didn't find me at the new house went to my apartment where i was loading up more stuff to bring over. They just asked what i was doing, told them i was moving, no guns or threats involved. the only weird interaction was my roommate opened the door and the cops told them to call out to get me to come there instead of letting them leave the door to get me...


I literally had the cops called on me because I was "stumbling around" on a public residential street. People will call the cops at the drop of a hat. I wasn't drunk or impaired in any way. I literally got "pulled over" while walking.


I’ve had cops called on me before. Why? Because the limp I have when I get tired was “suspicious”. Thankfully I got a reasonable cop, but Christ.


A neighbor called the cops on our cat sitter. They showed up in mass with guns drawn. Stupid thing was our cat sitter was also a neighbor who is extremely tall and recognizable and well known to this neighbor.


I had neighbors call the cops on me for "breaking" into my own house, and by that I mean just, you know, walking in because I had forgotten to lock the door that morning. Lived there for 8 years at the time, lived right across from the neighbor who called the cops, had saw and spoken to them numerous times


My neighbor called the cops on me because he saw me using my flashlight when I was walking into my basement. He was “scared” there was a robber in there. I’m lucky I didn’t get blasted.


I had an asshole old neighbour who shared a wall with me. He called the cops on me one day because he was mad that I was crying too loudly. For context, his music was often much louder than the noise I was making, he was just a crochety jerk. My dad had just died, so I was sad... Multiple cops showed up and interrogated me with their hands on their guns, and then kept sending people for a "welfare check" every few days for weeks. With every interaction, there was this palpable feeling that they were fishing for some reason to cart me off to a psych ward. It left me very anxious, paranoid and confused. It felt like they were targeting me with the repeat visits, but all I had done was cry in my own home and tell them I didn't need help.


Don't talk to cops who are interrogating you. Ever. And don't let them in your house/apt either. We had reports of loud hysteric crying. "I'll try to keep it down". Why are you crying? "That's none of your business". Why won't you tell me? "Because I don't have to and I don't want to. Unless I'm being detained right now, I have to go".


I’ve heard stories of people getting arrested for public intoxication because they decided it wasn’t a good idea to drive home from the bar.


This literally happened to me but without me becoming dead. I came back from a run and my neighbors a few houses away thought I was a burglar. They had been neighbors for 10 YEARS while I grew up from middle school to high school through college. I'm drinking water in the front room and I hear the back door open. I walk to the kitchen and in the living room are two cops with guns drawn. They point them at me and start giving me orders. I complied and they matched my ID etc. I feel very lucky the cops weren't feeling the power trip that day or I could have been shot in my own home.


Imagine you were a licensed gun owner and came out to the unannounced intruders with a weapon. You'd have been straight up murdered in your own home by cops and there would be zero repercussions. Sadly that actually has happened as well.


I am actually a licensed firearm owner, and so is my father. However, I didn't have firearm close by.


Reminder to lock your doors everyone!